Follow the Creed

Authors Note: I only recently got the game Assassins Creed and it is really awseome, taking me a while to get through it though, not because I don't want to finish but because my father needs the computer its on. Dammit.

Story Synopsis: Al Mualim demotes Altair back to a Novice, and sends him out on missions to re-learn to be a Master Assassin. But unknown to Altair he sends another to follow him, and make sure he follows the Creed.

Disclaimer: I do not own Assassin's Creed, Altair or any of the other characters or places featured in the game. The plot, for now, is running parallel to the game and so some of the dialogue is taken from there. Thus I do not own.

Chapter 1 - Back to the Beginning

Altair woke from the deepest sleep he had ever experienced, swimming up out of the blackness that engulfed him. How was it that he could wake? He had felt Al Mualim's knife enter him had felt the cold slide into the waiting arms of death. But here he was alive. Sitting up he rubbed his head and then immediately tensed as a movement in his peripheral vision caught his eye.

A white robed Assassin moved slowly and carefully into Altair's line of sight. Altair relaxed as he recognised him, "Aden." He greeted, voice rough with the disuse of the just-woken. Aden was one of the Assassins younger than him, and showed great potential. He had a great skill with blending and his work with his secret knife was exceptional. As far as Altair could tell his weakness was with a blade. Not a good swordsman at all.

"Altair." The young Assassin greeted in return, voice a light tenor but still cool with professionalism. "I have been asked to show you to the Master. He wishes to speak to you of your future, now that the danger of the Templar knights has dissipated." There was no inflection of blame in the unemotional statement but Altair tensed, dark eyes glaring at the smaller, younger figure.

"Watch yourself Aden, I am still your superior." The dark eyed Assassin warned, standing and drawing his hood up over his head. 'An out of favour superior', he thought, with a small pang of anxiety, 'One who doesn't know what is going to happen to him now'. Aden however didn't say anything in response to Altair's rebuke; he just inclined his head and indicated the doorway to the small bedchamber.

"Follow me Altair, if you would."

"You'll see you have been stripped of all your possessions. Your rank as well. You're a Novice. A child once more, as you were on the day you first joined our order. I am offering you a chance of redemption, you'll earn your way back into the Brotherhood."

"I assume you've something planned." Altair's voice was cold, he felt completely numb. Punishment he had been expecting, but to be stripped of everything? How Abbas and Malak would laugh and sneer at him. They were now 'his' superiors, and Aden, whom he had just scolded for being disrespectful, he too was his superior. That young puppy, barely 23 years of age, was of a higher rank than He, he who was his elder in age and experience. It was almost intolerable.

"First you must prove to me you remember how to be an Assassin." Al Mualim's words dragged Altair's consciousness back to the conversation at hand.

There was a pause as Al Mualim moved back behind his desk and Altair processed the words "So you'd have me take a life." Altair prompted when it appeared that the Master wasn't going to supply him with information immediately.

"No, not yet at least." Altair turned away in disgust but quickly turned back when the older man added the 'not yet'. "For now you are to become a student once again.

"There is no need for this." The dark eyed assassin gave one attempt to try and convince the Master against this course of action.

"Others tracked your Talkers for you," the Master continued ignoring the outburst from the Assassin before him. "But no more. From today on you will track them yourself."

"If that is what you wish." Altair's voice was icy; it was obvious that he was very displeased by the way this conversation was going. But it was also very clear that he had no say in it at all. He was there to listen, and accept, not argue.

"It is." Al Mualim's voice was solid with finality.

"Then tell me what it is that I must do." Altair still didn't sound happy but there was resignation in his voice. Al Mualim went on to explain the man's mission and Altair left, movements stiff with injured pride.

There was silence for a minute or so and then Al Mualim moved to the flag just off the side of his office and pulled it back. Aden stepped out and faced the Master; hood down over eyes the colour of dark amber. "What is your will?" Aden asked, voice cool.

"I want you to watch him, I need to be sure he won't break the Creed and place us all in danger again."

"This will be a long term assignment then, he will want to regain his old position." The observation was a shrewd one, Altair was well known for his ambition and desire for control.

"Yes he will." Al Mualim agreed, "And getting it back will take time. It will be very useful to use an Assassin of his skill for tasks he would normally scorn." The old Master smiled down at the small delicately built Assassin and waved his hand, dismissing him.

Aden bowed and quickly followed Altair.

"I did what I believed was right. And if you must kill me for it, so be it. I am not afraid to die."

"Your fate is not for me to decide." Altair sneered, looming over the man on his knees, "It is Al Mualim who will judge." He looked around and spotted a white figure sitting on the bench in the alley leading to the secluded garden.

"Brother!" he called, the figure turned its head and Altair recognised the stubborn chin and bowed lips of the fellow Assassin. Aden stood and quickly moved over to Altair, looking down at their ex-brother at the Assassins feet.

"Altair." Aden said, looking up at the dark eyed man, and raising an eyebrow. "I would ask why there is a Brother of ours on his knees before you." The dark amber eyes were unflinchingly fixed on Altair's own dark brown.

"Al Mualim sent me to find the traitor in our midst. I have tracked the blame to this…thing." Altair gave the man kneeling before them a contemptuous look. "Will you aid me in getting him up to the Tower?"

"Of course." Aden said, leaning down and hauling up the traitor. Altair then grabbed the other arm and the pair of them marched the man out through the crowded marketplace. Stares and whispers followed them and while Altair caught many of the looks and returned them with a glare or an icy look, Aden just walked silently on the other side, head lowered, implacable behind the hood of white.

"What business did you have in the Marketplace Aden?" Altair asked, turning his head so he could look at the smaller Assassin. Aden did not look up but kept moving, head lowered.

"I had run out of some of my Healing supplies. The Master has given me forewarning of much travelling to be done across the length of the Kingdom. It does me good to be prepared, as well you know Altair." There was the smallest hint of a rebuke in the small man's voice and Altair glared at him for a moment.

"I won't be in this lowly state for long Aden."

"I'm sure." Was the calm response. Infuriating man, Altair thought, yanking the traitor a little harder to release some of his annoyance at the other Assassin. "I can take him from here." He growled, tugging the traitor up inside the gates of the Tower.

"Of course." Aden said with a small secret smile. "May fortune guide your blade."

"And yours." Altair replied, and quickly marched his captive off. Time to complete this ridiculous task and regain his rank.


And there you have it, the first chapter of my first Assassin's Creed Story.

Hope you Enjoyed