Kagome quickly slammed the snooze button on her alarm clock.'To early to get up,' She thought non to happy about it,'School shouldn't start til like 10am.' Her alarmed clock screached again.

Kagome threw the cover's off of her and quickly sat up and slammed the alarm clock off. Kagome looked around her room, as she did every day, and examed her red and back striped walls, the blood red carpet, and the thick black curtain covering the only possible light to her room. She wasn't goth or emo, her room was like this when her family moved in 17 years ago. They moved in the day she was born.

"Kagome! Get up, time for another day of school!" Her mother yelled from down stairs. She groaned. She hated school. She had been going to that school for what seemed like forever. And what was worse was that Inuyasha Takahashi went there. The biggest playboy ever.

Inuyasha had been up since 3 in the morning. He was up all night with about one hour of sleep. It was a monday to. That made everything even worse.

Quickly he looked around the living room seeing all of his gang members and friends sprawled out all over the living room. Yes, gang members. Inuyasha was the biggest playboy and most known gang leader among gangs. Everyone knew him as Silver Hell. His gang called him Invisible Hound. His gang is called 7th level Hell.

Inuyasha walked over to one specific member with shoulder length hair pulled back in a pony tail.

"Get up, Miroku." Inuyasha said gruffly as he kicked him gently in the side. Miroku groaned,"I'm up, I'm up." Miroku Got up and dusted himself off. He looked to Inuyasha and said, "Yeah?"

Inuyasha looked at Miroku and said,"Are you that hung over that you don't know what today is?" Miroku had a splitting head-ache and he remebered, barely, taking a shot of tequila, everclear, and vodka.

"Yeah, I guess I am." Miroku smiled sheepishly. Inuyasha growled at his friend, and he jumped. Being half dog demon comes in handy. He ran his hand through his long white hair.

He flicked his ears. Were is my hat? He thought. He snarled in frustration.

"Dude, you ok?" Miroku asked.

"No." Inuyasha responded haughtly."Were's my hat, monk?" He barked. (A/N: No pun intended.lol)

His hat was important to him. Not only did his mom make it when he was little before she died, it covered his ears. No one at school new about his ears. Not even all the girls he dated.

"I ouno." Miroku replied brilliantly.

Inuyasha growled again. Short tempered. Miroku thought, idily.

"Monk," Inuyasha said knowing what the Houshi was thinking,"I ain't short tempered, you bastard." He finished with a snarl and a quick sorry from Miroku.

Inuyasha started to think were he left it. Then suddenly he bolted to his bedroom, opened the door to his clean office and room to see his hat on his bed.

He smirked and walked over to his bed. He lifted up the hat and ran his finger over the embroidary of a cresent moon. A blue cresent moon, he had the same one on his back on his right shoulder.

As he continued to run his finger over the embroidary his smirk turned into a soft smile.

Kagome rushed around her room. I got five minutes til the bus gets here! She thought franticaly. She grabbed a baggy pair of sweats and a shirt and quickly trew it over her head. She threw off her pajama pants and threw on her baggy sweats. Kagome ran downstairs, grabbed her back pack and ran out of the house.

Kagome bolted down the street and saw her friend Sango and Rin already at the bus stop, but they were getting on the bus already.

"Sango, Rin! Hold the bus for me!" It was futile as Kagome called her friends were to far away, on the bus with out her.

The bus pulled away and Kagome was almost their. She ran to the bus stop, but the bus had rounded the corner, leaving her to walk 2 miles to school. Kagome was gonna be an hour late if she walked. Her mom had left for work already.

Kagome was stuck walking, and she was pissed about it.

Inuyasha looked around his car, the black leather seats, black dash board, and sirus radio system wich was now blasted to his favorite song, What would you do? By City High. He knew it was a sad song but it was his favorite.

Boy's and Girls want to hear a true story

Saturday night was at this real wild party

They had liquor flowing over the cup

'Bout 5,6 strippers tryin' to work for a buck,

Inuyasha sighed as he listened to the song and waited for Miroku to get his ass out of the house so they could go to school. However much he didn't want to go.

And I took one girl outside with me

Her name was Lonnie she went to junour high with me

And said 'why you up there dancin for cash,

I guess alot has changed since I seen you last.'

She said...

Inuyasha thew his head back on the head rest of his seat and sighed. What the hell is taking him so long? He isn't a girl! He thought. Putting his hand under his hat to scratch his head.

What would you do if your son was at home

Cryin' all alone on the bedroom floor cause he's hungry

And the only way to feed him is to sleep with a man

For a little bit of money

And his daddy's gone somewhere smokin' rock now

In and out of lock down I ain't got a job now

So for you this is just a good time

But for me this is what I call life. (mmmmm)

Inuyasha listened to the lyrics and thought That would suck... At that moment Miroku came out of the house, hopped in the car, and said,"Sorry..." Miroku stopped and listened to the song as Inuyasha pulled out of the drive way and onto the street."Not this song again Inuyasha..." Miroku groaned. Inuyasha growled shutting him up quick.

Girl you ain't the only one with a baby

That's not excuse to be livin' all crazy

Then she looked me right square in the eye and said

'Every day I wake up hopin to die'

Inuyasha drove down the street to see a girl in gray sweats and baggy gray shirt walking the way to school with a backpack on her back. Inuyasha pulled up next to her rolling down the window to talk to her.

She said nigga I know about pain cause

Me and my sister ran away so our daddy couldn't rape us

Before I was a teenager I'd been through more shit you can't

Even relate ta

Inuyasha started to call to the girl, "Hey, girl!" He called. No response."Hey, you!" He called again to see her turn to him and stopped walking and he stopped driving."You need a ride?''

What would you do if your son was at home

Cryin' all alone on the bedroom floor cause he's hungry

And the only way to feed him is to sleep with a man

For a little bit of money

And his daddy's gone somewhere smokin' rock now

In and out of lock down I ain't got a job now

So for you this is just a good time

But for me this is what I call life. (mmmmm)

Kagome looked to see Inuyasha and Miroku sitting in a car that had pulled up next to her. She held her breath when he asked her if she needed a ride. She let it out after a second or so."Yeah... Why?" She said barely above a whisper.

Yo hold up holdup somethin' just ain't soundin' right

You mean shorty couldn't get a job

I know this mad shorty going through the same thing

If I ever ran into your girl I would say,

"I'll give you a ride." Inuyasha said. At that momment the girl looked to him with a smile that took his breath away, in fact everything about her was beautiful, her hair, eye's, and her tan skin made her perfect.

Hold up...

What would you do?

Get up off my feet and stop makin' tired excuses

What would you do?

Cause I wouldn't want my baby to go through what I went through

"I'm Kagome." She said as she cautiously went to the driver side of the car.I know I don't like him, she thought, But if he can get me to school, I'm in."Inuyasha." He said smoothly."Miroku." The boy said.

C'mon, what would you do?

Get up off my feet and stop makin' tired excuses

What would you do?

Girl I know if my mother could do it,

Baby you could do it

"You go to my school, right? Midoriko S. High?" Inuyasha asked. Kagome looked him in the eye and said,"Yeah. I don't think it's your school though." She said.

What would you do if your son was at home

Cryin' all alone on the bedroom floor cause he's hungry

And the only way to feed him is to sleep with a man

For a little bit of money

And his daddy's gone somewhere smokin' rock now

In and out of lock down I ain't got a job now

So for you this is just a good time

But for me this is what I call life. (mmmmm)

Inuyasha smirked,"Yeah it is because I'm the most popular kid there, Angel." He said giving her the nick name of 'Angel'. Kagome scowled at him and hoppe in the back seat."It's Kagome. Ka-Go-Me not 'Angel'." She said hotly.

What would you do if your son was at home

Cryin' all alone on the bedroom floor cause he's hungry

And the only way to feed him is to sleep with a man

For a little bit of money

And his daddy's gone somewhere smokin' rock now

In and out of lock down I ain't got a job now

So for you this is just a good time

But for me this is what I call life. (mmmmm)

(Come on)

Kagome heard the lyrics to the song and immediatly said,"That's my favorite song." She said softly. Inuyasha's ears twitched to hear what she said and when he heard her he said,"Me too, Angel, me too." Kagome sighed in defeat. She accepted the nick name.

What would you do if your son was at home

Cryin' all alone on the bedroom floor cause he's hungry

And the only way to feed him is to sleep with a man

For a little bit of money

And his daddy's gone somewhere smokin' rock now

In and out of lock down I ain't got a job now

So for you this is just a good time

But for me this is what I call life. (mmmmm)

Kagome listened to the end, and so did Inuyasha. The both inwardly sighed as it ended and they pulled up to the school parking lot.

What do you guys think? I love that song. It's called What would you do? by City High. Listen to it and you will understand the end of the song more. This is a very long chapter, don't you think? I will update all my stories soon. I promise to try to update at least once a week. When school started I deleted all of them so they wouldn't waste space here, rotting away to nothing, but now that I have a hold on school I will go back to writing my stories. When I get reviews I will answer them and call the section 'Answers to my Views'.

-Peace out,