And. Our epilogue.

MobMotherScitah- I decided to roll with the idea in your pm XD for the next story.
Thehumbleone- You admired my writing? :D That makes me sooo happy! Thank you!
Josh- Yup. I shall be continuing that and 2 other Johnny-centered story once this is finished. Updates shall be slow (and by slow i mean one or two a month) because I'll be working on college and 3 other fics (two of the three are about Johnny) but yes- you'll have much fandom to read. Why won't you make a name on the site? Just wondering.

Chapter 35
"In Which We get to Babble a Little More About What Happend After"

Johnny stretched and yawned- the sleeve of his leather jacket slid down as his wrist extended revelaing a glistening metal band around his wrist with the name "Franjessica" carved into it in black, scrawling letters. His hair had gornw out but he fept it slicked up and back so no one could tell, he wore the same kind of clothes he'd always worn- just not his jeans were full of holes and smudged with greaser. Gina sat next to him on Mary's sofa, she grew her hair out and dyed it black- it shot straight down her back and shoulders like a waterfall of oil, but it brougth out her pale skin and bright eyes more than the blonde had. Other than that, she looked the same if you ignored the hippy-bell-bottoms and the orange top with bead work around the v-neck.

Gary and Rusty were sitting acorss from them- Gary had gornw his hair a little bit- it dipped down to the nape of his neck, his eyes seemed a little wider than usual but were still darting around in a paranoid way. Rusty sat at his side- he hair bleached orange and done up in some wild spiked catastrophe on the side of her head. Gary wore a black jacket over a white shirt and jeans, where Rusty wore something bordering on Madonna- a white shirt exposing a shoulder, under a fish-net-mesh shawl, a black miniskirt and cheetah-print-leggings and boots. They looked ridiculous together.

Nicky was laying on the floor, looking up at the ceiling, he was like a mini Johnny with black hair- he even had Johnny's old clothes on. Tad was sitting on the recliner near him, his hair was perfect, his shoes were shiny, he wore perfectly pressed black slacks and a white Auquaberry dress shirt that had light blue pin stripes racing up and down it.

They were sitting mostly in silence- Johnny and Gary just staring at each other in bewilderment. Gary at why Johnny would possibly let Gina become a hippi, and Johnny was fighting the urge to beat Gary into the dust for encouraging Rusty's orange hair!

"Let's talk about somethin' cool, cats!" Gina piped up- pulling her hair back into a ponytail,

Johnny looked at her, "Like what?"

"Like why the fuck're you a hippi?!" Gary burst- unable to contain himself a moment longer,

"I thought all the soccer mom's were- so I figure to go with the flow. But they aren't. They're ex-hippi's an', honestly, I'm diggin' the hair!" she grinned,

Rusty grinend too, "I like it too! Maybe I'll gorw mine out like that."

Johnny rolled his eyes, "You ruined your hair- it'll be orange forever."

"No one asked you!" Rusty spat at him- making him glare at her,

Tad looked up, "Oh, must we bicker?" he scoffed, "Come now. It's been two years. I'd like to see my little half-neice."

Nicky sat up, "Yeah! Where's Frannie?" he grinned

Johnny shrugged, "Peanut's bringin' her over with his kid."

"When they gettin' here?" Nicky asked,

Another shrug but this time from Gina, "Soon maybe.. you know Larry. All his stupid detours."

Thhey emerged into conversation about the road trip they'd taken two summers ago- leaving the kids with Mary- and Peanut had made-up some outrageous rules to follow in the car, not to mention he took 'short-cuts' which never turned out to be very shrot. They'd spent two days lost, wanderign Minnesota in the car wondering how the hell they even got to Minnesota. At least, they assumed it was Minnestoa- they'd seena moose- but they couldn't be sure.

"Oooh, you gotta jump, jive then ya wail! You gotta jump jive, jive, then ya wail! You gotta jump, jive, then you-" chorused through the room- Johnny pulled out his cell phone- stopping the song.

"Yeah? Okay." he hung up, "Peanut says give 'em ten minutes."

Nicky ran out to the porch to wait, and, with a heavy sigh, Tad followed him.

Johnny waited until he was out of the room to speak: "Why's Tad still around?"

"Nicky and him are inseperable" Rusty explained, "He's always around."

Johnny rolled his eyes, "Four years. Ya'd think Tad'd move into a mansion."

"He likes his apartment." Gary said, "It is a nice apartment."

Then they heard a car pull up- Nicky squeal- Tad groan- doors shut and then the inevitable laughing and shrieking as Nicky was reunited with his little neice. Johnny didn't need to look out the window to know that Peanut's son was probably asleep. The kid slept a lot- he was growing pretty fast by now- he was a whole head taller than Franjessice who was about average.

The front door open and shut and a little brunette came leaping towards Johnny. She didn't care she was covered in dirt form the playground she hugged him anyway and Johnny (wanting to curse himself for raising the tomboy thus far) hugged her back and sat her in his lap. She wore a pair of denim overalls and a striped shirt and dirty once-white sneakers. Gina smiled and kissed her. The child was coated in dirt. Sometimes Johnny wondered if she rolled in it instead of playign with the playground equipment.

Peanut sat next to Rusty, his son was tall and lanky- he had light brown hair and a soft, angular face, he was curled up, no longer fitting, on Peanut's lap. Peanut smiled, "So wha's goin' on?"

"Your son have bad grammar too?" Gary sneered,

"No. His ma makes sure 'e talks real good." Peanut retorted,

"Speaking of which!" Gina piped up, "How is Mandy? I haven't seen her in a long time!"

Peanut shrugged, "Aw, she's good. She want's t'move back t'Bullworth 'cause Crabblesnitch is offerin' 'er a job as Cheerleading Coach since she did so good when she was there."

"Ya gonna take it?" Nicky asked- he was now rolling around on the floor with Franjessica. The child adored wrestling. That, Johnny would admit, was his fault since he felt silly playing dolls.

"Dunno yet." Peanut answered, "Maybe."

Rusty looked up, "Bullworth is so lame anymore! Everyhtin' that made it fun is gone!"

"You thought it was fun?" Gary snorted,

"I never got harassed by other cliques- so sure!" she replied, "Plus the carnival's gone!"

"Thank GOD!" Johnny nearly-shouted, "Jessie wanted t'go! It's a damn death trap!"

"He's such a good daddy!" Gina cooed and kissed Johnny's cheek,

Johnny grinned at her, then looked at Rusty and Gary, "It was a death trap. An' when you two have kids don' take 'em t'a palce that runs their roller coasters when the tracks frozen!"

"Daddy's sayin' ya' don't wanna fllyyyy" Gary shouted, in a drawling tone,

The girl looked up, "I wanna fly, daddy!" she exclaimed

Johnny groaned, "Oh, Jessie, not now!"

"Not Jessie! Frankie!" she cired,

"For the love of God! You're a girl!"

She stuck her tongue out at him and punched Nicky in the chin. Nicky laughed and rolled- pinning her to the floor and laughing at her as she laughed at him.

Gary smiled, "I'm only having sons"

"You wish." Rusty scoffed

"Can we go get drunk now?!" Gina cried suddenly, "I'm bored as hell!"

"Hippi's smoke- not drink." Gary said and she threw a pillow at him.

Johnny, Gina, and Peanut stood, he placed his son down on the couch, "See ya guys!" They waved and started for the door after Gina and Johnny cooed over Franjessica and told her to behave.

Which, of course, she wouldn't. She never did.


Gary lay sprawled out on the couch- Rusty lay on top of him, Tad occupied the love seat, and Nicky was laying on the floor with the kids. Tad was asleep- disheveled and exhausted- nothing could wake him up. Nicky had squiggles all over his face thanks to Franjessica who was carefully etching a long, curly mustache under his nose.

She turned to Gary, "How's that uncie Gary?"

"Looks super, squirt. Where's Jacob?" he answered- questioning for Peanut's son

"Behind the couch."


She shrugged but Jacob answered eagerly, "I'm hidin'!"

"From what?" Rusty asked,

"Mommy!" he answered,

"Why?" this time it was Franjessica who questioned,

"Daddy said if she comes and its a mess she'll turn into a dragon! Dragon's are scary!" he explained,

Franjessica rolled her eyes, "Mommy's turn into girl doggies when they're angry not dragons!"

"Huh?" Rusty asked, looking at her

"Daddy says that's what a bitch is- an' he calls mommy a bitch if she makes him too mad. I never seen mommy turn into a girl doggie but.. I don' think I'd mind having a mommy and a puppy!" she replied thoughtfully,

Gary burst out laughing, "I love her!"

"We're never having daughters." Rusty said finally,

Then a car pulled up. Jacob crawled over and flopped down next to Franjessica and they pretended to be asleep.

"Let's just never have kids." Gary suggested,

"Agreed. Babysitting once every few years is enough." Rusty said,

The front door opened and shut- the adults didn't say a word because everyone appeared to be asleep. Scooping up Franjessica and Jacob, Peanut, Gina, and Johnny went into the spare guest room to sleep.

There, in the dark of the night the little girl sat up, pulled the sharpie from a pocket in her overalls and drew a squiggle mustache on Johnny's face.

The End.

Longest chapter I've ever written and it's the epilogue!

How about that? Hope ya' loved it!