(A/N: Okay, just a quick warning. This is nothing like my other GrimmNel pieces, this is them being much more IC. I swear.
It's very sarcastic, and bitter, but in the end it resolves, like every piece of music. Yeah. Sure. I just wanted to write something like this, and GrimmNel seemed right for it. I don't know why, but I enjoyed writing this, and maybe you'll enjoy reading it...maybe.
Also, it was kind of inspired by a Nine Inch Nails song naturally and that would be...Demon Seed, I think...well, here it is.)
Tolerate You
I've been trying…to t-t-t-tolerate you.
A weak smile danced on her lips. (Rather unconvincing, but still, there it was.)
He glared at her, and between gasps for breath and short laughs, he tried to tell her he wanted her dead.
(Of course, he wanted to fuck her over and over again first, but she was hard to tolerate.)
He narrowed bright blue eyes at the offending arrancar, scowling at her darkly.
The unconvincing smile darkened on her lips. She folded her arms before her breasts, let them fall, folded them again, stretched them; let them rest at her sides.
(It wasn't easy to tell exactly how nervous this whole situation made Neliel. But naturally, Grimmjow could tell.)
He let his steps fall heavily as he moved toward her. "I'm gonna fucking…" dark eyes widened at the strange, slender hand that had somehow found a way to impale his stomach.
(Of course, his first thought was that she had simply shoved said hand through his hollow hole. Then the pain settled in, and he knew it was otherwise.)
"Excuse me?" she returned, her expression settling into a high level of smug.
"Gonna…puke…" he fell backwards, her hand sliding from his body with sickening slurp sound effects, complete with blood spray. (Though they did not really sicken her, he was disgusted on several levels. His manliness had been taken down quite a few pegs by that action, along with his reaction.)
She wanted to laugh as he rolled over onto his stomach, desperately holding his mouth as his face turned a sickly green hue.
"That's not expected." She mused, a frown furrowing her brow.
(Then again, her hand had just been in his stomach, and usually, that was enough to send any one, man and woman alike, into nausea.)
She was rebuffed by his retching, and the crimson tinted vomit that seeped into the once pure white sand. (At least some color was brought into the world.)
"How…typical." She changed her mind.
"Fuck off." He couldn't tolerate the bitch. (It wasn't that he wouldn't sleep with her, because he totally would.) Every thing about her made him want to kill her.
The biggest thing was the fact that she wouldn't take his hints to leave him the hell alone. She just had to cling to someone, and it just had to be him. (And with no promise for sex, he didn't like the deal. He was starting to understand why Nnoitora was such a prick.)
Yeah, there was no way he was going to let the little bitch tag along much longer.
Her intentions were really quite different from his.
(She wouldn't be dying so soon, with so much left for her to fulfill.)
He just couldn't tolerate her presence, and the strange feeling of her breath on the back of his neck sometimes.
(And he'd tried raping her several times, but he found the childish innocence that glinted in her eyes every single fucking time far too disturbing for him to continue. Of course, his twisted honor did not help him much, either.)
The most irritating part of the entire ordeal was the fact that her physical strength was far greater than his.
(Because it wasn't emasculating at all to have his ass kicked by a girl, who was not only smaller than him, but should have been weaker.)
She loved to feign innocence all the times he'd tried to get in her proverbial pants. After all, not only was it a major turn off, but he was incredibly frustrated with her for it.
Her favorite thing to do was to tease him with her body, while continuing to feign innocence.
(A simple, "accidental," shake of her hips drove him crazy, as did a simple brush of her breasts against his back, and she knew it well.)
Little did she know he liked to tease her in return. (Though one could hardly call his smart assed remarks teasing.)
She loved to prove her physical strength to him. There was nothing more satisfying than bringing him to his knees, begging for her to "Please get your hand out of my hollow hole right the fuck now…"
She did not always remove her hand "Right the fuck now," but eventually she would. She was a bit charitable, after all.
(Though one could hardly call abusing Grimmjow mentally, physically and emotionally charitable.)
And yet, Grimmjow still wanted to fuck her. (Even though he could not tolerate her, the thought of fucking her harder than he'd ever fucked anyone excited him.)
Though it seemed strange, as much as the two hated each other, the feeling called love was beginning to bloom. (Though it did so slowly, for it was attempting to bloom in a scenario colder than the darkest night in the South Pole.)
Neliel feigned unawareness while Grimmjow ignored the fuzzy feeling.
(Inevitably, they would have to face it, come to terms with it, and admit that sex was the best course of action.)