Disclaimer: Supernatural and all its characters belong to Kripke and the CW.
This is for Hot Show who asked for a story about how Dean and Sammy learned to trust Bobby. Hope this is what you wanted.
Bobby slumped into his favorite chair and ran a weary hand across his face. Glancing at the clock on the mantle he sighed in relief. It had been four hours since he had been made official babysitter. John and Joshua should be back any time now. He hoped.
Looking over at John's little boys asleep on the couch he couldn't help but smile. Those two were definitely growing on him although he didn't think they felt the same way. The older boy Dean tended to stay far away watching him with eyes far too old for a little tyke. In fact Dean didn't act like a child; he acted like a mini adult. And that was just plain wrong. But that wasn't the worst. What bothered Bobby the most was the not talking. Most kids Dean's age chattered about anything and everything all day long. But Dean stayed silent. Bobby had heard Dean say a few words usually about some milestone his little brother had accomplished. But those moments were few and far between. Most of the time the only person Dean conversed with was his brother and even then it was whispered. However even without words he'd made it very clear that he didn't trust Bobby.
Course the arguments with the kid's daddy didn't help matters any. In all fairness the majority of those battles had come about when Bobby attempted to talk John into leaving the hunting world and going back to his normal life for the sake of his children. There was nothing that made Winchester angrier faster than someone telling him how to raise his boys. In fact their last argument would have ended in a fistfight if it wasn't for Joshua. Hmm, no wonder Dean steered clear of him.
And then there was the little one, Sammy. He followed in his big brother's footsteps. Whatever Dean did, Sammy did. He was Dean's constant shadow already trying to be just like his big brother. But unlike his brother Sammy had no problems making his opinions known. Hell, half the town had probably heard the kid "expressing himself" as they say. Bobby just wished the youngest Winchester would learn a new word. No was getting old fast.
Shifting in his chair Bobby froze as the old springs creaked from the movement. Noticing that the two boys hadn't stirred, Bobby sent up a short prayer of thanks. He didn't think he was ready for round two of Winchesters vs. Singer. One round had been more than enough.
Settling into the chair Bobby thought back to that morning. John and Josh had spent most of the morning planning every aspect of the poltergeist job while the boys quietly played nearby. Then after a quick lunch, Josh began putting supplies in his truck while John took his boys in the living room to break the news. Dean had just nodded his head as his daddy explained that he was leaving for a little while. Sammy on the other hand had pitched one heck of a fit. John had attempted to calm the little boy down assuring him that daddy would be back soon. When that didn't have the desired effect John carefully pried Sammy's hands from around his neck and handed the screaming bundle to Bobby. Bobby held tight through the tantrum not releasing the boy until the sound of Josh's truck had faded away. Sammy had sat on the floor and hollered for his daddy until Bobby thought he'd go hoarse. It had been Dean who finally managed to calm his little brother down by dumping a small bucket of blocks out. The two had spent several hours playing with Dean pointing out the colors and letters on the blocks to his little brother.
And all was peaceful again until Bobby attempted to change Sammy's diaper. After chasing the little boy down, Bobby had once again been subjected to a Sammy tantrum. Sammy struggled to free himself as Bobby carried him to the couch. He hollered, hit, and kicked as he was set down and when he still couldn't escape he leaned down and bit the hand holding him. Instead of releasing him like Sammy wanted Bobby had done what John did every time Sammy bit; he swatted the little guy's diaper covered behind. Sammy screamed but stilled allowing Bobby to change him. And once again it was Dean to the rescue. He helped his little brother off the couch and hugged him before directing his attention to the toys on the floor. In minutes both boys were smiling as they built a tower of blocks.
Bobby had let the boys play until he noticed Sammy's head starting to nod. Announcing it was naptime he waited for the screaming to start. But he was spared the fight when Dean obediently walked over and lay down on the couch. Sammy of course followed climbing up on the couch and snuggling into his big brother's side. Bobby carefully placed a blue blanket over the now sleeping boys and set about cleaning up the toys.
Hearing a noise Bobby eagerly sat up only to be disappointed when it turned out to be a plane flying overhead. Taking a gulp of coffee Bobby wondered how the big boys were doing on their hunt. They had just gone into town to get rid of a little poltergeist problem one of Bobby's friends was having. Now that he thought about it, they should have been through and back long before now. Concerned Bobby stood and quietly walked into the kitchen grabbing the phone as he passed. Setting the phone on the table he began to dial his friend's number and stopped. Shaking his head he replaced the phone receiver mentally berating himself for the dire thoughts. They were probably just running late. After all it was John and Josh's first big hunt. Sure they had been on a few salt and burns over the last few months. But that had been with Bobby or Jim as their backup. They'd never worked a job alone until now. Bobby figured he'd give them another hour or two before he started making calls. Decision made he filled his mug with coffee and headed into the living room intent on enjoying the peace and quiet while it lasted. Hearing the phone ring he quickly snatched up the receiver. "Singer here. Josh, what's wrong? How bad? Okay I'll get the boys and. . .Alright, you need anything? Okay, keep me posted Josh."
Well shit! What was he going to do now?