I admit I admit, I borrowed a couple of scenes from a few other movies and so I'm telling you now

I admit I admit, I borrowed a couple of scenes from a few other movies and so I'm telling you now. You don't have to come screaming at me and banging on my computer-virtual-door. I know! XD No big deal though.


"For more than two hundred years, we Murdok women have been blamed for anything that went wrong in this town." A wise voice said.

"Is that why people hate us so much, Nana?" A young girl asked curiously.

"They don't hate us, sweetie, we just make them a little nervous." The old woman replied with a sense of hesitance in her voice as she replied to her young grand daughter.

"Let's face it, Nana, you Murdok women had always created a stir." A sly male voice interrupted.

"It all began with your ancestor Maria." Nana explained, envisioning her ancestor over a table before a group of men and women with a long rope tied around her neck. "She was a—"

"Witch!" A woman in the crowd called.

"The first in our family." She added. "And you, Remi, are the most recent in a long and distinguished line."

"Is that why they wanted to hang her? Because she was a witch?" Remi said.

"Well the fact that Maria was a heart breaker didn't help, and the fact that most of her lovers' wives worked in the hanging committee, that didn't help either." Nana explained. "But no." She said slowly and softly. "I don't think it was because of either of those reasons… They feared her because she had a gift. A power that had been passed on to you."

"What power?"

"Isn't it obvious? The power of magic."

Maria jumped off the stand, taking a deep breath before doing so, but amazingly landing on the ground safely with the rope around her neck completely broken in a clear instant as she took the plunge. The people around her moaned in fear and turned around and headed for the nearest tree to hide behind.

"And it was that very power that saved her life."

This time, Maria sat in front of the ocean holding her belly and looking into the horizon.

"She was banished to this very island." Nana continued. "Nurturing her unborn baby within her and waiting for her loved one to come and save her."

Maria stood in front of the ocean waiting.

"But he never came. No one came." Nana sadly spoke.

Maria cried, holding her child in her arms, trying hard not to look at the ocean that betrayed her, the ocean that connected her to the other world.

"In her despair, she cast a spell upon herself that would make the existence of witches quite rare. She put a spell upon her child so she would never have to endure the curses of magic. And this continued for many generations until you and I."

"Is that why Mommy doesn't have any magic?" Remi asked.

"Yes. And that's why you should never tell her that you are a witch. Or else we shall all end up like Maria." Nana smiled. "But that's what brought us closer. We keep secrets with one another and practice what not many others practice. And raise you the best way I know how."

Nana held Remi as a baby.

"Whenever you are with me, we will have chocolate cake for breakfast and we will never bother with silly little things like homework or brushing our teeth." She said, receiving a light gurgle laugh from the baby.

"But with the sweets, comes the sour."

Remi as a child, ran around in her garden with her cat following close behind. Some children appeared outside their fence.

"So when you find yourself to be the center of attention." Nana continued.

She stopped to glance at them. "Want to play?"

"It's not that they hate you. It's because well, we're different." Nana said.

One child picked up a rock and threw it in her direction, letting her fall to the floor.

"Witch witch you're a witch! Witch witch you're a witch!" The children yelled.

She groaned in pain while her cat came to her side. "Are you alright?" He had a sly male voice.

"Remi." Nana started, staring at her in their garden. "Your power is not a curse. The only curse is sitting right across the table."

Remi giggled.

"Don't make me turn your frying pan into my litter box." The cat licked himself.

"Hey." Nana turned toRemi with a soft smile. "My little witch. Let's go inside and make some spells." She smiled.

"But what about my homework." She laughed.

"Oh, pish posh!" She stood up.

Nana blew at a candle and made a flame appear. "Wonderful. I always had a gift." She said arrogantly.

Remi sat on the table with a white dress and fake angel wings, blowing on the candle. "What about me?" She asked, looking into her still cold candle stick.

"Oh, I won't worry about you. You're just a late bloomer." She reminded.

Knock Knock Knock

"Hold on, Remi, that must be your parents." Her grandmother stood up from the edge of her grandchild's bed. "Hurry, change your clothes, they might see you."

Remi stepped out from her bed, sitting at the edge of the stairs to take a peak at who was behind the door, she saw her grandmother open the door and smile.

"I need your help." An anxious woman stood at the other side of the door, holding a handkerchief nervously.

Her grand mother let the woman in, Remi watching curiously.

"Meow." A small black cat followed Remi and circled her leg affectionately. The cat gave a smirk. "A spell."

"What is it?" Remi said, not taking her eyes off from her grand mother.

"You shouldn't be watching this. You're grand mother has a habit of sticking her heads into peoples love lives." The cat said to the young girl.

"I need him. I love him too much to let him keep his wife by his side forever." The woman sat by the dining table.

"Love him too much to let him?" Her grandmother gave a loud laugh. "That's a bit over controlling don't you think." Her laughter and smile soon faded when the dark atmosphere had come across her. "Of course, I'm not one to judge the intentions of a dedicated lover. I've assisted many with the same problem with you." The grandmother nodded her head, grabbing a long needle from a cup board and placing it on the table before the woman. She ran out the door and quickly came back with a white dove in her hand. "But I'll tell you what I tell to all my customers. Lust can easily be mistaken for love."

"I'm desperate." The woman said ashamedly. "Why else would I come here?"

Grand mother showed her the dove and the woman took the needle in her hand.

"Ah-ah-ah." The old woman teased. "Hand me his photo first. Too anxious for a woman your age. Much too young for worries." She stuck on hand out, firmly grasping the dove.

The woman took a photo out of her pocket, kissed it lightly, and handed it to the old witch.

Remi turned her head to try to get a glimpse of the photo.

"You know what to do." Her grandmother said.

The woman looked into the doves eyes. "I want him to love me so much he can't stand it…" She stabbed the dove in the heart.

Remi gasped, hiding her young face, later revealing her face to her grand mother who stared at Remi.

"Be careful what you wish for." Her grand mother said, holding up the needle.

The cat gave a loud feline like cry as the needle sunk into the bird's heart, his cry echoed throughout the house. The sky grew darker and Remi held her head, fearfully. Her grandmother took a glance at Remi and exchanged looks with the cat.

"I never want to fall in love." Remi whispered to herself. "I never want to fall in love." She repeated.

"I love falling in love." The cat smiled.

"He will be sweet." Remi took a pinch of brown sugar, drizzling it over a wooden bowl she carried in one hand while she held a notebook in her other hand. "He will love me for who I am, even if I am a witch." She took a petal of daffodil.

"What are you doing?" Her grand mother sneaked into the room.

"Summoning a true love spell. Called Amos Fe ditas." Remi said, plucking a petal from a rose.

"I thought you didn't want to fall in love."

"I don't." Remi smiled, turning back to her. "Jasper told me that love is like a curse and it eats your insides like a deadly virus."

"That nosy cat." Her grand mother snapped in frustration. "Don't listen to anything Jasper tells you, he's been flirting with females centuries before I even heard of him."

"I guess…" Remi gloomily said.

"And you, my dear grandchild? You're not interested in love?"

"No." Remi said with a smile.

"Good, cause your only nine." Her grand mother stepped in. "But what are you doing with a love spell then?"

"I will conjure up my perfect boy so he doesn't exist. And if he doesn't exist, I can never fall in love." Remi took another ingredient, continuing with her spell. "He will have one green eye. And one blue." She picked two petals and dropped them into the bowl. "He will have dark black hair but it will shine like the white stars."

She brought the bowl to the balcony and lifted it up towards the moon. The ingredients flew in the air, twirling around each other and drifting to luna.

"You can never be sure, if the perfect guy doesn't exist." Her grand mother warned.

4 years later in Amity Park.

"Oh, box ghost?" Danny Phantom said teasingly with a small smirk. The box ghost, a harmless and weak spirit with a stout blue exterior, turned around to look at a more than worthy opponent on his in, of course. "Beware!" Danny yelled playfully, striking a point, releasing a thick thread of bright green light which struck the ghost.

"No!" The box ghost yelled agonizingly, stretching his arms apart.

"Danny!" Sam Manson yelled, cupping her mouth. When Danny took a glance down to look, Tucker Foley reached his hand into his purple back pack which he had hanging on one shoulder, and threw a ghost thermos over his head.

Danny caught the thermos with his left hand, facing the box ghost. He aimed it at the enemy with both hands, inhaling the spirit into the compact metal prison.

He quickly stuffed the lid back at it wasn't long after he slowly descended to join his friends. "Fenton, you never fail to amuse me." He said confidently, spinning the thermos on the surface of his finger.

"Aren't we a little too arrogant today?" Sam flashed a smile, crossing her arms whilst waiting for a reply.

"Especially considering the fact that it's the box ghost, the easiest ghost to catch." Tucker said with a smile behind closed eyes which opened briefly only to blink at a thought. "Even for me!"

"Yeah but not even I can catch the box ghost and the lunch lady all in one day along with getting a solid B+ from Lancer today." Danny said confidently, walking towards the Nasty Burger with Tucker and Sam listening beside him. "Let's just say that everything is under control."

"Everything is out of control." A woman said to her husband strictly. She had small blue shades over her stern eyes and her hazel brown hair fell over her eyes with a peace sign designed head band. She wore a tie died shirt and around her wrists dangled several grass colored ornaments.

"Polar bear, you know Amity Park is a much better place to live." Her husband responded, calling her by one of their many unusual nicknames involving endangered animals. Her husband had blonde hair that was tied back with a tie died ribbon around his forehead.

"I agree, you know that, but Remi won't believe it. After all, mother just died… a few months ago." The woman sighed.

"Don't worry. Remi will understand."



Remi groaned. She stuck her hand out from the covers and snapped, letting her magic silence the alarm clock. She sat up, her hair curling over her eyes messily and around her ears. She yawned and blinked to clear her vision.

She glanced out the window and saw a familiar blue hat which belonged to the mail man who visited each week.

"Here already?" Remi stood up from her bed, quickly rushing to her door. "Yikes! Pajamas!" She looked down at her outfit and quickly snapped, changing her appearance with a sprinkle of magic which her Nana had left her, her outfit now was a light blue tee shirt and blue jean shorts. Her brown hair was neatly tied in two short braids that reached to her shoulders at each side of her head, her bangs swayed above her bright green eyes.

She opened the front door and greeted the mail man with a smile. "Anything today?"

"Just bills." He said.

"Oh." Remi smiled, taking them in her hand.

The black cat yawned, standing up and stretching with a groan. "Hm?" The cat jumped up on the window sill with a grin. "Show time." He jumped off the sill and opened the front door, reaching his hand out towards the mail man he lunged his paw forward with a small chant.

The envelopes from the mail man's bag lifted from it's place.

"Huh?!" The mail man gasped.

The envelope flew to his face and slapped him continuously as he twirled trying to fight off the living letters.

Remi gasped.

"Hahahahaha!!" The cat laughed, holding his stomach and rolling on the floor.

Remi glared, snapping before the mail man and sending the letters towards the cat and slapping him as they did the mail man.

"I quit! This house is weird! You're all weird!!" The mail man yelled.

"No wait!" Remi chased but stopped as he passed a turn. She sighed, turning towards the still laughing cat with a glare. "Jasper!"

Jasper the cat's laugh grew weaker as Remi walked towards him. "Ah, I never get tired of that."

"Why do you always pick on the mail men and the milk men?" Remi shut the door behind her.

"Ah, it's because I don't like people tampering with my milk. Or my mail." Jasper sat up.

"What mail? The only friends you have are self centered warlocks who don't even know about your little transformation." Remi began walking up the stairs.

"A warlock to a cat isn't exactly the best publicity." Jasper admitted.

"Oh and a family with magic powers is?" Remi shot.

"Puh-leeze! No one will believe a word that mail man says. Not even your parents, and they've been dumb enough to believe we are normal earthlings. Nana managed to keep it a secret from them all HER life and that must've taken a century." Jasper bluntly said. "Where do you think your going?"

"Upstairs." Remi said matter a fact.

"Do you even know what to pack?"


"We're moving. To Amity Park." Jasper smiled.


The next morning, Remi sighed sitting in front of the window of her dining room. "Good bye, window." She said, snaking her cheek across the surface of the deep brown wood. "Good bye, curtains." She stood up, reaching out her hands to hug the powder blue fabric. "Good bye, mouse hole!" She said, laying her stomach on the floor, looking into the small dark hole, blocking the sunlight and letting the gray creature inside it be trapped by a large eye. The mouse squeaked innocently. "Aw, how cut-Ow!" Remi fell backwards, rubbing her red nose. "I hope that thing didn't have rabies."

A bowl flew towards Remi's head, knocking her forward.

"Ow!" Remi jerked.

"Stop fooling around." Jasper whispered hoarsely.

"Good bye dear house, we have spent many memories together. Your memory will always totally follow us wherever we go, dear wooden friend." Lola rubbed the door.

"Idiots…" Jasper sighed.

"Danny?" a gentle voice called. "Danny?"

"Yeah, Jazz?" Danny who sat on his bed, just waking up from an afternoon nap, ran his fingers through his hair with a tired yawn.

"Dinner will be ready in just a bit." She said with a smile, peeking into his room. Jazz was a tall girl, a year older than Danny, she had her mother's face, long and slender. Her hair was red hair with an elegant blue head band pulling her hair back from her forehead. She was incredibly intelligent and though her A's had in many cases over shadowed Danny's solid B+'s, the two secretly are proud of each other.

"Sure. I'll be there in a minute." Danny yawned once more, putting his hand in front of his open mouth. Jazz smiled sympathetically and sat by him.

"Danny, I've noticed that you're getting pretty tired lately. I don't want you to over do it. I understand the kind of pressure your in." Jazz put her hand on his shoulder.

Danny stood up, quite disgruntled by her careless words he said:

"No. No you don't. You don't understand the half of it."

"You'd be surprised at how much I know about you Danny." Was her reply. Jazz looked down. Danny turned around and blinked at her curiously. She looked up at him with widened eyes. "Uh… I mean, I know that Lancer's been giving you a hard time lately." Jazz looked away guiltily, tilting her body from right to left.

"Oh." He slouched.

Remi sighed, ignoring her parents who examined their new home and cleansed it with incense sticks. She grabbed a frame from one of the cardboard boxes, looking at a photo of her grand mother and taking it in her hand.

She dropped down to the floor at the corner of the room, feeling disappointed in not moving in a couch already. "Oh Nana, I wish you were alive. I'm thirteen and my parents don't even know I'm a witch." Remi put the frame down. "Not to mention how much I need to study my spells."

"Don't I get any thanks? No little sentence dedicated to moi? No little 'But Jasper is taking great care of me, Nana.'" Jasper jumped beside her with a grin.

"You're giving yourself way too much credit." Remi said.

There was a silence.

"It was good that we left the island. Amity Park sounds like a nice place." Jasper rested on the bed comfortably.

"Maybe…" She turned her head, staring blankly at the ivory moon that would soon descend and leave the rest of the day's shift to the sun.

Ding Dong

Ding Dong

Ding Dong, Dingdong-dingdong-dingdong-dingdong

"Remi, stop playing with the door bell, honey and come in our new house." Her mother called from inside the house.

"Excuse me, darlin'." A large man with a husky voice stood in front of Remi, holding a large beige cardboard box. The man walked into the room, blocking his eye sight with the box, he tripped. "WOAAAAH!!"

Remi raised her arm and swiftly swung it before her and lifted him and positioned him appropriately.

"Remi, come in our new house!" Lola called again playfully, repeating her words.

"Coming…" Remi entered the home,

"Whoo… Spooky." The workman fanned himself with his hat.

Remi blew her bangs away from her face looking up lazily. "You mean THE new house. Not OUR new house, but THE new house." She said to herself.

"Honey, where do I put this?" Her father, holding an over sized 70's lava lamp, in his hands along with a case of incense sticks straight from India.

"Oh I don't know, Dan, you'll figure something out." Her mother said without turning around. Remi entered the house with a frown. "Oh, Remi! I know we just moved in but I found the time to bake up a batch of tofu cookies!"

Remi smiled widely, running to the kitchen. Her mother was a person who could do a million things at once. To some, it is a strength that would only be described as scary beyond all reason but to mothers under stress, children pressured by over achieved parents, and teachers who have looked into the demon eyes of chaos every day all wish they had such a power.

"Na-uh, they are not for you." Her mother flicked Remi's nose gently. "It's for the neighbors. I want you to give it to them!"

"S-sure." Remi took the platter.

"At-a-girl, Remi-WOAH!" Dan tumbled down the basement, loosing balance as the television toppled within his arms.

"Hey, give me a cookie." Jasper whispered.

"My parents are watching, they might hear you talking." Remi stuck her tongue out playfully.

"MEOW! MEOW!" Jasper quickly turned to cry.

Not far, a ghost had escaped the ghost portal and roamed the streets of Amity Park.

Frozen blue smoke escaped his lips, Danny dropped his fork.

"Danny? What's wrong?" Mady, his mother looked at him concernedly. Danny turned to her quickly.

"I… uh…" Danny panicked, trying to organize his thoughts and trying to make room for a good excuse.

"Oh, that's right Danny. Didn't you have some home work you had to give in…" Jazz stood up, slamming her hands on the table in worry once she noticed the blue breath recognized by her brother and his friends as the 'ghost sense'.

"At 5:00 in the afternoon?" Jack Fenton glanced at his Fenton Watch which hand his face printed on the background arrogantly.

"Uh, Yeah! It's an afternoon paper…" Danny lied hesitantly, laughing strangely after.

"Alright. Hurry up then." Mady said.

Danny kicked off his chair and turned, running up the stairs, feeling his hands across the rail. He stuck his head out of the window, not far away from the stairway and saw a green blob behind his house, chasing a police car, leaving a trail of slime that made the passers-by trip on the pavement.

"Danny?" His father's voice called from downstairs.

"Yes?!" Danny asked in annoyance, waiting to go ghost and collect the monster goop.

"I just remembered! Me, your mother, and Jazz need to run down to the mall and get those new TI83 calculators!" Jack smiled at Mady and Jazz who smiled back at him. "And maybe get my hands on that lovely new neon orange jumpsuit 2008 edition, complete with a stylish set of ebony gloves! Oh baby!" Jack said seductively to himself, grabbing behind him a magazine which he had carried with him since two weeks ago.

"Yeah yeah! I'll be waiting!" Danny stuck his head out the window again. "Goin' Ghost!" He cried. A bright flash built from his waist up and down, changing his fourteen year old exterior to a fourteen year old phantom.

"Here I come, jumpsuit!" Jack jumped up with one fist in the air.

"Hey! Goopy, Green, and Gastly! Watch out!" Danny yelled. The monster turned to danny, stared at him with his sharp scarlet eyes and shot a fraction of it's stomach at Danny. "Ah!" The green goop slammed Danny to the wall of his house. "So you want to get dirty? I'll show you dirty!" Danny wiped the goop off his face and shot a thick ray of green heated light at the monster, who created a hole in it's stomach, letting the ecto-blast pass the open hole. "That didn't work well."

Behind the monster, there was a collection of fire trucks and monster trucks, pick up trucks, and Toyotas. The traffic was getting greater and the monster who blocked the road refused to move.

"Looks like I have two options, let you ruin my town or crush you over these cars. Either way, it doesn't give me a 'job well done'."

During his fight however, a certain neighbor approached ready to distract him.