Disclaimer: Narnia belongs to C. S. Lewis. I'm just writing this for fun.
The first snowfall of winter blankets the ground, as I travel back to my cave deep within the Narnian forest.
Beside me walks my wife, strong and graceful, leading our firstborn by the hand. She is only 4 winters old, and already her resemblance to her mother is talked of amongst the animals of the forest.
She is named for a queen, the best and most loyal of friends, with a faith in Aslan that often brought hope and strength to those seeking the king of kings. My daughter is called Lucy, in loving memory of the friend I cannot forget.
Stillness surrounds us, for the trees and their guardians have sought their rest during this final season of the year. Even the birds are silent, speaking in quiet whispers.
I know why.
It is here, where they first came to Narnia, that many pause on this frosty winter morn. For it was on this day, many winters ago, that the four left us.
Some come and stand in thoughtful silence recalling treasured memories. Others come to encourage and strengthen friends of the four, offering what comfort and reassurance they can.
I come to mourn, to wish for what can never be. The return of my beloved friend and queen, the Valiant and youngest sister called in her world Lucy Pevensie.
I have moved past the first shock of loss and grief, even married and begun a family, but her memory still lingers in the deepest part of my being.
I can hear her voice, in the music of the wind and forest. Hear her laughter when her favorite dance or tune is sung.
But most of all I remember the warmth of her friendship, begun in this place long ago named Lantern Waste.
The shock and surprise on her face when I told her where she was, the wonder and excitement filling each word and gesture as I led her to my home.
The joy she took in my hospitality and food, devouring whatever I set before her with the enthusiasm and appetite of youth.
Her delight in my music and stories, the shock as I revealed my true purpose, and our hurried journey back to this very spot.
I remember my determination when brought before Jadis, not to disclose anything that would lead to the capture of the four.
The terror, as that false queen raised her wand, preparing to make me another statue to adorn her accursed castle.
My joy and astonishment, when Aslan restored me to life, and I looked into the face of the one I had so often longed to behold with awe and gratitude.
How proud I was, on that day when I crowned my friend. She was first of the four monarchs to receive that delicate circlet, and wore it with grace and dignity until the day she left us with her kin.
I remember the others, each a skilled and wise ruler in their own right.
King Peter, the protector of Narnia, with a love for his siblings all shared in and understood.
Narnia could not have asked for a more devoted warrior. From the beginning of their reign, he strived to seek out and destroy the remnants of Jadis's army, and to protect Narnia's borders against invasion.
Whether in times of peace or of war, Peter watched over his second homeland, learning to love its people, share in its traditions, rejoice in times of laughter, and mourn when a friend or subject was taken to Aslan's country.
King Edmund once called traitor, given the title The Just by Aslan himself. Never did a son of Adam work so hard to live up to that description. Though it took me years to come to that realization, we eventually formed a strong friendship and understanding due to the sufferings we endured at the hands of our greatest enemy.
It was he who pointed out to his brother that not all who followed Jadis were corrupted by her influence and teachings, that they had lives and families apart from the service rendered to the false queen. Because of these words, many were spared the sword if they could declare they took no part in Jadis's reign of terror, and went on to live under the rule of the four in peace.
Queen Susan was truly worthy of her title. Tall and gracious, it was she who saw to the practical details of ruling Narnia when her siblings were occupied with other matters of state.
Whether it was a visiting dignitary, a dryad concerned over the quality of her fruit, or a talking squirrel inquiring about the rights to a walnut grove, she treated all with gentle courtesy and respect.
And Lucy, my dearest friend. She was Narnia's song of joy and hope. She reminded all who knew her of the simple beauty of life, of the choice to value each day as Aslan's gift to his children, and the music of his creation which was always there to hear.
She was valiant, courageous, loyal and faithful, a true queen of Narnia and my closest friend.
Sara touches my shoulder, silently asking if I need more time. For a moment I cling to her, drawing strength from her unwavering support and love. Aslan be praised and thanked, for sending her to me when I was in need. She is more than my wife, she is my friend and fellow Narnian, with a quiet dignity and deep faith in our creator great Aslan.
Together we turn away from the lamppost, Lucy clasping Sara's hand, and continue our journey home.
She is too young at present, to realize why I come here once a year, to remember and seek comfort from Aslan. When she is older I will tell her, of the rule of the four with its triumphs, joys, and sorrows, and the friendship of the girl from Spare Oom who I know I will someday meet in Aslan's country.
Authoress's note: Perhaps this idea has already been developed by another author, if so I haven't come across it. I thought it would be fun to write short one chapter stories from the point of view of various Narnian creatures, sharing their memories and reactions to the departure of their kings and queens.
I will probably write stories which cover events or viewpoints from all 7 chronicles.
If anyone has ideas for characters they'd like me to include let me know.
Feedback is appreciated.