I wrote this because I had a dream last night about this episode. Of course it wasn't Calleigh in the situation, it was me. Silly I know, but I was watching the episode before I went to sleep last night so I know that's why I dreamed of it. Of course not all of this happened, but the events that are in the rape scene did and I just added all of the rest. I have these things called Night Terrors. They are like dreams, but I wake up screaming and crying most nights. Half the time I can't remember what they are about – so when I woke up at 5 a.m. I wrote all this as fast as I could before I forgot. So I'm sorry if there are typos or anything. So this isn't like the rest of those "All In" fanfics. I just want to make you all aware of that!
Chapter: 1
During: Season 6; Episode: "All In"
As Calleigh stands against a wall in the warehouse she presses her fingers lightly against the wall to code the others if they happen to find the room and she is gone, to the let them know there is two people behind all this. Seth Mcadams drops the cigar butt on the ground that he was smoking and calls for Calleigh to pick it up. She hesitates for a moment picks it up off the ground. Seth tries to make a pass at her because his partner was gone. Calleigh's face twists in disgust and tells him she would rather die then have him touch her. He gets enraged and reaches for her but when she hits him he pushes her down to the ground and kicks her in the stomach.
As the gun is being held to her head she swallows hard hearing him ask her what her final words where. Calleigh finally called out, "I don't think you killed the poker player!"
Seth laughs at her attempt to say anything to get him to not kill her. Really he wasn't planning on it… yet. He wanted to have a little fun with the CSI before he completely finished her off. Calleigh swallowed hard letting her eyes fall to the side at the gun that he had pointed at her head. She knew this was it; he was going to kill her. She had no choice but to go along with what he told her to do until she could figure another way out of there. Seth moved the back of his hand down along her cheek letting his knuckles graze along her jaw line.
Calleigh didn't move an inch; she stayed in a frozen position. "I love how you think you can just get away from me like that," Seth said with a chuckle leaning up a little to get a better view of the somewhat helpless CSI on the ground before him. "I have to say I like a woman who likes to play rough." The smirk on his face would have made a baby cry it was so devious and unpleasant.
Calleigh let out a soft whimper, the pain that ran along her back and abdomen was excruciating. The only movement she made was to put her hand over her stomach; it was a natural reaction for anyone who had been hit … or in her case kicked there or if they had a stomach ache. Seth stood slowly from the ground and gave another kick to her side with a chuckle hearing her cry of pain. "I'm not done with you yet bitch." Seth walked a little ways from Calleigh she saw in the corner of her eye that he had left the room? There was no way he was just going to leave her there without doing something so he'd know if someone found her like this she would talk.
The pain in her stomach caused her to gasp out for air as she tried to sit up. This was her only chance to escape. Calleigh held onto her stomach with her left hand while she moved her right hand out against the floor to pull herself in the crawling position. The patter of boots made a sound against the cement floors and caused her to stop and fall back down like she had never moved from the spot he left her. She scolded herself mentally for being so weak now and not being able to get up and fight. Then again she was still reeling from the heavy dose of chloroform they kidnapped her with.
Seth stood behind her watching her not move, he could tell she tried too which was to be expected. He let out a deep sigh and a chuckle setting his gun down on the table next to the mini kit he retrieved from his car. He opened it up and pulled out a fresh needle and filled it with Rohypnol –it was generally used for insomniacs but then Seth realized it was great if he wanted to sedate a girl enough to have a little fun with her.
He looked over his shoulder at the broken down CSI and chuckled she was still holding herself slightly gasping out for air. Seth bent down next to her after holding the needle case in his mouth he pulled her arms apart and pinned them to the sides of her head. He actually felt her fight a little until he got on top of her completely letting his legs on either side of her body. She had no place to move now and he was going to be sure of it. He punched her hands up in one of his hands to take the needle away with the other so he could speak to her. "Now princess you so much as scream and I promise you, I'll do more then –"
"Please I won't tell anyone about any of this. I already told you I don't think you killed the poker player. J –J –Just let me go!" Calleigh tried to plead with him as tears slowly started to fall down her cheeks. Don't cry Calleigh, he'll think your weak and all this pleading will be for nothing. She mentally scolded herself once more.
Seth just laughed and moved the needle to side as he moved his hand down along her neck feeling her jerk her head a little in attempt to move from his touch. He gave her a quick slap across the face before gripping her face tightly moving his face down close to hers. "Don't try to fight me on this – either way its going to happen," his voice was raw and shaky. Calleigh knew now at that moment he wasn't joking – that he had done this many times before. She swallowed hard her eyes never tearing away from his, there was a rage and want in them –something Calleigh had never seen before in any man. Then again she had never been in this position before so she figured most rapists did?
When he let go of her face she winced again in pain, his grip was like iron. Or maybe it was just her because she feeling weak? Seth's hand moved down along her chest while he ripped her purple shirt off with one hand. He could see the white lace that strapped in her breasts. He smirked down at her and moved his hand up along her stomach feeling her suck it in probably from the pain he inflicted on her earlier, and moved his hand up under her bra to cup her breast in his hand. He squeezed it hard along with his other hand squeezing her two wrists together.
"Don't do this! Please!" Calleigh pleaded once more her eyes burning with her tears as she looked up at him. She was becoming one of the victims that she was supposed to help save.
Seth ignored her this time and moved his hand down to her pants. He didn't bother to unzip them lightly he just pulled at them until the thin material came lose. He let out one of those hungered growls and yanked her pants down along with her panties to her knees to reveal her completely to him. He examined her wiggling body beneath him and moved his hands down along her hips to grip them hard. But his mistake was that he let go of her hands and that was when he felt her try to push him off of her. She succeeded a little as he lost some of his bounce on her and fell back some. Calleigh used that to help herself crawl away a little but Seth grabbed her by the hair as she was on her hands and knees trying to pull her pants up.
She cried out in pain when he yanked her back on the ground, he grabbed his needle carefully and pinned her struggling body down beneath him again. "You stupid bitch! You've done it now," Seth said to her, his voice full of anger and frustration. Calleigh cried out for help watching him unzip his pants and pull them down a little.
"STOP! Please – D –D –D –Don't Do this! St – s –stop!" she cried out loud hoping someone would hear her. She felt her body jerk forward as he placed himself hard inside of her body. Calleigh was helpless now but she still struggled to break free from his powerful hold. That was when she felt something sharp enter the side of her leg; there was a sweet taste in her mouth as she looked up feeling her body go limp from whatever it was that he injected her with.
He's going to kill me after he's done raping me. Fight him Calleigh don't let him do this to you, but I can't even move –my body I can't move it. Oh god, this is really it. I'll never see my family or friends… I'll never see Eric again. I won't ever get to tell him …
Her memory went to black as she passed out not feeling any more of Seth's wrath.
"What the hell did you do to her?" Tommy Garver asked Seth when he walked back into the warehouse room.
Seth was just zipping up his pants and pulled away from the passed out CSI. He looked down at her and chuckled, her bra was still intact but pushed a little from her breasts as her pants and panties were ripped completely from her body.
"Doesn't matter – lets get the hell out of here –" Seth said while grabbing his gun pushing Tommy to leave the room with him.
"You – We cant leave her here like this," Tommy tried to plead with him.
Seth held the gun up to his head, "I said we're fucking leaving. Now move!" Seth yelled to him as Tommy nodded his head backing out of the room with him. Once out the two men jetted their way through the warehouse and took off leaving a helpless Calleigh on the cold floor of warehouse room with the dead poker player not feet from her.
Eric and Horatio pull up to the warehouse guns in hand as they approach it with ease, they made sure to keep clear of their surroundings as they slowly entered the room. The first thing Eric saw was a naked Calleigh on the ground not moving. His heart sank in his chest at that moment, he felt like he couldn't breath. Who let the air out of the room? He stood there for a moment to register what he saw before running over to her side to move her on her back as she laid on her side.
"No – Calleigh! Calleigh!" Eric screamed out, "H – Call the paramedics!" Eric yelled out to him seeing Horatio look in horror to see the blonde CSI on the ground in Eric's arms. Horatio ran out to his hummer to call for help.
Eric ripped off his shirt and wrapped it around her body, she was still breathing so he was relieved of that. Eric felt the stream of tears roll down his cheeks as he pulled Calleigh's limp body completely into his. He cradled her like a baby not wanting to let go of her.
After the paramedics came they took her away in the ambulance, with one small nod Horatio watched Eric slip in the back to ride with her. The rest of the CSI's met up with him at the hospital. Eric watched as the wheeled her down the hall. He was a mental mess right now, his body trembled – he knew she was alive but he grieved for her. How could someone hurt another person like that? How could someone hurt, his Calleigh?
"Eric, baby, you alright?" Alexx said watching Eric sit on one of the couches his face in his hands apparently sobbing. Alexx too had tears in her eyes as she placed her hand on his shoulder. He flinched then looked up at her, his face was swollen with wet tears, his eyes red from crying. He looked like a lost child; Alexx's heart broke at that moment seeing him like this. She was all too aware of his feelings for Calleigh and she knew how Calleigh felt about him too. It was more than obvious.
Eric stood up and Alexx embraced him as tightly as she could. He was much bigger then she was so it was like he was clinging onto her instead. "The others will be along soon. Horatio put out an apb on Seth Mcadams and they caught him and another boy down along the beach." Alexx tried to calm him to let him know that they had him. She could feel Eric trembling in her arms and a few wet cold tears soak through her shirt. She didn't mind it though, not one bit. She tried to hold him tighter but she felt him break away some. She looked to see the doctor walking down the hall. She rested her hand against his upper arm seeing the doctor walk to them.
"How is she?" Eric blurted out to the doctor not even caring about the tears that were falling from his eyes.
"We have her in a room now and in a few hours she should be waking up. We – we did a rape kit and have the results of that if -," he stopped himself seeing that it was obviously hard for the much bigger man to take.
Eric couldn't help but cringe when the doctor said they did a rape kit. Sure it was clear at the scene that Calleigh had been but to hear it – it was much harder to swallow because that meant it really did happen to her.
"She may have trouble walking though once we release her." The doctor stated seeing the confused look on both their faces. "You said you found her passed out? Well in some of these cases we find that just happens because the girls are so worn out and scared that it's a natural reaction for them. But in Miss. Duquesne's case we found traces of Rohypnol in her blood. The injection site was through her leg, it hit one of her muscles temporarily paralyzing her. It may only last a few hours or could even be days it all depends on how her body reacts to the medication we gave her." The doctor had sympathy written all over his face.
Eric's body was trembling again; he had to be strong in front of these people. But he couldn't, he couldn't help himself. This was all too much to take it, "I want to see her!" Eric demanded as the doctor nodded and waved him to follow. Alexx was right behind Eric trying to catch up with him. He was more like jogging to the room then actually walking. She watched his face soften once he saw Calleigh lying in the bed with tubes in her nose to help he breath and her body had visible bruising. She walked in with him but watched him hesitate to go up to the actual bed.
The tears welled up in his eyes as he walked closer to her, she looked so helpless. He wanted to get the day back, to go out on that call with her. None of this would have happened to her. It was all his fault. "This is all my fault, Alexx." Eric whispered turning to look at her his fists balling up. "All this – this -," Eric slightly shouted watching Alexx look at him in horror. Eric swung his fist out slamming it against the wall. It made a loud crunching sound, the wall cracked a little but she knew it was his hand that made the crunching noises.
"Eric!" Alexx called out as one of the nurses walked in to see Alexx standing there holding Eric's bloody hand up in the air. The nurse ran out of the room to get some stuff to wrap his hand up in. "You feel better?" Alexx asked him directing him over to the chair next to Calleigh's bed. Eric just looked up at her not feeling the pain in his hand at all, the pain in his heart was much greater.