A/N: I'm so sorry it took me so long to update, guys! But this chapter is filled with Paire happiness, so enjoy. I kind of went overboard with this chap, but I'm real proud of it.
I'd like to start with my awkward author speech, which most of you might skip. I'd like to thank my friends, Ira, who co-wrote this chapter, Jim and Seri, who read this story faithfully even though they were ant-paires, and of course to caligurl777 n youtube. If it wasn't for your genius of a plot, this story would not be what it is. I'd also like to thank my family, who coped with my writing outbursts, and my computer who, Thank God, did not break down at needed times.
And of course, to the people who read and reviewed, especially Cesia Illuser, who gave me my first review, and RLD Flame-point Callie-co who reviewed an amazing 3 times!! You guys really kept me going. So here it is: the last words of Our Last Breath.
Chapter Eleven
"Amazing, Mr. Petrelli," Claire breathed as she positioned her head on Peter's chest. She could get used to this. Waking up to the man she loved, and hearing those three words from him when she did.
Two weeks they'd been together, and the Petrellis still didn't know. The only people that knew they were together were her mother, Lyle, and a few innocent on-lookers on the street. Peter kissed her hair, taking in her strawberry scent.
"If it was up to me, I'd stay here forever. In bed, with you doing numerous…things to me," Peter said, and was answered by Claire's giggle. "But my family's gotta find out one way or another."
Claire looked up to face Peter, and said, "Fine."
Peter got up, naked except for a pair of boxers and kissed her hair one more time. Claire got up, taking the blanket with her, covering her chest. She soon dropped the blanket and tied her robe from the floor to cover her up.
"Good," Peter said, facing her. He was dressed now, in last night's T-shirt, and was smiling. "'Cause I got a question for you. And you'd probably want to sit down for this," he said, indicating to the foot of the bed.
The blonde girl did so, and faced her hero, hands on her lap. "What?" she asked.
"Six months ago, at high school Homecoming, I met this amazing girl. I saved her life, and she did the same for me. And then, I fell in love with her. When I found out that we were related, I think it broke everything for me. When I found out otherwise, it was like everything was turned right again," Peter brushed Claire's cheek. "Now I know that I can't live without her. So, I'm asking, Claire, to save me just one more time. Save me from a life without you. I love you," Peter kneeled down, and Claire gasped. "Marry me?"
Claire embraced Peter, pouring out every love she had, and said, "Yes."
Nathan Petrelli was not the kind of man who liked surprises, the freshly-shaven and sober man thought. In fact, he grew a hating for them. He tried to avoid surprises at all costs, but that was a little difficult when he was born into a supernatural family.
So Peter's surprise visit was less than ideal. Sure, he was happy his younger brother was alive, but that still didn't change the fact that he was supposed to be dead.
"Nathan, I need to talk to you," Peter said, facing his brother.
"Sure, Pete," Nathan said, "Why not start with why you're alive?"
Peter chuckled but said, "I'll get to that later. Now, there's something you really need to know."
"Fine, Pete," his brother said. "There's no easier way to say this, so I'm just going to say it," Peter said, "I'm in love with Claire and we're getting married." Swear to God, Nathan Petrelli fainted.
"It doesn't have to be a big wedding, Peter," Claire had assured him in bed two months prior.
"I know it doesn't, because, if it was up to me, I'd just dress in jeans and run to Vegas with you right now," Peter had said, kissing her gently.
"But I'm sure my mother's right. A big wedding's always full of memories, and we need much of that for little Elle here." He patted her six-weeks-along stomach.
Now, here she was, standing in her A-line empire waist white ball gown which made her long blonde hair have a golden glow, three months pregnant and showing, at the most beautiful lake house she'd ever seen. The eighteen-year-old had not been expecting this: in fact, she never expected any of this. To have the most amazing man to love her, and have a baby on the way. Claire kept thinking of what Elle could be short for. Isabelle, maybe? Or Danielle.
Claire thought the day was perfect, the blue skies overlapping with soft, fluffy clouds. At first, she had a problem with her side of the guest list for the only names present were her mother and Lyle. But Nathan introduced her to Mohinder, who, in turn, introduced her to Matt and Molly. Soon, she was friends with the single mother Niki and her son Micah. Niki even helped the young bride to pick out her wedding lingerie, though Claire thought it was unnecessary.
"I'm pregnant, Niki," Claire had said.
"When you look like that, doll, nothing's unnecessary. Especially when it comes to Peter," Niki had smiled.
So she finally had her something old (her childhood bracelet she insisted on wearing), something new (her wedding lingerie), something borrowed (Heidi, Nathan's now reconciled wife, had lent Claire her veil) and something blue (her bridesmaid's dresses).
"You ready, kid?" Nathan asked Claire.
True, he hadn't been accepting at first, but he soon became more supportive than anyone expected of him. In fact, it was this very fact that made Heidi forgive him and see the better man in him. Nathan would be the one to give her away, little Molly was playing flower girl while her bridesmaids were Niki and Heidi. Claire smiled at Nathan. She saw Niki give her a little smile before disappearing into the hall and that gave her a little assurance. She nodded at Nathan, who smiled broadly.
She gripped on his arm, and breathed out, "I can't believe this is happening."
"You should. Peter loves you more than anything. You've the only one that's made him happy," Nathan brushed her cheek, a sign of adoration.
"You would've made a great father to me, Nathan," Claire said, straightening up.
"Then I'll make a better job at being the overprotective brother-in-law," Nathan chuckled.
He opened the doors to reveal the aisle which were already decorated with white and red rose petals, with Claire holding onto his arm. The scenery of the lake which was lit with the sun setting behind was breathtaking. More so with the love of her life standing in front of the beautiful view. The orchestra started playing with a familiar melody and everyone turned.
She felt like a princess on that aisle, gripping Nathan's arm even harder. She could see the adoring faces of her friends, of her family. But the happiest face of them all stood at the end of the aisle, hands together, looking handsome in a tux. The wind blew softly, carrying few pink flowers and brown leaves along with it as though it was celebrating.
There was a pair of swans, embracing each other, forming a shape of a heart with their heads. The bride's smile grew wider at the sight of those birds.
Everything just seemed so perfect.
Claire felt that the walk down the aisle could not be slower, because all she wanted to do was say those two words to the man waiting for her. Claire finally arrived, and was kissed on the cheek by Nathan.
"Dearly beloved," the priest began. "We are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony."
Claire and Peter agreed that only this part of the speech would be said, for their rush to get married, and their reassurance that no one would object. The priest's brow had knitted together but understood.
"Do you, Peter Michael Petrelli, take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife? To love and cherish? For better or for worse, through sickness and in health, as long you both may live?" he asked.
Peter locked eyes with Claire, his brown eyes melting in her green ones.
"I do," he said.
"And do you, Claire Juliet Bennet, take this man to be your lawful wedded husband? To love and to cherish? For better or for worse, through sickness and in health as long you both may live?" the priest asked.
"I do," she said.
They exchanged their rings; hers was gold and topped with a five karat diamond, graciously given by Angela while his was also gold but encrusted with the words 'We Belong Always' given to her by the late Noah Bennet when she was a young girl.
"You may now kiss the bride," he finished.
Claire felt the soft brush of Peter's hand on her skin as he removed her veil, and shivered. She smiled at him, and felt his hands move to her cheeks, and kiss her. Soft, at first, but she soon felt every love he felt for her, and every love she for him.
Peter woke up by the sounds of her wife screaming from the kitchen which had a slight shriek to it. It sounded like a fire alarm. His eyes were immediately wide open.
"Claire? What's wrong?" Peter asked his wife who was already on the floor, clutching her dress.
"Can't you freaking see what's wrong?!" she yelled at him with an enraged face.
Claire screamed again, filled with agony but Peter was too dumbstruck he couldn't figure out what to do. All those baby classes were a waste right now. Just the thought of her daughter about to be born was just mind-blowing. He couldn't believe this was happening. Everything was happening too fast, even for him. What was he supposed to do while his wife was in labor? He knew he had to do something, anything, but it was at the back of his mind and all he had to do was reach for it.
"Peter! Get the car keys, for God's sake!" she ordered.
He jumped in shock and quickly obeyed what she said. He got back into the room and searched for the car keys.
It was lost.
"Damn," he cursed to himself.
He tried to recall where he left them the night before but nothing came to his head. It was blank. Where were his damn keys? He could hear Claire shouting his name asking him to hurry up. He was trying his best but all this panic just made it so much harder.
"Can you be any slower? Haven't you picked up the super speed or something yet?!"
The drawer, he suddenly remembered.
He checked it and thank God it was there. He took them and rushed to his wife who was yelling for him on the kitchen floor.
And off they rushed to the hospital with their baby on the way.
The nurses quickly put Claire into a wheelchair and wheeled her to the emergency room. Peter ran side by her while holding her hand. It was a must to keep up with her since she was gripping on her hand too hard for him to escape. Apparently, according to Mohinder, since she has abilities regenerate, Elle could come out earlier than normal pregnancies.
"Did you call my Mom?" she asked painfully.
"I called her already," he said, panting.
"Nathan and Heidi? And what about Niki?"
"Claire, don't worry. I'll take care of it," Peter assured coolly.
They were rushed into the emergency room where Claire was carefully lifted up by her husband onto the bed. Sweat was dripping from her face like ice melting on a hot day. She didn't scream anymore but her hand was tight grip lock around his.
Peter's breathing was obviously not steady but kept asking his wife to do her breathings and his heart was pumping out of his chest with all the adrenaline rush. For some reason, he felt he would rather face trying to blow up than trying to go through Claire's labor.
Dr. Alison came into the room, all suited up. She was one of the few super human doctors they met which suited them. The others were all too interested in experimenting with Elle and how her powers will develop.
They already had Mohinder to do that.
The doctor washed her hands and pulled on her latex gloves then covered her eyes with a pair of medical goggles.
"Are you ready, Claire?" she waited for her approval.
Claire took a deep breath and nodded.
"Okay, Claire. I need you to push as hard as you can in the count of three. Peter, hold her hand."
He instantly did as he was told.
"One, two, three…"
Claire pushed herself forward and screamed through the pain. Dr. Alison was telling her how good she was doing. Finally, she fell back against the bed again, out of breath.
"Deep breaths, Claire. Now, one more try. She's nearly out," she announced.
"One, two, three…"
Peter watched the woman she loved scream in the bad pain and cruel agony, trying to give birth to their daughter. They hadn't decided what to name their daughter yet. It was still between Isabelle and Danielle. His hand felt numb with the titanium lock around his left hand while his right hand was holding her leg.
"Just a little more."
And then he heard it; the most beautiful sound he ever heard in his entire life. The cry of his newborn daughter. The cry just made him dropped his arms to his side and Claire relaxed her body. He walked to the doctor who was holding the baby in her arms.
"Would you like to cut the cord, Mr. Petrelli?" she handed him a pair of scissors.
Peter dumbly took it and cut the long rope that connected the baby with Claire from her belly button. One snip was all it took. The nurse took away the baby to be clean and he couldn't help feeling jealous that the woman was actually able to touch his daughter.
Peter Petrelli had never had something so holy, so innocent, handed to him. He looked sideways to his young bride, blonde hair drenched with sweat and exhaustion. Then he looked at the woman holding his newborn. Alison held Elle with her life, and cleaned her up with her own two hands.
The redheaded doctor with super speed wrapped the little Petrelli in a pink blanket and handed her to the new parents. "Any names, Mom and Dad?" she asked. Dad, the name rang in Peter's mind.
He finally realized: he was now officially responsible for a human being. An incapable little girl he instantly knew he loved. "Isabelle Marie," Claire breathed out. Isabelle, Peter thought. Yes, Isabelle suited the newborn, what a beautiful name.
"You have no idea how much I love you right now," Peter said to Claire, kissing her blonde hair. Claire looked up from Elle to face her beloved husband.
"Why don't you show me?" she smiled. Peter did so with kissing her lips and placing one, gentle, swift kiss on their baby daughter.
"She's our miracle, Peter. Just look at her," Claire said, looking down at her daughter. "Claire, you, and Elle," Peter said, "You are my miracles."
Nearly everyone of the Justice League was asleep. Molly had fallen asleep in Micah's arms; Niki had her head on Matt's shoulder while Peter's older brother was sleep on Heidi's lap.
The only ones awake were Hiro, Ando, Mohinder and Heidi. "Petrelli-san!" Hiro said, waking up Nathan instantly. The Japanese man was chipper, his sidekick by his side. Nathan woke Matt up with a few shakes, and the chubby man instantly blushed at the blonde woman by his side.
"How is she?" Heidi asked. Peter didn't know which she Heidi was referring to.
"Claire's fine, and Elle is too," Peter smiled.
"What's her full name?" Niki asked, waking up.
"Isabelle Marie," Peter said.
Heidi and Niki put their hands to their chests and gently 'aww'ed at the name.
"Can we see her?" Molly asked, already up. Peter smiled at the little girl, that reminded him so much of the Claire he saved at Homecoming, and said, "Sure. Why not?"
"Ellie! It's lunchtime, come in!" Claire said to her daughter outside. She was spending, said 'quality time' with her father.
"Wait, Mommy!" Elle said. "Daddy's gonna show me something!" Peter smiled at his five-year-old, her blonde hair in pigtails.
"And what's that?" Claire said, leaning herself to see her husband and daughter. Peter smiled at his wife, and wrapped his arms around his daughter. Within moments, both were in the air, Elle laughing with glee.
Peter and Claire were in bed, lights turned down. Both were naked, covered with blankets.
"Do I have any other word for it?" Claire said, "Amazing, Mr. Petrelli. Amazing."
"Good to know having a kid didn't ruin my moves," Peter said. Claire laughed.
"No matter how many kids we have, this," Claire put her hand on his shirtless chest. "This will always be amazing."
"So we're having more?" Peter asked, smiling.
"Let's just say we're trying," Claire said. "Yeah, well, I like the trying part," Peter kissed his wife.
"Who ever knew this day would come?" Molly asked. She was beautiful, eighteen and perfectly gorgeous. Claire and Niki laughed and said, "Everyone."
Molly Walker just married the 20-year-old Micah Sanders, and they were currently at the reception, Molly had given the 'one minute finger' to Micah to talk to her friends. The eighteen-year-old laughed.
"I forgot to tell you, hon, welcome to the family," Niki put her hand on her shoulder. Molly looked up at the blonde man and immediately embraced the blonde woman.
"Niki, you've been part of the family ever since you married Matt," Molly looked sideways to her foster father talking to Nathan while holding a glass of champagne, "You're practically my mother."
It was purely logical for Niki and Matt to get married. They were both just out of marriages that ended badly, they were both just looking for answers, and it was just destiny, as Peter put it, that they found answers in each other.
"Mommy, where's Danny?" Elle asked her mother.
Daniel was Elle's younger brother, a son Claire and Peter welcomed into the world two years prior. Elle was dawning on the eight, making her full of laughter and joy, especially when it came to Daniel. She would play games with him the backyard; have Peter fly him around so that he would feel the same joy she felt.
Claire knew that Elle from the future didn't have a brother, and it made Claire's heart beat faster, knowing that they changed the future and gave their daughter the best present they ever could: a kin.
"Danny's with Uncle Nathan, Ellie," Claire said, seeing Nathan holding little Danny in his arms. Claire watched her daughter trot away in her pink flower girl dress and go to her uncle and brother.
"She's beautiful, Claire," Molly said to her, smiling.
"Don't worry, Mol. I'm sure you and Micah will have one of your own soon," Claire said, sipping her champagne.
"Actually," Molly said, "That's sooner than you think. I'm pregnant."
This revelation was greeted with shrieks from Niki and Claire, and embraces from the women. As soon as Molly pulled away she asked,
"Is it wrong for me to hope the kid doesn't get powers?" Claire smiled, "No, not really."
"What's all the shrieking about?" Matt asked.
He appeared out of nowhere by his wife's side. "Well, Dad," Molly said, "I'm pregnant." Matt's face spoke the word shock and said, "You just got married!" Molly laughed and gave Matt a big hug.
"Now, it's time for the bride and groom's first dance," Nathan spoke into the mic.
Micah stepped on the dance floor, and extended his right hand to welcome his bride. The orchestra started playing, a melody that didn't seem so familiar but sounded beautiful. Molly bid her father and friends goodbye and smiled at her husband. Immediately, Molly's head was on Micah's shoulder as their bodies pressed together.
"They look so happy," Claire said.
"Just like us," a voice said into her ear.
She turned around to see Peter's smiling face. She kissed him. "Eww," Elle said, watching her parents kiss. Peter picked up his daughter with a big grunt and said, "Wow, Ellie. You're getting heavy."
"I thought you had super strength, Daddy," Elle looked at her father.
"True," Peter laughed.
Claire looked at him. He was in his late thirties, but didn't even look older than 28. Claire, on the other hand, stopped her aging at age 20, making her look more mature, though, in Peter's eyes, she would always be his cheerleader.
"I can't believe that 8 years ago, I was just a spirit following you around," Peter said to Claire.
"I'm sure no one even saw it coming," Claire smiled. "I used to be your niece, for God's sake!"
"I'm glad you aren't," Peter said.
"You know what? So am I. But you've got to know, Peter. Niece or not, I'll always love you," Claire kissed her husband.
"The kid's getting restless," Nathan said, handing Claire her baby boy.
"Aww," Claire said.
She wrapped her arms around Daniel, and Peter put his free hand around Claire, the other holding Elle as they watched Molly and Micah dance. There they were, Claire, Peter, Daniel and Elle, standing together. A perfect trinity of family.
A/N: Thanks all for reading! Virtually applaud if you like it!