"why are we waiting", asked the dark haired man impatiently to the Chief of Police.
"The man we're putting in charge of the case isn't here yet", explained the chief, "He's a world renowned expert at catching cat burglars. The last people he helped demanded that they be to repay him, so they bought him a vacation on a cruise ship."
"So, instead of working he's on vacation", said the man angrily.
"This is the first vacation he's had in at least five years", explained the Chief, "and we practically had to black mail him to take it. There he is now."
He pointed to the helicopter that had just landed.
"Took long enough", muttered the man, then spotted who it was, "You!"
"You", said the other man, echoing his words.
"So, how did you become an expert", asked the other man.
"Well, I don't know, Kaiba, maybe with hard work and intelligence", said the man, "Cause you aren't the only one who works himself to death."
"Ah, I see you know each other by your constant bickering", said the chief, "How do you two know each other?"
"We went to high school together", said the blond, glaring at Seto.
"You got better grades then Seto Kaiba", said the chief in disbelief.
"what are you talking about", asked Kaiba, "That's impossible, I was valedictorian."
"That's only because when they asked me to be, I said no. And they didn't even announce me because I didn't go to graduation", said the blond man, "Look it up, and you'll see."
"Some how I doubt it", said Kaiba, "Joey Wheeler is always an idiot."
"Fine. Then I guess you don't need me for this case. I'm going back on vacation", said Joey, and he turned around and went back to the helicopter.
"Great, you just insulted our best resource", said the Chief, "And he was on loan, too."
"On Loan", asked Kaiba, curious.
"Yeah, he works for the CIA, we just borrowed him because of the sudden increase in cat burglars in Domino", explained the Chief.
"Then get him back", said Kaiba irritably.
"He won't come back without a full apology", said the Chief, "Which means you'll have to go ask him, he is technically on vacation, and if we push him he'll simply go back to the CIA."
"We don't really need him", said Kaiba, even more irritated, "start the investigation."
Kaiba walked off and the chief muttered to himself before following, "I can't wait to tell him I told you so…"