summary- She was a run away princess, sick & tired of her mother's decision of an arranged marriage. As she runs away, she meets a strange group of pirates and their white haired leader. However, she's more afraid of losing her life to him than returning home.

I do not own Bleach

The hair stylist brushed her beautiful shot chocolate brown hair gracefully, admiring the princess's beautiful locks. It was June 23, exactly a few two weeks from the arranged wedding; the arranged wedding that the princess just found out today. The atmosphere in the castle was not that elegant today ever since the princess found out about her mother and brother's scheme behind her back. She had pleaded them not to do this to her, since she was only fifteen and was not ready to become wife and to bear some king's son! However, from generation to generation, a woman's job was to bear a man's male heir.

If a woman cannot bear a male child to the man, then the man must find himself another wife. Even if it is cruel, especially for the women, it had to be done; and it was done many times! Momo, princess of the rich country of Constanza (1), was angry that she had to get married in just two weeks to a king she never even heard of! Her fiancé was only thirty-eight years old, and imagining herself getting married to a man that was two times her age made her sick to her stomach!

Momo wore a gorgeous sky blue dress with blue slippers and a blue ribbon. Her bangs cascaded in front of her elegant face as she stood from the stool she was sitting on. Her stylist smiled and enjoyed the princess's beauty.

"You're so young and beautiful, Princess Momo!" remarked the stylist, who was a woman in her mid fifties with brown hair and a few strands of white hair here and there.

Momo frowned as she continued to study herself in the mirror. "I am young and beautiful, but not ready for such marriage! I'm only fifteen years old, I'm still learning on how to become a perfect wife, and my wedding is in two weeks! Another dreadful thing is that my 'husband' is more than twice my age!"

The woman behind her frowned and placed a hand on her shoulder reassuringly. "I know; this is the nightmares of a woman, doing everything that a man says, giving them their children!"

"But this is unfair! I love children, but I'm a child myself! Why can't the king just get a woman that's older than me?"

"Princess, you know that the younger the woman, the more eligible and healthier she'll be on giving a man his children."

Momo sighed, bowing her head down disappointingly. She opened her mouth to speak again, but was cut off when her mother came running in. The woman, Queen of Constanza, was in her mid forties; and she had hazel brown eyes with long light brown hair. Wearing a gray dress, she walked over to her daughter and smiled.

"Oh, you look so beautiful my child! Your brother and fiancé are waiting downstairs for you!"

Momo looked up at her mother and quickly, her eyebrows furrowed angrily as she fisted her hands.

"Mother, I don't want to get married!" she exclaimed, already thinking of the multiple reasons why she does not want to marry.

Queen Hinamori frowned and rang her slender fingers through Momo's side bangs. "Sweetie, I know you don't want to get married, I don't want you to get married, but this is how things are supposed to go! Every woman goes through the same phase and experience-"

"Well it's not fair for us then!" Momo exclaimed at her mother, "Why must we be used for them to get what they want? Why can't we women make our own decision in how we want our children and at what age to have them?"

Queen Hinamori sighed, looking at the stylist and at then at her daughter. Momo has the same attitude as the ceased King Hinamori. Even if Momo's older brother was heir and soon to be king of Constanza, King Hinamori loved his daughter; and he was always afraid that this day would come; the day in which his precious daughter had to be handed to the hand's of a stranger. Queen Hinamori wanted to drop the subject already, since arguments with Momo took centuries to end.

"C'mon darling, your fiancé is waiting for you. We must not make him impatient." The queen said before turning around and walking out of the Momo's grand bedroom.

Momo sighed and followed her mother, already imaging her future with a batch of kids and an old husband. Why must things end this way? Why must Momo be chosen to bear some king's male heir right after his wife dies? The princess halted by the immense staircase and looked down, her eyes falling on the red-haired man with blue eyes whom was her fiancé.

The king looked up at her and smiled at her as she began to walk down. His wide smile made her feet tremble as she thought to herself how disgusting he was. He was tall, probably six feet and a few inches, red hair, deep ocean blue eyes, muscular feature, and a long chin. Momo bit her bottom lip as images of her having his children arose to her mind. Next to him was her older brother, by three years, which she barely loved as a brother.

Her brother was serious when coming to the rules and laws of Constanza. He was the one that offered the single king that his little sister was fifteen and healthy to have his children. Her brother was also the one that arranged the wedding to be in two weeks. Momo was barely close to her brother before, and now, she almost hates him. She knew that he wasn't the one that made up the rules and laws of Constanza, but as her brother, he could have at least given her a chance on marrying a prince that's right for her.

"Smile, sister," her eighteen year old brother said calmly, his hands resting inside his pockets.

Momo growled inwardly as she hesitantly led a fake smile appear on her features. The king in front of her, once she was standing right in front of him, grabbed her hand and kissed it gently. Momo's back shivered as his cold rigid lips made contact with her hand. The king then pulled back and gazed right into her dark brown eyes.

"You're more beautiful in person, Princess Momo." The king said, grinning more and tilting his head to the side.

Momo was about to roll her eyes, but sensing her brother's serious gaze on her, she just smiled and walked over to the dining room in which all three of them and a few other guests were going to speak of the marriage.

The sea was violent as the sky began to darken. The crew began to shift things around as the immense Hyorinmaru halted on the empty dock. The captain, which was around five-foot-two, jumped from the deck and landed safely on the ground. He then turned around and saw his men jumping down behind him.

"Men, gather as many things as you can; we all know that we're still being chased." He told them, his low menacing voice going inside their ear and traveling in their heads.

"Yes sir!" they all screamed before running into stores and stealing useful weapons.

The captain rubbed his temple and watched his skilled men work quickly. There was only a few minutes left before they were spotted, and they ran out of their weapons. Luckily for them, their ship was the fastest ship in the sea; so they outran them and stopped in the nearest dock so the crew could reload Hyorinmaru with new and stronger weapons.

"Captain Hitsugaya!" called one of his crewmembers.

The turquoise-eyed captain turned around and looked at him.

"What is it, Hanataro?"

"The enemies have been spotted! They're only less than half a mile away from us!"

The captain groaned and turned his attention back to his crew immediately.

"Men, get ready to fight!"

Momo stomped inside her bedroom, glad that the dining feast was over; however, her brother was angry with her for not being lady-like during the whole time. What does he know about being lady-like? He's not even a lady!

"Momo, you embarrassed the whole Hinamori family with your silent and cold ways towards the king!" her brother yelled at her.

The princess rolled her eyes and glared at him. "Didn't you notice how that pervert was looking at me, actually, at my breasts?"

Her brother rubbed his temples and glanced at her. "Momo, I do not care whether he looks at your ass the whole day; you're going to behave like a lady next time you see him!"

Momo gasped at her brother's outrage. How can he not be by her side, and instead by the king's side?

"Now stay in your room and I'll be the one to let you out!"

Momo ran over to her brother, but he abruptly pushed her back, causing her to fall on the pristine floor. He glared at her before stomping out of her room and locking it from the outside. Momo got up and ran over to her door, trying to pull and break the handle; but it was too hard for her.

"Let me out of here!" she screamed, hearing her mother's worried voice from behind.

"Ling, please let Momo out! You know that she's only fifteen and has no experience of this! Give her a chance!"

"No mother. Momo will learn how to behave if not the good way, then the bad way; she'll learn how to behave!" he snarled back, suddenly turning around, and heading towards his room.

Momo groaned as she threw herself on the bed. Ever since her father died, her brother has been behaving coldly towards her and her mother. She knows that the lost of a love one can be awful, but that is no reason to change into a worse person, and especially towards your family. Momo grabbed her pillow and embraced it, sighing as she closed her watery eyes.

She was tired of the every generation nonsense. Just three months ago, she began attending classes on how to be a fine wife. She learned how to serve coffee or tea to her husband, how to speak to her husband, how to stand and walk around with her husband, how to dine with her husband, and other things that Momo finds foolish. Momo loathed how arranged marriages works now, and how love doesn't exist at all. Presently, love is no longer used; and that's why life is barely known in Constanza. She knew that her parents loved each other since her mother was a peasant and her father was heir of Constanza; and while he was touring around Constanza, he met her and fell in love right away. As ridiculous as it may seem, Momo still thinks that it's beautiful and she always hoped that that always happens to her as well. However, that is broken now….

Momo sighed and stared at the clock hanging on her wall. It was nine-thirty PM, so her brother was getting ready to sleep since he has a big meeting and her mother was getting ready to sleep as well since her medicine made her drowsy. Momo turned her head and looked at the full moon, pondering whether escaping the palace or not. She had that planned this ever since her brother started acting coldly towards her and punished her for unwise reasons. Momo doesn't want to marry the king, and she really doesn't want to get pregnant and have his male heir. Momo knew that running away was not the best solution, though she couldn't bear stand in the same area as her brother!

Getting up, Momo ran over to her closet and searched for a few pieces of clothing. She took out a black bag and opened it. Quickly, she threw in a few pair of undergarments, light dresses, and shoes. Momo stood up and ran over to her large window. She opened it using both of her hands and applying her full strength. Once it was opened, she grabbed the bag and threw it out the window. Next, she grabbed a branch from a nearby tree and held on tightly as she brought her body out the window.

The princess took a deep breath and quickly, she jumped onto the thick branch, still hanging onto it. She looked to the side, afraid of looking down, and began to climb over to the center of the tree. Hanging on tightly and making sure her large dress wouldn't be caught with one of the branches, she climbed down and landed safely on the grassy ground. Picking up her bag, she ran through the backyard quietly and swiftly made it to the woods.

Not daring to look back, Momo continued to run as she held onto her skirt so she wouldn't trip over on the thick fabric. Momo cursed at herself as she suddenly realized that she had no other place to go. She forgot to bring money with her, and if anyone sees her this late, they would bring her back home; and she doesn't want that. All of the sudden, a great idea came to her mind as she quickly realized a place she could go to in order to escape: the dock! Ships halted by the docks every single day, and she could just sneak into one and let the ship take her to another destination. Smiling to herself, she ran out of the woods and over to the docks. Miraculously, the dock was only a mile away from her.

However, Momo took a shortcut through other woods that led to the docks in just fifteen minutes. She was already beginning to get tired since she wasn't used to the running. However, already imaging her brother freaking out made her run faster. A loud shriek escaped her mouth as she tripped over a rock, but quickly gained balance as she held onto the trunk of a tree. Panting, she opened her eyes and continued her escape. The air was getting colder and colder, and she smiled to herself. She was near water, and if there was water, then the dock was just a few yards away. But suddenly, a loud noise caused the princess to halt: guns.

She quietly walked out of the woods and sneaked her head out. Her chocolate brown eyes widened as she saw more than a hundred men fighting. To her horror, the men were all pirates! Her father told her before that pirates always sneaked around and stole things at night; and that they were a group of men that had to be avoided if no one wishes death.

"Hehehe, what do we have here?"

Momo turned her head and suddenly, a man grabbed her arm and pulled her out of her hiding place.

"Hey midget!" the man that was holding her called, causing a short white-haired boy to turn around and look at him angrily. "If you give us the money, I'll hand you this pretty girl over to you!"

The white-haired pirate snorted and shook his head, opening his gleaming eyes then. "You think my men and I want some girl? Why don't you keep the girl, and we keep the money?"

"I don't think so you brat! Either give us the money, or the princess will die!"

The men suddenly stopped fighting and stared at Momo carefully. The princess hyperventilated, as she knew that this was not good. She knew that she was either going to be sold back to her brother, or raped.

" 'Ey Captan' Hitsugaya, we should exchange the money for the princess! That way, we can sell her bac' to the palace and tell them the exact amount we want!" one of the fighting men stated.

Momo shifted her gaze over to the pirate named Captain Hitsugaya. She stared at him diligently, feeling her cheeks burn at how attractive he was. He was short, but maybe an inch taller than her, spiky white hair, beautiful turquoise eyes, and not-so-muscular but not fat arms. Actually, she could see his muscles, even if his arms are thin.

"Why not," Captain Hitsugaya said, gazing at Momo for a few minutes before turning his attention back at the taller man. "We both fight for the money and her, and which ever one of us wins gets both?"

The man holding Momo smirked. "Sounds like a plan to me! Why don't I just put the princess to sleep, so she can be surprised at who gets to keep her?"

Captain Hitsugaya smirked. "Sounds like a plan to me."

Momo bit her bottom lip nervously, but then, she felt pressure being added to the back of her neck, and suddenly, her eyes shot closed as she went unconscious.

(1) Constanza is a city in my country, Dominican Republic. I had no other name for a country, so I chose one of the cities from D.R. XD!

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