Ash picked up the telephone receiver and dialed a few choice numbers. It took three rings before the telephone was answered.

"Hello." said a woman. She was not looking at the screen so she did not know who she was talking to.

"Hi, Mom." said Ash beaming.

The woman looked up in surprised. She then smiled at her son. "Ash," she said happily. "I'm so glad you called. I have a surprise for you. Are you on your way home?"

"Um, yes. That's why I called. We're on our way to Pallet Town. We'll be there in a few hours."

"This is perfect." said Mrs. Ketchem. "I can't wait to see Harry again. He's so sweet."

With that she hung up the phone. Ash hung up the phone with a sigh. He looked over at Pikachu who was on his shoulder. "Same old mom." he said.



"Pay attention, Stallion." said Harry as he petted the Ponyta. "I'm going to show you how to make your flamethrower spiral."

Stallion neighed happily showing interest.

Harry and the others were resting in a field not far from the town of Pallet. Harry was training his Ponyta, Misty was feeding Togepi, and Sirius was taking a nap with Umbreon.

"Having a fancy flamethrower would wow the audience." said Harry. "Not that your yellow flame won't do it. Okay, now pay attention."

Harry raised his hand and focused on his power. A hot flame erupted from his palm. At first it was a straight line, then he focused and his flame began to twist and spiral until his flame spelled the name 'Harry'.

"See?" said Harry lowering his hand. "You try."

Stallion nodded and focused. It let out a yellow flame that started to spiral. The flame began to twist, but it got out of control and managed to burn a sleeping Sirius.

Sirius yelped and jumped into the air. He began to run around in circles trying to put out the fire that was burning on his back. Misty looked around and stood up in alarm.

"Sirius," she called. "Stop, drop, and roll!" she told him. But Sirius wasn't listening.

Harry grabbed a Pokeball. "Totodile," he said. "I choose you!" he said throwing the Pokeball and releasing the Pokemon.

"Toto Toto Toto Toto." said Totodile hopping from one foot to another in a dance.

"Water gun!"

"Toto-Diiiiiiiiiiilllllllllllle!" it said as it sent a twisted water gun at Sirius.

Sirius stopped as the water hit him. The flame was put out leaving a sopping wet Sirius standing there.

"Thanks, Harry." he said as water dripped from his head to toe.

"I guess we have to work on that spiraling flamethrower." said Harry as he scratched his head.

"I'm back." said Ash as he came running towards his friends. He stopped in front of them. "I just called my mom. She says she has a surprise for me."

"That's great," said Misty sitting back down. "I'm sure she'll be happy to see you. She'll even be proud that you've won all the badges you need to get into the Pokemon League."

"Yeah." said Ash. "She'll be even prouder when we win the Pokemon League."

"That's the spirit, Ash," said Sirius walking closer to the others. "But don't get too confidence. That could boast your ego too high and cause you to lose."

"I don't have to worry about my ego. We'll win anyway, won't we, Pikachu?"

"Pika!" said Pikachu excitedly.

A laugh reached their ears. They all turned around to see Gary coming out of a bush. He was traveling with a group of girls wearing cheerleading outfits.

"It's Gary." said Ash. "Are you on your way back to Pallet Town?"

"That's right," said Gary. "I'm on my way to tell Grandpa I'm ready to compete in the Pokemon league." he went into his pocket and pulled out a case. He flicked it open revealing several badges. "I now have twelve badges."

"Twelve!?" repeated Ash.

"How many do you two have? Three? Two? None?"

"For your information, we have all eight badges." said Ash going into his pocket and pulling out a case. He flicked it open to reveal eight shiny badges. "And they were a lot tougher to get than your twelve."

Gary laughed. "Does this mean that your Pokemon are that pathetic?"

Ash growled angrily while Harry remembered how much pain he went through to get the Marsh badge and the Earth badge. No other trainer had gone through what he had gone through.

"How about we have a Pokemon battle?" asked Ash. "Then we'll see who's Pokemon are pathetic."

"I can't." said Gary putting his case away. "I don't want to embarrass your Pokemon. How many do you have? Just the Pikachu, Ponyta, Umbreon, and Totodile?"

"No. We have tons of Pokemon."

"Probably Weedle." sighed Gary. "Well, I have to go."

Harry could hear Ash grinding his teeth as they watched as Gary walked away towards the path that led to Pallet Town.

"Oh, that Gary." said Ash angrily.

"Forget about it, Ash." said Sirius putting a hand on Ash's shoulder. "That kid is a loser and isn't even worth your time."

"That's right." said Misty walking over. "Why don't we get to Pallet Town so we can see that surprise your mom was talking about?"

"Okay." said Ash suddenly feeling happy. "I can't wait to see her."


It was afternoon by the time they reached Pallet Town. Harry had been to the town once, but never had explored it. He wondered what fun activities Ash did in his spare time. After all, he wasn't always a Pokemon trainer.

"Hey, Ash," said Misty as they walked through the town. "What's that big building over there?" she asked.

Harry looked at the building she was pointing at. Harry remembered that was the place where he had got his Eevee a year ago. He couldn't believe a entire year passed by since he was last in Pallet Town.

"That's Professor Oak's Pokemon lab." answered Ash. "That's where he researches Pokemon. It's also where all of our Pokemon are resting and where I got Pikachu."

"Pikachu." said Pikachu as it remembered the first day it had met Ash.

"Can we go up for a visit?" asked Misty.

"Sure," said Ash. "But I don't live too far from here so let's stop by my house before we go. My mom can make us lunch."

"Lunch?" repeated Harry. "Sounds good to me. I could use a burger. How about you?" he asked Umbreon.

"Um." said Umbreon happily as it agreed.

"My mom makes the best burgers in all of the town." said Ash proudly. "I'm sure she'll be happy to make you one. It's call the Ketchem Deluxe."

"Well, the Ketchem Deluxe sounds just fine." said Harry rubbing his stomach. "Does it come with a ton of fries?"

"It sure does. And a soda."


Once they turned a corner, Ash broke out into a run. They followed behind him as he led them to a yellow house with a red roof. He stopped in front of them and opened the white gate in front of him. They all stepped inside and entered the house.

"Mom," called Ash. "I'm home." He turned to the others. "This is my house. You can make yourselves at home, but you have to take off your shoes."

Harry took of his shoes using his feet and placed his foot into a pair of green slippers that was standing in front of the door. The slippers felt plush and made his feet feel comfortable.

Once they all were wearing slippers, they stepped further into the living room. "Ash," spoke a voice coming from a door up ahead. "Is that you?"

"Yeah, Mom." answered Ash. "I've brought company."

A woman walked out of the kitchen. She was wearing an apron, cleaning gloves, and smelled of lemon. It was obvious that she had been cleaning something. She looked over at Ash and gave a squeal of joy. She rushed over towards Ash.

"I'm so happy to see you…" she said as Ash opened his arms to hug his mom. "…Pikachu." she finished as she lifted the yellow rodent off of her son's shoulder.

"Pikachu." said Pikachu.

Ash hung his head. Mrs. Ketchem looked around at the company Ash had brought to the house.

"Hello," she said happily. "It's good to see you again, Harry."

"Thank you, Mrs. Ketchem." Harry said politely. "It's good to see you too. This is my godfather Sirius and our other friend Misty."

"It's nice to meet you." said Mrs. Ketchem. "You all must be hungry. Why don't you come into the kitchen and I'll fix you something to eat?"

"That sounds great." said Misty. "Thank you."

It only took Mrs. Ketchem an half hour to cook up some cheeseburgers and French fries. They were at the table enjoying the meal. Mrs. Ketchem had taken a liking to Harry and offered him seconds.

Harry was busy eating that didn't notice the jealous look Ash was sending him.

"Would you like another cheeseburger?" Mrs. Ketchem asked Harry.

"No, thank you." said Harry who's stomach felt as if it was going to burst. "I'm good."

"Guess what, Mom." said Ash trying to get his mother's attention. "We won all eight badges. Now we can compete in the Pokemon League next month."

"That's great, Ash. That makes me so happy. My little Ashy, competing in the Pokemon League."

Ash gave a sigh of relief. He heard footsteps and looked around. A white, clown-like Pokemon was standing in the door way.

"What kind of Pokemon is that?" asked Ash. Everyone looked around.

"It's a Mr. Mime." said Sirius. "It's a miming Pokemon."

"Oh, that's right." said Mrs. Ketchem. "I caught a Mr. Mime, or more like it followed me home."

"Mr. Mime." said the Pokemon happily.

"I found him on my way home from the grocery store. It was starving so I brought it home and fixed it a nice dinner."

"That's so kind." said Misty. "I'm sure Mr. Mime is very grateful to you."

"Mimie is." said Mrs. Ketchem beaming at Mr. Mime. "He's so grateful that he does all of Ash's chores without question."

"Mr. Mime must come in handy." said Sirius. "I can't even get Ash to wash the dishes."

Ash suddenly stood up and everyone looked at him. "Um, thanks for the lunch mom." he said. He looked at the others. "If we're going to see Professor Oak we should go now."

"Okay." said Harry. "Thanks for the lunch, Mrs. Ketchem. It was delicious."

"What a sweetie." she responded. "Mimie, can I ask you to wash the dishes while I go out into the garden?"

"Mr. Mime." said Mr. Mime walking over to the table and beginning to lift up dishes.

Ash and the others went to the living room to put on their shoes while Mrs. Ketchem went out back to the garden.

"It's so nice that Mrs. Ketchem has Mr. Mime to help her with all of the chores." said Misty. "Unlike some people." she added with a glance at Ash.

"Hey," he said. "I do chores. As a matter of fact, when we get back, I'm going to do the vacuuming."

"Are you jealous?"

"Of course not. Now let's go before I change my mind."

When they left out of the door, Ash was still fuming over the fact that Mr. Mime was going to stay at his house. They walked up the road as Ash listed off a number of things that he could do that Mr. Mime couldn't.

"…I've earned eight badges." continued Ash. "Can Mr. Mime do that?"

"You barely did that." said Misty who, like Harry and Sirius, was tired of Ash's mono conversation. "Harry helped you win those eight badges. Especially the Marsh and Earth badge."

Harry's stomach turned at the mention of those badges. Although those were the easiest badge to gain, but it was also the most painful. This was water Harry didn't want to swim in, so he decided to steer the conversation away from the badges.

"I can't wait to see Sandshrew." said Harry. "I bet it misses me."

"Yeah," agreed Sirius. "It was attached to you like a baby to its mother, er, father."

"I want to see all of the Pokemon that are at the lab." said Misty. "Especially the water Pokemon."

They continued talking about the types of Pokemon they would find all the way to Oak's Laboratory. When they arrived they saw tons of Pokemon in a grassy area and numerous water Pokemon swimming in a large pond. They headed for the front door and rang the door bell.

"There you are." said Oak when he opened the door. "I've been expecting you. Gary is already here. Would you like a cup of tea?"

They entered the living room and saw that Gary was already sitting on the couch drinking a cup of tea. A plate of teacakes was sitting in front of him. Harry and the others sat down and Oak poured them each a cup of tea and offered them a cake.

"So." said Oak. "I was just talking to Gary about all of the Pokemon he caught. He has caught quite a few."

"That's right." said Gary. "I bet I have more Pokemon than you and Harry put together."

"You'd win that bet." said Professor Oak. "So tell me," he took a sip of tea. "How was it earning each of your badges."

"It was tough." said Ash while Gary said, "It was easy."

"Really?" said Harry in surprise. "You didn't have a hard time winning your Marsh and Earth badge?"

"Nope." said Gary arrogantly. "Those were two of the easiest badges. Sabrina didn't stand a chance against me and neither did that Giovanni."

"Did Giovanni use a Pokemon you couldn't identify? Like a Mewtwo?"

"A Mewtwo?" repeated Oak. "I find that hard to believe. Are you sure?"

Harry turned his head toward the window. He was one hundred percent sure that he had faced a Mewtwo. That's what Giovanni called it and the Pokedex had no information on it.

"I bet you were dreaming that you went up against a Mewtwo." said Gary bringing Harry's attention back to the room.

"It was a Mewtwo." said Ash angrily. "At least, I think it was. I got there at the last minute and Harry was--"

"That's enough Ash." said Sirius.

"I know." said Professor Oak. "Give me your Pokedex and I'll take a look at them."

Harry, Ash, and Gary reached into their pocket and handed over their Pokedex. Professor Oak went over to a machine and inserted all three Pokedex inside. Data appeared in the monitor's screen above.

"Hmm." said Oak as he analyzed the data. "Gary caught more Pokemon than both of you put together." he said analyzing the data. "Harry and Ash, however, has seen more Pokemon than Gary."

"I've always said catch them now and ask questions later." said Gary.

"Well, I bet our Pokemon are ten times stronger than yours." said Ash. "Let's battle."

"I don't think so. I'm saving all of my battling for the Pokemon League."

Ash looked upset as Professor Oak gave back the Pokedex then he got an idea. "Why don't we compare Pokemon?"

"No." said Gary. "But we can go visit the Pokemon if you want to."

Harry, Ash, Misty, Sirius, Gary, and Professor Oak went out to the back yard where all the Pokemon were playing and relaxing. There was a variety of Pokemon. They all looked well trained due to the Professor's care.

"All of the Pokemon look happy." said Misty.

"Of course," said Gary. "Gramps knows what he's doing."

The ground started shaking as if an earthquake was happening. They turned and saw a herd of Tauros coming toward them.

"It's my Tauros." said Ash. "Hey, guys!" said Ash waving at the herd.

The herd changed directions and headed towards Ash. The others screamed and ran out of the way as the herd came closer. They ran out of the way and Ash was swept away by the Tauros.

"Ash finally got carried away." said Misty.

"Sand! Sandshrew!" came a voice.

Harry turned and saw his Sandshrew and Nidoran running towards him. They jumped and Harry caught them in his arms.

"Hey, guys." said Harry. "It's good to see you."

"Shrew Shrew." said Sandshrew rubbing its face against Harry.

"What a baby" said Gary who was taking a closer look at the Pokemon in Harry's arms.


"I bet your Pokemon aren't strong enough to battle against me."

"I bet they are."

"We'll just see." said Gary. "Let's have a three-on-three Pokemon battle."

"Fine. I accept."

"This should be interesting." said Professor Oak. "I know the perfect place to battle. Follow me."

Professor Oak led them to a grassy clearing away from the other Pokemon. Harry stood on one side of the clearing and Gary stood opposite. He was holding a Pokeball in his hand.

"I only need one Pokemon to beat you." said Gary. "Kingler, I choose you!" he said throwing a Pokeball releasing a large crab-like Pokemon.

"A water type." said Harry. "I know who to choose." he said grabbing a Pokeball. "Chikorita, I choose you!" he said throwing the Pokeball.

"Chika!" said Chikorita as it came out of the ball. It then turned around and jumped on Harry's shoulder and licked him.

"Thanks, Chiky," said Harry. "But we're in the middle of a battle."

Chikorita jumped down and got into a battle position. Just then Ash came walking over. His hat was on sideways and he looked a little windswept.

"What's going on?" asked Ash as he observed the field.

"Gary challenged Harry to a Pokemon battle." answered Misty.

"What!?" exclaimed Ash. "You'd battle him, but you won't battle me?"

"Since you're such a loser," said Gary. "You can go first."

"Alright," said Harry. "Chikorita, let's start this off with a razor leaf."

"Chika!" said Chikorita.

"Cut those leaves, Kingler." said Gary.

Chikorita sent a series of razor leaves at Kingler. Kingler raised its sharp pincers and cut the leaves. They fell to the ground like shredded paper.

"Bubble attack." called Gary.

Kingler released bubbles out of its mouth. They headed towards Chikorita, but it blocked the attack with the large leaf on its head, by spinning it around.

"Vine whip."

Chikorita extended its vine whips towards Kingler, but the crab grabbed them in its pincers and pulled Chikorita forward and into the air. Kingler sent Chikorita crashing into the ground before lifting it up again and crashing it into the ground once again.

Kingler threw Chikorita on the ground. Chikorita rolled over and became motionless.

"Looks like a win for me." said Gary. "Kingler, return." Kingler went inside of the Pokeball. "Great job, Kingler." he said to the Pokeball before putting it away.

"Chikorita, return." said Harry. Chikorita went in the Pokeball. "You did a great job." he said to the ball.

"Ready to give up?"

"I'd never give up." said Harry. "You still have to win another battle."

"It won't take long." said Gary arrogantly. He grabbed a Pokeball. "Arcanine, I choose you!" he said throwing the Pokeball.

Arcanine came out of the Pokeball. It looked similar to Sirius', but it was a darker color. It looked strong.

"Go, Umbreon." said Harry pointing at the field.

"Breon." said Umbreon running onto the field.

"That Umbreon looks pretty strong." said Gary. "But its not strong enough to beat my Arcanine. We'll start this time. Flamethrower!"

Arcanine let out a flamethrower, but Umbreon quickly dodged it. Arcanine continued to use flamethrower and Umbreon dodged them all. Umbreon dodged the last flamethrower and landed feet from Harry.

"Arcanine, fire blast!"

Arcanine let out a powerful fire attack. It was the size of a giant man and took up the entire field. Fire blast was a hard attack to dodge on a small field. Umbreon couldn't go around it, couldn't go over it, couldn't go under it…

"Let's go through it." said Harry.

"Huh?" said Misty in surprise. "Harry, you can't send Umbreon through that. It'll burn up."

But Harry didn't pay her any attention.

"Umbreon, shadow ball!"

Umbreon opened its mouth and a dark, energy ball formed. Umbreon released it and it turned white. The shadow ball hit the fire blast attack creating a large hole in the middle.

"Good." said Harry. "Now pretend you're in the circus and jump through."

Umbreon ran forward and jumped straight through the hole avoiding the fiery attack. Harry used a water gun attack to stop the attack from reaching him.

"Not bad." said Gary. "But its going to take more than that to beat me."

"We're just getting started. Umbreon, iron tail!"

"Use another fire blast!"

Umbreon ran forward and leapt into the air, but before it could prepare the iron tail attack it was hit by Arcanine's fire blast. Umbreon landed on its feet, twisted around and fell. "Arcanine, use take down!"

"Umbreon, we've only got one attack. Use shadow ball at full blast!"

Umbreon opened its mouth and a dark, energy ball formed. It grew larger than the last one and when Umbreon released it it was a evil red color. The attack hit Arcanine and it sent him flying. Arcanine rolled across the ground and became motionless.

"That was powerful." said Sirius. "I didn't know Umbreon could do that."

"Harry must have been training a lot with Umbreon." said Oak.

"Great job, Umbreon." said Harry. "You've tied the score."

"Um." said Umbreon happily. "Breon!" it cried as it tried to stand up. It fell back onto the ground.

"Umbreon, what's wrong?" asked Harry as he rushed over to his Pokemon. He knelt down and began to examine it. "Where does it hurt?"

"Breon. Umbreon Umbreon." said Umbreon.

"You…you twisted your paw?" said Harry understanding exactly what Umbreon had said.

"Poor Umbreon." said Misty.

"And there aren't any Pokemon Centers in Pallet Town." said Ash.

"Wait," said Gary digging into his pocket. "I have something that will take the pain away." He pulled out a small pill and walked over to Umbreon. He knelt down. "Here. Take this."

Umbreon looked down at the pill before placing it in its mouth and swallowing it.

"How do you feel?" Harry asked it.

"Breon. Umbreon!"

"Pika Pika!" called Pikachu.

"Umbreon." responded Umbreon beaming at Pikachu.

"That's great." said Harry petting Umbreon behind the ears. Umbreon must have liked that because it started wagging its tail.

"I've never seen Umbreon act like that before." said Ash. "It must be sick."

"It's not sick." said Gary. "Umbreon is happy because Harry is rubbing its favorite spot."

"Favorite spot?"

"Sure." said Sirius. "Every Pokemon has a favorite spot no matter how nasty they are."

"Hm? I wonder where Pikachu's favorite spot is?"

"That's easy." said Misty. "Pikachu likes being rubbed under its chin. Right?" added Misty rubbing Pikachu under the chin.

"Pika." said Pikachu happily.

"Let's continue the match." said Gary standing up. He moved back to his original position and returned his Arcanine. Umbreon moved off the field. "Nidoqueen, go!" said Gary throwing a Pokeball and releasing his Nidoqueen.

"Nidoqueen." muttered Harry. "That's a ground type. Who should I use?"

Before Harry could consider a Pokemon, Nidoran ran out onto the field looking determined.

"You wanna battle?"

"Ni Ni." said Nidoran nodding.


"Be careful, Harry." said Sirius. "Nidoran is up against its final evolved form."

"I know. I know." said Harry.

"Can he win?" asked Misty. "He's never used Nidoran before and Nidoqueen looks like it has loads of experience."

No one answered her. They were waiting for Harry or Gary to called their first attack.

"Don't even think of using poison attacks because they won't work." said Gary. "Nidoqueen, take down!"

Nidoqueen began to run towards Nidoran causing the ground to shake like an earthquake was occurring.

"Nidoran, roll over." said Harry.

Nidoqueen was a foot from Nidoran when Nidoran rolled over like a dog, avoiding the attack.

"Ni Ni." said Nidoran happily.

"Use your hyper beam!"

Nidoqueen began to charge its hyper beam. Harry had to do something quick or he would lose this match to Gary.

"Nidoran, dodge it and use scratch."

Nidoqueen launched its hyper beam. Nidoran jumped high into the air avoiding the attack. It landed on Nidoqueen's head. Nidoran began to scratch away at its head. Nidoqueen roared in pain and began to run around trying to rid itself of Nidoran.

"Hang in there, Nidoqueen." said Gary. "Get rid of that pest."

"Hang on." said Harry. "Keep scratching away."

Nidoqueen continued to run around. It suddenly tripped and went head first into a tree. Both Pokemon fell to the ground.

Harry rushed over and picked up Nidoran.

"Are you okay?"

"Ni Ni." answered Nidoran.

"This match is a draw." said Oak. "A marvelous display."

Gary merely shrugged and returned his Pokemon. He walked away without saying another word.

"That was awesome, Harry." said Ash he and the others approached. "We've got the Pokemon League in the bag."

"I doubt it." said Harry who was not happy with the draw. "We'll be up against strong trainers."

"We're strong trainers." said Ash.

"Not yet we're not." said Harry. "If we train harder we will be. Next up, the Pokemon League where we'll take our test our battle skills.

Author's Notes:

This is the end of the Adventure. Next up, the Pokemon League. Add me to your Author's Alert list if you want to know when I'll post the first chapter to the Pokemon League.

Sorry about the slow update. I had writer's block and then I had to decide whether or not I wanted to make the Pokemon League another story. Each League will be its own story. So I'll have the adventure and then the leagues. I hope that makes sense. Don't forget to review.