Title: Two Souls
Author: Cindy Ryan
Pairings: Sheppard/Keller
Summary: Jennifer and John's wedding day arrives.

"What are you doing?" Lieutenant Colonel Sam Carter asked with a smile as she stood by a small table in a busy restaurant in Colorado Springs.

"Waiting for my father."Jennifer replied with a smile. "He's meeting me for dinner."

"You're getting married tomorrow."Sam replied as she sat down across from Jennifer.

"I'm well aware of that."Jennifer stated trying to ignore the new sweatiness of her palms.

"There's something we forgot."

Jennifer's eyes widened. They'd planned as much as they could for this wedding, being in another galaxy and all.
The only tradition they'd eliminated was the rehearsal dinner simply for lack of time. And the reception was being held on Atlantis when they got back from the honeymoon for the same reason.

With so many people wanting to come SGC had only allowed them two days and that included the honeymoon.

"What?"Jennifer asked anxiously.

"Your bachlorette party."

Jennifer blushed. "Sam, I don't really need….."

Sam shook her head. "Can't fault with tradition."she stood and patted her friend's shoulder."Teyla and I will meet you at the hotel at nine."

"Sam….."Jennifer protested though she knew she was losing the battle.

Sam smiled. "Nine o'clock."

After Sam left Jennifer sighed and slumped back against the bench seat.
Maybe she and John should've eloped after all.

"You know if you turn your cell phone on it helps."

Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard put down his golf club and turned away from the driving range at the familiar voice. He smiled sheepishly at Evan Lorne.

"Battery must've died."John replied as he pulled the small device out of his pocket to check."I didn't charge it last night. What's up?"

Evan leaned back against the metal fence of the lighted driving range. "There's a wedding tradition we forgot."

John raised an eyebrow before returning his attention to the golf ball in front of him. "That was the ladies department…..they planned everything."

"Not everything."


"We still have your bachelor party."

John sliced his swing causing the ball to go way wide. He turned to glare at his friend.

"Jen'll kill me if we get strippers."

Evan grinned. "She doesn't have to know."

John shook his head. "You know her, Evan. She'll know. Besides aren't you on her side for this?"

"Did you really want your bachelor party left in Rodney's hands?"

John laughed.

"Be back to the hotel by eight."Evan stated as he turned to leave.

"You're not giving me a choice on this are you?"John asked with a rueful grin.

"Tradition."Lorne called over his shoulder as he left.

After dinner with her father Jen arrived back at the hotel early.
It was barely eight o'clock.

She let herself into her room and closed the door behind her. Jennifer crossed over to the phone on the nightstand and dialed John's room.
She wasn't expecting him to be there Jennifer knew the guys had plans of their own for the day.
If she had really wanted to talk to him she would've called the cell phone that SGC had given them once arriving home.
Jennifer was about to hang up when John answered on the third ring.


"How was the driving range?"Jennifer asked with a smile as she sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Fun."John replied with a grin as he turned to look out the window. "But I'm rustier than I thought."

Jennifer laughed. "Computer games don't compare to the real thing, huh?"

John shook his head, glad to hear her voice, he'd missed her. "Nope, not even with the tweaks Rodney made to it. How's your Dad?"

"He's good, though I think he's a bit disappointed there won't be a reception."

"I'm sorry about that, angel."John replied quietly. "I know you wanted to spend as much time with him as you could."

"It can't be helped and he understands."Jennifer said softly as she absently twirled the phone cord. "There will be other visits."

John nodded. "I'll make sure we get home within the next six months."

"We live in Pegasus, John. You can't promise that, though I love you for suggesting it."

"We'll work something out."John promised.

They were both silent for a moment.

John sighed. "I hate that stupid superstition of not seeing you before the wedding."

"I know. I miss you too."

John sat down on the bed. "We could still grab a plane to Vegas."

"It'd disappoint our friends."

"They'd understand…..or they can come. I can just see Teyla's face if she witnesses us being married by an Elvis impersonator."

Jennifer laughed. "We'd definitely have problems explaining that one to her….and Ronon too."

"That'd make the whole plane expense worth it to see their faces when they walk into the cheesy chapel with us."

"We can't, John."

"I know."John replied quietly. "Was worth a shot…..I just want to hold you, angel."

"It's less than twenty hours….then we have forever."

"You have plans for tonight?"John asked.

Jennifer sighed. "Sam's insisting on a bachlorette party."

John chuckled. "Evan roped me into a bachelor party."

"Don't have too much fun."Jennifer stated as an image immediately came to mind of the guys drunk in a strip bar.

"Without you, angel, won't be any fun."

Jennifer laughed. "Good answer."

"Same goes for you….I don't want to lose you to some male stripper."

"Not a chance."

John heard a knock on the door. "That's Evan, gotta go."

"I love you."Jennifer said quietly.

"Love you too, Mrs. Sheppard."

Jennifer hung up the phone. John's goodbye had set off Jennifer's nerves again….Mrs. Sheppard. First time he'd called her that. Not that it didn't have a nice ring to it…..just took some getting used to.

Maybe Sam was right….maybe some distraction would help her relax.

The place Evan stopped the car in front of fifteen minutes later surprised John. He turned in the passenger seat to look at Lorne.

"Pool hall?"

Evan grinned. "You said no strippers."

"You also said not to mess with tradition."John countered.

"As they say,"Rodney interjected as they piled out of the car. "The night's still young."

Carson got out and stepped around the car following Evan.

John got out of the car and looked back at Ronon as he closed the door.

Ronon merely grinned and shrugged.

John shook his head and followed Rodney into the small crowded bar. Best not to fight it.
Quicker he got tonight over with the quicker he'd be a married man.