
Disclaimer: Twilight and all it's characters do not belong to us they belong to the wonderful Stephenie Meyer... duh!

Hi! This is our fic! We hope you enjoy it!

A few things to remember... Breaking Dawn did not happen. This is our first story. There will be no Edward, Bella, or any Cullens in this story. Sorry.


Two years later, and I still hadn't gotten over her. Bella. Images of her smiling vampire face haunted me following me everywhere. If I saw her now would she be thirsting for my blood? I shuddered. Vampires. I couldn't believe that she was one of them. To me being a vampire was worse than being dead. Cold, lifeless, and hard. My worst nightmare. I needed to get over her. But how could I, with memories of her lingering in my mind, burning me from the inside out? Why the hell did I deserve this? This endless agony? Sure I wasn't perfect, I'd made plenty of mistakes, but what had I done to personally offend God or whoever was inflicting this pain on me? And to make it worse I had a bunch of imprinted werewolves in my mind whenever I tried to escape the pain by becoming a werewolf myself. They were so happy. I stared at the blonde girl loitering in front of the mall and tried to make myself attracted to her on a whim. I was desperate. But, as always, nothing happened. I just couldn't seem to really actually see her. I moaned, why had I gotten my hopes up? Just then, a girl with black hair walked out of the mall. My eyes locked onto her figure. My anguish vanished and gravity seemed to move. All I knew was her.

Aubrey: So what did you think?

Ava: Tell us! Rate and Review!

Aubrey: Constructive criticism is appreciated.