An old mansion could be seen with cracked windows, rickety stairs, peeling paint and a roof with half of its tiles gone

So, I decided to do another story. This one is already longer than the other one, and it's only one chapter! Anyway, I know the idea for another season is quite unoriginal, and some parts may be taken of other stories. Sorry if it is!

An old mansion could be seen with cracked windows, rickety stairs, peeling paint and a roof with half of its tiles gone. In front of it is a yard with lifeless trees and a murky lake. A wolf is heard howling before a host with shiny white teeth suddenly appears on screen.

"Yo! I'm Chris McLean and we're live from the historic Wawanakwa mansion for the second season of Total Drama Island, or in this season's terms; Total Haunted Mansion! We are waiting for the 23 teenagers that have volunteered their doom! This is how it works!" Chris starts walking around the mansion. "The Every week, these teens will have to endure bone breaking challenges, Chef's Hatchet's cooking and each other! The winner of these challenges will get invincibility! The losers…"

Chris pauses for a while as he stops at an eerie looking graveyard, "will vote someone off. Invincibility at this point is in the form of gummy shrunken heads!" he holds up one that looks like himself, then throws it into his mouth. "Strawberry! The person who does not receive a shrunken head of yours truly will have to walk through the yard of despair and take a trip on the taxi cab of doom!"

The front of the mansion is seen again.

"All the campers from the fast season will be here! And here comes our first camper, er, I mean, tenant now!"

A taxi is seen approaching as a redhead in a green top with a green cloth tied around her waist was kicked out. "Wait! Don't you wanna hear about the time I caused a fire in school and was like, nearly expelled?"

"Izzy! What have I told you about telling stories? And didn't you wear that dress last time?" Chris looked confused and disgusted at the same time.

"Oh, yeah! But I thought I'd be like, lucky if I wore it this time, too!"

"Okay, sure, just stand over there, away from me please!"

"Sure! But first, did you know about the time I-"

"And here comes our next camper!" Chris interrupted, receiving a killer glare from Izzy. Out of the taxi came a strong looking brunet in his signature red tracksuit came out. He tripped on a tree root and fell down, his suitcases nearly missing Izzy.

Chris chuckled a bit as Izzy said, "Wow! That was close! Like the time I had this toy rocket, see? And I lit it, but then it like totally hit my neighbor's house, and it exploded! Whew! Lucky no one was in it, and that they didn't sue me! But they did issue a restraining order, which was really uncalled for! I mean that was by accident and-"

"Okay, this is Tyler," Chris interrupted again, ignoring Izzy's glare. "Welcome to the mansion, man!"

"Thanks!" Tyler replied. And walked over next to Izzy. A third taxi arrive, unusually larger than the others, as is the person inside it.

"Woohoo! It's so awesome to be here, again!" the 296 pound of joy cried out and ran over to hug Chris.

"Oof! Welcome, Owen, again!" Chris said, nearly suffocating.

"Is this where we're staying? It looked a lot different on the letter!"

"Oh yeah, about that. That's how this mansion looked BEFORE it was abandoned!"

"Oh. Woohoo!" Owen ran over, nearly ramming into Tyler and Izzy. "Hey, Iz! D'you wanna-"

"No. I'm dating Justin now!" Izzy said, crossing her arms.

"Speaking of Justin, here he comes!" Chris announces as Justin's theme rang through their ears. Justin stepped out of the taxi, said a "thanks, man" to the driver and walked over to the others without a word. Since the campers arrived were Owen, Izzy and Tyler, Owen was the only one who gazed over Justin like a lost puppy dog.

"Hey Justin! Nice shoes!" Owen commented.

"Owen, I'm wearing sandals," Justin said, and Owen just did a palmface, occasionally saying "I'm stupid".

"Our next camper, the girl you all know and hate! Heather!" Chris said, and a taxi dropped off an Asian girl with a light blue caprice and tight khaki shorts. The other campers stood there, intimidated, except Izzy, who just smiled and waved as if she never met her. "Welcome to the mansion Heather! Hope you don't see any ghosts!" Chris made a spooky (for some people) sound.

"As if!" the most hated girl on television, next to Petey Pete, said, "There are no such things as ghosts!"

"We'll see, Heather, we'll see!" Chris laughed evilly, almost manically. Another taxi arrived, and out stepped the hottest girl to walk the face of the earth, and also the dumbest. "Lindsay, what's up?"

"Hi Chip, Odin, Jordan, Lizzy, Taylor and," she paused a moment to send a glare to Heather. "Holly!"

"Hi to you, too!" replied Chris, who had gotten used to Lindsay's 'dumbness'.

"Well, looks like Lindsay's back!" Heather bent down to pick a twig. "This little twig has about more brains than you'll ever have!" Lindsay ignored her.

"Out next camper, or shall I say campers, are Katie and Sadie!" Chris said, and a taxi arrived, dropping off a two very excited girls in matching pink singlets. They also wore similar shorts they wore from last season.

"Oh my gosh! I cannot believe I'm here again!" Katie spoke first.

"And speaking of that, where are we?" Sadie asked, looking around the ancient house.

"We're in the Wawanakwa mansion, girls! Did I mention it's supposedly haunted?"

"Oh my gosh! Sadie, I'm scared!"

"I am too, Katie!" and the two ran screaming (or more likely squealing) to the others.

"Okay, next is Noah!" Chris said, combing his hair as a taxi dropped off a lanky teenager in a sweater vest.

"Nice mansion. Bought it from the One Dollar shop?" He remarked sarcastically.

"Nope, it was free!" was Chris's 'sly' reply (look! I made a rhyme!).


"I'm gonna ignore that comment! Anyway, that's nine more campers! So welcome Trent and Gwen!"

Gwen looked around. "Hmm, Way to go McLean, I actually kinda like this place,"

"Yeah, sure," Trent agreed, who got used to Gwen's dark tastes.

"I'm sure you do!" Chris said. "No, we're halfway there! Let's bring in the Codmeister!" a taxi pulled in and a boy in a yellow sweater with blue jeans strutted through the yards.

"Hey guys! See Gwen's already here! Just too let you know, the Codmeister is free!"

"Oh, go jump into the lake!" Gwen pointed to the seemingly nearby waters.

"Anything for you!" Cody said triumphantly and did a bellyflop (though it was supposed to be a cannonball) into the lake. "Wow! It's warm in here! You should try!"

"Oh, maybe later," Gwen backed away from the lake.

"Okay, we'll take this time to take a break! We'll be back after these messages!" Chris flashed a smile towards a camera.

Anyway, I'll start the next chapter ASAP! Review, please!