Shadow Books

Experiment #456327

I look up to my dad as we ran as fast as we could away from the airport. He looked down at me and smiled in reinsurance. We had taken a plane from Charlottesville, Virginia to San Diego, California. And from there got on a plane to England where the Protestants reigned.

We were running from The Shop. They had conducted experiments sometime in the 80's on a group of six. Some of the people died, some lived with out any change; and some with powers. My parents had met just before the experiment was conducted and fell in love. My mother was not affected but my father gained mind control. When I was born, I had been born with my own powers which we are still working on.

Anyway, I've began to ramble. Here we are, running through the streets of some town I don't even know the name of with people in pretty little suits chasing after us.

"Daddy, are we ever gonna be able to settle down?" I ask as we turned down an alleyway.

"I'm not sure honey. We may never be able to live normal lives, they'll just keep comin' and comin'", my dad explains as we run into what seems like an empty ware house.

We sat down on crates and tried to even out our breaths and calm our stampeding hearts. The only noises heard were our hard breathing and a few sniffles every now and then. For hours and hours we sat, just sat there. Praying to any form of god to keep them away.

Eventually I fell asleep on my dads lap, were I had positioned myself when I had broke down crying.

-- Dream --

"Skylar honey, could you help me with the dishes?" A womans tender voice asks from a kitchen that is separated from the living room by a counter.

"Sorry mom, I'm doing some homework", I reply, smiling goofily. "It's poetry for a poetry folio."

"Ah, of course. You can't help but love your poetry." The woman was all smiles and continued to do the dishes on her own.

I look down at the chicken scratch handwriting and frown at the poem. I didn't like it, it was too Edgar Alan Poe-ish. I sigh and tear it out and fold it, placing it in my pocket just as someone rings the door bell.

"I'll get it!" I shout, hoping over the back of the couch and to the front door.

I opened the door and a man in a suit was standing there, looking all important with his aviator sun glasses and earpiece walkie talkie.

"May I help you?" I ask, being polite to the stranger.

"Yes you can. Is your name Skylar Victoria Nestearia?" The man asked in a deep raspy voice.

"Yes, why?" I was very confused, who was this guy?

"I need you to come with me. I am a government agent working for a lesser known part called The Shop."

"I won't go with you! MOM! It's The Shop!" I scream, slamming the door and running to the kitchen.

When I got there, my mom was on the floor with blue eyes opened wide in fear and blood spilling from her mouth, nose, and eyes. I stood there with wide open eyes, tears beginning to drip down freely.

I heard a car pull up and the frantic yelling of my dad.

"Daddy!! They killed her!! They killed her!!" That was all I could say. All that would come out, even after the event had ended thanks to dad.

I faintly heard my name be called out on a panicked tone and awakened from my sleep.

-- Dream End --

"Skylar!" My dad shook my shoulders and I heard an insane laugh.

"Mmm, you smell so delicious!" They man said, red eyes wide in insanity.

"You freak! Stay away from my daughter!" My dad yells, setting me on the ground and standing up.

"I think not, dude. I'm gonna eat you, rape your daughter and eat her too", the guys face split into a razor sharp grin.

"You sicko! Dad, let me take care of him", I demand.

"Can you handle it?" My father was unsure.

"Yea. I can do it", I say with confidence.

I stood up and stepped forward, my hair flew up slightly as I locked my sights in on the freak standing in front of us. He was laughing and saying stuff about a human beating him. I continued to concentrate harder, a red color seeping into my eyes slowly. A flame began. Floating in front of me, getting bigger and bigger until the size satisfied me and I pushed it with immense force towards the man. He let out a scream in agony and flipped me off just before he disintegrated.

I let out a dry laugh that soon erupted into immense giggles.

"The last thing he did was flip me off! Oh, that's rich!" I managed through my laughter.

When I settled down, I heard a slow clapping from somewhere in the rafters.

"Vat a great show! Vould you like to challenge me?" An obviously German accented voice asks, as a boy with dog ears jumped down, landing perfectly.

"No, you will not touch with my daughter", said protectively, positioning himself in between me and the boy.

"Foolish American, I am novhere", he said while disappearing, then while he reappeared next to me said," And everyvhere at the same time."

He grabbed me around the waist and pulled me to him, "Now, if you vould be so kind."

He pulled out a gun and pointed it at my father, "Die."

He pulled the trigger and everything seemed to be in slow motion, the bullet pierced my fathers head and his brains splattered every where behind him. I screamed and began to struggle away from the weird dog kid.

"Stop it! I said stop it! Don't make me shoot you too!" He shouted frustrated as I kicked, screamed, bit, and scratched.

"Let me go you dog!" I yell in protest.

"Fuck you!" He yells after I nailed him in the balls and ran as fast as I could.

I continued to run and run and run, never stopping. I had soon found myself in front of a heavily guarded mansion.

"Please!" I shout to one of the soldiers standing guard. "This weird thing attacked me and my father and then this German kid attacked us and killed him and tried to take me!"

"Hold on, let us ask Sir Integra", One replies than starts to talk into a walkie talkie.

My eyes widen as I can feel the familiar presence of the German kid.

"Hurry hurry! He's almost here!" I began to panick.

"Hold on, we're still getting permission", the second one said, trying to calm me down.

"No you don't get it!" I reply as tears sprung forth from my eyes.

"I'm sure he did. Now come join Millennium. Ve vill help you get revenge if you help us get ours", the boys rang out as the soldiers fell dead.

"No!" I ran through the gate and towards the buildings large double doors.

As I reached the double doors they opened by themselves as I rushed through and shut loudly behind me. I lean against the doors, sighing and closing me eyes while sliding down.

"That was close", I whisper to myself.

"Yes, very close", a British mans voice comments.

I look up to see a man in a suit with a vest instead of a jacket with long graying hair pulled back and a tray with tea on it.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to bring him here! He killed my dad and tried to take me to some place called Millennium.

"It's fine, just come with me", I nodded after he said this and followed him through the intricate halls.

We soon neared a large onset door and the man opened the door and motioned me to follow him in.

"Sir Integra, this young lady has quite a story", the man said, while setting down the tray on the desk and pouring the tea.

"And I shall hear it. That will be all for now Walter", the woman replied, taking a cigar and lighting it.

The man bowed and left quickly. I looked towards the woman as she slowly took a drag of her cigar and blew away the smoke.

"You may begin."

"The whole whole story? Or the whole story?"

"I would like to know important facts."

"The whole whole story then…" I mumble, then tell her the whole story

Everything; the entire thing. The Shop, the powers, the freaks. Everything.