(A/N I changed it. This was placed… somewhere. XD Can't think of anywhere now, but I'll edit it when I do! Enjoy!

By the way, the small white she-cat is Breezepaw's mentor, Whitetail.)

Hollyleaf stalked silently through the ferns near the WindClan border, her green eyes locked greedily on the vole before her. Its little body trembled with warmth, the sight making her mouth water. She was ravenous, after spending the entire day hunting for the Clan. Well, it was her duty as a new warrior of ThunderClan. Her warrior ceremony had been only a few days ago.

She crouched, placing her thin body into the perfect position. She leapt upon the vole, it's dying squeak of terror silenced by her jaws. The warrior padded underneath a large oak tree, her fur trembling in delight. She dug into the warm prey. While eating, she thought reluctantly of the last gathering. The memory was a stain in her mind, something she couldn't erase.

"I like you." To anyone else, the words were of friendship, not love. Hollyleaf, though, knew what he meant by the dreamy look in his amber eyes.

Breezepaw's words repeated through her mind, his timid voice flowing through her like a river. She shook her head, trying in vain to shake his words from her mind. She opened her green eyes, forgetting her meal. During the Gathering, Hollyleaf had been astounded, maybe even disgusted, that the WindClan apprentice even so much as thought those words. Now – although she hated herself for thinking these things – she wasn't sure.

Hollyleaf pulled her rational thoughts away from her feelings, separating them like different herbs. She let her rational thoughts go, allowing them to drift away like leaves in the wind. How did she really feel about Breezepaw? Her subconscious answered the same way as it did on the night of the Gathering: "You like him too." it told her, the voice slightly annoyed. It spoke as if it were so obvious a mouse could see it coming.

If only she could see him again, and tell him that even if she possibly loved him back, it could never work out between the two cats. She was of ThunderClan, and he of WindClan. It was against the warrior code! She assured herself that she would find a mate in ThunderClan, as would he in WindClan. No one would ever know of this little problem, and soon the two themselves would forget.

Yes, it would have to work. But would Hollyleaf see Breezepaw soon enough to tell him how she felt about the situation?

The black ThunderClan cat sighed, her eyes staring intently to the ground. Cool wind drifted past her, brushing against her fur and filling her nose with the scents of things beyond her territory. One scent made her eyes wide in shock: it was a soft, rabbit-filled scent, but still a cat's scent. It was the same warm scent that had swarmed through her nostrils at that confusing Gathering: Breezepaw!

Hollyleaf jumped to her feet instantly, her vole sliding from her paws and into the dirt. She pricked her black ears and focused her eyes, scanning the moorland in front of her for any sign of the WindClan apprentice. Her heart skipped a beat, as an all-too-familiar black tom came into view. Following him closely was a small white she-cat, who Hollypaw took as his mentor.

She stared intently after him, hoping he would just glance her way and see her. Hollyleaf's expression practically yowled, "We need to talk- now!" She could plainly see that he was hunting, but hopefully not being assessed. If he was, then she would have to give up on talking to Breezepaw until later, no matter how rapidly her heart was being destroyed by guilt for her feelings.

She watched the WindClan apprentice carefully. She wanted to claw herself when she found herself staring dreamily at the way his handsome body moved as he chased the rabbit before him with passion. No! It was wrong, all wrong! She should never have feelings like this for a cat in another Clan! But Hollyleaf couldn't stop her feelings; she could only slightly numb their effects on her.

Breezepaw sprang, his paws landing firmly on the rabbit. He swung his head down, delivering the deathblow to the rabbit. It hung limply in his jaws, and the white she-cat congratulated him, her blue eyes glowing with pride.

The WindClan apprentice lifted his gaze into ThunderClan territory, no doubt day-dreaming about Hollyleaf. She growled to herself, immensely disappointed by the fact that he could hardly control his feelings. She didn't have long to think, because as soon as he looked up his amber eyes locked with her green eyes, and a look of surprise spread onto the two cats' faces. She recovered, and quickly shot him a look telling him to come and talk – now!

Breezepaw shook is head, and spoke quickly and almost nervously to his mentor, who's blue eyes widened and she scurried away. The ThunderClan cat's eyes widened too. Had he told the she-cat about Hollyleaf? She didn't have too long to ponder, as Breezepaw bounded over the border, racing to Hollyleaf's side.

"Hollypaw?" he asked, his eyes taking her with shock. Hollypaw could feel her pelt burn hot under his gaze. "I haven't seen you since… well, you know," he whispered, his eyes directly avoiding her gaze. She could tell he was slightly embarrassed.

"It's Hollyleaf now," she corrected with a smile. She looked to the ground, her pelt burning warmer than the Sun on a hot summer's day. "Do you… do you remember what you told me at the Gathering?" she ventured, eyes slowly drifting back up to his face.

Breezepaw nodded, obviously anticipating the blow he was certain he would receive. Hollyleaf paused, her mind scrambling for the words she was looking for inside her head, but coming up blank. "Well, I've been thinking and…" she trailed off, her green eyes looking shyly into Breezepaw's.

The curiosity in his gaze granted the courage she needed to continue. "-I think I like you as well." She blushed as Breezepaw's amber eyes stared at her in shocked silence. More than once, the WindClan apprentice opened his mouth to reply, but immediately closed it afterwards. Hollyleaf had to admit, she felt rather awkward as Breezepaw gawked at her like she had floated down from StarClan and licked him on the nose.

Finally, he answered. "R-really?" Hollyleaf nodded, her tail twitching. No. She remembered clearly what she would have told him before this moment, but she couldn't bring herself to say it. She truly loved Breezepaw too much to go one and forget this ever happened.

Hollyleaf's eyes narrowed, and she stepped closer to Breezepaw. She whispered so quietly that no one else could have a chance of eavesdropping. "No one must ever find out about this. We can't risk being caught. Ever." she whispered. "We are our only allies, and if we are to make this work, we must trust only each other." Breezepaw nodded at her words.

A wave of excitement crushed over her, and she licked his ear. She stood closer to him, their pelts together and tails twined. They stared up into the sky, and Breezepaw whispered to her, "Do you promise?" His amber eyes were full of trust in Hollyleaf, praying to StarClan that she would answer him yes.

"Of course." she mewed. The two black cats stood for a moment, before parting. "Goodbye." Hollyleaf said sadly as Breezepaw bounded into his territory. From over the border, she could faintly hear the white she-cat's upset mew:

"Breezepaw, I couldn't find any traces of fox anywhere. Maybe we ought to have Barkface make sure your nose is working properly."

Hollyleaf smiled, before turning and racing back to her own territory. Her spirit sang in joy, and she knew in her heart that no matter what happened, Breezepaw would be there for her.

(A/N Sorry if that was a piece of fox dung, fellow warriors. I was tired, and I wanted to finish. Please REVIEW!
