A/N: Hello there, readers! This is my first Blood+ fanfiction, and I'm really excited! I'm afraid to reveal anything to important, so I don't have much to say yet. Please enjoy!

Dsclaimer: I do not own Blood+


Savior's Song

Chapter One: Remember Me

Remember me, once in a while; please promise me you'll try.

Then you'll find, that once again you long, to take your heart back and be free.

If you ever find a moment, spare a thought for me.

(Phantom of the Opera)


It was so...quiet...

Watching, waiting. Whispers of the past haunting him; creeping in and out of his head, an ever-constant reminder of his beloved centuries with her.

It was so excruciatingly quiet.

Everything had proved so painfully fruitless. Pacing, sitting, trying to sleep even though hundreds of attempts has proved it obviously impossible.

He'd run away countless times. He'd try to sever himself from her during her sleeping period to spare himself the heartbroken agony of her seemingly lifeless form. He would take off, casting off his dependence of her, only to run back day, minutes, even seconds later to apologize for his lack of attentiveness, or for not returning sooner after the first of many hallucinations of her awaking alone, cold and frightened, without him to comfort her.

But he would always weather it for her.

Always returning to a grotesque, agonizing quiet.

He had mad a promise. He had made her see that in this world, there would be life worth living when she woke up. He was going to prove it to her.

It was so...warm...

Laughing, living; little bits and pieces of inhumanly long life consuming him. Familiar faces from a childhood long since past, and a past that seemed, but couldn't possibly have been, centuries away. As he watched his life slowly play before his eyes, the faces that wouldn't have been out of place in a video documentary began distorting themselves into the only one that mattered.

It was so sweet and warm.

For the first time since he had willingly given up his human life in favor of an 'improved' new one, he found himself dreaming. He was engulfed in the fantasies and dreams that had once consumed his conscious mind. If there was wasn't an annoying, almost insignificant piercing sensation jabbing slightly at the edges of his appendages, pulling him out of his seraphic reveries, he would have been sure he'd passed on into the afterlife.

But he wasn't dead, the faint heartbeat he could feel accompanying every progressively painful stab proved that. Somehow, he was alive. And with life, came hope. She had unwittingly taught him that.

It was so heavenly warm.

It was so...strange...

Killing, crying, kissing, crashing. Fighting family to save the world that they knew, fleeing the world too soon every time. Befriending both innocent people and unlikely allies and saying good-bye. It was coming back so easily now. Her long sleep had always been so quiet and warm, an almost welcome intrusion after the calamity that unleashed itself whenever she was conscious.

It was so confusing, so odd, so strange.

From the moment she gave in and closed her eyes, everything began replaying itself inside her head. So many painful memories, so many friends destroyed because of what she was, and who her sister had become. But somehow, mixed in with the horrible tragedies and unforgivable crimes, were happy times and moments that stood out clearly, she would have sworn he was wide awake.

It was so unbelievably strange.

Of course, there was a part of her that yearned for the quiet, warn, and dreamless sleep-- One that wouldn't taunt her of a future that would never be. She wasn't sure how long her unconscious mind could tolerate the torment of seeing the face of the man she would never see again over and over and over; The face of the man who had convinced her that there was a life worth living.

Well, men...

So it was so strange when she fully registered that her hibernation was coming to an end. How she consciously felt her heartbeat getting faster and faster as alertness overcame sleep. How she felt when, for the first time in decades, she could fully appreciate the presence she perceived next to her.

It was so wonderfully strange.

It was so...close...

Dieing, deceiving, dealing out a punishment that was not there's to give. A monster out of medieval fairytales. A creature punishing even the purest in society by merely being alive. A fiend with the power to destroy the world. Surely something like that should not exist.

It was so unbearably close.

But it would soon be over. Soon, they would take back humanity. The fight that would forever ensure the protection of humans would was rapidly approaching.

It was so close.

They could feel it.

Everything was so close...

A/N: Wow, chapter one completed! Please Review and stay tuned!