A/N:First story up here, so please don't randomly decide to flame because you feel like it. Based somewhat off the 'Twilight' and 'Vampire Knight' series, it's a Vampire fiction… but I hope you like it! There will be other supernatural creatures appearing later though…

I do not own Naruto, blood tablets, or any sexy vampires in this story.

AU. SS. She was his employee, he her boss. She was a normalcy, a mortal. He was a rarity, a vampire. Why is it then that a relationship would form between them? "You are mine, my blood singer," he murmured in her ear seductively. "La tua Cantante."

La tua Cantante

Chapter 1:


The darkness was overwhelming. Not even the dull gleam of the crescent moon could illuminate the sinister atmosphere of the night. The light barely touched the room, causing it to be bathed in obscurity, as the shadows possessed a hidden blankness of nothing but the feeling of fear. Silence was another secret, masking all the miniscule sounds that were caused by the smallest of things. Although the space was that of an eerie mood, a tranquil feeling surrounded it; as if protecting it from unwanted visitors.

A door slammed violently, nearly knocking it off its hinges. A man stumbled into the room with his arms clutched around himself, his uneven breathing breaking the stillness of the place. He put a shaking hand to the wall beside him and used it to guide himself to the furthest partition, where he collapsed against it. A head of spiky, raven locks dropped down, as the owner continued to gasp through his breaths.

Approaching footsteps were ignored, but as the silhouette of a person loomed over him and the footsteps halted, the man looked up uncertainly. His action revealed a pale, yet inhumanly beautiful face that bore eyes as scarlet as blood and white fangs that protruded from his mouth. Clutching his arms around him tighter, he flicked his head away as he was offered a glass of red liquid.

"Take it; it will help."

Red eyes narrowed, and the fangs moved apart as an animalistic growl emitted from the dark haired man's mouth. The proposer bent down to the level of the man and held the glass between both of their faces at equal distances. Instead of narrowing, the red eyes widened as a strong stench overcame his senses and in retaliation, another growl was unleashed. In the blink of an eye, the cup had shattered against the opposite wall of the room, its contents staining the expensive carpet.

An exasperated sigh was given off from the other man as he stood up carefully and brushed off his pants. Walking to the door, he eyed the other and the spilled drink from the corner of his eye, before stopping at the door. Opening his mouth to say something along the lines of encouragement to the accepting of aforementioned refreshments, a low gruff voice interrupted him.

"Get out, Kabuto, before you regret it." The pale skinned man resumed to holding himself together again, dragging his previously outstretched hand back to his body. When the other individual did not comply immediately, he snarled huskily, his voice laced with venom and animosity. Taking the hint, the other man made it his first priority to escape the room, but not before dropping a packet of tablets on the floor purposely.

When the door snapped close, the red eyed man stood up clumsily, leaning against the wall as he tried to steady his breathing. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath and calmed his mind. Simultaneously, the harsh winds outside died down to a small breeze, the clouds shifted to allow the full moonlight to shine and previously red eyes turned to onyx. As he opened his onyx eyes, he was suddenly on the other side of the room, bending down to pick up the package left by Kabuto. Smelling the same horrid smell he had smelled from the glass, the man held it away at arm's length, before cautiously shoving it in his pocket.

Once again using the same speed as before, he reappeared at his earlier spot, and leapt lightly onto the window ledge that was beside it on the next wall. Turning his head to the sky outside, the vampire crouched as he prepared to launch himself out into the open sea of blackness.

"This place reeks of blood."

Without another glance, he soared off into the night, leaving behind the objects blemished by the crimson liquid.

A soft chuckle echoed around the room. The moonlight began to shine dimly into the room, eliminating the darkness as it made its journey. "My, my… it seems our dear little vampire isn't taking his blood tablets," whispered a silky voice sinisterly as a single foot stepped out from the shadows. More of his figure was exposed as the darkness began to retreat to the utmost corners of the space, revealing his mane of long, sleek black hair that swished to the side as he tilted his head. "What should we do now, then?"

In answer to his question, an elongated snake slithered out and proceeded to wrap itself around its master's body. Bringing his hand up as the reptile enfolded its scaly form around his arm; the man twitched his head towards the window, smirking evilly as he heard quiet movement from behind him. "I require your assistance."

"What is it that you require, Orochimaru-sama?" asked a voice politely at his back. He walked forward slowly, his servant watching reverently as she dropped to her knees in highest respect. Stretching his hand out, the long haired man finally reached the window that he had been eyeing. Rain began to fall outside, steadily getting harder as it dropped; the sound of its pattering against the windowsill was quite noisy that it almost overpowered the tone of the speaker.

"What I require is absolutely confidential; it is not to be told to anyone else. My dear container refuses to feed, so watch over him and report to me his daily doings," ordered Orochimaru as his pale hand made contact with the small beads of moisture that fell from the clouds. "Should you fail, or expose this information…" An abnormally long tongue shot out of his mouth to lick at his dry lips, as his pet moved up to drape itself across his shoulders. He turned his head so that it was angled in a way that made him look intimidating and menacing. It seemed his snake followed his example with the way it lifted its long neck up and bared its fangs.

"I will personally make sure that your pretty little eyes never see daylight again."

A short gasp was exhaled from the girl's mouth as she hurriedly bowed her head and made her way past her master and jumped onto the windowsill. Flipping her lustrous black hair behind her shoulders, she leapt out to the city below, her previous frown transforming into a cocky smile. "Just you wait; I will not disappoint you, Orochimaru-sama!"

Eyes the colour of a succulent gold watched the falling figure with much confidence. His pale hand was still under the drizzle, and his ominous smirk faded to a frown. Drawing his wet limb back to his body, he turned swiftly and glanced at the room once before leaving the confines of the now lightened space. "Kuku… this downpour will be an obstacle," murmured the long haired man as he strode benevolently down the corridor; his footsteps were unheard over the hard shower.

The rain continued to fall, much to an onyx-eyed man's disappointment. Shaking the rain from his spiky hair, he jumped down onto a nearby rooftop, before leaping off gracefully and landing on the concrete pathway as if this were just a normal occurrence. He walked stiffly towards a crowded intersection in the bustling city whilst stuffing his hands in his too deep pockets, pushing the package of tablets further down. Wetness was starting to flood his clothes due to the rain, but it was ignored as the only thought in his mind was to rid of the smell that lingered in his senses. It was quite a strike of luck as the other distinct odours of the metropolis were more intense than the miniscule scent he had sniffed earlier.

He refused to think that his hysterical fit had been triggered by such a small instance. As a composed and very self-controlled vampire, he was expected to have much more restraint than others of his kind. Had he lost all of his willpower and given into temptation, the monster he had tried to lock up for years would be unleashed from his internal cage, and many innocent victims would have been murdered.

Loud whispers snapped him out of his reverie. He could hear them; all the girls marvelling over his good looks, or the men staring at him jealously. With his sopping hair that stuck to his face, or the fact that he looked foolish for not using an umbrella, he wondered ludicrously why he attracted so much attention. Turning his head, he sneaked a peek at a group of girls behind him who were chattering excitedly, but this proved to be a bad idea as they started to blush and prattle even more.

"Did you see that? He looked at me! Should we confront him?" whispered a girl breathlessly to another. Knowing what was to come, the dark haired man continued to walk, speedily getting faster as he did. He turned corners swiftly, making it just in time to walk across the bustling intersection without getting run over and duck sneakily into an abandoned alley. The man pressed his back against the wall, blending in with the shadows as he heard the women pass him with frustrated sighs.

Scanning the deserted street quickly, he walked down to the other side of the narrow passageway once he had deemed it safe to move without being chased by a horde of obsessed fan girls. Again in the public eye, he trod silently on the path, taking no notice of the various people rushing past him in haste. The deafening clang of an enormous clock caused him, and many other busy workers, to look up at the time device that now read ten o'clock. A sudden shock of remembrance shot through him as he registered that he had somewhere he had to be.

As if reading his mind, a noisy ring buzzed from his pocket, catching the owner in such astonishment that he almost tripped over. Clenching his teeth, he dug his hand furiously in his pocket and pulled out his sleek mobile phone. Many people were looking at him curiously, whether it was because of his seemingly little stumble or his incredibly expensive phone that he appeared to dislike; they were all unnoticed to the man who had an expression of utter contempt. "What?" he hissed angrily into the mouthpiece of the phone, catching the caller by surprise.

"May I ask why you aren't here yet? I know that I'm really not one to talk but…you are late," crackled the voice from the phone. The pale man tightened his grip on the mobile and shuffled on; by now those who were previously watching him had scattered after hearing the intensity of his rage. He could clearly hear the mocking tone of his caller's voice, and it angered him to no end that no malice was actually intended. "There are still some documents you ne—"

"I'm on my way," interrupted the vampire, who had once again walked into a vacant space, this time it being the backyard of an inhabited house. He cursed as he hastily calculated the distance he needed to cover to reach his destination, and the large amount of time it would take as well. His obsidian eyes scrutinized the immediate area before considering it secure enough to display some supernatural ability. Crouching down, he propelled himself up in the span of only an eight-fifth of a second, reaching the skies at an uncanny rapidity. His black coat swishing around him, he set off to the building that was inconveniently placed on the other side of the bustling city. Of course, with his speed, getting there was no problem at all.

Thinking rather selfishly, he looked once at his phone before chucking it behind him as he flew forward. He heard the device smash against something hard, and smirked as he knew now, that there were to be no more interruptions to his journey.

His caller exhaled noisily, as he realized that there was absolutely no way that he could call again without getting an earful, or no answer at all. Dropping his phone down lazily on the desk, he pushed his chair backwards with his feet, getting up before the seat had even stopped moving. He bent over the bureau to obtain a bright orange book that lay face down, toppling over a large stack of papers in the process. Immediately, he stood up and eyed the messy desk of papers with disdain. One stack of papers that was dangerously teetering over the edge of the desk was obviously his unfinished work, while the other stack that had fallen over was the pile that was to be signed by the man that he had called.

His expression was one of downright disgust. He obviously had no intention of doing that much work as it was already so late at night. With his book in hand he took hold of his briefcase at the side of the desk, which was surprisingly light for someone who was supposed to have it quite full due to the amount of work he was assigned to. What type of business man was he exactly if he didn't do his duty? Shaking his head, he kept a tight grip on the handle of his briefcase and walked out of the office.

"Come on…just a little more…I want to go home…" chanted a woman as she drummed her fingers impatiently on her desk, her eyes staring at the hand that was slowly moving around the clock. As the hand ticked closer to the number she wanted, she inched her fingers close to her coat which lay in disarray on her otherwise neat table. Finally, the clock signalled that it was time for her to leave, and she happily stood up and grabbed her things.

Walking towards the elevator at the end of the room, she waved a good-bye to her workmate who was leaving as well. Stretching her arms high over her head, she let out a small yawn and let down her working façade.

"Sakura," someone called out. Said woman froze, her arms still in the air, her mouth open in the midst of a yawn. Turning slowly, she fell into business composure once again, but her aggravation showed through her forced smile and furrowed eyebrows. She was met by the sight of her boss, who was reading a bright orange book, which she knew to her disgust, was a book that would most likely rip all her integrity to shreds. His face was covered by a mask, and she had always wondered what was underneath it; to her dismay, she felt that he would be very handsome.

"There is a small pile of paperwork in my office. It shouldn't be a bother. Finish it up for tomorrow," he ordered, walking past her summarily. He passed her a fleeting glance, but quickly returned his eyes to his beloved book when he registered the look on her face.

Once all the information had been absorbed into Sakura's brain, she turned to him as he walked, and opened her mouth to protest. He cut her off with a friendly tone, but she worked under him enough to recognize that he was serious. "You know, a good employee would listen to her boss, no matter what the situation is. Haven't you learnt that lesson yet?"

She grunted and turned sharply on her heel, marching her way to the office, dropping her belongings by her desk as she passed. Her masked superior let out a small chuckle before he disappeared, and her remaining work mate was no better. "Keep it up, Sakura! After the tonnes of paperwork you've done, you'll be promoted to head of the building!" complimented her blonde friend sarcastically.

Slamming the door behind her, she gasped as she saw the cluttered desk that belonged to her boss. Papers were spread out everywhere, and a pricey looking phone was sitting in the centre of it. She snickered, and grabbed the phone, getting ready to pummel it to the ground with her foot. Movement from outside the office, most likely her remaining co-worker leaving, caused her to rethink the scenario; instead she placed the phone carefully in her pocket, deciding that it would be best to return it tomorrow. Although she was kind enough to abstain from destroying something that probably held a lot of importance to her dear boss, all her former irritation hadn't worn off yet.

"There is a small pile of paperwork in my office. It shouldn't be a problem," she imitated his voice in a disrespectful tone. "What a lying, porn-reading, selfish man!"

Sakura glanced at the wobbly stack of papers that stood at the edge of the desk, and stomped her way to the other side. She eyed it warily, wondering which strategy was best to use when handling such an enormous pile of documents. Fortunately for her, her choice of attack was successful; she scooped up every single paper and drove it into a manila folder that happened to be conveniently placed on the desk.

With the bulging folder in hand, she strode noisily out of the office and to her designated table, where she had sluggishly dumped her bag. The girl zipped it open and attempted to forcefully shove the folder into her bag, but it refused to fit. After many countless efforts to fit the files in her bag, she gave up and collapsed to the ground in exhaustion.

"Why!? What did I do to deserve this after such a long day at work?" she wailed desperately, punching the ground with her right hand in her frenzied emotional breakdown. Being much stronger than she thought, her punch was strong enough to make a dent in the tiled flooring, effectively earning her a rather scary bruise on her knuckles. She hissed fervently, and brought her hand up to her chest to cradle it and soothe the pain.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps approaching echoed around the room, and by instinct Sakura ducked down under her desk, hiding herself from the intruder's view. As if the pain of her aching hand wasn't enough, her head bumped the ceiling of under the desk as she moved, thus eliciting a low groan from her lips. She held her breath, deeply hoping that her clumsiness wouldn't be heard, and she let out a breath of relief as she heard the steps continue. Alas, her relief was in vain.

"Who's there?" asked a deep, smooth voice, as the footsteps halted. A pink eyebrow twitched in annoyance as the face that is was embedded on rose to face the person who had so rudely called her indirectly. She opened her mouth to retort, but snapped her trap shut as she realized who she was just about to insult. Uchiha Sasuke. Her almighty superior, head of the company she worked for, the person who paid her, was standing there with his back facing her.

"Ah, I was just about to leave sir, ah, you see, my boss had…" and before she knew it, she was ranting.

The dark haired man groaned quietly as he slid a hand through his wet hair. He'd expected an empty office when he arrived, but it seemed that luck wasn't on his side tonight. Irritation wasn't another emotion he needed to feel tonight, so he continued to make his way to the closed office at the end of the large space. The girl was indeed annoying, so why push his limit any further?

In one instant, several things happened. A soft, albeit sufficient, gust of wind from a nearby air conditioner brought a startlingly irresistible smell to his nose, his eyes were diverted to the pulsing vein in the babbling girl's neck and he stiffened noticeably.

He recognized that scent— it was the same scent that had generated his frantic fit just a while ago. The memorable aroma of human blood, yet this blood was different.

Being a vampire for his whole existence, this girl had the sweetest blood he'd smelled in years.

The familiar feeling of thirst ached in his body. His muscles coiled, ready to attack at any given moment, and his stomach churned with his blood lust. Such a scent seemed too rare to exist, and he knew that such an enticing smell would never mingle within his senses again if he let this chance slide. The thirst was starting to overpower his self-control, and his onyx eyes flickered to its animalistic shade of crimson as he discreetly glanced over his shoulder at the girl.

The sight of the girl was enough to make his mind stop in its tracks. She was still talking, but her image seemed to be permanently etched into his memories. Embarrassment was evident on her face, from the way she blushed and avoided eye contact entirely, instead choosing to stare at the ground. Her blood flooded her cheeks as she blushed, turning a most delicious colour.

His eyes drifted downwards. Slender fingers were intertwined with each other, and were constantly fidgeting in front of her chest. A steady beating drum sounded from her, and the pulse reminded him of the mouth-watering liquid that ran through her veins. Red eyes were diverted quickly to her neck at this though, and his mind allegorically exploded. He could clearly see the rhythmic flow of her blood in her veins under the pale membrane of her skin.

With much effort, he forced his eyes away from the excruciatingly tempting sight view of her neck. Narrowing his eyes, his mind devised many plans to deal with the situation. Of course, the most appealing choice was to drink her blood, but his self-control fought against it, coming up with the alternate choice of escaping the scent and filling his need with a blood tablet.

Was that even a plausible option? Although he was naturally a very arrogant person, he tended to be able to back up his threats with truth. In actuality, he could effortlessly kill her right now, and she wouldn't have seen it coming. He had it planned out; exactly how he could kill her, her horrified reaction and the blissful heaven he would enter once he completed his mission.

In the duration of just a third of a second, he would appear behind her with dazzling speed and sink his fangs deeply into the pink haired girl's neck, thus tasting the blood he longed for. If he wished for something a tad less suspicious or slow, he could easily seduce her and allow her to come willingly. Then he would savour her blood, and her screams of terror would be of no worry, because they would be silenced quickly or would dissipate to moans of ecstasy. After all, having your blood sucked by a vampire would always be a sensual experience for a human.

However, this tactic took a bit of time, and his impulses wouldn't allow him to have that much time to control himself, at least not with her scent around.

Not a full second had passed. His employee was still ranting ceaselessly. All his plans had been resolved in that one measure of time. Determined, he sucked in a deep breath and smoothed over his expression.

"…left me the rest of his paperwork to finish off, so I was just collec—" The girl was still babbling. She hadn't even finished her first sentence yet.

It took all of his self-control to muster up enough willpower to encourage his object of blood-lust to depart.

"Leave if you have no business here," he muttered huskily, his voice a large change from his even baritone. The girl looked at him with wide eyes, before registering that he was not in the mood to accept her incessant ranting. She excused herself politely, grabbing her things and hurrying to the end of the room where she waited for an elevator.

As the metal doors opened for her, she tilted her head towards the stiff vampire and gave a small smile. "Will you please turn off the lights once you leave, sir? It's the last person's job to see to that."

Her voice was intoxicating, and he found it terrifying. Was she trying to make him go insane? He could smell her breath coming from her mouth, and it was simply alluring. A small grunt was his reply and her smile grew just a little bit wider. The silver doors of the elevator closed and he let out the breath he didn't know he was holding. He cursed himself for his vulnerability and strode hurriedly to the office at the end of the room.

The man had made a resolution to refrain from murdering any innocent humans, no matter how tasty their blood smelled. Such power and energy was to be used on finding, and eventually killing, his hunter whom he hated with much revulsion.

He slammed the door close, nearly ripping it off its hinges in his wake. Without another sound, the papers he needed to sign were neatly in a folder labelled with his name, and they soon disappeared inside his still sopping black coat. A cold breeze floated through his saturated hair as he opened the only window in the cramped office and jumped onto the windowsill with poise. He looked over his shoulder, and remembered the favour he had been asked to fulfil.

Leaning backwards slightly, he launched himself out of the window, and then speedily formed some hand signs, where in it was so quick that they were all just a blur. Before his fancy shoes had even touched the concrete floor of the path, the lights in the entire building had sparked beautifully, before blacking out completely. Many groans and shrieks of terror were heard as the pale skinned man landed quietly in the darkness; his disembark marked by his arrival in a dark alley by putting minimal pressure on the balls of his feet.

A smirk etched its way onto his lips, and he straightened up, brushing his attire of any dust or particles of dirt. Movement heard by his alert ears caused him to freeze in his action, and he retreated quietly to the shadows of the building. The darkness hid him like a cloak, and if it wasn't for his incredibly still posture, he surely would have been found by those he tried to hide from.

"Good night; I hope you live through tonight to show up tomorrow, Forehead!" cried out a shrill voice from the entrance of the large building. A soft giggle filled the air at that comment, and a sudden jolt of apprehension shot through him. He tilted his head to the conversing ladies carefully, watching them from the corner of his red eyes.

"I'll try, but don't get your hopes too high, pig!"

His hypothesis was correct; it was her who was bidding good bye to her friend. Her pink hair was barely noticeable under her fluffy pink beanie, for it camouflaged perfectly. Small hands were covered by white gloves as she wove her greeting, her red coat billowing around her lightly as she moved. A smile had been placed on her face, but it was still the same half-hearted, polite grin he had witnessed before. Once her blonde friend was out of sight, she spun around and walked in his direction, swinging her arms by her side as she strode.

"Ah! I finally get to go home!" she rejoiced, pumping her fist in the air as she passed the concealed vampire. He had originally been worried that she would see him, but it seemed that she was too absorbed in completing her journey home to care about anything else.

She passed him, but as he watched her retreating back, he felt compelled to follow her, as if an invisible force was dragging him forward. Getting rid of his thirst was his first priority, but it seemed that his mind refused to listen to his commands; instead, hideous thoughts of ravaging his pink haired employee filled his mind. Growling, he used the wall behind him for leverage as he wheeled himself into the sky, his black coat swishing around his legs.

As if the skies were just a range of imaginary platforms, he bounded across the night, staying hidden behind the clouds so as not to rouse any unwanted attention. Even from such a lengthy height, he could clearly see the figure of his victim that he stalked. Being quite perceptible, he could spot her bobbing cerise head through the crowded streets.

She weaved through the swarm of people expertly, moving quickly and agilely. The pink haired girl slid into vacant gaps, slinked away busy citizens. A proud smile covered her face as she exulted in the fact that although she didn't avoid trouble at her workplace, she could avoid the rude, perverted men on the prowl in the streets. However, her movements were not as sharp and graceful as that of the beautiful man who followed her.

"Tch…how annoying," he muttered, dropping down onto a tall skyscraper, before falling headfirst to the packed metropolis below. Adding a somersault in benevolently at the end, he landed silently on his feet, before straightening up and walking once again. Sasuke tilted his head down and kept a fair distance away from his victim so as not to seem suspicious, but his obsidian orbs still kept a close eye on her. "She can't even walk home without falling over."

Surprisingly enough, a second later the girl fell forward, whacking her forehead against the pole of a traffic light. Her groan was soft, but his attentive ears picked it up. She swayed slightly on the spot, bringing her hand up to her forehead as he moved, thus gaining the curious stares of onlookers. A beeping noise and a green light resulted in a stampede herding her towards the other side of the busy road, the redness from her brow swelling as she regained her composure. "Hey! Be careful who you push, idiots!"

Her profanities were ignored, even as she glared at those she thought guilty. She huffed and stomped away, but not before tripping and hitting her head on a pole…again. This time, due to her unremitting stomping, her collision had enough force to knock her off her feet, causing her bag and its contents to spill over the concrete. Her reaction was one of complete anger; her face went red and if she were a comical character, steam would have been exiting from her ears.

The walk home was somewhat less interesting afterwards, and the quietness of her neighbourhood as she entered it unnerved the cherry haired girl as she stepped across the threshold of her door. "Home, sweet home!" she crooned as she dumped her possessions at the door along with her shoes. Skipping happily to her kitchen, she stripped herself of her coat and gloves, shivering as the cold wind from an open window blew in and over her skin.

"Was that window open before?"

Exclusive, black shoes landed on the lush green carpet of the room. A crouched figure stood still in the middle of the space, his hands shoved in his pockets and his obsidian eyes roaming the area. He could hear the girl in the next room mutter to herself on the subject of whether or not she had closed the window he, unbeknownst to her, had used to enter her residence.

A high-pitched scream was heard from the kitchen as a rush of water gushed through a faucet. In the blink of an eye, the man had appeared in the shadows of her kitchen, hidden between the space of the fridge and the cupboards. It seemed the green eyed girl had thrust her hurt hand under the running water from the tap, and was hissing fervently as the liquid spurted from the impact. Hurriedly, she turned off the faucet and pulled out a first aid kit with her dry hand, and expertly wrapped her injury with a small bandage.

"Ah! All bandaged up and healed!" she praised herself cockily, holding it up in the air proudly. Shoving her kit messily into a nearby cabinet, she walked to the fridge to open it. The self-satisfied girl pulled out a bottle of juice and proceeded to bring it up to her lips, until another round of goose bumps covered her arms. She put her bottle down onto the bench top as she shuffled quickly to the heater in the next room. A few buttons were pressed, some shrieks of frustration were shrieked and a kick to the furnace was given for the heater to turn on and let out a flood of warmth.

Sakura sauntered into the kitchen once again, raising her arms above her head as she stretched. "That's better," she sighed, closing her eyes as she yawned, "With it set to high, this darned place should be toasty in no time!"

Unfortunately for the unknown guest, 'better' was not the right word. As the waves of heat flowed into the space both she and he occupied, it brought forth the same startlingly tantalizing smell, this time much stronger. He could smell the scent of all the objects she had touched, like the unwashed cups in the sink, the dirty clothes in the laundry. He could smell the places she had frequently stayed on, like the sheets of her bed, or the cushion that was deliciously covered in her scent all around.

The aching thirst once again burned in his hollow throat, making him experience déjà vu as he relived the moments where he had first smelled the appealing scent of the pink haired girl who he had mysteriously followed home. A growl escaped his lips as he felt his fangs protrude to his bottom lip as the sound was elicited.

What was much worse was the fact that the girl whose scent was currently driving him insane was standing just over a metre from him.

"Is this poisoned, or just off?" she questioned suspiciously through shallow gags as she drew the bottle away from her lips. Sakura turned the bottle around in her right hand as her left wiped her mouth of the excess liquid that had spilt through her lips. Bringing the container to her nose, she sniffed it carefully when she resolved that the label reflected no wrong of the liquid. A horrid smell of something other than the orange juice she thought she was drinking wafted to her nose from the opening of the bottle, causing yet another round of gags.

The smell of the unidentified liquid was a minor smell to the bloodthirsty vampire, as the breaths coming from the girl's mouth were what were drawing his attention. "Damn it… it's taking over again," he hissed as he clamped his sweaty hand over the joint between his shoulder and neck. The skin there was turning pale and black markings were creeping quickly out from the appendage laid over its source.

"This isn't orange juice… is it… expired milk!? I think I kno—," the frustrated girl exclaimed, before she was interrupted suddenly.

A strong gust of wind flew from her fridge abruptly, with so much force that it whipped her hair around her face wildly, and took her by surprise to the extent that she collapsed to the floor. The bottle of supposed orange juice clattered to the ground beside her, its perished contents spilling over the tiles. Green eyes widened, and her mouth opened as if to say something, but no sound escaped her lips as her vision was switching from the dark space between the fridge and the cupboards, to the open window which she thought she had closed prior to her leave for work.

The window was open, exactly the way it was before the blustery current of air. Nothing else in the room had been moved, excluding her dropped bottle and her frightened body. She could have sworn that something, a person to be exact, had passed her and fled via her window. Yet, she had her doubts; did anyone have such cold skin, cold as ice?

"Wha—no, who was that?"

He had given in; broken his self-control for the second time that night. With his black coat flapping in the wind, his hair getting soaked by the heavy rain that was falling and his skin lowering rapidly in temperature, he bounded across the midnight sky to reach his next destination: the place he loathed with distaste. But, did he have a choice? Where else could he go to relieve his thirst, whilst looking completely monstrous with his red eyes, curious markings and murderous intent?

The vampire was greeted by the person he had originally tried to avoid, but was not in the position to get rid of him in his current state. "My, what happened, Sasuke-kun?" the man whispered eerily, bringing his cold hands, chilled like the other man's own, to Sasuke's shoulders as he bent his head down to rest in the crook of his neck. "You look quite troubled."

Indeed, the man did look 'troubled'. Black markings in the shape of horizontal waves covered the surface of his skin, glowing red as he breathed. The red irises were flitting around the room quickly, as paranoia that the scent would return flooded him.

With blinding speed, said man ripped a tablet out of the packet that he dug furiously out of his pocket, and downed it with one gulp. Several gasps followed, and the other individual brought his hand to his upper back and massaged it seductively. "Hush now…the taste will fade eventually."

A growl was heard, and Sasuke flicked his arm quickly, effectively hitting his target straight in the gut, where the man doubled over as he retreated. Kneading his neck, the vampire glared angrily at his offender, baring his canines at him when the man made a move to approach him.

"Orochimaru, get away from me, yo—" Sasuke snarled, before he inhaled sharply as a round of pants overcame him. The long haired man took this as an opportunity to reattach himself to the boy's convulsing body.

Sasuke gasped a final, raspy gasp before falling down onto his legs and leaning his head back against the wall, thus bringing down the clinging man with him. The dreadful taste of the blood tablets was still lingering in his mouth, but his unnatural hunger for the girl's blood had subsided substantially. Throwing the packet away, he took another deep breath and stood up shakily. Orochimaru sighed and detached himself, stepping a safe distance away from the dangerous vampire.

"Kuku… Sasuke-kun, you should learn to control your instincts more," drawled Orochimaru as the other man wiped some remaining liquid from the edge of his mouth. "Has everything I taught you gone to waste? You aren't going to beat him like that, you know."

Stiffening, Sasuke grunted as he walked past the speaker swiftly, not bothering to answer or glance back. He slammed the door shut behind him, hoping to put a barricade between the creepy man and himself. As he walked down the deserted corridor, he dug his hands in his pockets, feeling somewhat surprised when he felt no packets of disgusting pills hidden in the small pouch.

"He will die…" a smirk flitted its way across his face as he halted by a large window, with the moonlight shining brightly through to shadow the features of the handsome vampire. His red eyes, which had reverted back to his original colour, onyx, glanced at the moon which could be seen in large detail from his position.

"Because my hatred is stronger than anything else in this world."

A/N: First chapter up and done! If you can, or want to, please review! Did anyone guess who Orochimaru's slave was? The first one to guess gets an imaginary cookie!