Well one of my readers brought something to my attention. MY GRAMMAR AND SPELLING SUCKS! But do u expect I haven't been thought anything on the subject since 2-3 grade so sadly that part of my L.A skills is at a 2nd grade level I've known this for a while and tried to correct the errors on my own but I hate rereading things let alone things I know forward and backward ^-^;. The funny thing is I handed in a paper to my "teacher" and it was so bad on grammar she refused to take any one else's paper for the rest of the day XD I still got an A though :3 any way this same person offered to be my beta so hopefully we wont have that problem any moreā€¦.well at least with the work

I post online anyway.


There was an eerie silence as every in the room absorbed the new found

information. After a few moments of silence Kikyio slipped her delicate

figures into her surprisingly unrevealing shirt. She pulled out a necklace with

half of a pink jewel dangling on it. She tauntingly held it up in front of Kagome. Suddenly gaining her normal bitchy 'I'm-better-than-you' attitude.

"Fine, if that is so then prove it pull out the other half of the jewel!" Kikyio said defiantly.

Her attitude was stopped all too soon as Kagome pulled the other half out of her own shirt. She put the two pieces together making a exact replica of the jewel on her restaurants sign.

"The complete Shikon no tama!" breathed Kikyio and Kagome in unison... KAGOME and Kikyio in unison (A/N haha had to do it I was writing and I was like WTF Kikyio before Kagome no way in hell!)

As soon as the Shikon no tama was complete Inuyasha's inner demon started going crazy. It was DEMANDING he take possession of it. If it weren't for Miroku's power still looming around Inuyasha, he would have already had it in his clawed hands.

Just as quickly as the jewel had been completed it was separated once more.

"I will come back to discuss the matter of the jewel sister dear, but right now I have more important things to discuss like, my sons well being and my nephew/ nieces/ half children's health." Sneered Kagome carefully placing her half of the jewel back around her neck.

Before Kikyio could even have the hope of arguing Kagome had her, and everybody else in the car (don't ask how they all fit) and on their way to hospital. No one dare to speak less ready feel the sting of Kagome's wrath. She who currently had enough evil in her aura that every one was surprised it wasn't visible.

At some point, word spread around that Shippo and Kohaku were at the hospital. Regrettably due to Kagome's mood not only did the entire day care center come but all the of Kagome's staff, as well and Kouga of course.

"K-Kagome it hurts!" Whined Shippo reaching for his cast enclosed leg.

Kagome gently ran her fingers threw his silky orange hair.

"Shh its ok Shippo I'm here." Whispered Kagome gently kissing forehead. Sango did much the same for Kohaku.

Kikyio could only hide her face in shame. She may have been a bitch but she wasn't heartless.

One thing was still bothering her who cut her breaks?

Miroku managed to keep his hands to himself and brought Kohaku and Shippo some sweets. Sesshomaru and Rin got to the hospital as soon as they could all though, it was obvious a lot more than kissing was going on between the 2 before they arrived. (A/N hehe naughty Rin ;3)

Both boys would be ok but that left another issue unresolved.

Kikyio and Kagome.

" Kikyio, right now I would rather do nothing other than personally rip your wind pip out with my clawed hands and watch you beg for your LIFE but, you are still a human being," She mumbled the next part. " My sister no less, on top of that you carry my future step child / niece or nephew ." growled out Kagome. "As for the jewel we will let the court decide who gains custody of it."

(A/N: I was already at this point when I got the review to anything up from this

a/n most likely will be worse than the rest _)

With that said Kagome just turned her back on Kikyio wearing an emotionless

expression that could rival that of Sesshomaru's. (A/n yeah yeah I know Sesshy has been a soft puppy in dis story but I remember making him wear that emotionless mask in one of the earlier chaps so *shrugs* roll wit it).

Kikyio just stared at Kagome in shock she couldn't believe what just came out of her mouth. Frankly neither could every one else in the room. Poor little keiko-chan who managed to sneak a ride with Kouga was hiding being Sesshomaru his tail between his quivering legs. Kouga was doing much the same.

Mean while somewhere in the shadows of the darkest deepest hole, Naraku was laughing enjoying the young girl's spirit,and her hostility. His plans were going perfectly.

Despite her better judgment (A/n if she had any) Kikyio stood her ground and yanked Kagome back by her hair. There was no way in hell she was going to let this bitch talk to her like that sister or not!

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" Demanded Kikyio staring Kagome straight in the eyes. "WELL ANWE.."

Kikyio was cut off by a breath taking clutch around her neck she looked down to see Kagome smirking at her.

Kagome's eyes were blood red her fangs and claws were growing rapidly and to make matters worse, her grip on Kikyio's fragile neck was tightening more and more by every second. Sesshomaru, Inuyasha, and Kouga were just about to make an attempt to separate the 2 girls when then unexpected happened.

Kagome dropped Kikyio limp body just as her water broke.

Kagome her self collapsed on the cold hard floors of the hospital the color quickly draining from both her and Kikyio's face. A minor set back in Naraku's plan.


well that's an unexpected turn of events at this point I think I like Sango and Rin :3 Kagome and Kikyio are real bitches in my opinion XD I mean hello Kikyio fuckin tried to kill Inuyasha!! Crazy physco path XD and Kagome well just look at her she almost choked a pregnant woman! Tisk tisk to think I originally planned to make this a bash Kikyio fic XD whelp rate a review

and I know a magerly short chapter but we cant all be perfect and X3 im still an amature (I luv saying that word) so short chaps normaly make for better content even if I stopped just a wee bit too soon this time lol rate and review (then again when do I have to say that u guys are soo awesome wit reviewing it the only reason why I continued the story in truth I planned on giving up ages ago)
