Author's Note: I'm taking a break from TNAS for awhile. I'm not giving it up, but I want to work on other things for awhile other than oneshots. So, here is the idea I promised TTAvatarfan!
Dear Diary,
As I am writing this tears are staining the page. The most horrible thing has happened! Aang has gotten stricken by lightening! Azula did this, that horrible, heartless witch. And to think Zuko helped her! I trusted him, and he betrayed me- and Aang, especially Aang.
I am writing this for two reasons. The first is to keep track of how many days Aang is unconscious. I don't want to forget how long ago he was fighting beside me. The second is because if he…goes…then I want to have a recollection of the last days of his life. I know it seems silly, but I need to do this.
Isn't it strange how people can just come out of your life just like that with no warning and you never realized how much you need them until their already gone? Well, if Aang makes it through this, I will NEVER take him for granted again. I can't believe I've never looked into those beautiful grey eyes and seen under the surface. I've never bothered. Now I miss them dearly and want those lids to slip open for me.
I've used all the Spirit Water on Aang's back wound, but it didn't heal. The water's main purpose was to bring Aang's life back, and it did it well. Now, I have to focus on healing him fully, so when or if he wakes up he won't feel pain anymore.
Sokka and Toph are taking this hit pretty hard. Even the Earth King is sad. I think he's sadder about his precious city, but at least he feels some sort of loss. I think I heard Sokka crying last night-actually crying! I don't believe I've ever seen- or hear- him do that. But I was in no mood to shove it in his face. After all, I was crying, too. Sokka and Aang were like best buds, plus Sokka feels like he abandoned him in telling Aang to be the sole gang member to go into the tunnel. But how could he know? How could any of us foresee this tragedy? I do hold myself some sort of responsible, however. I should have done something. But I just froze. Stupid me. Toph might of cried, too, but I don't really care at this point. I only care about Aang.
The Earth King keeps blabbing about going in disguise to roam the world. He just hates flying. And us. He wants nothing to do with this war, considering he never knew about it. He's so selfish, unlike Aang. He sacrificed his life to try to safe us. Well, he didn't purposely mean to slip into a coma, but he knew he was taking a risk and he did it anyway. I will be forever in debt for that.
We just dropped the Earth King some few miles away from a little earth village. I was so sick and tired of his complaining. Hello, Aang is on the verge of dying! I bet he feels one hundred times worse than you! So shut up! I really felt like telling him that.
We decided to head to Chameleon Bay. Sokka found it on the map and it's not too far from here. Sokka told us that Dad would probably still be there. I sure hope so; Aang needs a peaceful place to rest. While the sky would seem peaceful, it's a lot different then what you would think. It's windy, loud, and most of all, cold. Aang needs to be warm. I keep hugging him tightly to try to get him warm, he feels freezing. He has this pained expression on his face that kills me to look at. His clothes are torn and ragged and useless. I can't stand it. I just want him to feel more comfortable. He's slowly dying, and if we don't get him to Chameleon Bay soon, then he won't make it. Everybody knows it, and that foreboding feeling in the air haunts us all. The whispers- rush, rush, rush. They seem like screams to me. Aang's screams; like he's trying and trying to wake, to talk to us, for us to hear his pleas. I feel like he's stuck in the blackness of his mind and there's this cruel monster in there torturing him. My crying is getting worse, I can barely even see. Everything's just blurry. I feel awful.
Aang just stirred next to me. Well, more like moaned and arched his back painfully. The monster is stabbing a knife into his back and twisting. I can't write anymore, I can barely even breathe.
Author's Note: I apologize for the shortness. The other chapters will be much longer. But right now, Katara is still on Appa so there wasn't much to write. Once we get into the healing sessions and stuff then it will be a lot more productive. Thank you for reading this and please reply!