
A Naitlyn Story


They both have a mission. He has to find out who she is, and take her down. She has to discover all his secrets to destroy his agency. He doesn't know who she is. She does…and they're in love.


My mission is simple: find her. Destroy her.

The M.I.M.L., my target. The enemy.

She would be at Camp Rock, as I would be. We don't know if she knew I was after her, or even who I was.

She's the most dangerous, cunning enemy out there.

And it's my job to kill her.


"You know your mission, Caitlyn," Warden said, handing me the picture.

I nodded and snapped my bubble gum, taking the snapshot and glancing at it.

My target was the youngest one, standing between the other two musicians. His curly hair hung almost in his eyes, his smile not revealing any of his teeth.

So innocent.

So easily foiled and dealt with.

"Yes, Warden. I know my mission."

Here is a short little epilogue for you! Hope you enjoy the chapters to come!