Summary: After being forced to stay with her aunt for the summer, Kimberly Hart thought that it would be one of her most boring summer's ever. When she meets a guy will all of that change?

Disclaimer: Don't own Power Rangers. I only own the plot.

Kimberly Hart stood in her bedroom as she emptied the bags of clothes she purchased she had gone on a little shopping trip with her friends for the summer. She had just gotten into the first week of her summer vacation and she was already loving it. She had been having fun so far but she couldn't wait to get further into the summer so her fun could really begin. She had finished her sophomore year and when she returned to school in September she would officially be a junior and she couldn't wait. Kimberly smiled as she held up the bikini she bought and she smiled she couldn't wait to wear it.

"Kimberly!" Caroline Hart called to her daughter as she walked into the house. "Come downstairs I need to talk to you!" Kimberly sighed and she placed the bikini down, she probably wanted to talk to her about the divorce going on between her parents. Kimberly placed her hair in a high ponytail before she exited her room. She walked down the stairs and she spotted her mother in the living room. "Hi sweetie! Come sit down let's have a talk" Kimberly sat down on the sofa and she sat back with a raised eyebrow.

"What do we have to talk about?" Kim asked as she twirled her ring around her finger. The last time her mother called her down stairs 'to talk' was when she told her that she and Kim's father were getting a divorce. Kimberly let a soft sigh escape from her lips and she licked her lips.

"Well seeing that you're father and I are getting a divorce and I know you hate being around a lot of drama so I decided that it would be best if you went away for the summer" Caroline said. Kim's jaw dropped and she gapped at her mother in shock. "With you're Aunt Camille in Angel Grove, California"

"Angel Grove? I've haven't been to that place since I was 7" Kim said standing up. "How can you send me some place without consenting me on anything?"

"Because I'm the parent and what I decide goes" Caroline replied. Kim scoffed and she stomped her foot on the floor.

"MOM! I don't know anyone my age in Angel Grove. All of my friends are here how could you do this to me?" Kim asked.

"Kimberly this is for the best I know you don't see it that way now but later you will" Caroline said trying to assure her that she will have a good time.

"You don't know that! I need to be around my friends during hard times like this, not with an aunt I haven't seen in a long time or with people I don't even know" Kimberly replied trying to keep herself calm. "Please just think this over and you'll see what this is going to do to me"

"Kimberly I've already thought this through and you are leaving in a few days" Caroline said. Kimberly screamed in frustration, she huffed then she turned around and stomped her way upstairs. She couldn't believe her mother was doing this to her. Kimberly got into her room and she closed her door and she locked it. She jumped on her bed and she grabbed her pillow and she screamed into it. Sure she knew that she was acting like a little kid but she didn't care her mother was the one treating her like a kid with her 'because I'm the parent and what I say goes' crap.

This was supposed to be her summer of fun, there was supposed to be a lot of pool parties BBQ's at some of her friends house. But all of that was shot down when her mom dropped the bomb on her that she was going to be gone her whole summer vacation. She was very young when she last went there and she wouldn't know anybody there. Why should she be isolated just because her parent's marriage failed? They should be the ones to go on a vacation together to sort things out and to hopefully restore their marriage. Kimberly sat up on her bed and she pulled her pillow close to her chest. Her life was about to be ruined all because of one summer. She heard a knock on her door but before she could reply her mother walked inside and she closed the door behind her.

"What's the point of knocking if you're just going to walk in?" Kim asked rhetorically as she tucked a loose strand of hair that fell from her ponytail behind her ear.

"Kim listen I know your upset but I promise you that this is all for the best. I don't want you to be in this court room drama" Caroline said. Kim huffed.

"Mom if I stay here I won't be around any 'court room drama' I'll be out with my friends" Kimberly replied using air quotes for court room drama. "I'll be fine I need to be around my friends"

"You'll be making new friends in Angel Grove honey. Beside I already got you you're ticket so you are leaving" Caroline replied. Kim gasped softly she seriously wanted her to leave even if Kimberly didn't want to go.

"I should have a say in this matter mother" Kim said with a smile. "You can't just say I'm going away for the summer and I have no say in the matter" Caroline placed her hand on Kim's knee and she smiled at her daughter.

"Kimberly watch you will have a good time in Angel Grove. I spoke to you're aunt and she said that there are a lot of fun things for someone you're age to do. They have a juice bar it's the local hang out, and of course there are malls and you can got to the beach!" Caroline said. "Don't think of it as a prison sweetie you'll enjoy it" Caroline stood up and she kissed Kim's forehead. "Just think about it okay?"

"Whatever" Kim muttered as she walked out. There had to be some law against sending a person against their will to a place they don't want to go to right? Kimberly huffed and she looked around her room she would be leaving her beautiful room soon. She hadn't seen her aunt Camille in a long time and it would be so weird staying with her for her summer vacation. And she never heard of her having kids or anything so she would be basically alone the whole time she'll be there. Kimberly sighed and she scratched the back of her neck, it seems that there was no way out of this situation so she would have to deal with it.

The next day Kimberly was sitting out in the back yard of her friend, Amanda Stevens' house. She needed to vent about what her parents were doing to her and Amanda was the perfect person to listen to her. "So my mom is all "I'm the parent so what I say goes'. Can you believe that? I should have a say on where I go right?" Kim asked. Amanda loudly popped her gum as she turned towards Kim and she nodded.

"Totally. You should have a choice on where you go, if I were you I would beg them to send me to Hawaii you can definitely be away from court room drama there" Amanda said moving her red hair away from her face. "Angel Grove of all places? Doesn't you're mother know any other family members that live in cooler place? Like New York or Paris?"

"Sadly she doesn't so I'm forced to go to good ol' Angel Grove, California" Kim replied putting a hand to her forehead. "And of course I don't have a say on where I'm going, my mother already made up her mind" Amanda sighed and she shook her head.

"This is so wrong on so many levels. This is going to be the best summer and you have to miss it this sucks. What if you stay here I'm sure my parents won't have a problem with you staying here. You're like a second daughter to them and half of your clothes are already here" Amanda said. Kim looked over at her.

"Don't you think I already pleaded that case with her? I did it this morning" Kim said. "She already got my ticket so I'm stuck nothing will change" Amanda pouted.

"This sucks! I have to lose my best friend for our whole vacation" Amanda said as she reached over and grabbed Kim's hand and she gave it a squeeze. "Promise to call, write, and send pictures to me?" Kim smiled and she nodded.

"Of course I will. And you better do the same" Kim replied.

"I will don't worry. I'll keep you in the loop while you're gone" Amanda said letting Kim's hand go. "And yeah maybe you'll meet some cute guy down in Angel Grove" Kimberly scoffed and she rolled her eyes.

"Please I'm not interested in hooking up with anyone from there" Kim said. "And what's the point? I'm only going to be in Angel Grove for summer vacation"

"Don't be such a downer!" Amanda said hitting Kim's arm playfully. "You can have fun and it won't have to mean anything. It's just a summer fling I have one every summer"

"Oh trust me I know all about the Amanda Stevens Summer Flings" Kim said. "Don't you feel bad about just leading guys on like that?" Amanda laughed as she put her sun glasses on her head.

"Me? Feel bad? Kimberly please there for my enjoyment if they don't understand that then they are completely stupid" Amanda said. "I'm going to get some more drinks. Do you want another Brisk?" Kim smiled and she nodded.

"Sure" she replied. Amanda smiled and she nodded and she skipped off towards her house. Kim let out a soft sigh that's where Kim and Amanda were two completely different people, Amanda didn't mind hurting a boys feelings she didn't mind hurting anyone feelings in fact. Amanda would have a boyfriend for the summer string him along and then when summer was almost over she would leave them and that's what Kim hated about her she was so heartless at some points.

Kimberly could never start a relationship with someone over the summer and then just break up with them like nothing ever happened between them. She would possibly make friends while she was down in Angel Grove but she would definitely not start a summer romance if she knew that she would just up and leave. She couldn't act as cruel as Amanda was towards some of the guys she dated. So she wouldn't even start up a summer romance because she knew it would only end in heartbreak for the both of them. If only Kimberly would have known what she would experience while in Angel Grove.

AN: So here's my new story I know the first chapter is short but I will be making longer chapters. So please read and review and I hope you all enjoy this story just as much as my other stories.