They stayed a couple days in the town, but they couldn't stay away from Malibu for much longer, Lilly had used up most of her sick days at work. So after a nice long truck ride, where Lilly tried to teach Arianna insane road games that Oliver and her had made up when they had been young, they were back in their city.

They showed up at Lilly's mother's house just past lunchtime. Heather was at work, but Lilly had her keys in her backpack. After unlocking the door she took the car seat containing her daughter from Oliver.

"I'll make us all something to eat while you shower, got it?" Lilly instructed him.

Oliver faked a hurt expression. "Are you saying that I stink?"

She chuckled softly. "I'm saying, you've been wearing the same clothes since the day before we left. In short, you stink badly."

Oliver looked down at his clothing, realizing that Lilly was telling the truth. "Gross," he curled up his nose and ran for the bathroom.

"He's silly, isn't he Arianna?" Lilly giggled as she put her daughter in her high chair.

Arianna giggled. "Daddy very silly."

Lilly smiled, this was the same boy she'd fallen in love with so long ago. Even taking care of his daughter he still had that charm to him. "What do you want for lunch, Princess?" she asked Arianna as she put some Cheerios on her tray.

"Ravioli!" Arianna squealed happily.

Lilly laughed. "Only if Daddy cleans up afterward, alright?" She grabbed two cans out of the pantry and started to make lunch.

She was so focused on serving lunch that she didn't notice Oliver had entered the room until he had his arms around her waist and his head on her shoulder. "Mmm, going all out with this gourmet meal, aren't you Lils?"

Lilly smiled and picked up Arianna's bowl and turned around to put it on her tray. "Yes, secret recipe." She handed Oliver a bowl.

He took it and sat down at the dining room table. "Who gave you this amazing recipe?"

"Chef Boyaredee," Lilly smiled proudly as she jumped up onto the counter and put a piece of ravioli into her mouth. "He's the best!"

"Best!" Arianna chirped happily as she slammed her hand down into the bowl of ravioli, tomato sauce flying everywhere.

Lilly laughed as Oliver wiped tomato sauce off his face. "Did I mention that you're cleaning up?"

Oliver shook his head, causing Lilly to laugh more. "Fine, if I'm cleaning up . . ." he took a piece of ravioli and threw it at Lilly.

Her mouth hung open and she blinked in shock, listening to Oliver's chuckle and Arianna's giggle. "Are you declaring a food fight, Oken?"

"Food fight! Food fight!" Arianna chanted in encouragement.

"Arianna's on my team!" Oliver decided.

"Fine!" Lilly threw a piece that landed in his hair. Arianna giggle in enjoyment.

"Hey, you're on my team! Get her!" Oliver threw a ravioli as an example, but Lilly dodged it.

She laughed triumphantly as she threw another piece, hitting Oliver on the cheek. Her laughter grew stronger when she was hit by a piece of ravioli thrown by Arianna.

Oliver scooped her up and lifter her into the air proudly. "That's my girl!" he exclaimed.

Arianna smiled proudly down at her mother. Lilly looked up at her, her daughter, her tomato sauce covered daughter. And that sauce covered daughter was proud that Oliver was her dad, and deep down Lilly knew that she was proud too.

"Lilly, Lilly!" Oliver shook the sleeping girl. "Lilly! Wake up!"

"Nnnn…" Lilly groaned grumpily.

"Lilly, please! I need you to wake up," Oliver pleaded.

Lilly half opened one eye. "What?"

Oliver looked down at her with panic in his eyes, "I don't know what to do," he whined. "Arianna keeps crying and repeating 'bad' over and over again. I tried to her something to eat, that didn't work. Tried ice cream, nope. Dirty diapey? Nuh uh. I rocked her, I sang to her. I've tried everything, she just keeps wailing away. What's wrong?" Oliver's eyes were watering up and he looked desperate.

Lilly sat up. "Ice cream didn't work?"

Oliver shook his head.

Lilly jumped to her feet. "Where is she?"

"In her room," Oliver replied.

Lilly practically flew to her daughter's room, Oliver right on her heels. Arianna was whining softly in her crib when Lilly scooped her up.

"Baby, what's the matter?" Lilly cradled her and rocked her gently. "Is my Arianna-bo sick?" Lilly faced Oliver. "Do you think she has a temperature?"

Oliver laid a hand on Arianna's forehead. "Hmm. . ." he raised an eyebrow. He looked at Lilly then laid his hand on her forehead. He nodded, "Unless you're dead, she has a fever."

Lilly cooed at her baby. Oliver went on a search for a thermometer as Lilly ran a cool, damp cloth on Arianna's face.

Oliver returned to Lilly's side with a startled expression. "Put it in her ear, hun," Lilly instructed him. He did so. "So, what's with the face, Olliekins?"

Oliver smiled warmly at how lovable Lilly became whenever she was caring for their daughter. "Nothing." He leaned forward and wiped a strand of hair off her forehead. "Do you know what Saturday is?"

"Uh . . . two days from now? A weekend day?" Lilly shrugged. "I don't know. And by the way, you are still going to school," she glanced at the clock, "in six hours. You should get some sleep."

Oliver shook his head. "Not when my little girl is sick. And, not when I have a birthday party to plan." He smiled at her.

Lilly stared at him in shock. "Birthday?"

Oliver nodded. "March 10th, for the past seventeen years that was your birthday. Did that change magically where ever you were?"

Lilly glared at him then smiled. "No, same day as always. Wow, eighteen. I'll be an adult," she looked down at Arianna who had fallen asleep in her arms, "but perhaps I already am." Her eyes were soft when she looked back up at Oliver.

Oliver took Arianna from her gently and laid his daughter down, bending over to kiss her forehead. He turned back to Lilly and held her in his arms. "I suppose I am too."