A/N. A million-billion thanks to my reviewers!! Been battling some weird illnesses... but yeah. You don't care. You just want the story, don't you. Yeah... I'm feeling you. -grins-

Here you all go- with new chapter titles, and a different-than-planned ending. And, holy crap, is it a big chapter.


-Chapter Three-

-The Catalyst-


After a delicious late lunch/early diner in a local cafe, the Fabulous Five were standing around outside enjoying the evening air, each with their own private trains of thought. Joshua's was alternating from making snide mental remarks about the state of Players scuttling around and shooting looks at Beat. More than once he had felt the need to inform the staff that Monsieur Bito was not drunk, just naturally loud and obnoxious. Poor Rhyme- she has to live with him.

The evening wasn't a total failure- the food was very good and Joshua had managed to regain his confidence (to a degree) by occasionally 'tuning in' to the UG and listening to the Players as they scurried in and out of the cafe. One of them tried to scan him- he had casually summoned a Progfox to distract them. Lovely Noise, Progfox, he pondered absently. Such a pain to erase when one didn't have the proper tools.

Shibuya's Composer didn't have to scan to know what the others were thinking. Shiki was looking purposefully at an outlet mall, shopping on her mind, Neku was nodding his head in time with his music and every few seconds glancing at his girlfriend, avoiding shopping on his. Beat was yawning and stretching comfortably, most likely thinking about sleep, and Rhyme was... studying him?

He met her gaze with one eyebrow cocked, his face kept carefully blank. She gave a small smile back, and he faked a cough as the butterflies in his stomach fluttered with renewed vigor. Damn you bugs- I thought we were over this.

"Yo, I'ma gonna head back to the pad, aight? " Beat stated, turning to face the rest of the group. "Anyone gonna join me? "

"We're going shopping, " Shiki cooed as she winked at a resigned Neku. Joshua smirked. "Sounds like a good time. Mind if I tag along? "

"Not at all. You're coming too, Rhyme. I can see the cutest dress in the window- you are at very least trying it on. No buts- let's go! See you at the hotel, Beat! " Shiki, the unofficial leader of this gang, ushered them all into the nearby mall entrance.

Joshua suppressed a sound of despair. I was betting on Rhyme's loyalty, not Shiki's clothes fetish. Crap. He brightened, however, at Neku's groan. "Oh, cheer up, Neku. We won't change your signature 'style' too much. I'm sure we can find something for you that looks like it was made for someone with a watermelon for a neck. " He smirked, and flipped his hair out of the way.

Ye Olde Neku would have hissed death threats at the Composer, damn the possible consequences, but this Neku was reduced to a pissed off look as he was drug by Shiki's girl power into a fabric shop, leaving Joshua and Rhyme to follow or be swallowed in the foreign crowd.

"Aren't you coming, Joshua? " Rhyme paused in the center of the repidly growing distance between the ex-player and the ashen-haired teen. He shrugged. "I hate breaking a sweat. Go on ahead- I can always catch up. "

The blonde girl hesitated for a moment, looking from the casual-faced Joshua to the dating couple swiftly vanishing. At last she scurried to the Composer's side, falling automatically into step with him. "I'll give them some space, " she said quietly- justifying her actions perhaps?, he wondered.

Silence lapsed for a time as they silently followed the assumed path that Neku and Shiki had taken, all the while Joshua's brilliant (albeit rather twisted) mind was operating at lightning speeds. As much as I hate to admit it, Rhyme... sort of scares me. She's so disarming... so sweet... and because of that, a little dangerous. When everyone really is out to kill you and gain your powers, it's a little important to stay alive and on your guard.

I hate small talk- but I feel like I should say something. Anything would be nice- better than this awkward silence.

Thankfully, an opportunity for conversation presented itself. Rhyme paused for a moment outside a Wild-Boar-esque store. "Beat and I used to go to a store like this all the time... "

Joshua 'hm'd in response. "They're all guy clothes, " he stated at last.

"So? They're comfortable. "

"So are a lot of girl clothes, but you don't see me wearing dresses all over the place. " Emboldened by the absence of the rest of the group, he caught her wrist and gently pulled her over to a boutique reminiscent of Pavo Real and such. "Let's go in here. "

"But I- c-can't... "

"Humor me. " Already, he was rooting through the racks for something. "What do you think about this? "

It was a peacock's shade of turquoise, a broad band around the stomach cut away and replaced with fine silver mesh, one shouldered and delicately embroidered around neck and bottom. Rhyme's eyes grew huge, and she touched it reverently. "Oh, Joshua... it's... gorgeous. But... I'd never wear it. "

He scowled slightly. That color matches her eyes perfectly...but she's right. Poor girl lives almost in the ghetto. A little flicker of pain passed through his spine, and he made a face. Pity? In me? Highly unlikely.

"You're still trying it on. Now, pick something for me. "

Her face lit up, and she bit back a smile as she snatched a green version of the dress Joshua was holding. He raised one eyebrow fractionally. "Be serious, Rhyme. "

Her expression sobered quickly, flushing slightly with embarrassment. "This purple would match my eyes better, " he finished to reassure her he was joking, flashing a smile and nudging an amethyst affair.

She giggled, then caught sight of a suit in the background, her light touch on his arm pulling him along like an invisible chain. Like the Love Me Tether, he absently thought, reminded of a pin in Neku's arsenal.

"Here. Try this one on, Joshua. "

"I'll add it to the stack. "


About 20 minutes and 6 outfits later, both teenagers were back in their original clothes and standing sheepishly outside of the store.

"I can't believe they kicked us out, " Joshua muttered, a smile struggling to come out of hiding behind his light scowl.

"Well, we were disturbing the other customers, and we didn't even buy anything. I'm sorry- "

He waved his hand in the air, brushing aside her apology. "Oh, don't worry about it. There are other shops we can invade. Like... that one! "

With slight hesitation in her step, Rhyme followed Joshua into a jewelry store. Lights reflecting off the diamonds, gold, and silver scattered little spots of color on the walls, as if a rainbow had been solidified then shattered with it's fragments hovering in the air. The violet-eyed boy cast his gaze over the glass boxes, giving his companion a passing glance as she browsed the shop, eyes brighter than any diamond.

Maybe... I've been wrong about this, he thought with a 'hm'. Maybe... affections not a weakness. Maybe it's a strength.

She was transfixed by a bracelet a few feet away; a simple gold cord with a bell-shaped pendant hanging from it. Absently, she touched the necklace she wore. His lips quirked up at one corner as a plan formed in his mind. Only one way to tell- experiment.

"Like it? "

She jumped slightly, her face reddening slightly as she noticed him standing at her shoulder. "Oh! Um... yeah. " She smiled slightly. "You find anything you like? "

A slow smile was creeping across his face. "As a matter of fact... yes. " Generosity was not a feeling Joshua felt often (read: ever), and it took him by surprise. This compulsive need to buy her something was not typical of him- like a new toy or a shiny button, he just had to try it out. "Excuse me, Ma'am? " He turned to the brunette behind the counter. "We'll take this one. "

He turned back to a speechless Rhyme, giving her a casual smile as if this was a daily occurrence as the butterflies inside him flittered about maddeningly. Sliding the currency across the counter, he waved a good-bye and led the blonde out of the shop.

"J-Joshua... you shouldn't have! I'd never be able to pay you back! " She was flustered, scarlet cheeked, and... rather cute.

"We'll call it even. I never got to thank you for your help back then. " He didn't have to explain further. She knew. "Now, try it on. I insist. "

Pulling the slender black box out of the bag, Joshua pulled Rhyme closer to him.. Almost reverently, he fastened the bracelet around her dainty wrist, eyes flicking up to mark the blush on her cheeks. She still stared at the bracelet, lips trembling as she struggled for something to say.

"W-we're not even. " She blurted at last, heated blue gaze capturing his own. "I never thanked you... for this. "

She reached up and kissed him, lightly and softly, just enough to bring back the memories he hated yet cherished. I always thought kissing her was a mistake, one that I'd nver want to make again. But now...

She likes me back?

For a moment, Joshua was torn between his natural instincts and his new-found feelings. Then he pushed his logical thoughts away. Experiment. Before she could back away, he pulled her into him, returning her kiss with a gentle passion that surprised even him. Her hands slid up to his shoulders, his arm wrapping around her waist.

Any Player who dared to scan them would have found but one thought in their heads, one emotion.


x0x0x0x0x -The Next Day- x0x0x0x0x

Nothing in that little group stayed secret for long, so when Joshua showed up at the airport to say goodbye, no one was surprised and no one asked him about his black eye. They knew.

Beat, after much complaint, had backed away from his sister long enough for her to speak to Joshua. The Composer sighed as the older Bito gave him the 'I'm watching you' hand signal. "He never stops, does he? "

"No. " Rhyme shrugged, then wrapped Joshua in a tight hug. "I'll see you in Shibuya, right? "

"Count on it. " He smiled. "Better go before Beat decides to finished what he started. "

Returning Rhyme's wave, Joshua mused on the last few days. Well, I've found out two things on this trip. One, maybe affection isn't a weakness after all.

And two, she still tastes like strawberries and cream.
