Disclaimer: I don't' own Dragon Ball Z, Akira Toriyama does. This is fan fiction, and means no harm to the anime or manga.

Time's Lessons Learned

By StarbearerTM

When Gohan slowly walked into the front door of his home, he heard the clatter of dishes along with pots and pans. Goten leapt up from where he was playing on the floor and tugged his pant leg. "Where did you go big brother?"

"I was doing my new job actually, Goten," Gohan said, patting him on the head.

"You're missing dinner," Goten said, grabbing his sleeve and dragging him into the dining room. Gohan just had enough time to drop his books to one side before a wave of steam hit in him the face. Chichi almost collided with him, a pile of food heaped on a tray held before her face.

"Gohan, glad you could make it! I've made everyone's favorites!" Chichi chirped. Gohan sighed; glad she was in a good mood. This wasn't going to be easy by any means.

While his conversation with Videl had fared much better then he imagined, he knew he had entered the lion's den. Son Chichi bustled about the kitchen. The smell of exotic spices permeated the air. Goten chased a small lizard around the floor while Goku tried to stay out of Chichi's way.

"Yeah Mom," Gohan answered. "I got tied up with spending some time with my study group."

"You see Videl at all?" Chichi asked brightly. Gohan rolled his eyes and Goten blinked up.

"How's big Sissy doing?" Goten piped up.

"Actually she's busy studying," Gohan answered casually.

"Well you can't spend all your time studying. You have to have a little bit of social activity," chichi grinned.

"I've heard it and I don't believe it," Goku muttered as he settled into his chair. He seemed to be tuning out most of the conversation already to Gohan's consternation.

Chichi bustled them into the dining room, where plates were already neatly arranged for dinner. Gohan noticed the extra place setting she customarily set out for Videl. Goten sat down in his chair, reaching for a rice dumpling, only to have Chichi smack his hand with a wooden spoon. "Wait till we're all seated, Goten," she scolded.

Goten pouted, wincing at the sting. However, it didn't hurt him very much. Rather he was simply upset he couldn't get what he immediately wanted. Gohan tugged his chair out and sat down while chichi moved the extra place setting aside. Then she took her place at the foot of the table opposite Goku. After a quick thanks to the ancestors for their meal, chopsticks clicked and rice flew from Goku's end of the table, and Goten's side. However, Gohan glanced down at his food, pushing it around with his chopsticks rather than eating much.

"Are you sick Big Brother? You're not eating anything?" Goten commented, food falling down the front of his shirt. Gohan slowly twirled noodles on his chopsticks while holding the end in place with his spoon. Lifting them to his mouth, he slurped them down without biting the translucent continuous noodle.

"Yeah Gohan, you're usually putting away two bowls by now. Everything okay?" Goku asked him, face muffled b y his own mouthful of rice. Pieces of it landed in his dark spiky hair.

"I had something to eat earlier," Gohan commented, moving his wrist out of the way of Goku spearing a fish with his. Poking it into his mouth, he gulped it whole.

"Well, if you're hanging out with your little friends, that's understandable," Chichi smiled winningly. "I mean you did say Videl was there…"

"Yeah, I saw her," Gohan said casually.

"Well, how is she?" Chichi asked, chopsticks poised on the edge of her bowl.

Gohan sighed, and continued, "Like I said before mom, she's been busy. We've all been having a hard time with this new class because of the subject material."

"Oh yes, the one that Trunks is teaching?" asked Chichi, swallowing her mouthful of rice. "Such a nicely mannered young man! How is he?"

"He's doing pretty well," Gohan said with a smile. "Got half the class scared to death already."

"Sounds like him all right. How's he settling in at Capsule?" Goku asked.

"Well actually he's living in his own place, in Satan City. He's trying to make his own living and his own life right now, since the future's pretty much cleared up," said Gohan. He hoped he didn't have a dreamy look in his eyes at this moment because he could tell that he was spending twice the time talking about Trunks rather than Videl.

"It's been a long time since he's been here, hasn't it?" Chichi said. "I thought he had already gone back to his own home… wherever it was?"

"Well he decided to come back. He rather likes it here, in our time actually," Gohan said. "This is what I wanted to talk about."

"Yes, yes, that's all very nice, but I am just worried about you and Videl," Chichi interrupted, waving her hand dismissively.

"What about Videl?" Gohan breathed deeply, steeling himself for what was to come.

"If you don't work hard at keeping that wonderful girl Gohan, how can you expect her not to slip through y our fingers," Chichi reprimanded him, waving her empty chopsticks at him. "You do know that you're going to graduate any day now, and it's high time you started setting a date…"

"But he's already dating," Goku answered.

"No Goku, I mean a wedding date?" Chichi snorted, shaking her head at Goku's density. Shrugging Goku simply returned to the task of shoveling more food into his mouth.

"Wedding date? Aren't you getting ahead of yourself mom?" asked Gohan, his own chopsticks poised before the bowl of dim sum.

"Gohan, dear, you must have brought up the subject? Haven't you actually talked about well…. You and her?"

"Well, not really," Gohan answered, his stomach squirming. He really had no idea how to talk his way out of this one. Whatever it took, she would learn eventually, so he wondered if he was taking the path of less resistance by just spitting it out.

"Why ever not, Gohan? You've been dating her at least a year now, I think its high time you proposed," Chichi suggested, a hint of steel in your voice.

"Proposed? But Mom, I don't' want to get married," Gohan answered.

"Well I can understand if you're nervous. I mean you can wait until after you've graduated college, but she DOES deserve a nice engagement. I mean now that you're working you could start saving up for a nice little ring," Chichi suggested.

"But I don't…" Gohan started, before Chichi's string cut him off.

"Well perhaps I could find something nice in my mother's jewelry that could do till you get a bit more money," Chichi nattered on.

"Oh Dende help me," Gohan pleaded silently, while Goten and Goku seemed to zone out between fast flying chopsticks clanking on bowls. He really felt like he was on his own, for Goten wasn't interested in grown up talk, and Goku was simply consumed with eating what was put before him. Wasn't this always the case, for he stood alone against his mother's will? Who contradicted the one who controlled the cooking pot?

Not Goku. He would much rather be in Chichi's good graces since she provided food, and a bed. As long as he stayed in her favor, he had everything he needed. Yet if he displeased the mistress of the house, then the door was locked, and he had to sleep either outside or on a hard sofa. Usually when this happened, Goku took off training somewhere, and resorted to eating fresh fish grilled from the stream. Gohan would always associate the smell of fresh fish with his father, or with Goku returning after a huge argument with his parents.

"Gohan, are you even paying attention?" Chichi interrupted, waving a hand before his face. She snapped her fingers.

"Oh um, sorry, you were talking about rings?" Gohan swallowed.

"No Gohan-chan, what do you think about long engagements. If she's your fiancée that should be enough. Unless you would like to get married BEFORE college and then you two could live here with us while you commute to school…" Chichi said wistfully, planning Gohan's entire next four years without even letting him speak or approve.

"Mom, excuse me, but you really ARE getting ahead of yourself. You haven't once asked me what I thought of all this," Gohan interrupted, letting his chopsticks drop into his bowl with a loud clank for emphasis.

Shocked, Chichi abruptly stopped talking. In the silence, Goku and Gohan glanced up from their feeding frenzy with puzzled looks on their faces. It was both comical and ridiculous how similar they appeared at that moment. Once Chichi regained her momentum, she asked, "Excuse me?"

"I said Mom, haven't you even considered that isn't anything what I'd like to do? Because Videl and I have broken up for one thing," Gohan answered.

Chichi's hand pressed to her heart and she let out a loud gasp. Falling back against her chair, the blood rushed out of her cheeks leaving her ghostly pale. Goku blinked up at Gohan, and Goten stared hard. He asked, "What does broken-up mean? "

"It means Videl's found someone else. She's not interested in me," Gohan explained, struggling to find his courage now that Chichi had finally ceased.

"What… are you joking?" Chichi stammered weakly, as if he'd slapped her in the face. "Gohan, you're joking…"

"No Mom. You were so busy talking that you wouldn't let me break the news," Gohan frowned.

"But… but… Gohan… what did you do?" Chichi demanded, straightening up in her chair and glaring angrily at him. "Didn't I tell you that this would happen? You had better call her right now and make up, young man!"

"Why would he do that? He said they weren't dating anymore," Goku said sternly, setting his bowl down. "What's happened since then Gohan? You've changed your mind?"

"I'm trying to find out Goku, please do shut up!" Chichi hissed, waving her hand in front of Goku's face and leaning heavily on her side of the table. "Gohan, you have GOT to patch things up and get her back, for Dende's sake! Before it's too late!"

"She already was seeing someone else Mom. There's no point," Gohan countered, gripping the end of the table. "And it wouldn't do any good anyway because I'm also in love with someone else…"

"Who… what… someone else? You mean you cheated on her?"

"No Chichi, didn't you hear what he said? He said Videl was…"

"That's ridiculous! It can't be!" Chichi slammed her fist on the table, rattling dishes. Goku backed away from the table, like a nervous horse ready to bolt.

"Mom, I said I'm in love with someone else. Aren't you even listening to me?" Gohan demanded, his voice rising in volume. Chichi's eyes started to blur with tears and she brushed them away.

"You… you had better march right out that door NOW, and do whatever it takes to get her back! You're missing the opportunity of a lifetime! Has the world gone insane?" Chichi yelled.

"Chichi please, calm down," Goku tried to sooth her, but she slapped his hand away.

"Mommy, please don't get mad!" Goten began to stammer. However, Chichi's full fury focused on Gohan, leaving him forgotten.

"Goten, maybe you should go to your room and play right now?" Goku asked. Goten slid down from his chair and rushed out of the room, not wanting to be at ground zero for his mother erupting.

"She's scary when she's like this," Goten mumbled.

"Don't tell me to calm down!" Chichi screamed at Goku, who flinched and backed away. His chair almost toppled over.

"Mom, it's no good getting like this. Videl and I are no more. It's done. I'm in love with someone else. Or is that too much for you to handle?" Gohan asked, standing up with his hands pressed to the table.

Chichi leaned into his face, her eyes gleaming with desperation, "You… you let a perfectly good woman slip through your fingers, and you expect me to just sit back and let it happen? GOHAN! You can still get her back! You can do a million things! Please Gohan!"

"Mom, please, there's nothing to do," said Gohan again, more firmly. "She's not interested in me. Moreover, I'm not interested in her. I'm not even in LOVE with her!"

"How can you say that Gohan? You two were so perfect, so compatible! You have to be insane not to want to win her back!" Chichi wailed, pressing her hands to her ears. "And it was all going so well! Gohan, please… I'm begging you!"

"You're begging me? Mom, the only reason you want me to be with her is because of her money! You don't love her, you love her inheritance!" Gohan frowned.

"That's a lie!" Chichi shrilled. "She's a perfect addition to this family!"

"I won't marry her just because she's rich! I respect her too much!" Gohan shouted back, his face flushing as red as hers. "That's the WORST reason to marry someone and I can't use her as your meal ticket!"

"How dare you!" Chichi screamed, lunging at him. Her hand flashed towards his face, but Gohan stepped back.

"How dare you speak to me like that? You…" Chichi hollered, advancing on Gohan with fury in her face. A red aura of power seemed to crackle around her.

"Chichi, now don't go overboard…" Goku warned, leaping out of his chair as Gohan backed away. He reached over and grabbed her upraised wrist, ready to strike Gohan across the face.

"Let me go, Goku! Gohan, you had better take that back now! Apologize at once!" Chichi warned.

"Apologize for what? For the truth? Mom, look at yourself! You don't even care about me wanting to be with someone I love?"

"Who… who's the mystery person you say you love more than her? I want to know what… what hussy distracted you from… I bet it's one of those city girls! Dammit Gohan," Chichi continued to rage, only held back from attacking him by Goku's arms grasping her wrists from behind.

"Trunks is NOT a hussy!" Gohan retorted. "Don't you DARE speak about him like that!"

"Trunks?" Goku blinked, mildly surprised. "You mean Trunks is the one you're in love with?"

"What are you talking about?" Chichi continued to rant, trying to break free of Goku's restraining grasp. He was trying not to hurt her but it was making things difficult.

"Yes mom. I'm in love with Trunks Briefs," Gohan announced, feeling a sense of resolve building in him.

"You… you mean to say… you can't be…" his mother stammered, her body leaning back towards Goku's. "Are you serious… but Trunks is… he's… that's just not natural!"

"And marrying someone for their money is?" Gohan laughed harshly. "You never cared about what I wanted, Mother. All you cared about was how good I made you look. You never ONCE gave a damn about what I wanted!"

Like a marionette with strings cut Chichi reeled hard against Goku. "But… but… Gohan… I how can you say that! You're my son! I only wanted the best for you! How can you betray me like this! After all I've done?"

"After all you've done, Mother?" Gohan sneered, disgust filling him. "What have you done, MOTHER? Terrorized me from day one, and if I so much stepped out of line I was reprimanded! You verbally abused me for years if I so much as wanted to PLAY. I was AFRAID of you! Because if I didn't do what you wanted you would make me feel like I was insignificant!"

"G… Gohan…" Chichi stammered, feeling Goku standing behind her. He said nothing but simply held her up from behind.

"You never let me even think I had dreams of my own, Mother. All these years you treated me as if I was putty to be molded into your image of what I should be. I was worthless unless I did everything you said! You called me a MONSTER because of my Saiyan side. You never once accepted who I was. A warrior as well as a scholar!" Gohan continued, his heart pounding as the words poured out of him.

"That's not true…" Chichi shook her head, tears welling up in her eyes. "I sacrificed EVERYTHING for you! This is the thanks I get. It's all that Piccolo's fault! He's turned you against me!"

"Piccolo only helped me see the truth, Mother," Gohan sighed, his eyes shut for a moment. "If not for him we'd be DEAD now. Did you ever THINK of that?"

"But… that doesn't' matter! Gohan, your education, your LIFE is everything! How can you say such things! That horrible Piccolo has twisted you against me! And now that… that sweet boy is nothing but a delinquent!" his hysterical mother sobbed.

"Mother, you're so wrong. Trunks is everything to me. And I won't have you slandering his name or Piccolo's!"

"Gohan, please," Goku answered, his eyes filled with what appeared to be sadness. "Chichi, he's trying to explain himself."

"Father, don't even try. She doesn't care about what I want. Or about what you want," Gohan threw up his hand and snorted.

"That's wrong Gohan. She loves you… we both do," Goku frowned. Chichi turned in his arms, sobbing into his chest uncontrollably.

"Father… you don't give a damn about me either. Where were you when we needed you? You were DEAD. As if, the great and noble savior of earth is beyond having a family. Piccolo was more of a father then you ever were!" Gohan growled.

"Gohan, you don't mean that," Goku whispered, shaking his head.

"He's turned you against your own family! Gohan, please, you're my baby boy! Don't do this! You're killing me!" Chichi wailed. "What have I done wrong?"

"Chichi…" Goku sighed, shaking his head helplessly.

She pushed away from his embrace, and spun on Gohan once more. Tears streaming down her face she advanced on Gohan once more. However, instead of backing away, Gohan stood his ground. When she was only a pace away she turned a hard stare to him, hands on her hips. "All right Gohan, this has gone far enough. I want you to forget this silly notion of being in love with… with whoever it is. In addition, I want you to go apologize and do whatever it takes to get Videl back before I drag you over there myself! And you will START by apologizing to me and your father for all those horrible things you've said… or else!"

"Or else what, Mother? You'll spank me? Lock me in my room? Give me dinner without desert?" Gohan asked, sadness filling his face.

"You will do as I say Gohan as long as you live under this roof. You will follow my rules!" Chichi waggled her finger at him.

"Then maybe I shouldn't' be living here," Gohan answered sadly.

"That's it. If you can't do what your parents tell you, then get out now!" Chichi shrilled.

"Chichi… you don't mean that," Goku said. With her back to him, Chichi didn't even acknowledge Goku was still in the room.

"I mean it! I don't want to see your face until you apologize for this! You ungrateful brat!" she continued.

"Then I'd better start packing," Gohan sighed. "Because my mind isn't going to change."

"FINE! But when you walk out that door, don't come crying back till you learn how to respect your family!" was her answer. Leaving his ranting mother behind Gohan marched up the stairs, head held high. Goku admired his son, feeling a sick emptiness in the pit of his stomach unrelated to food. Just what had he missed, and should he have done something?

After spreading a selection of his best clothes on his bed, Gohan dragged his suitcase from the top shelf of his closet. Goten poked his head around the doorframe tentatively, watching his brother marching back and forth to place more items into the leather battered case. Even the zip up shaving kit he had received as a twelfth birthday present from Grandpa Gyu Mao sat near the folded piles of underwear, socks, and neatly pressed shirts.

"Big Brother, where are you going?" Goten asked, stepping into the room.

"I'm moving out, Goten. I'm afraid I can't live here anymore," Gohan answered truthfully. There seemed no point in sugar coating things for his brother. Eventually he'd hear the story from his parents, and he would rather tell his younger brother himself.

"Why not?" Goten asked, climbing up to sit on his bed.

"Well Goten, Mom and I had an argument. I decided its better if I live somewhere else for a while, till things cool off," his older brother explained, still shifting shirts and other garments together.

"Why? Gohan, please don't' leave me behind!" Goten protested. "Why do you have to go? Mommy didn't mean it when she screamed. She always goes and does the opposite anyway!"

"Goten, please, Mom is very stubborn about some things. It's just that she doesn't realize I'm 18 years old and have my own dreams. She can't keep me under her thumb Goten. I have to have a clear place to think about what I want out of life…" Gohan sighed, sitting down next to his brother.

"But Gohan… I'll miss you! Why can't you stay! And where's big Sissy Videl?"

"Videl's not going to be your big sister, Goten. I'm sorry to let you down, but that was Mom's dream, not mine," Gohan attempted to clarify, seeing Goten's pout.

"Well you said you were in love! But who with?"

"Goten, he's someone you'll be meeting soon. He's very nice, and he's who I want to spend the rest of my life with," said Gohan.

"You're going to marry a guy? That's a little strange," Goten blinked. "But I guess that means I'll have a new big brother?"

"Pretty much, Goten. Don't' worry, I'll write and I'll visit. Whenever you come to visit Trunks you can see me at Capsule," Gohan reassured him, patting his brother on the shoulder.

"I don't want you to go," Goten pouted.

"I wish you could come along. But he's got a small apartment."

"Wow, I didn't think two men could get married, but whatever," Goten shrugged. "I guess that means if I don't like girls I could have a boyfriend?"

Suddenly Gohan blinked at his younger brother. He gave a smiled and ruffled his hair. "No, it just means that you should like girls or boys. It doesn't' matter if you don't' like girls. You should like whom you like and marry whom you want to marry. Whoever you love."

"Okay, whatever you say. But Mommy's not going to kick me out if I don't' marry a girl will she?"

"I don't know Goten. However, one thing is for sure. I'm still your big brother, and I care about you. So don't worry." Leaning over he wrapped Goten in a close hug, feeling his brother's arms squeeze his ribs tightly. Goten sniffled a bit, but struggled not to cry when Gohan released him and folded the case shut so it clicked. Pulling on his Capsule jacket from Trunks, Gohan then picked up his bag of books in one hand, before picking up the case in the other. He squared his shoulders and strode out of his room, Goten trotting behind him.

"G'bye big brother!" Goten waved, as Gohan approached the front door. He turned the knob and swung it open.

"Thanks Goten," said Gohan cheerfully. He sensed his mother's ki in the kitchen and Goku's ki approaching. Wondering if he should bother to wait, he glanced around for a last look at his once and former home.

"Gohan wait. Don't leave like this!" Goku suddenly interrupted, standing to his right. Hearing those words tore an unpleasant memory from Gohan's past. How many times had Goku just waved goodbye on the way out on some new adventure? Especially when his power pole was slung across his back and Chichi barely had time to protest further.

"Dad, don't try to stop me," Gohan sighed, emotionally drained. Having to face his father again was more than he could stand because he could feel another harangue just on the tip of his tongue.

"I know you've got your mind made up, but you could at least say goodbye to your dad?" asked Goku, his eyes clouded with regret.

"You're right. Goodbye Father. I'm going now," Gohan answered. Now it was his turn, and he decided reciprocity was only fair. If his father expected a huge emotional scene, Gohan wasn't going to oblige.

"But Gohan, you're really leaving?" asked Goku incredulous. "When your mother finds out… I don't know what she'll say."

"I guess I am. Just say goodbye to mom for me. She knows the drill," Gohan nodded, matter of fact. All the time he stared past Goku as if he didn't exist.

Goku moved between his son and the now opened door, "Wow, you're really serious… are you going to Trunks?"

"Where else?" Gohan shrugged, not facing his father. "I'm sure he'll take me in."

"He's going to go marry some guy he loves, Daddy," Goten chattered, nipping about their ankles like a lively puppy.

"Geez, so you really ARE in love with Trunks," Goku scratched his head. "I guess I was so busy training I missed that. I mean I heard he was back but…"

"Dad, I have to go now," Gohan said sternly. "You'll probably see me at capsule if you come by to use the gravity room."

"But Gohan, aren't you going to give your old man a hug?" Goku asked. Goten stood there thoughtfully his finger tapping his lips.

Gohan didn't answer. He simple strode past his father and out the door without looking back. Goku reached out a hand to stop him but then retracted it. He could sense the quiet calmness that spoke more loudly then words could. Something told him his son didn't want much more to do with him at this moment. Sighing, Goku closed the door behind his elder son as he marched into the night. Ki wreathed him, and soon he blasted off to a small star on the horizon.

"Goodbye Gohan," Goku waved sadly. "I never thought I'd be the one left behind… while you left…"

Emptiness filled him. Suddenly Goku realized for himself what it was like to be brushed aside. He had always assumed Gohan or Chichi would be there, waiting for his return patiently. That was just how the world worked. Yet to see his son so cold and aloof, it reminded him of Vegeta. How had he gone wrong? Did Gohan feel some need to push him out because he had failed as a father?

"I know I wasn't the best father, Gohan… but I wish…" Goku trailed off. Goten wiped tears from his eyes. Leaning down Goku squatted by his younger son who was staring expectantly out the door.

"I want Gohan back!" Goten sniffled.

"I'm sorry, but he's… gone…" Goku answered.

"Yeah," Goten answered, chin wobbling.

"Goten… I…" Goku stammered.

Not knowing what else to do, Goku wrapped his arms around his younger child. Goten didn't resist, and buried his face in his father's blue shirted chest. Clinging tightly to folds of cloth he started to sob. Tears soaked into Goku's shirt and he slowly stood up, carrying Goten on his hip. He couldn't stop a tear of his own as he carried the younger demi to bed. Gohan was gone, and there was nothing to be done. Somehow going after him would be wrong. It was his choice, and he had made it clearly.

Through the darkness of night Gohan flew, droplets of water still pelting his energy trail. He did not bother to hide his ki signature, soaring along from West Province 439 towards Satan City. Far better, it was to alert Trunks to his arrival, Gohan figured. Tightly his hand clutched the grip of the suitcase and backpack he carried with a few meager possessions. He had the feeling he would not need much at this point.

Like a lighthouse beacon, he homed in on the azure ki. This would be his guiding force rather than the wishes of others. HE would forge his own destiny with Trunks, side by side. No longer would his mother live vicariously through him or his father take him for granted. One regret was that he could not bring Goten. Yet he would keep a close eye on his little brother once he was established in his new abode.

Gohan felt numb inside, from the efforts of composing himself. He knew as soon as he touched down and arrived at his destination the mask would crumble and tears would burst forth. As it was, he could hardly keep the tears from blurring his vision. Downright rejection from his mother and confusion from his father hardly dissuaded this conclusion. Only Goten seemed to accept the situation in his usual childlike way. Was this because of the possibility that Goten only had interests however young in Kid Trunks? It was too early to tell.

Gracefully he arched down towards the parking lot. He toyed momentarily with the idea of rapping on Trunks window, but figured it was better not to draw any more attention to him. Leather shoes touched lightly down on the rain soaked asphalt. Overcast skies reflected the orange haze, hanging over the city like a pall. The absence of twinkling stars tugged his spirits down a few notches. From the front door, he could see movement, a dark figure running rapidly towards him.

"Gohan..." echoed thoughts in his mind.

"Trunks," Gohan answered, letting his suitcase and bag drop. Shakily he moved forwards, as if in a dream. Indeed, he now surrendered to long withheld emotions, paying the price for his calm and collected demeanor earlier. There was only so much he could hide, and in front of his love, he could let it all go. Not even looking up he fell into the outstretched arms held up to catch him. Burying his face in the hollow between neck and shoulder, he deeply inhaled the reassuring scent.

"Shh, easy there Gohan. Let's get you inside," Trunks answered, not even bothering to ask Gohan why he was here, or what happened for that matter. One glance down at the bags a few paces away told him all he needed to know. Lifting his head from Trunks shoulder, Gohan stared up into the warm concerned blue of his lover's eyes. Inside his stomach twisted and convulsed in knots along with his lungs heaving in and out for air. Swallowing his sobs Gohan could not keep his chin from wobbling so he clenched his jaw tightly.

"I came here because... I..." he began.

"Let's get your things and get you inside Gohan. Tell me all about it once we've gotten you a hot drink and out of those wet clothes," Trunks said with a teasing wink. Letting go of Gohan, he still kept one hand in contact with his body, sliding it along to wrap around his lover's shoulders. Almost sleepwalking in his misery Gohan let Trunks lead him over to retrieve the case and book bag.

"That was supposed to be a joke to cheer you up, Gohan," Trunks reprimanded him, seeing the tears trailing in columns down Gohan's smooth cheeks.

"S... sorry Trunks. I'm not in a great mood now," Gohan apologized, grasping his bag.

"No, I'll carry the case. I insist," trunks said, tugging him along towards the front door.

Gohan pressed tightly to Trunks side on the walk through the lobby, and the ride inside the posh elevator. His eyes wanted to glance down at his shoes more than his surroundings, for he warred for self control. Still he shivered, accepting the warmth radiating from Trunks body, and clinging to the sold strength of his frame.

When the doors dinged open Trunks grasped his hand and urged him out. Gohan felt the world graying out around him as he retreated somewhere inside himself. He had perfected a reaction over the years to emotionally distance himself from his immediate surroundings. At that moment, he realized how long he had been in this mode; since dinner around the Son Family table. Split into two halves, the rational Gohan sat back as a spectator while the emotional Gohan silently bit his lip and forced back his tears.

"Gohan, don't hold it all in like that. You'll make yourself sick," Trunks whispered, rubbing his back as they walked along the hall to his apartment. Stopping by the door, he then set down the case and fished in his pocket for his key lanyard. Gohan glanced down to notice flannel slippers and sweatpants, and then trailed up Trunks figure to behold the raincoat he had thrown on. It was evident that Trunks must have dressed in a hurry to rush out to meet him.

Deprived for a second from contact with Trunks body, Gohan struggled to keep his knees from buckling. It seemed all strength was drained from his body, his stomach rumbling. No doubt, he had failed to eat enough at the dinner table. Not that he could stomach his mother's cooking anyhow after the verbal harangue. Trunks gentle shakes snapped him back to reality again, and he somehow gathered things up and entered the apartment.

Peace fell like a blanket once he stood inside the quiet dimness. Vertical blinds were open to reveal the twinkling stars of city lights. Behind him the door clicked shut, banishing the outside world and with it Gohan's last reservations. Grasping Trunks outstretched hand Gohan allowed himself to let out an audible sob. It sounded so loud in the apartment's silence. Instantly fingers pried the case and strap from his hands, and pulled him forwards. Pressing his face into Trunks collarbone Gohan leaned fully against him.

"That's it Gohan, just cry. I am not going to ask you to hold it back. Just let it out," Trunks encouraged, squeezing him tightly. Gohan's hands slid up Trunks back diagonally, gripping great folds of Trunks top between them. Trunks did not care that Gohan was soaking wet or sopping into his dry clothes.

Somehow, Gohan had to force himself to make any noise because he had grown so accustomed to crying silently. He knew that audible sounds of sobbing and weeping added to emotional expression and it felt good to release the pent up tightening in his chest. He was accomplished at letting tears flow, but anything past sniffles seemed forbidden. For a few minutes, Trunks simply held him, letting Gohan give voice to his sorrow. Then he released him to cup his cheeks with both hanks and press his brow to Gohan's.

"Listen to me Gohan, you don't ever have to hold back or pretend you're something you're not as long as you're with me," Future Trunks said firmly, eyes steadily locking into his. "You always have a place with me."

"I know, but it hurts like hell," Gohan answered. "It took all I had to just leave there without screaming and yelling... or letting them see me cry."

"Gohan, I know it's not going to be easy, but you must have been very brave to come here this time of night. I am sure it was the hardest thing you've had to do. Am I right in assuming your parents didn't take the news of us being together really well?"

"N...no," Gohan half laughed. Trunks wiped away the tear with his thumb.

"Let's get you into something dry, and sit down. I put on water for tea, and you look like you could use something to calm you. It's freezing out there and ki or no ki, you're soaked and chilled to the bone," Trunks patted his back, aiming him towards the sofa.

A few minutes later Gohan leaned back on the sofa, wearing a pair of sweatpants, and one of Trunks warm flannel shirts. He reached up to accept the cup of hot broth that Trunks handed him, holding it for warmth between his fingers. Trunks sat next to him, putting down a tray of sandwiches and two cups of hot chocolate. Hip touching Gohan's Trunks wrapped his arm around the younger demi. Gently he pressed a kiss to Gohan's cheek, rubbing his shoulder.

"You don't have to talk right now. Just get some of this into you," Trunks said.

Gohan swallowed his bullion eagerly, then set the cup down and accepted the mug of hot chocolate. After a swing, he said, "Mom totally lost it. You should have seen her face. She looked as if she was going to have a stroke. And Dad... he just sat back and said nothing... nothing..."

"I'm not surprised. I am sorry to have put you through that Gohan. I didn't expect this to happen... this way..."

"She said as long as I lived under her roof I lived by her rules. I pretty much told her I figured I needed to live elsewhere. So here I am..."

"But I'm glad you came here. IT was the right choice," Trunks soothed, squeezing Gohan's free hand not holding the mug.

"I'm glad Trunks. However, what about tomorrow at school? I mean won't that create a problem for you if they find out that a teacher's taken up with a student?" asked Gohan.

"Let's worry about that when it happens. Besides, if it gets to be an issue, we'll move back to Capsule," Trunks nodded.

"But my scholarship..."

"Capsule can give you a scholarship Gohan. You don't need to worry about money, food or those things," Trunks said.

"But I can't ask you to..."

"We're in this together Gohan. Are we or are we not lovers?" Trunks reprimanded him. "I want to help you Gohan. Can't you accept what I am freely offering, and stop trying to always take things on that you shouldn't? Like your parent's happiness?"

"I know Trunks but I'm just not used to leaning on someone like this..."

"It's not that hard to accept my love Gohan. All you have to do is be yourself. Let me love you, and accept what I have to offer. Because if you don't receive it, how can you give love?" Trunks asked him. Gohan set down his mug and turned to Trunks. The deep soft kiss both astonished and silenced him in a satisfying way. Gohan sealed his future with that kiss. He was ready to accept what Trunks had wanted to give all those years so freely. In return, he had so much more to gain, and nothing to lose by opening himself to a relationship that forever bound him to his lover. In putting his own happiness foremost this time, he had gained far more than he could have imagined.