This is a thingy I wrote at about 3 in the morning when I couldn't sleep. It's for my friend haru42 cause it's her birthday this weekend. x) Hope you enjoy. It's unbeta'd so... bear with me.

Battles Lost, Battles Won

Strong, pale hips moved over leathery, scarred skin. Sword calloused hands rested on sweaty thighs as they rocked agonizingly slow. Fingernails dug into biceps and sweat ran down over defined muscles mixing together where the two bodies met, slicking skin and lubricating luxurious movements. Ebony hair fell over equally dark eyes, heavy lidded and glazed over with pleasure.

"You see, Zaraki Taichou…" Byakuya whispered, "It is relatively the same with a man… The same principles apply…"

Kenpachi gripped those hips harder and clenched his jaw. "I came at this like it was a challenge…" he panted, "Now, I'm thinkin' if this was a battle… I'd be losing…"

Byakuya let his head fall forward and he brought his lips down close to Kenpachi's. He breathed across the other man's skin as he moved and touched the pads of his pointer and middle fingers to the larger man's scar. He traced it from forehead to jaw and flicked his tongue out to see how it tasted.

"You seem to have many misconceptions, Taichou…" the Kuchiki heir panted, "This is a battle… but there are no losers here…"

Kenpachi rolled them easily, and braced his hands on the floor. He looked down at the smaller man, his hair fanned out around his head, his skin flushed, his mouth open and moaning as Kenpachi's cock slid in and out of him.

"It isn't a battle if there's no loser…" he growled.

Byakuya reach up with both hands and tangled his fingers into Kenpachi's hair. He pulled hard and the scarred shinigami had trouble controlling his movements. He wanted to pound into the Kuchiki like a common brothel whore, make him scream and cuss as he was taken like a back alley bitch.

But he couldn't. This was Kuchiki Byakuya. He was beautiful and graceful; powerful and terrifying. Kenpachi respected the other man for his power, his poise, his grace in a fight, and his clean, solid wins. Instead of driving hard into him, Kenpachi kept the slow pace and lowered his mouth to Byakuya's neck. He licked up the pale flesh before biting down, hard enough to make a mark, but not to draw blood. He needed to let everyone know that this man belonged to him. He was the only one allowed to do this; the only one powerful enough to do this.

Byakuya let out a harsh breath, and tensed beneath him. Kenpachi felt the warm splash of semen on his chest, and pulled back to watch the other man's eyes fall shut, and a quiet moan slip between partially opened lips. The man was even elegant when he came.

The Eleventh Squad Captain bore down and sped up his movements. He let himself be lost in the touch and feel of Soul Society's most unattainable noble. He reveled in the fact that what they were doing was taboo; something that should be kept secret. He felt his orgasm coming and buried his face in the impossibly soft, black hair. Byakuya's arms came around him and Kenpachi felt nails grate up the flesh of his back. It did him in and he spilled into the tight heat of Byakuya's body. His head spun, and his mouth went dry.

As he came down, he felt Byakuya's arms once again come around him. The soft touch calming his racing heart and pulling him into sleep.

"I am glad of your company this night," Byakuya whispered.

"Well…" Kenpachi murmured, not sure how talk afterwards was supposed to go, "You shouldn't be alone on your birthday…"

"I suppose not…" The Kuchiki sighed. "Thank you anyway…"

Kenpachi smiled. "You're welcome."

Win or lose, this he could get used to.