Thanks to all who reviewed Chapter 15. I amm sorry about this wait that I have put all of you through, but certain things came up in my life and first came that before any writing could be done. Then there was a work problem and then whole fight with parents about school, but not to fear I am continuing my College courses this fall, which starts in less than a week. I do hope that I write more, but as I am going into my Sophmore year of College, we will see.

LA Calleigh
The Sway Wannabe

Thanks again to all who posted a review and because of all of you, I love to write these sorts of stories and now we really dont have to pretend that the actress that plays Calleigh (Emily Procter) pregnant, cause SHE IS PREGNANT IN REAL LIFE! I flipped out at work when I read this. :)

Chapter 16- Your Past/Our Future

It has been two weeks since Calleigh was hospitalized for her gun shot wound and both her and the baby have been doing great. Elizabeth knew that mother was a fighter when she went into surgery, but she has never seen anyone come back from a wound like Calleigh has in such a short amount of time. Last week was a hassle after the fiasco that happened with the nurses and since then, Elizabeth made sure that no one entered the room unless told to do so. She shook her head and laughed a little when Calleigh got the first glimpse of her baby when she did an ultrasound. Calleigh was crying and thanking the skies above that her little miracle was in perfect health.

Grabbing the papers on her desk, Elizabeth walked to Calleigh's room and softly knocked before entering. Upon hearing some noise coming from the bathroom, Elizabeth closed the distance between herself and the closed bathroom door. Knocking softly, she heard a moan come from within before the voice answered her.


Grinning slightly, Elizabeth entered after warning the female of her entrance. Upon entering, Elizabeth saw Calleigh kneeled over the toilet, holding her hair while she groaned after another wave of nausea came forth. Placing her papers on the counter, she went and helped Calleigh by holding her blond hair back as she kept getting sicker.

Finally, after all the nausea passed, Calleigh flushed the evidence down the toilet and was able to lean against the porcelain bowl and catch her breath. Looking at Elizabeth, Calleigh gave her a weak smile before grimacing. The stitches were not fully healed and she didn't feel it when she was throwing her guts up, but now she fully felt the pain in her abdomen.

Gently helping Calleigh stand, Elizabeth helped her exit the bathroom by a hand around her waist. Leading her to the hospital bed, she witnessed Calleigh plop down on the bed before snuggling into the pillow. Elizabeth couldn't help but smile at the blond in front of her. She knew from experience that pregnancy could take a lot out of a woman when she was already weak. She has been through it twice.

Covering the blond with the covers, Elizabeth checked the monitors by her bedside and was happy to see that all was well. Looking at her watch, she noticed that it was almost time for Horatio to return from work and pick her up, but from the way that Calleigh was right now, she wondered if he was willing to let her stay a few more hours so that she could rest. Looking at Calleigh once more, she smiled. Going back into the bathroom, she grabbed her papers and silently left the room, closing the door behind her and telling the on duty nurse that on one was to enter the room, which Calleigh was currently sleeping in. The nurse nodded and went back to work.

Horatio felt bad that he decided to go into work today, knowing full well that his girlfriend was in the hospital, but Calleigh almost forced him to go, so he could not say no to her. Looking at his watch, he only had a few more hours before he had to go pick her up from the hospital, today was her release day and he could not be anymore happier and he bet Calleigh couldn't be either.

Just a few days ago, the baby that Calleigh was protecting was adopted by a couple hoping to have kids, but could never have any. The father was placed in jail the same day that Calleigh was shot. He pleaded that he see his daughter, but was denied access to do so. He apologized for shooting the female, but that she was holding his daughter and all he wanted was his baby back. He said that he didn't know that she was cop, thought that she was another person that wanted to hurt his family so he took action.

He was too engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't hear his close friend enter his office. Not until he felt a pinch on his arm and a wave of a hand in front of his face. Shaking his head, he couldn't help but let out a slight laugh. Looking up at his medical expert, he saw her smile.

"Alexx, what do I owe this visit"

"You were in lala land for a minute there, Horatio." She laughed, "So how is Calleigh doing?" she asked as she took a seat in one of the two chairs he had located in front of his desk.

"She gets discharged today" Horatio told his female colleague, "I am picking her up around two"

"I bet that she is happy"

"I bet so too, she couldn't wait to come back to work and then again when is she never eager to do something"

"That is Calleigh for you" Alexx laughed and so did Horatio, who had a goofy grin plastered on his face. Alexx was about to ask him about his surprise when his cell phone rang.

"Sorry, Alexx, one minute" Horatio told her before he picked his cell off of his desk and answered. He only said a couple of words here and there, but the conversation didn't last long. After saying his goodbye to the person over the line, he let out a small snickered laugh.

"What was it hun?" asked Alexx

"Calleigh" Horatio told her, "Elizabeth went to her room to give her the discharge papers and upon entering, she said that she found Calleigh hunched over the toilet"

"Morning sickness?"

"Sure was, said that Calleigh was too tired and that she had to help her back to bed"

"Well, she will have more to come during this pregnancy. I would know, I had to go through it twice with my kids" Alexx laughed, "Which reminds me, are ya'll going to have more?"

"More? I don't know if Calleigh wants to have more. Not like this little one was planned at all, but you will have to ask the woman carrying them first. She is the one that will be doing all the work and knowing Calleigh, she won't want to be out of work for such a long amount of time, not even after the baby is born"

"Nice. So, are you going to ask her one day? How long has it been now? Almost six months?"

"It's been about five and a half months and I will probably ask her in a few more months, once we have reached our first year together. I don't want her to think I am asking just because of the baby, so I want to put it off for as long as I can, maybe even wait until the little one is born"

"Look at my baby; he is growing up so fast. He went and found himself a girl that he loves and wants to marry. Pretty soon he will be a father." Alexx joked

"Funny, Alexx"

"I can't help it hun, you and Calleigh are the cutest couple and both of you will make great parents" his friend told him and by doing so, he couldn't help but think what their child will look like. Would the baby have blue colored eyes or green colored ones? Would the color of its hair be blond or red? Or will it be a mixture of both parents?

"I want you to find her and fast!" yelled a man to the one located in front of the computer. "That bitch will get what is coming to her"

"Who are you looking for again? I can't seem to find her in any police database" the young tech told the man behind him, "Are you sure her name is spelled like that?"

Looking at the name located on the screen, he saw that it was missing a few letters and he angrily pressed a few buttons on his own and there on the screen popped up a picture of the woman that he had been searching for since she left.

"Where is she located?" he asked the tech

Looking over the name and information located on the screen, the tech could not locate her current place of residence, let alone her current telephone number. All that was on the file was her name and who she currently worked under.

"There is no current place of residence or current number, all we have to go on by is who she is currently working for"

"Who!" asked the male behind him, who currently was fuming in anger

"It says that she is working for the Miami Dade Police Department" said the tech, "I can go to the site and see if there is any information that they give on where she currently resides and who she is working under at the police department"

"Do It!"

Clicking could be heard as the tech worked his way through the MDPD's firewall and was able to get a few more bits of information on the whereabouts of the female that Andrew was looking for. He looked once more for the female named Calleigh and was surprised to read that she was currently living in a house about twenty minutes from her work. The other thing that he found out was that she was also a CSI and a Ballistics expert. Looking some more, he found more information on the female and was finally able to locate her number from her personal file at the MDPD.

"Here is her number and her current address" said the tech as he wrote the information that he found on a post it note and handed it over to Andrew.

"Finally" said Andrew, "Bye Joel"

"Bye Andrew" said Joel as he watched Andrew walk our of the door and when he was he turned back to the computer that currently still had the pictures of the female up and also her personal information. Scanning the file once more, his eyes caught on the comment part of her file

CSI Calleigh Duquesne is currently pregnant and is only allowed to stay within the confines of the lab and should not be let out into the field.

Reading more into the file, Joel found out that Calleigh used to work under Andrew and that there was currently a case still open under her name

Woman beaten and left to Die…

Calleigh Duquesne was a recent victim of abuse at work under her boss Andrew Lowl…

Case File 1834-A…

He never knew that this woman used to work under Andrew and that he abused her. The case was a cold one, but it didn't stop the shiver that ran down his back. He just signed this woman's death certificate by giving Andrew her current address and number. Oh Shit

Calleigh woke up a little groggy, but feeling much better than she did earlier that morning. Looking around the hospital room,she saw food on her table and wondered what they chose to give her today. Most of the food that they gave her was something she would never in her right mind eat, let alone touch, but the baby within her was always giving her crazy cravings and the one that she had the most was for peanut butter covered watermelon. She would never eat that if she wasn't pregnant.

Lifting the top to the tray, she found a tray filled with corn, potatoes and even a small round slice of what looked to be roast beef. On the side was a small serving of vegetables that Elizabeth always made her eat. Rolling her eyes as her stomach rumbled, she opened the wrapper that contained her fork and spoon and started to eat the food, the whole time not even touching her apple juice container. Once she was finished with the food she took a few sips of the juice before deciding to get out of the bed and walk around.

Walking to the window that was located at the side of her room, she opened the blinds and let the light shine through into her room. The view was amazing. The sky was a beautiful sky blue and the trees were waving due to the wind that was blowing them. She looked farther and could see the blue of the ocean a few miles from the hospital that she was currently in.

She moved her hand to her stomach and looked down when she felt the bump that was forming there. Smiling, she moved to the mirror located by the door and turned to her side and smoothed the hospital gown in order to see her bump some more. Yep, there it was, already forming and ready to be seen by those around her. She just hoped that she would be able to fit into her pants when she is discharged.

Hearing the door lock disengage from its place, she turned her head to the door and saw Elizabeth enter. She let go of the gown and stepped back from the doorway so that she would not get hit and let Elizabeth enter more into the room.

Elizabeth saw that Calleigh was up and about and greeted her when coming into the room. Leading the blond back to the bed, she asked her to lie on the bed so that she could check the baby once more as well as her stitches since this morning she saw that she was in a little pain.

"Pull up your gown for me to your chest"

Pulling the hospital gown right under her bust area, Calleigh couldn't help but look as Elizabeth got some gloves on and started to touch around her wound, but not actually touching the stitched area.

"Tell me if you have any discomfort when I touch an area" Elizabeth told Calleigh as she touched a few certain places, but not getting any sort of discomfort from Calleigh. Touching one more area, located close to her stitched area, she felt Calleigh flinch and saw her face contort in pain.

"There it is" she told Calleigh as she took another closer look at the area, "I think that one of your stitches popped and broke some skin in the process"

"Aww, Boo!" Calleigh whined in a baby voice, "New stitches have to be put in?"

"Afraid so" Elizabeth informed her, "No worries though, I will numb the area so you wont feel anything"

"Horatio?" was the first thing that popped into Calleighs' mind after hearing the news about the new stitches that have to be done.

"He is actually outside; he arrived about five minutes ago. Do you want him here with you while we replace your stitches?"

"Yes" was all she told Elizabeth.

"Ok, he will be present. Now let's check the baby out shall we"

"Horatio, I want him in here for this, he hasn't seen the baby yet and I want him to" Calleigh said, getting into a sitting position and letting the gown fall down to cover her body. "He needs to be here to see his baby"

"Relax, Calleigh, let me go get him and tell him that you want him in here with you" Elizabeth said, taking the gloves off and placing them in the bio-hazard trash bin they had by the bed before getting up and going to the door.

Outside, Horatio waited for Elizabeth to tell him that he was allowed to enter Calleigh's room. When the door opened and she came out, he closed the distance and walked towards her. She had a grin plastered on her face.

"She wants you in the room with her; I think that she is afraid to be in a room by herself and my nurses"

"After what happened, I wouldn't blame her"

"Me neither" Elizabeth told Horatio as she let him go in first and then she too walked in to the room. She heard Calleigh's enthusiasm shine through in her voice when she saw Horatio.

"Hey Sweetheart, how are you?" he asked his girlfriend as he wrapped her in a hug and kissed her gently on the lips.

"Good, now that you are here" she answered him after the kiss was broken, "How is everybody at work?"

"Go figure, you are in the hospital and you worry about others but yourself"

"I can't help it, I know I am fine, but I don't know about my extended family…so I ask again, how are they?"

"They are fine"

While the couple asked and answered one another's questions, Elizabeth was able to get the ultrasound machine ready and pretty soon; the couple was witnessing the movement of their baby. Calleigh is currently 14 weeks into her pregnancy and the baby sure is moving around in her stomach. They can see the little one moving its arms and legs, but not in a jerky fashion as Calleigh experienced a few days ago. Details could be seen, but not enough yet to confirm the sex of the little one.

"Horatio! This is beautiful!" exclaimed Calleigh

"I saw it and I had to get it" he informed her, "Do you like it?"

"Of course I like it! So are you going to put it on me or do I have to do it by myself?"

Horatio could help but kiss her for her comment, but he took the piece of jewelry from her and placed it on her finger, the one that promised her his heart. He kissed her once more and then that of her stomach.

"I love you both"

"We both love you too Handsome" Calleigh smiled, once again looking at the piece of jewelry on her finger promising that she would one day get married to this wonderful man