Sweet Revenge/ Sweet Misery

Okay… this is literally when the story begins! It's going to sound a little –well a lot- like the first chapter so yeah… why am I saying this? It's like a warning. If you don't want to read this chapter then you can skip it but I'm warning you that it's not going to be anybody's POV and it's finally going to talk about what happen when Hinata punch Naruto, what everybody actually said and what they were doing! n_n

Hope you do read it and don't skip this chapter!

The Beginning

Everybody went in class as they knew the late bell was going to ring. Sakura -the popular girl- was fighting with Ino –the other popular girl. They always did that as they tried to catch Sasuke's –their crush and the hottie of the class- attention. They knew they'll do that and even end up in a mud fight just to get his attention. As always, he ignored them as he slightly moved his gaze to a certain petite raven-haired girl that was already in her seat –Hinata- but then went to sit to his desk with no expression at all in his face.

Naruto walked behind the two popular girls and cheered for Sakura. He always did that as he saw both of them fighting. His dream was to see both of them in a mud fight. Actually, once his dream was about to come true but as soon as the raven-haired hottie of the class left and he was in no sight, both of the girls stop the fight and talked like best friends.

It's obvious they plan their fights. Sasuke even knows that.

"Hey Hina…" Kiba –dog lover and considers himself a dog- said as he sat in front of the petite raven-haired girl. She didn't respond. Kiba stared at her a little bit and noticed she was red. Must be Naruto, he thought as he saw her gaze on the blond. Kiba then turned around and didn't mind that he was ignored.

He knows she didn't mean it!

Naruto went to sit in his desk as he saw their History and lazy teacher –Kakashi- writing in the board their assignment for today. He quickly turned to gaze at his pink dream –Sakura-but felt chills passing through his skin. He felt he was being watched. He quickly turned around to his teacher and saw that the man was already reading one of those dirty orange books. Even Naruto himself gave the teacher some of those orange books just to be his pet since he wanted to win him from the Uchiha jerk.

Anyways, it was easy for Naruto to get access on those books since his grandfather is the author!

And yeah…. It's porn alright!

Naruto then turn his gaze to the back of the class since he sits in the second front of the class –next to Sakura- and met his gaze to a certain shy petite raven haired girl that looked at him without any signs of life –blank.

He quickly walked up to her and waved his hand in front of her just to catch her attention but she didn't even blink.

"Hinata? Is something wrong with you?" He quickly asked. He didn't know why he had to asked her but he felt worried that she might have gone vegetable. She finally blinked and he sighed in relief. But as she met his gaze, she quickly turned red –really red and it even glow- and bowed her head down.

Everyone quickly turned around to see from where the red glow came from; except for the teacher.

"There goes Hina…" Kiba whispered to himself as he saw that Naruto was the one that made Hinata glow bright red like a tomato.

"Troublesome…" Whispered Shikamaru –lazy but wise as an old man- as he saw right away that Naruto was the cause of the red glow.

Everybody knew that Hinata had a big crush with the blond except…. The blond of course!

"N-no I-I'm A-alright N-Naruto!" She quickly responded and sent his flying around the room. Hinata quickly panicked and ended up turning everywhere to see if they saw her. Her classmates did saw but what worried her was the teacher.

Of course, the teacher was reading his orange book.

"Hahaha," Sakura laughed, "Stupid as a blond!"

"HEY!" Ino quickly protested Sakura's commend.

"What a dumb ass…" Shikamaru practically smirked.

"Such jump… such youth…" As always, Lee making those youth commends.

Naruto had enough. He has been made fun off and he can't stand it anymore. Suddenly he stands up from the floor, he points at Hinata and she quickly blush again. "Hinata!" he screams and takes a deep breath. The teacher suddenly puts his book down and turns to Naruto and then at Hinata since he saw Naruto pointing at her, "You will never get a boyfriend for being like that!"

Hinata suddenly turned to a vegetable again.

"HAHAHA!" Sakura really laugh hard this time, "She's so boring… who will like her anyways…"

"Don't forget that she's plain and ugly too…" Ino suddenly said and laugh next to Sakura.

Kiba didn't say anything since he doesn't like to be near girls that cry but he knew that Hinata might be crying inside as he saw her blank stare. He stared at her really deep and then saw that finally she came to life and bowed her head down. He did saw that she cried or let some tears go.

Kiba decided to just forget that he hates that and was about to give her a hug at least to console her. He was about to get out of his desk but…

"Hinata…" Suddenly he heard Sasuke's voice and decided not to console her since he quickly turned his gaze to the raven-haired guy. Hinata quickly jerked her head up and look at the Raven haired that grin at her and gave her a thumbs up. "Nice going Hinata! Don't listen to the dobe…" Then he turned around.

Hinata stared at the raven-haired guy in shock and all that passed through Kiba's mind was…

Okay… that was just weird!

Author's Note

FINALLY I HAVE INTERNET!! If you saw my profile this couple of months you'll know what I'm talking about! I didn't have internet and I couldn't post any of my stories. I could only post in school and I really didn't have time since I had to do homework too and stuff like that…. So yeah… now I can start posting again like I used to do! YAY! So expect an up-date soon! n_n

-Changing subject-

Okay… so for those who did read this… what did you though? It was like the first chap, ne? I was wondering… did I made it sound like Kiba like Hinata or he's just worried about her like a friend? I wanna know your opinion!

Hope you did enjoy this chap and please review!

Arigato for reading or left reviews and Ja Ne real soon!