A/N: Here you go. (;

Disclaimer: I don't own The Clique. ):


The Great Lawn

Monday, September 28th

7:41 A.M.

"Hey boys!" Massie Block said in a happy sing-song voice. She had practically skipped over to where the boys were standing.

They looked at her oddly. Besides Derrick and Chris, who were trying their best to keep a giddy smile off their face, they were all thinking the same exact thing.


Especially Kemp, who at that point, let out a girlish giggle and a wannabe-French "ooh-la-la."

Massie laughed, shrugging in her shoulders in a way that made her seem so carefree and wonderfully happy, just to rub it in Derrick's face and make him act quicker.

"It's like you guys have never seen a girl before," Massie joked, taking in all their looks of disbelief. She noticed Kemp's eyes glued to her legs.

"Oh Gawd, Kemp." Massie rolled her eyes, cross her right leg in front of the other. She had just remembered that she was wearing her Adidas by Stella McCartney tennis skirt. Sure, it was super short, but she had some spandex shorts underneath. "Tennis season is starting today."

"And you couldn't change into it later because..." Chris asked, looking slightly annoyed. He wasn't annoyed with Massie, obviously. He was just bothered that for the entire day, guys had the chance to stare at her legs in a way that he wished he was only allowed to.

"Because I decided to get into the spirit?" Massie offered, giving Chris a lopsided smile.

Uh, did I just hear someone's heart skip a beat?

"Are, uh, the other girls getting into the spirit too?" Kemp looked up at Massie (finally) with a hungry grin.

"Yeah, Claire, Kristen, Dylan, Alicia—"

"Oh, there's my cue." Josh winked, lifting up his NYY hat, ruffling his hair underneath it to mess it up, and placing it back on his head. He started strolling towards the PC girls underneath their usual tree while taking his time.

"Going to go rush to Claire?" Kemp snickered, punching Cam's shoulder.

Cam shook his dark hair out of his mismatched eyes and gave Kemp a glare. "By the way, the reason why Hotz over there has a girl is because he knows a little something called subtleness."

"That damn boy doesn't have a girl, he has the girl. And not just the girl, but girl with a capital 'c'." Kemp bit his lip and traced her curves in the air with his two hands. "Ali-freaking-cia Riv-freaking-era."

"C? Like her bra size?" Massie started muttering to herself.

"Dude, shut up!" Cam rolled his eyes and smacked Kemp on the shoulder. He turned to Massie and apologized. "Sorry, Mass. He's not usually this hormonal."

Massie had to admit, compared to Kemp, Derrick looked super mature. "No problem," Massie replied, keeping her positive attitude.

"So, why are you here?" Kemp asked. "Not that I'm complaining." He added with a wink.

Massie casually linked her arm through Chris's and looked up at Derrick while replying to Kemp's question. Derrick suppressed the urge to groan. Massie was totally mocking him. And it was working.

"Aw, you know, I thought it'd be nice for you guys to talk to a girl once in a while." She narrowed her eyes at him. "Still shy, Derrick?"

"No." His lip tugged at one corner into a smirk. "I've been talking to tons of girls lately."

"That's great. I've been talking to tons of guys." Massie challenged back.

"Well, I—"

"Shut up!" Chris quickly yapped, grabbing Massie's wrist, unhooking it from his arm, and quickly pulling her away from the group of guys.

Massie scrunched up her nose. She was already so pumped to get into an argument with Derrick, one that would end up well and lead to angry kisses—the ones that looked like they would bruise.

Chris didn't stop until they were off the lawn and right next to the main building. He quickly pulled out his phone as it vibrated irritably in his pants.


Chris clenched his jaw, looking up at the sky to try to think of something to say. That whole thing was purely by his first reactions. He wanted Massie away from his annoying, so-called friends. He wanted her to himself.

Chris: If you kept talking, you would've gotten into a fight with Mass. That means zero chance of winning her back in the end.

Derrick didn't text back; obviously it made him think with some logic behind it.

"Why'd you do that?" Massie asked. She was staring at Chris like he had lost his mind. The amber flecks in her eyes looked as if they were dancing.

Was he supposed to be afraid or just absolutely dazzled?

"Do what?" Chris asked, playing dumb to buy some time to think of an excuse. He didn't want to tell Massie what the real reason was. He didn't want to have this huge love confession to her. It wasn't the right time.

Massie let out an exasperated groan. "Chris!" She rolled her eyes and reached out to smack him on the arm. "Why? Are you trying to mess everything up?" She looked at him with an incredulous expression.

Chris started laughing nervously. The place where Massie had hit him was burning, and not because Massie hit hard, but because she had touched him. "No, Massie, why would I do that? I'm trying to get my friends back, remember?" He fumbled, hoping she'd either a) fall for it, or b) just let it go.

Massie narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously but then shrugged. "Okay, fine, but I know what I'm doing." She said, looking at her nails in a nonchalant manner. They were painted a pale tan color, because Massie Block wanted everything to be fresh and calm.

"And I know what I'm doing too." Chris replied, giving her a light smile.

Massie frowned. Wait, if Derrick found out that she was taking charge of this situation then there would be no point. No, Derrick Harrington was going to work for her, not the other way around.

"Fine, this is your plan anyways." Massie rolled her eyes. "Just tell me what to do from now on. I'll listen."

Chris sighed in relief. "Mass, that'd make it much easier." Now he wouldn't have to worry about her doing anything that he didn't want to happen.


The Great Lawn

Monday, September 28th

7:49 A.M.

Just as Massie was walking back to her friends, Josh was just leaving. He gave Massie a little nod, as if he was thinking her for telling her about Alicia's short skirt. Massie rolled her eyes when she knew Josh wasn't looking. Honestly, even the best catches had their boyish faults.

Alicia turned, her waist-length dark hair practically wiping Claire in the face. "Massie!" Alicia grinned, clapping her hands together. "Josh just came. He said I was prettiest girl in this skirt."

Massie snorted, it was the only time she'd ever do something like that. "Ha, Kemp did too."

Alicia's face twisted into a grimace. "What? Kemp with the hair?"

"Yes, and you're apparently Alicia with the curves." Massie laughed.

Alicia huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. Massie gave her a sweet smile and then motioned for the other girls to close in their circle.

They all bundled together as if it was a cold, winter day, even though it was a perfectly chill autumn morning. "So, why did you make us wear our skirts during school again, Mass?"

Massie rolled her eyes. "I told you. Team spirit, remember?"

Dylan laughed. "Massie, just like a pair of Juicy sweatpants, I'm not buying that!"

Kristen grimace, recalling something she heard while passing by the teacher's lounge. "Oh yeah, Mass, I just remembered."

"What?" Massie turned to look at Kristen with expecting eyes. She nodded her head quickly to encourage Kristen to spit it out.

Kristen ran a hand through her dark blonde hair and furrowed her eyebrows together. "The school's pushing Sadie's forward."

Massie's eyes widened. What? She was already dreading asking a guy to a dance, but now her doom was going to be even closer? This wasn't the right time. She wanted the dance after this whole Derrick-plan was over. It would be absolutely normal for her to ask him if they were going out again. But right now? When she was single and not ready to mingle?

"Gawd, I feel sick." Massie muttered.

"When is it exactly?" Alicia narrowed her eyes, silently reminding herself to ask Josh as soon as possible.

"In two weeks." Kristen frowned. "Two weeks, Mass. You think Chris is going to complete his plan by then?"

Massie's lips formed a straight line. Now that she couldn't interfere, as she had promised Chris, she had no idea when it would be done. She wanted it over quickly.

Massie got this nagging feeling that her dignity was going to take a huge blow very, very soon.

Currently Listening To:
Untouched by The Veronicas

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