If any of you are wondering, I never had any idea to put Zuko in, but I will put him in the end of this…..Okay! Here's the New Chapter!

Chapter 3

















It was dark.

I felt like I was floating.

There was pain everywhere on my body.

I was warm though.

I heard voices, but they were faint.

I was slipping away.

I heard Aang's voice.

Then Sokka's.

Then Toph's.

The pain was intense.

I saw a light.

It was the opening of a dark tunnel.

I walked toward it.

Until I reached the light.












I slowly opened my eyes.

"She's awake!" a familiar voice shouted. "Thank Roku, she's okay!"

I groaned.

"It's okay, Katara," another voice said. "He's gone,"

Who is gone? Who's talking? I can't see.

My vision came back.

There were three spirits there. One light blue, one dark blue, and one green.

They weren't spirits….

They were my friends.

"A-a….a-aang?" I whispered.

"Yes, yes Katara, I'm here," Aang said, kneeling next to me.

"A-am I d-d-dead?" I asked.

"No……..well…. just…you're not," Toph said.

"Wh-what? What do you m-mean?" I said as loud as I could. Which wasn't very loud.

"Katara……..we…..we are dead." Sokka said.

"What?!" I yelled, I sat up quickly but instantly fell back from pain.

"Katara, it's okay, we're dead, you're not." Aang said, putting is hand on my shoulder.

"Just…just let me die here, then I can be with you," I cried.

"No, we are here right now for another chance, we-," Aang said.

"Where's that spirit!? What did he do to me!?" I yelled.

"He..well….beat you, and…burned you….and jabbed….you," Aang said, crying a little.

"Oh," I said, I looked at my body; it was covered in bruises and cuts.

Sokka began to explain. "This all happened shortly before we died, we all saw you get hurt, that is why Aang is still crying. The spirit ran at you and hit you on the head. He then took his claws and dug them into your legs, your side, your arm, and your back. You were screaming for a while. Then, he started burning you. After that, we died, then we went to the spirit world and killed him."

"Oh….. ow," I said.

"Yeah, ow," Aang said, trying to smile. It turned to a frown again. "We came here for another chance to live, we found out you hadn't died yet, and since you can heal, we came up with an idea. An idea that you could heal yourself, and we could go back into our bodies and then you could heal us."

"Th-that could work." I said. "But, won't you be in pain though?"

"Yes, but then we could be alive." Toph said.

"Ok," I said. I took water from the air and tried to sit up. I cried in pain and fell back.

"Are you okay?!" Aang said.

"Yeah, it just…..hurts…" I replied.

I tried to get up again and fell back. I laid there for a minute and tried to get up again. This time, I pushed up as hard as I could. It hurt like hell but I could manage. So I took the water and healed my wounds.

I sighed.

I stood up. "Who wants to go first?"

"Aang's injuries are the worst, do him first," Sokka said.

"Ok," I replied. So I walked over to where Aang's body was, so did Aang's spirit.

I undid the chains that tied him and laid him on the ground. I pulled out the sword and Aang's spirit jumped in.

I immediately started to heal him. Soon enough, all that was left was a small scar. Then I went to his jaw and healed it.

"Katara?" Aang whispered.

"Y-yes?" I said.

"Thank you," He said, sitting up, clutching his stomach.

"Does it still hurt?" I asked.

"A little, but I'll be okay," he answered. "Do Toph now,"

I walked over to Toph. She had already jumped into her body so I started healing. After a little bit, she only had scars and was fine.

After that, I went to Sokka; he had died of suffocation. I healed his throat and he coughed and got up.

Everyone was healed so I went to my sleeping bag to well…..sleep.

I laid down and pulled the covers up.

"Hey, Katara, help us with dinner!" Sokka yelled.

I sighed. "Fine…..I'll just….whatever," I threw the covers off and began to get up. But Aang stopped me.

He put his hand on my shoulder and looked at Sokka. "Sokka, she's been through a lot today, let her sleep."

"But!" Sokka yelled.

"Sokka! Let her sleep." Aang said.

He looked at me. "Just lay down and go to sleep, are you hungry?"

"N-no, I'm not hungry," I answered.

"Okay, just tell us if you do get hungry though," He said, giving me his goofy smile.

I smiled back.

I laid down and slowly went to sleep.

I woke up and the sun was setting. I looked around and saw Aang, Toph, and Sokka sitting and eating.

(don't worry I am bringing Zuko in)

Zuko walked into the campsite.

"Okay, I'm back from the market, what I miss?" Zuko asked smiling.

We all replied.

"Oh, nothing special."

The End.

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