Sonia's Big Adventures

Sonia's Big Adventures

Chapter Six: The Final Battle

Back at the island Eggman was growling. He watched the whole battle between Zane and Placid.

"Those fools! I'll destroy them all!" Eggman shouted with rage. Suddenly a bright light appeared behind him then faded. Placid was standing there behind him.

"I have failed you master," Placid said, as he dropped to his knees.

"I want you to get them again and this time don't fail me!" Eggman yelled. Placid nodded then suddenly three figures appeared beside Eggman. It was Nazo, Mephiles, and a small version of Iblis. "They will help you," Eggman said, as he grinned evilly. Placid nodded then took out his chaos emerald. He held it up.

"Chaos control!" Placid shouted then he, Nazo, Mephiles, and Iblis vanished.

At an airplane place

Sonia was looking for the right plane, Jazz was sitting on a chair thinking about stuff, and Zane was talking to a man that owned the planes. Lily walked up Sonia.

"Sonia can you just pick a plane so we can leave?" Lily asked.

"No I have to pick the perfect plane," Sonia said, as she touched one of the planes. Jazz sighed.

"Why is Sonia taking so long?" Jazz asked himself, as he looked at Sonia. After a couple of minutes Sonia picked the one that was perfect and they paid for it. They hopped into the plane then flew off. After they flew off a bright light appeared inside the place then faded. Placid, Nazo, Mephiles, and Iblis were standing there. The guy that owned the place was staring at them. Nazo walked up to the guy, grabbed his neck, and started to squeeze.

"Where did they go?" Nazo asked, as he squeezed harder. The guy tried to talk but Nazo was squeezing his neck too hard. "Why isn't he answering? He must want to die," Nazo said, as he growled.

"Can't you see that you're choking him too hard dumbo?" Mephiles said, as he rolled his eyes.

"Oh yeah, I knew that," Nazo said, as he let go of the guy's neck. Mephiles just rolled his eyes again. "Now where did they go?" Nazo asked the guy again. The guy didn't reply because he was gasping for air. "He must really want to die," Nazo said, as he crossed his arms.

"Could you let the guy get some air first? You're such and idiot Nazo," Placid said, as he rolled his eyes.

"They flew off not too long ago in a plane. Please don't hurt me I have a family," The guy begged. Iblis walked over to the guy and whacked him on his head. The guy passed out. Placid, Nazo, Mephiles, and Iblis flew up to the sky.

In the sky

"Hey Zane do you know what this island looks like?" Sonia asked.

"No but I think it looks like an island base of some sort," Zane replied.

"Okay, then let's start looking on that island," Sonia said, as she pointed to the island Eggman was on. Suddenly four figures appeared behind them. Lily looked back and saw them.

"Hey, guys we've got company!" Lily exclaimed and pointed towards the figures.

"This is where we get off," Jazz said, as everyone nodded.

"Chaos change!" They all shouted then turned into their chaos forms. They flew out of the plane and onto the island. The four figures were Placid, Nazo, Mephiles, and Iblis. They landed on the island as well.

"I'll take care of these pests you go warn Eggman," Placid said. The other three nodded then ran off into the base. Placid walked in front of the Chaos Changers. "I'll destroy you all!" Placid yelled. Zane looked at his friends.

"You guys go on ahead I'll take care of Placid," Zane said, as he walked up to Placid ready for battle.

"Be careful Zane," Lily said then ran off.

"So I guess I get a rematch with you boy," Placid said, as he laughed.

"I'm not a boy I'm a teenager!" Zane shouted and charged forward with a punch. They started fighting.

In the base

The three Chaos Changers were running through a hallway. Suddenly Mephiles jumped in front of them.

"You're not going anywhere," Mephiles said, as he grinned evilly. Lily walked up to him.

"You got a name?" She asked.

"It's Mephiles," Mephiles replied.

"Okay, Mephiles prepare for battle! You guys go I got this Mephiles guy," Lily said to her friends. Sonia and Jazz nodded then ran off. Lily threw a sidekick to Mephiles's head. Mephiles moved out of the way and threw a punch to her face but missed. "There's got to be a way to hit him," Lily thought, as she moved out of the way of another punch. "I've got it!" Lily thought then ran up to Mephiles. She grabbed his face then kissed him. Mephiles stood there in shock. Mephiles stood there with his jaw dropped open. "Chaos kick!" Lily shouted then hit Mephiles with a powerful kick. Mephiles fell to the ground and passed out. "Yes victory is mine!" Lily shouted with joy then ran off. Back outside the base Zane was getting hurt badly.

"Ha, is that all you've got boy?" Placid asked, as he laughed. Zane was on the ground. Placid floated up and darkness swirled around him. "Dark shot!" Placid yelled then millions of black little balls went straight to Zane. Zane got up and focused all of his energy.

"Super chaos change!" Zane shouted then turned into Super Chaos Zane. "Chaos shield!" Zane shouted then a powerful shield blocked the balls.

"I'll destroy you boy! Dark panic!" Placid shouted then dark lightning went straight for Zane.

"Chaos shot!" Zane yelled then millions of light balls went straight for Placid. Zane and Placid got hit at the same time. Zane turned back to normal and hit the ground. After a second Zane got up. Placid was passed out on the ground. Zane smiled then ran into the base.

In a big room inside the base

Nazo and Iblis appeared in front of Sonia and Jazz.

"I'll take care of them you go," Jazz said, as he kissed her cheek. Sonia blushed then ran off.

"Well, well, well look what we have here," Nazo said, as he grinned evilly. Iblis growled at Jazz.

"You're going down!" Jazz shouted then put his hands out in front of him. "Chaos bust!" Jazz shouted then lots of sharp red powerful spears came rushing towards Nazo and Iblis. Nazo and Iblis moved out of the way of the shots. Iblis threw a punch to Jazz's head hard. Jazz cried out in pain. Nazo laughed.

"Do you give up?" Nazo asked, as he laughed.

"Never," Jazz said, as he got into a fighting stance. "Super chaos change!" Jazz shouted then turned into Super Chaos Jazz. Nazo frowned then threw a straight punch to Jazz. Jazz moved out of the way. "Chaos disappear!" Jazz yelled then a really bright light flashed all around the room then faded. Nazo and Iblis were gone. Jazz turned back to normal. "I've got to find Sonia," Jazz said then ran off in the direction Sonia went. Sonia walked for hours and hours until she finally reached a door. She opened it and walked into a computer room of some sort. She saw Eggman standing there with his back to her.

"I knew you would come," Eggman said, as he turned around to face her.

"Eggman you're going to pay for what you've done to the world and my brother!" Sonia shouted. Suddenly Eggman grabbed a zipper on his head that nobody noticed before then pulled it down. Shadow was standing there now and Eggman was an Eggman costume.

"I'm really Shadow the hedgehog!" Shadow yelled with laughter.

"Shadow? You're the one who killed my brother and other people?" Sonia said, as she backed away a little.

"Yeah, you got a problem with that girl?" Shadow asked, as he grinned evilly.

"Super chaos change!" Sonia shouted then turned into Super Chaos Sonia. Shadow frowned.

"Weak," Shadow said, as he laughed. Sonia growled then threw a punch at his face. Shadow moved out of the way then kicked her side. Sonia cried out in pain. "Did you have enough yet?" Shadow asked. Sonia growled then floated up.

"Chaos spear!" Sonia shouted then threw some chaos spears to Shadow. Shadow jumped out of the way.

"Chaos spear!" Shadow yelled then he threw some chaos spears at Sonia. Sonia got hit on her shoulder by one but blocked the rest of the shots.

"Chaos twister!" Sonia yelled then spun in a circle. She spun until she became a tornado. She hit Shadow then Shadow fell on his back. Sonia walked up to him with fire burning around her. "Chaos destroy!" Sonia shouted then a big bomb of fire swept across the room and Shadow. Smoke was everywhere. After a couple of minutes the smoke cleared up and Shadow was on the ground dead. Sonia was turned back into normal. She was exhausted and fell on the ground. That last attack she did took a lot out of her. Suddenly the base started to shake and brake down. Lily was trying to find a way out of the place. Suddenly a big rock was about to hit her. She closed her eyes and waited for the pain. Mephiles came out of nowhere, grabbed her, and then moved her out of the way of the rock. Lily looked at Mephiles confused.

"Lily I….love you," Mephiles said, as he blushed. Lily smiled.

"You do?" Lily asked. Mephiles nodded and looked at the ground. Lily hugged him and Mephiles returned the hug.

"Let's get out of here before we get crushed," Mephiles said, as he grabbed her hand. Lily nodded. "Chaos control!" Mephiles shouted then they vanished. Mephiles could use chaos control without the chaos emeralds. Zane ran out of the base and watched the base break down.

"I hope Sonia, Jazz, and Lily are okay," Zane said with worry in his voice. Back in the computer room Sonia was still on the ground.

"I can't move I'm so tired," Sonia said, as she closed her eyes. Suddenly Jazz came in there.

"She must be exhausted," Jazz said, as he put his hand on her forehead. "Chaos heal," Jazz said, as light went into Sonia. Sonia opened her eyes and looked around. Jazz smiled at her then took out his yellow chaos emerald. He held it up. "Chaos control!" Jazz shouted then they both vanished. Back outside everybody was sitting there watching the base fall apart. Sonia and Jazz had appeared outside not too long ago and watched the base fall apart too. Lily looked at Mephiles then Mephiles blushed. Lily smiled and hugged him.

"You're so cute when you blush," Lily said. Zane looked at them.

"I can't believe Lily got him to be good," Zane said, as he shook his head. Sonia and Jazz were looking at each other.

"Sonia I love you," Jazz said, as he smiled.

"I love you too Jazz," Sonia said then kissed him. After an hour the Chaos Changers got in a circle. They all put their hands on the ground.

"Chaos revive!" They all yelled then a bright light went into the ground. The whole world was healing and all the dead people were coming back to life. In Africa Manic got off the ground.

"Hey, I'm alive!" Manic said, as he smiled. Back at Tails's workshop, Sonic, Tails, and Amy went outside. They watched the world heal and all the people come back to life.

"Sonia did it," Sonic said, as he smiled. After two days past Sonia went back to the lake and sat down near the lake. Jazz walked over to her and sat next to her.

"We saved the world," Jazz said happily.

"Yes we did," Sonia said with a smile on her face. In Lancaster Lily and Mephiles were walking in a meadow holding hands.

"I love you Lily," Mephiles said, as he hugged her.

"I love you too Mephiles," Lily said, as she returned the hug.