I don't own KFP.

Note: I'll be changing to 3rd person POV at a later part of this chapter.

This chapter enforces the M rating.

Roses: Chpt. 9

The was harsh on my lungs as I tried to suck in air after scaling one of the cliffs. At first I had been cheerful about my little solo mission, now I wasn't so sure. The mountain was just so menacing. It loomed over me like a creature from my nightmares. But I had to push these thoughts away. It was all up to me now.

I trekked over the mountain top the rest of the day, there were no mercenaries here, no ninjas either. Kinda anti-climatic. I decided to set up my tent in a crevice in the mountain side. The sky overhead had turned that creepy purplish color again making the snow on the mountain look dull and lifeless. Dead.

I curled into a ball and tried to sleep.


"….how much didja say the crossbows were worth again?"


"…at least 50.…."

"…..good thing old Blithe gutted those pigs fer em'"

They're here.

Suri gently grabbed the flap of his tent and peered out. There were two of them, shrouded in the dark, facing the wall of the mountain-side, and a smell of urine floated about Suri's nose. They hadn't seen the tent, concealed as it was.

Gently laying his paw against the bitterly cold and wet ground, he 'unraveled' the wires about his wrist and sent them snaking towards the footpaws of the strangers. The wires mad no noise as they tunneled through the snow, focused only on their target. They gently snaked around the ankles of their prey-


Suri had his paw on the mouth of the one on the left, dangling upside down in the air by his feet, the one on the right had his eyes closed tight and whimpered. Suri took a glance at the new effects of the wires. Blood trickled down from the footpaw of the one on the left down to his thigh, which brought Suri's eyes further down to catch a glace at the creatures crotch. His penis hung limp, the tip still wet with urine. Suri turned to hide a blush, but realizing the matter at hand turned back to the creature and whispered in a menacing tone.

"Where is the ninja?"

The information from the -foxes- had proven priceless. Here they were, all of them, in a wooded area near the summit. Suri just hoped he hadn't hit them too hard, he had left them tied together, unconscious near where he had camped. Suri took all the valuables they had--crossbows, jewelry, daggers-- and left them with a small fire. It was the least he could do for interrupting their bathroom break…..

There was no activity at all in the camp. Strategy was eluding him, go in swinging or take them out one by one. The first could risk his throat, the second could risk him getting caught. But an idea hit him. He snuck out to one of the tents on the far left. After watching for movement, he ducked in and took a peek. The owner was fast asleep in the middle of the empty tent, wrapped in a thick quilt. Of course! The mercenaries weren't supposed to have any of the loot, the two from earlier stole some and fled. The leader, probably this Blithe person, had the first pick of the loot.

A quick survey of the dim, grayish area revealed several small tent and one big one. It was just common sense…. After sneaking over to the big tent, he peeked inside. Inside of said tent was a large male cat with two females at either side of him, all completely naked. Surrounding the threesome were large bags. Suri concentrated on the bags and 'floated them slowly over to him. They jingled just a bit but none of the cats stirred. He then led the bags backwards to the cliffs south of the camp. A glace inside revealed all the gems Suri could ever count. Green, red, blue, all colors, glittery and full of life.

In the second bag was what looked liked gunpowder. He must have missed the cannon that went with this, but it didn't matter. Scattering gunpowder around all the tents and striking the flint from his pack didn't take a cannon. He watched as the campers one by one awoke and scampered back and forth with handfuls of snow, trying to douse the flames. Some panicked and fled from the camp and others stayed only to be caught aflame. It was then that the head honcho and his screeching "play-pals" came out of their tent. He had a look of rage on his face. Suri could just make out the word "traitors" being screamed at the top of his brawny lungs. It was after he had heard this word that the cat begun throwing a set of kunai at random thugs in the blazing camp. He had hit 3 before Suri jumped in.

'Flying forward' Suri sent his knee flying into the cats jaw, who was rocketed backward. The cat lays still, dark-red blood oozed from a corner of his mouth to spill out onto the snow below. Suri turned but as soon as he did he felt pain rocket through his back as a kunai ripped his flesh open. Turning quickly, he wrapped the wires around the left leg of the cat and pulled him into the air. Doing a quick 180 degree turn, Suri sent the cat rocketing down to the frozen earth face first, where upon a rather "rough impact" he had broken his neck and nose. He did not move again.

"Mission accomplished" Suri thought as he made his way back down the mountain, the bags of treasure trailing merrily behind him. "What would Shifu think" he wondered. Maybe he could get Po to cook him something while Crane patched up the gash in his back. Maybe Tigress would even congratulate him. Maybe-

Pain surged up his arm and warmth was sprayed across his right thigh. He held up his paw to see the last two digits gone, replaced with nubs that flowed his life stream.

"Its been a long time Suri"

Suri felt his body being lifted into the air by an unseen force, and then was slammed against the cold stone rocks behind him, then falling into the cold snow below. Looking up he saw a brawny lion trudging toward him. A red velvet cape was cast about his broad back. He wore nothing else save for a small loincloth cast around his hips.

Suri shot the wires from his wrists at the stranger, only to have them crash against an unseen wall. He chuckled and continued forward. Suri lashed them again and again against his captor, each time the wires seemingly slapped away by the air around the lion. Suri stood at just the exact time that the lion pulled a hatchet from behind his back.

Suri barely had time to react when the lion suddenly flew forward, slamming the small axe into Suri's chest, the axe was 'pushed' back before any vital organs were hit, but the force was not enough to stop the blade from shattering Suri's collar bone in half. The lion laughed and grabbed Suri by his already blood soaked robes to chunk him backwards into the snow. The bitter pain of the snow leaking into the crevice in his chest pushed his mind to send several of the knives from his pack pistoning toward the lion. A wave of his hand, and the knives were knocked out of the air. Suri then spread his arms outward and suddenly brought them to cross in front of him. The knives Suri had floating high above either side of the lion came down swiftly in an arc.

The lion spread his arms and gave a twirl. The knives were instantly sucked in like a whirlpool, revolving around the lion. Then giving a violent spin, he suddenly swung both arms forward pointing to Suri. The knives followed. Six lodged themselves in his left arm, stomach and right shouder. Suri fell backwards and collapsed into the snow.

It was over. He felt the last of his strength leak from his body along with his blood which had pooled about him, mixing with the snow to form a reddish slush. His vision became fuzzy and mucked, he could barely make out the lion standing over him. The hulk crouched down and grabbed Suri by his throat, the other hand grabbed one of the knives lodged in his legs and yanked it free, blood flowing forth like it was a cork. He narrowed his eyes and began to speak

"….You actually thought you could win?…..I am the strongest of our kind to ever walk the earth….for about 6000 years actually….." he then opened his eyes a bit wider and brought his mouth near Suri's ear, the knive in his hand ran roughly along Suri's cheek opening a gash which leaked forth a red stream.

"After I've had my fun…..I'll be the only one again…." he chuckled then fell silent, looking over Suri's body like one would inspect vegetables at a market. He then brought his eyes level with Suri's again, then gave a smirk, his large left hand rubbing vigorously against a lump in his loincloth.

"What would the others think if they could see me now?…..Why did it have to be this way…..everything was going so well…..I even took down the bad guy…..and here I am……what would Shifu think…..?"

The lion chuckled again and lifted his loincloth out of the way, his large dark-red member dangling a bit from Suri's face. "Consider this your last meal." he gave a dark look. Just then as he leaned down, Suri's eyes pulsed. A force rang from his body, first violently vibrating the lion then slamming him away. The lion gave a cry of pain and shock as he was flung backwards from the mountain side. Suri was alone then, his body shuddering a bit from the power emitting from his mind, each pulse bringing a fresh squirt of blood from each wound on his body. Then he blacked out.

In a pinkish tint, he saw the Jade palace. He saw Crane waiting for him.

Crane ran his feathers along the wood of his floor. He was worried. The east and south had both been busts, and now Suri was gone. Shifu sent Monkey and Mantis down to the Valley of Peace to see if he was somewhere getting something to eat. He had talked with Po a bit earlier.

"So, uhh….any lucky ladies you have your sights set on?"

"Nah…..being the Dragon Warrior didn't help much there."

"Oh…still, isn't there anyone you'd want to go out with?"

"hmmm….Nope. You want these spicy?"

"That'd be nice. Thanks." ………"Po?"


"You really are a great guy, I'm sure lots of people want to be with you."

"Yeah…haha….I am pretty great."

Crane smiled at the memory of Po's confidence. It made him feel fluttery. Goodness knows he wanted to confess to Po right then and there. But he just couldn't….Po was just so perfect in every way….those beautiful green eyes…..that adorable belly…..that delicious rump…..

Crane had barley noticed that he had been masturbating for about 5 minutes now, using his wing to gently tickle and pump his pink loverod. The thought of the panda holding him down and ravaging him was so…..perfect….

It was then in the peak of his pleasure Crane's body lurched forward as he shot his seed across his body and the floor. He was about to collapse backward to bask in the orgasmic afterglow when he looked out his window to see a figure curled up in the courtyard. Fear brought him out of his sanctuary. He quickly shook off any cum left on his feathers and flew through the window. The figure lay slumped under what looked like a red piece of tapestry. His eyes widened as he saw the blood dried on the stone underneath the figure. He gently pushed it over.

Crane couldn't find his voice.

He couldn't stop his eyes from over flowing.

He couldn't look away.

There in the heap lay a wound-laden Suri. He wasn't breathing. He had been dead for a few hours now.