What Was He/She Thinking Part 2

Who the fuck does she think she is running up on me like that

Who the fuck does she think she is running up on me like that? If there is one person I don't want interfering with my plans, it's her. That Anezaki Mamori has got to be the most bothersome annoying person in all of Deimon High. Walking around the halls like she's the fucking goddess of all the goody two-shoes, just because she is on the disciplinary committee, fuck, I can't stand her!

It's was almost amusing, looking at her standing beside Sena, shaking with fury. Was she really that insane? Did she really believe that she could threaten the club? He was the master of threats. He had a whole network of slaves and spies. In fact, all of the members on her precious disciplinary committee were successfully under his control. He reached for his ultimate compendium of dirty deeds, which was tucked safely in his sports bag. Surely he had something to use against her in the threat notebook. No one was safe from his reign of terror, not even goody two shoes like her.

Wait a minute. Did she just say she'd have me disqualified? So her aim is not to crush the club, only to crush me? All for the sake of that fucking shrimp?

He dropped the threat notebook back into his bag. There might be a better way to deal with this troublesome woman. He could use someone with her brains working for him rather than working against him. It was hard to ignore the effect she had on the rest of the student body. Even if he remained totally unfazed, he knew that most guys tripped over themselves just to get a seat next to her in one of her classes. She could help with recruiting and broaden their base. The bottom line was she was much better suited to be the manager than Sena.

It was like eliminating three birds with one stone. He would have one of the most popular students in school helping with recruiting, he could use her intelligence to help him gather data for his strategies, and it was always better to keep your enemies as close as possible. He'd make sure she was too busy with managerial duties to even worry about Sena. It was the perfect plan, and he could never resist a perfect plan. Now all he had to do was make it look like it was her bright idea all along.

Who does he think he is bullying such a poor defenseless creature, like Sena-kun? Sena is so kind and caring. How can that devil, Hiruma Youichi, just abuse him so heinously without regard? I won't stand for it, not anymore. Stalking the halls of Deimon High like Lucifer himself, instilling fear and loathing, he's reprehensible. He'll have to be taught a lesson and I'm just the person to do it.

She clenched her fists as she shouted at him. She wanted him to know the full extent of her rage and what she was capable of. It didn't escape her notice that he reached for that despicable notebook of his, but he would find anything on her in there. She had nothing to hide, and nothing to be embarrassed about.

Except for maybe that one time…wait, he couldn't possibly know about that!

She pushed the thought from her mind. It was not about her, it was about Sena. She would endure whatever torturous thing he had in mind for the sake of Sena's well being. Did she really think she would be so callous as to petition for the removal of the Amefuto Club? It would never be her goal to make others suffer for the crimes of just one person. That was his way, not hers. She preferred to deal with people on a one on one basis. She didn't need an army of slaves and a book of threats to take this monster down.

She could already feel Sena pulling away before he let go of her hand. It was hard for her to process at first, but as she listened to the person she was desperately trying to protect, she realized that ultimately it was his choice. Then she saw the demon grinning gleefully next to him, and realized that Sena had no clue what it was that he was getting himself into. She had to find a way to stay close to Sena, and protect him without him knowing it.

She certainly couldn't play on the Amefuto team, but neither did Sena? Plus, he was one person doing two jobs. It was just like Hiruma to take advantage and overwork such a dedicated person. If she could take over just one of Sena's jobs, she could make sure Hiruma didn't continually abuse his good nature, and she could keep Sena safe without him knowing. It was like killing two birds with one stone. Now, all she had to do was casually drop the hint so the demon would think that he came up with the idea.