Hi! Okay, well this is my first Harry Potter fanfic and I've always loved Remus and Hermione as a pair so, why the hell not write a fic? I should warn you, this will be quite a slowly updated fic as it's exam year and I have so much stuff to do. This is my only way to stay sane!

Disclaimer- If I owned Harry Potter I would not have to do exams…but I do. QED, I don't own it!

Chapter 1

Hermione Granger smoothed down her wrinkled robes nervously as she approached Remus Lupin.

The tall, slim man was standing at the stone exit of the Room of Requirement, staring down at something in his hands,

Everyone had left to fight the battle against the Death Eaters but Hermione wanted to speak with Remus before she went to help Harry and Ron defeat Voldemort once and for all.

She tapped Lupin on the shoulder and cleared her throat. He gave a start and turned around to face her.

"Hello, Hermione. You startled me. It is a shame we aren't talking under better circumstances."

Hermione nodded and laughed. Her laugh came out strange; it was more like a high pitched squeak.

"Yes, a battle isn't really the best of times to have a conversation."

Hermione looked at Lupin's hand and gestured to the picture he was clutching.

"May I?" she asked

Remus looked at her in surprise and handed her the picture.

Hermione giggled as she looked down at a podgy little baby, reaching for the camera.

"He's lovely." She said, handing back the picture.

Lupin smiled proudly and tucked the picture back into his shabby robes.

"Professor, I actually wanted to talk to you about Teddy." said Hermione, wringing her hands.

Remus held up his thin, scarred hand and grinned.

"Hermione, I think we are past the formalities of teacher and student. Call me Remus."

Hermione chuckled and swallowed, feeling a lump in her throat. She coughed and decided to jump right in.

"Well, Remus, are you sure that you're willing to risk your life with your son just to fight in this battle?"

Remus sighed and ran his hand through his greying hair.

"Hermione, I know that Teddy will understand, if anything should happen to me."

"Look, I don't want Teddy to lose his father the way Harry lost his father. No child deserves to lose a parent!" cried Hermione.

Remus smiled sadly and placed his hand on Hermione's shoulder.

"Hermione, I might come out of this unscathed! I don't want you worrying about me, though I do appreciate it. Think more about yourself."

Lupin turned to leave the room, when he heard Hermione whisper.

"Just take care."

Lupin turned to her.

"Same to you, Hermione. I'll see you soon; I promise."

Remus left the room and ran down the now wrecked seventh floor corridor. The shadows of the armour and furniture had lengthened since she had entered the room; it was getting late.

Hermione sniffed and walked out into the crumbling hallway, oblivious to flashes of green and red light.

Yes, Hermione Granger had had a small crush on Remus Lupin since she was thirteen. Of course it had developed over the years as she had gotten to know the man. In her opinion they were perfect for each other. She never voiced her thoughts to anyone, however. Remus was now married and he had a son. Hermione sighed, wishing she had met him when he was a young man.

It was her worry for him and his family that compelled her to confront him about his decision to fight.

Hermione growled and angrily wiped away the tears that had spilled onto her cheeks. She was a Gryffindor for Merlin's sake! Brave at heart, or at least, she was supposed to be.

She pulled out her wand and ran through the school, blasting away any Death Eaters that crossed her path. Mind you, Hermione never killed if she could help it.

She finally found herself in the barely recognisable Entrance Hall. It had lost all of it former grandeur. The marble staircase had been partly blasted away and pieces of chipped marble lay scattered everywhere. Mixed amongst the marble were rubies and emeralds, smashed from the house hourglasses. House points weren't really an issue at the moment.

Hermione sped towards the grounds, hopping over lifeless bodies, frantically searching for Harry and Ron.

She ran quickly, everything around her moving in slow motion.

She looked towards the forest and saw Remus duelling with Peter Pettigrew.

Remus's face was screwed up with anger, hurt and loathing.

Hermione ran towards them as quickly as she could.

She heard Peter cry out as Remus knocked him back.

Hermione stopped and watched Peter raise his wand.


"NO!" screamed Hermione

She leaped in front of Remus as Peter cast the curse.

A flash of green light and the sound of her name being shouted were the last things Hermione Granger knew before everything went black.

Hope you enjoyed it! Any words of encouragement, or criticisms, are welcome. More soon!