I would like to take this time to apologize to each and everyone of you who have enjoyed my work. It should have never taken this long to have posted a chapter this short. Hopefully you'll like this one as much as the others, just a thought, which one of my stories is your favorite. Sorry, I just had to ask that one. I don't know what really made me want to do this fic, but it had somehow possessed me. We'll hope you enjoy!
"Kakashi-sensei," Naruto shouts out to his teacher.
It had begun as a simple C-rank mission to land of waves, a simple mission that any genin fresh form the academy could handle. Their job was to escort and protect their client from bandits, until he had made it safely home.
However things soon took a turn for the worst, not far out from the village the team was ambushed by the Demon Brothers. Their first attack was against their sensei Kakashi, by using a substitution jutsu he was able to escape from their chains. Thinking that they had succeeded in killing his team's sensei, they moved onto the nearest target, him.
Luckily, much to his nerve, Sasuke, who was the top of their graduating class; was able to pin the chain to a nearby tree, thus saving Naruto's life. With their chain pin to the tree thanks to Sasuke's shuriken and kunai, the Demon Brothers were forced to release their chain from their gauntlets. One heading towards Tazuna, the bridge builder, and the other went straight after Naruto.
Fortunately, Kakashi decided to come out of hiding to save his students and client. Shortly afterward Tazuna told team seven of what was really going on, and why he had lied to them in the first place. It turned out that the Land of Waves was a very poor nation due to a business tycoon named Gato.
After discussing the current situation, the team decided to go ahead with the mission. The rest of the trip was for the most part uneventful, until they had reached the Land of Waves. Walking down a trail that lead to the client's house, the team was once again ambushed this time by the infamous Zabuza Momochi, the demon of the Hidden Mist. And to make matters worse, Zabuza was fighting on his own turf, a small lake was nearby. Knowing that his genin team was nowhere near ready to face an A-rank missing Nin, Kakashi engaged Zabuza alone. With his Sharingan it had appeared that Kakashi would actually win, that was until Kakashi was stupid enough to go into the water. Now he was trapped within Zabuza's Water Prison Jutsu, using one handed seals Zabuza created a clone made of water to attack the young ninjas and their client.
Now all that remained between Tazuna and Zabuza were three genin fresh out of the academy. Zabuza's water clone attacked Naruto first, knocking the blond genin's headband off, mocking him all the while of not being a real ninja. Sasuke soon came charging in later, only to be painfully knocked away by the clone. After taking a deep blow to his pride as a shinobi, Naruto charges in blindly; his target was not the clone, but his headband, his symbol of being a proud shinobi of the Hidden Leaf Village.
"What are you doing? Get out of here, the mission was over as soon as I got caught! Your mission isn't to prove how brave you are, it's to protect the bridge builder. RUN!" Kakashi bellows out to his team, hoping that they would head his advice and run.
"No way sensei, you told us, 'those who break the rules are trash, but those who abandon their friends and comrades are below trash'," shouts out the blond hair genin, remembering the day when Kakashi had given them the bell test.
"Hmm, it seems that I have found a pure soul at long last," sings out an angelic voice. "There's no anger in him, only love for those around him. No greed or lust for power, only a thirst to prove himself. And a sharp mind that lies hidden behind that mask of ignorance. Yes, he is the one that will carry on the legend of Excalibur. It will be him who will bring back the way of honor, peace, and love."
"What's going on," Naruto shouts out to himself. The mist that had surrounded him and his teammates, started to swirl around him like a small tornado, with him right in the eye of said storm.
"Don't be afraid child, I'm here to help you," says the mysteriously beautiful voice.
"Who are you," Naruto asks the voice, thinking it to be some kind of illusion of Zabuza's.
"I'm one of the ancient magical beings, forgotten by mankind. "
"Well um, what's your name," he asks the voice cautiously, not wanting to make someone mad who was there to help him.
"In legend I'm simply known as the Lady of the Lake, and I've been waiting forever for someone with a pure heart to wield my sword Excalibur."
"Excalibur," echoes the blond, a shiver going down his spine at the name of the blade.
"Yes Excalibur, a sword of great power that few have ever had the privilege to hold. I have seen your soul, your mind, and your past, and I have found that you, Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze are the one destined to bring back the ways of old: chivalry, honor, and loyalty are the ways of old."
"But I don't know how to use a sword," Naruto replies disappointedly, knowing that she would now chose Sasuke over him, just like everyone else.
"Don't worry child, it has been over a millennia since anyone has handled a blade remotely similar to Excalibur. He will teach you all you need to know," the voice says.
"Who, who'll teach me," asks the blond.
"Me," replies a powerful voice to the boy's left, a voice who had seen and fought many battles.
"Where are you," Naruto asks the voice, spinning around a few times in an attempt to find the owner of voice.
"Look at your left hip," answers the voice.
Looking down Naruto sees a sword attached to his belt on his left hip. It was a claymore, the blade itself was at least forty inches, the handle maybe a foot long; in the entire sword appeared to be at least five feet in length total.
"What the," Naruto says gawking at the sword that now hangs on his belt.
"I'm Excalibur, the blade that was forged by the power and blood of the ancients. It is I who will teach you how to wield a sword, it is I who will teach you the ways of old, and it will be I who will teach you how to fight!"
"Take care Naruto, do not let Excalibur fall into the wrong hands…… goodbye," says the voice as the mist returns to the way it was before. Looking around it appeared that no time at all.
As if he was reading his thoughts, Excalibur says, "She doesn't like to have too many humans to know of her existence. So she stopped time so that no one would know that she was here."
"How come she doesn't want anyone to know about her?"
"Easy, everybody would be trying to hunt her down for her power. It gets rather annoying when you have countless mortals hunting you down only for your power, begging you to give them what they don't need or deserve."
"You kind of have a point," Naruto mutters only for the sword to hear.
"Just think of what your going to say, boy, or people are going to think that you've have gone crazy talking to a sword."
"Oh, ok," Naruto replies mentally to the sword.
"Alright kid you're way over your head here, this guy is a master swordsman. But you have one thing that he doesn't.
"What's that?"
"Me," replies the sword in an arrogant manner. "It's going to feel weird, but work with ok?"
"What are-?"
Quicker than his teammates and client could see, Naruto intercepted Zabuza's water clone. Drawing his sword he was able to prevent the clone form reaching its intended target. With a quick slash of the blade, Naruto easily defeated the water clone.
"What?" growls out Zabuza; enraged at the sight of his clone being destroyed by a mere genin. "Wait a minute, were did that sword come from?" asks Zabuza carefully eyeing the blade, trying to figure out as much as he can about the sword.
Similar thoughts began to run through the rest of the group, all of them wondering about the origins of the sword that the blond was now wielding like a master.
"That kid's not bad."
"Wow that was awesome, but not as awesome as Sasuke."
"Where did that idiot get that sword, it should me an Uchiha that should have it."
"I should probably take that thing away from him before he hurts himself."
"We're not out of the woods yet, we still have to free your sensei and get rid of this disgrace of a swordsman. Remember, let me handle this; after we get out of here, I'll teach you all you need to know about swordsmanship."
"Let's do this," Naruto says as he begins to be covered in a white aura.
"What is this feeling, it's not killing intent; what is it. His chakra is skyrocketing as well, how a genin can have that much chakra, it's impossible," Zabuza thought to himself.
Raising his blade into the ready position of a style that none could recognize, with his sword held in a forty-five degree angle with the tip of the blade pointing towards Zabuza, his right foot a step behind his left, and his shoulders square; it appeared to be a very solid stance loaded with power.
"You think you can beat me boy, HA, don't make me laugh. You and your teammates are nothing more than a bunch of brats playing ninja, until your hands have been stained with blood you can never call yourself a ninja," Zabuza says releasing even more killer intent to enforce his point.
Soon Sakura, Sasuke, and Tazuna were on their knees as if begging for release from this pressure that was suffocating them. The smirk that was on Zabuza's face fell when he had noticed that the blond was not affected by the killing intent at all. The white aura around the young blond began to increase in its intensity and power, pressure form the killing intent began to disappear. Hope began to fill them giving them the power to return to their feet, that hope than turned into courage that gave them the power to raise their heads, and now a power that they had never felt before began to flow through their veins making feel as if they could do anything.
Before anyone had a chance to ask what was happening; Naruto charged at the original Zabuza, running across the surface of the lake. Running at speeds that would make most jounin green with envy, Naruto engages Zabuza in a duel of blades.
Drawing his blade, Zabuza prepares to defend himself from this suddenly skilled swordsman of a genin. Rushing at full speed Excalibur meet Zabuza's Head Cleaving Sword; resulting in a shower of sparks. Blade clashed with blade, as Naruto begins to strengthen each swing of his sword.
With a hard horizontal swing, Naruto pushes Zabuza's sword far enough from the swordsman for him to attack Zabuza himself. Bringing Excalibur up for a quick thrust, Naruto forces Zabuza to leap back, forcing him to release Kakashi from his prison.
"Good job Naruto, I'll take it from here," says Kakashi, only to be ignored by his student as he charges off after Zabuza again. "Naruto stand down, he's way above your level. Let me care of him!"
Kakashi's words fell on death ears, as Naruto continued to engage Zabuza in a deadly duel. Blade continued to meet blade as Excalibur continued to clash against Zabuza's. There were fancy footwork, just pure swordsmanship in its rawest form; both styles relied on pure power of the wielder. Sparks flew as Naruto blocked a slash form Zabuza, countering with a slash of his own. Blood flew through the air as Zabuza received a deep cut to his midsection, nearly avoiding a fatal injury by taking a quick back at the last second.
"Damn brat," Zabuza growls through his gritted teeth, clutching his stomach in pain. Though it was not a fatal wound, it was still painful none the less. "I'll kill him."
Flying through a long series of hand seals, Zabuza raises his chakra levels to the maximum, willing to waste all of his chakra on one genin. Ending his long string of hand seals at rooster, Zabuza shouts out the name of the jutsu, "WATER STYLE: WATER DRAGON JUTSU!"
"SHIT!" shouts out the blond hair genin watching the dragon made of water flying towards him.
"WATER STYLE: WATER DRAGON JUTSU," shouts out Kakashi, countering Zabuza's water dragon with one of his own. "Now get out of here, I'll handle this," Kakashi replies in a tone that left no room for argument.
"You don't have to tell me twice," Naruto shouts out taking off towards the shore of the lake as fast as his legs could carry him, not wanting to get in the crossfire of all of those jutsu.
"Hmm look at that, the mighty Zabuza beaten in a sword fight. And against a genin too, who would of known you were that weak," says Kakashi trying to infuriate Zabuza, forcing him to make mistakes.
"Damn you Kakashi," growls out Zabuza. Staggering Zabuza tries to charge Zabuza, his muscles in his arms barley able to hold the massive blade.
"Pathetic," Kakashi says with a deep sigh, simply knocking the large sword out of the man's hands. With a chakra enhanced uppercut, Kakashi sends Zabuza skidding across the water and into a tree on the shore.
"This ends here Zabuza," Kakashi replies in a neutral tone, walking to an arms length of the barely conscious Zabuza. Catching something out of the corner of his eye, Kakashi takes a great leap backwards.
Flying through the air at incredible speed a handful senbon needles pierce Zabuza's neck. As Zabuza begins to fall towards the ground, a Hunter Nin appeared with Zabuza's sword in his right hand.
"I must thank you helping me with Zabuza," replies the Hunter Nin. "He has been most difficult for me to track down."
"You must be from Hidden Mist, no problem glad to be of help," Kakashi replies.
"Thank you, I'll make sure you're all credited," says the Hunter Nin grabbing Zabuza's body and disappearing in a swirl of mist.
"Glad that's over," Naruto says exhausted beyond belief. "Thanks Kakashi-sensei, I-" Naruto says as he suddenly face plants into the ground.
"Naruto," shouts out Sakura, showing concern for her teammate.
"Don't worry," Kakashi says as he covers up his Sharingan eye. "He just over exerted himself, give him a day and he'll be fine. Tazuna, how much further is it to your house?"
"Not far, just this way," says Tazuna as he leads them to his house, with Kakashi carrying Naruto over his shoulder with Excalibur with its sheath.
How was it? Anyway if you have any knowledge on King Aurthur, or any thing that has to do with Excalibur: whether if it's powers, origins, or any other myths that surround the sword. And as for why I chose a Claymore, don't worry I'm going to give Excalibur the power to change into different types of swords, so if you have a favorite, let me know (NO LIGHT SABERS, sorry I can't see one of those in this fic, nothing personal.)