King of Bandit
Chapter 13
"Wow, Harry I've never been in such a…" Ginny spoke quietly as the large stretched limo pulled away from the curb taking them away at a moderate pace. She wasn't sure what she should call the muggle vehicle as it was much more than just a car.
Ginny hadn't even known they had cars like this. It was like a small palace that you sat in and rode from place to place. The Wizarding world kind of sucked in the luxury department, which was strange considering the Magical Worlds potential.
Harry couldn't help but admire Ginny's childish curiosity; but more so in her new dress. It was silver; flowing almost like water, and nicely accentuated her otherwise small chest area making her tits look larger and fuller, (he liked them either way but this made him have to think other things), and held with spaghetti straps hanging to her feet with a slit down each side showing off some of her amazing legs.
Ginny wore toe-less healed shoes; white, and platformed to give her slightly more height. Ginny's shoes showed off her soft tasty feet, and deep red painted toes with matching fingernails. She wore some lush red lipstick with light glittery red to her eyes with her vibrant red hair done up at the crown with ringlets hanging down the back with a few curls drifting over her forehead.
"Large car," he replied for her in amusement as he wouldn't ever know what it was like to walk into another 'world' and be so amazed; mainly because he always expected the weird these days. But still there were some people he had met who were good being surprising and having some strange magical talents.
However, this was different. Ginny had been kept hidden within the Wizarding World. Well, not hidden exactly. But ignorantly kept from the Mortal World. Harry was certain that young mage from the Wizarding World like Ginny shouldn't have been homeschooled before magic school, but go to a Mortal school so they're not so ignorant and hating of Mortals because they would be forced to acknowledge them and get along.
Harry saved that thought. He would have to bring up the possibility with Dumbledore. See whether it was feasible. It could potentially solve a lot of problems with a lot of the racism in the Wizarding World.
Harry smiled by just watching, Ginny's smile. Her smile was radiant as she nodded her head in agreement with her new (Rose insisted) platinum and diamond earrings moving slightly and he admired the sparkle of the silver watch around her right wrist as it reflected in her beautiful eyes.
"Well to be honest I'm not really into all of this," he said gesturing at his own outfit and around at the limo while she curled and seemed to push her chest out a little further for him to admire her amazing cleavage.
Harry wore a black tuxedo of pure satin with a dark purple shirt, black tie and black shoes with his hair neatly arranged.
"B-but you look so… so good," Ginny finally answered as she looked him over more carefully her heartbeat picking up as she bravely slid her right hand over the soft material of his shirt across his sold and powerful chest.
"Why thank you My Lady, but it is you who is simply radiant," he replied with a smile as he pulled out a bottle of Champaign with two glasses from the limo fridge.
Ginny blushed as she watched Harry. She sat back before she jumps him and messes up her dress. The cork popped out of the bottle of its own accord, and floated as Harry poured them both a glass before the cork jammed itself back into the bottle and he put it back on ice.
Harry smiled as he handed Ginny her glass. Ginny took the glass timidly and held it with an uncertain look in her eyes.
"I-I don't think my mother would approve," Ginny said with a look of unconcerned uncertainty.
"She wouldn't approve of a lot of things," he laughed as he tapped his glass to hers. "It's all a part of growing up and learning," he said as he took a sip of drink. "Plus, its not the cheap stuff."
Ginny blushed but smiled as she took her own sip. Her eyes widened a little. "Wow, I hadn't expected it to actually taste nice," she spoke in surprise. "I've tasted wine before, sneaking some with Rose and Luna even though Hermione was all teachers-pet and threatening to tell on us she tried some too. But that stuff tasted bitter and… how come something that's supposed to be a drink be so dry?"
Harry shrugged, amused. "Well that stuff was probably bargain basement stuff from the local Tesco or wherever you witches shop for food. This stuff costs in the region of two hundred and fifty pounds or there about."
Ginny double took with wide eyes. "B-but isn't that a lot of money?" she asked, but he shrugged. "Whoa, this is like rich person drink or something. Like stuff those snobby Pure-blood would have for their Bitchy parties."
"Bitchy parties?" Harry asked with a laugh while Ginny blushed and tried not to laugh with him.
"Its what Sirius said they were," Ginny said sheepishly. "He had to go to them when he was a kid before he went to Hogwarts. He sometimes likes telling us stories about the trouble he caused during those parties."
Harry laughed. "Well, talking of Sirius; he is paying." Harry said while laughing.
Ginny's eyes widened as she giggled. "Don't you ever pay for anything?"
"Not if I can help it," he answered jokingly as they descended into conversation.
Rose Potter was a little envious.
I can admit that. I really can.
She wished she was younger so Harry would pamper her like he was with June. She loved her little sister more than anything but she would have loved some extra attention too. But she was older and had to be more self-sufficient. She couldn't be such a baby no matter how nice the extra attention from her big brother would be.
Or maybe I could get Harry to set me up on a blind date with a friend of his. That would be just as good wouldn't it?
I like Sahara.
Rose would be happy with a date with a boy or girl. She wasn't fussy. As long as they were cute; and sexy; and hot; and they needed to be smart enough to hold a proper conversation. And kind. Yes. She needed a boy/girlfriend who was kind – and affectionate – a really good kisser and-
That all described Sahara to a tee.
Shaking her head quickly Rose flopped back on her bed and groaned as she looked over at the second bed in the room. Ginny's bed. She was now jealous of Ginny. And a little of her brother for doing Ginny's brains-out. Rose hadn't been that sexually open with her best friend and now she was making herself feel horny.
Rose thought back to Sahara again. Sahara was smoking hot. The taste of her lips, her tits and pussy between Rose's lips, and the feel of that muscular-firm arse between Rose's fingers.
Startled as Rose was by her perverseness she realised she was rubbing herself over her shorts. Rose stopped and sat up with a sigh when her thoughts slid back to her sister and brother. That alleviated her desires only a little, but it would draw her mind away to something else rather than how much she enjoyed her first proper taste of fanny rather than just sucking her fingers after masturbating or diddling Ginny or Luna's cute little twats while they diddled hers under the covers, and never really acknowledging what they did afterwards.
"ROSE!" Rose groaned out her own name in annoyance as she looked to the long thin package up against the wall by the door neatly wrapped with a tag on the wrapping with a loving note from Harry.
Sighing, Rose had felt the glint of jealousy when she saw June's new StrikerS racing broom. It was a glorious broom. June's new broom was magnificent and made Rose wish she had gotten one instead of her pathetic Nimbus. Sure Nimbus's were pretty cool, but they were not in the StrikerS league.
Rose had only gotten the stupid Nimbus because everyone expected her too even though it made more sense to get the new Firebolt or Firawind as they both beat Nimbus hands down.
Damn, why did she have to believe it was cool to please all of her devoted fans? Ginny had told Rose to get whichever one she wanted to get. But no – Rose had to get the one everyone wanted her to get. Rose had wanted the Firawind at the time – but she would have waited for the StrikerS.
Now Rose's little sister had the best broom ever. And it even looked awesome with all those galaxies and everything.
Rose shook her head and slapped herself a little as she hated herself for having such selfish thoughts. Her sister deserved to have a doting big brother to look out for her and get her everything their father had been too lazy or douchy to get her.
At least Ginny had looked super-sexy in her new dress. And it was fun dressing her up and getting to buy Ginny some super sexy knickers and bras. Harry should thank her for that as Rose knew how to pamper her friends and make them extra hot. Just thinking about Ginny in her new underwear and – well Rose quivered with more naughty thoughts about her friend.
Sighing at such a silly thoughts Rose was about to flop back onto her bed when she paused as she looked back at the large brightly wrapped package.
Rose collapsed back on the bed with teary eyes as she thought over the note. Just from him. Not many words. But enough. From her brother. Rose had a watery smile.
My Sweet Rosette,
I will always love you too.
Lots of Love,
Those six little words seemed to crush at her heart and make hot tears spill from her eyes just as Hermione knocked once on the door, tried the handle and entered as Rose ruefully realised she forgot to lock the door as she was happy to brood alone and wasn't ready to feel better.
"Rose I was just…" Hermione trailed off in worry and quickly sat beside Rose on the bed, taking her hand. "What's wrong Rose?" she asked in concern.
Rose only gestured to the present up against the wall and wished she was better, or good at hiding when she was feeling down. The tag was open and Hermione smiled as she read it from the bed.
"Well aren't you going to open your present?" Hermione asked the red head with a kind smile. "This is unlike you. Normally you're tearing gifts free of their wrappings within moments."
Rose gave her a watery smile and shook her head. "I-I can't. D-do I even deserve it. I was such a bitch to him when I was little and-and."
"You grew up and look at you now. You're a kind and loving person," Hermione said as she gave her friend a quick hug before pulling back. "But, I think I understand girl, and I'm sure you'll open it when you're ready, but we both know what it is right?"
Rose nodded sagely and no matter how much she may want it she couldn't open it just yet. "I-I think I want to see Harry first. I want to give him a big hug and thank him for being such an idiotic big brother."
Hermione laughed and rolled her eyes. "See, girl, you're much better than then," Hermione said with a kind smile. "But I have something to tell you… I kind of-of well. I shagged your brother on the boat. It was only that and stuff. I like him but Ginny doesn't have competition from me. We've got nothing in common, but… I need help coming up with a way to finally dump Ron without him being a bitch."
Rose sat up with her tears almost forgotten as she wiped them away. "If you're dumping that nitwit. I am so your go to girl to help plot," Rose said with a watery grin. "Thanks, Hermione," She said as they hugged. "But I haven't gotten it out of Ginny yet, so… I know he's my brother but come on, I need to know – how was it?"
Hermione pulled back from her friend with huge blush. "The best thing I have ever done," Hermione said. "I mean… I'm me. I don't do naughty things. But. Your brother is hung and then some. And he really knows what he's doing and… wait, Ginny, already?"
Nodding and flushed Rose was biting her lower lip. "I know; he works fast and I'm kind of routing for them to fall madly in love-." Rose slowly trailed off with a dreamy smile while Hermione laughed.
"H-Harry…?" Ginny asked to get his attention. "What are you going to do when schools over?" she asked, both interested and worried. Ginny really didn't want Harry to leave any of them.
"I don't know," he shrugged with a thoughtful frown. "I've never been to Mexico before."
"It sounds nice," she replied more to herself than him. "Being so free…" she trailed off into a whisper.
Harry sighed and wrapped his arms around Ginny's slender form and let his lips touch hers. They moved their lips together in a gentle rhythm for a few moments before her tongue touched his lips and he parted them allowing her tongue entrance. They were like this for a few minutes before Harry slowly pulled back smiling at her.
"Hmm…" Harry muttered while licking his lips. "You can always come with me?" he asked causing her to look at him in surprise. "We can come back in September… you can bring Rose and June and we can make a proper holiday of it – and have a lot of fun. Party's all night and whatever you could want."
Ginny smiled while licking her own swollen lips. "I'm not sure my mum and dad would be too pleased, but… I don't care; it sounds like the sort of opportunity that shouldn't be missed."
"You think you 'ave troubles?"
Rose was startled from where she lay on her bed as the young French accent hit her ears. Rose had only been lying back on her bed moping a little after Hermione left when the arsehole Ron turned up believing they liked his company. And wouldn't stop banging on the locked door until they opened it.
Hermione didn't want to dump the arsehole yet as she didn't feel comfortable doing it with most of this family hanging around. And she felt he might get violent with his jealousy and arsehole ways. Though, Rose knew Harry would probably break the bastards face for that. Harry may be a ladies man (or a bit of a slut might be more accurate – at least he chose cute girls; and could get them); he wasn't a liar or a bruit.
Harry was kind and caring. Rose hadn't known him long, but she knew the type of man he had grown to be. Harry would always stand up for those who couldn't stand up for themselves. And what's more. Rose knew Harry would be the first to break any abusive arse like Ron in two for ever raising their hands or wands to a girl or woman.
"June isn't here for you to try molesting, Gabby!" Rose said while rolling her eyes and sighing as she sat up. "She's in the next room over. You'll be happy sharing with her," she finished as she shook her head as Veela were a strange species and were a little more sexual than most.
However, any further thought left Rose's mind as she looked at the stunning girl. She was about a month older than June with long smooth flowing hair that she normally kept tied back. But now it was loose and long, brushed over the right side hiding half her face. But Rose could see the marks. The scaring over the right side of her face and the gash over her left cheek.
It was the white squared eyepatch over her right eye with elastic behind her ears going over the left side of her face that caught most of Rose's attention though.
Gabrielle Delacour gave Rose a sad smile as her one crystal blue eye watered slightly. She was small. Only an inch shorter than June and slender. She was wearing some blue jeans and a white blouse with comfortable white running shoes and somehow made the outfit with her scars and eyepatch look good.
Rose couldn't look away. The normally vibrant and confident girl looked so unsure and out of place; like she wasn't sure what to do with herself any more as she nervously fidgeted with her fingers, which was something Rose had never observed in her before. And her allure. Her pull. She normally liked teasing her female friends with it – always awed how June could still play ignorant while that was blazing at her.
"Oh no," Rose said as she flicked herself off the bed. She was still in her shorts and tee shirt only in her socks.
Rose pulled Gabrielle into her arms and held her tight as the small blonde girl broke down and cried.
Gabrielle held on to Rose as she shakily whimpered, sobbing. "J-June w-wont like m-me any more," Gabrielle cried. "A-and I'll never be able to get her to fall in love with me… and I-I love her so much!"
Rose groaned and pulled back, holding the younger girl at arms length while she stared at her in return.
"You mean you're only crying because you think June is that shallow?" Rose asked in annoyance. "Freaking hell, Gabby. You had me so worried." Rose swept Gabrielle's silky soft hair back to see the eyepatch and bandages. "How do you manage to pull off loosing an eye and getting an eyepatch and-and still looking this good?"
"Veela blood?" Gabrielle suggested with a sad smile.
"Gabby!" June charged into the room and flung herself into Gabrielle's arms crying. "I was so worried. I just heard that some-some… that you got hurt!" she pulled back from the cuddle and brushed Gabrielle's hair from her face and looked over the eyepatch and bandage in relief.
"I… I lost my eye," Gabrielle whispered timidly. "You'll think I'm ugly now, won't you?"
June smiled as she shook her head and allowed Gabrielle's hair to fall back into place before pulling Gabrielle tightly into her arms and cuddling her tightly.
"Don't be silly! Gabby! Pirates are awesome!" June reprimanded playfully and Gabrielle sniffled a laugh. "You have always been beautiful inside and out ever since I've known you! You're my best friend and I love you so much. Don't ever worry me like that again!"
Gabrielle whimpered as tears fell from her eye and she hugged her best friend tighter and breathed in her scent. "I'm sorry for worrying you!" Gabrielle cried out with her accent getting slightly thicker. "I love you too and I don't want to ever lose you, please. Can I sleep in bed with you tonight-!?"
Rose rolled her eyes as she had slipped her trainers back on and slipped out of the room, snapping the door closed quietly behind her.
"Trust Gabby. First chance she gets, she capitalises," Rose muttered to herself with a deep breath and a sigh.
"Oh, Rosette?"
Rose turned to see Mrs. Weasley climbing the stairs. "Have you seen that poor, Gabrielle?" Mrs. Weasley asked gently. "I sent her to fetch you and June to collect some snacks. You all need to eat something before bed."
"Oh, okay, Mrs. Weasley," Rose said with a sheepish smile. "They're in my room. Gabby's just feeling down about her eye and I left them to hug it out."
"Okay, dear," she replied. "And don't worry. I sent Ronald back to the Burrow earlier and made sure, Hermione stayed here. I don't like to say it but he is… not good enough. He's. I don't know why he's became the way he is. Hermione's much too nice for him and I feel concerned because if he tried anything – his brothers will fight over who gets to beat him up first. But… girls... I certainly hope Ginevra has better taste."
Rose couldn't help but laugh slightly. "Well yeah. Ginny is out with Harry after all."
Mrs. Weasley smiled slightly. "Well grab Gabrielle and Juniper and come down to the kitchen for supper."
To Be Continued...