Title: Curator Angelus
Summary: Edward has his own Guardian Angel watching over him but what happens when Bella falls for him.
A/N: so I had this idea and it just came to me and I couldn't get it off my mind so here it goes. I don't own any of the characters they all belong to the lovely Stephenie Meyer.
Bella POV
Alright all I have to do is knock on the door. How can I be nervous? You're just about to meet Edward Cullen, your watchee. Ok just raise your hand and knock. Knock Knock.
The door opened and revealed a small pixie like girl. Ah Alice.
"Hi Alice, I'm Bella may I come in?"
"Uh sure, how do you know my name?" Alice said
"Why don't you gather the family and I'll tell you all." I replied
"Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper." She said loudly, probably for my benefit. "We have a guest."
Each one walked down the stairs gracefully Carlisle in the lead.
"Why don't we talk in the family room, you're going to want to sit down for this." I told them.
We walked silently to the other room. Jasper and Alice sat on the couch along with Carlisle and Esme. Emmett sat on the chair with Rosalie on his lap. Well here goes nothing.
"First off I know your all vampires." I said. There that was easy.
"What are you talking about?!" The blonde one screeched. Rosalie. Well this was going to be harder than I pictured.
"Vampires aren't real your off your rocker." She told me
"Why I certainly am not." I said, how insulting.
"Now ladies, please." Carlisle said "Now what makes you think were vampires?"
"Well, this is usually where we lose people." I took a deep breath. "I'm an Angel, actually a Guardian Angel; Edward's to be more exact."
You'd think I'd pulled a Britney Spears and shaved my head, because it was dead silent. Geez they should work on that. I mean it's not that hard to believe, I mean there the vampires. Ok maybe it was a long stretch.
"God sent me, that's how I know what you are and who you are. I know all your names and your background history. Well except for yours Alice, God didn't tell me yours, he said something about when the time comes. I'm here to help Edward. Now where is he?"
Carlisle stood up. They were still all silent. Carlisle broke the silence first.
"Let's say you are an angel, or Guardian angel, can you prove it. Sorry if I come across rude but it's not every day you meet an angel."
"Well of course" I said. "But I think it best to wait for Edward. By the way where is he, you never answered me before."
"He is out hunting dear" Esme said kindly. "I'll go make up a room for you. I assume you'll be staying."
"I don't mean to impose." I said that was not my intention at all.
"Oh it's no bother at all." She said then disappeared into the house, I could hear her run up the stairs, I assume to get my room ready.
A/N Alright what do you think? Please be honest and please review!