This is a story of Dean and Luna's evovling relationship in Deathly Hallows - so, spoilers. I don't own Dean, Luna, Harry, Ron, Hermione or Mrs. Figg. OK? JK Rowling does.
"Ron! Stay still!" I hissed in the dark. I was trying to free Ron using a rusty old nail – not easy when he's struggling and calling Hermione's name in desperation. I had to sympathise slightly. Hermione's screams were off putting and the darkness of the rank cellar wasn't helping. "I can't see a thing!"
"Wait! My pocket, Luna! There's a Deluminator and it's full of light!" I scrabbled around and found the strange object. I saw Ron motion in the dark to click it. I did, and some small blue spheres floated to the top of the cellar, bathing us in its glow. I saw Ron, red in the face, Harry, his glasses askew, a goblin, the pale Ollivander and…
"Hello Dean!" I beamed. Dean had grown since I last saw him – as did his hair. It was longer, and dreadlocked, but his face, covered in a mixture of purple bruises and crimson blood. I'd continued slashing at the ropes that bound Ron. He muttered thanks, but jumped up and responded to Hermione's screams of pain.
I cut Harry's ropes open, and crawled across the floor to where Dean was crumpled up in silence. I smiled wanly at him and roughly sliced his ropes and lay the nail down by the water jug, again.
"Thanks Luna," he rasped, finding my hand and patting it in appreciation. He stood up, shivering, joining Ron in looking for a way out. I stood up and offered Dean one of the few blankets that were scattered around. He accepted with another nod, a hoarse "thanks," and a small flicker of a smile.
Ron's face was a violent shade of fuchsia. I could tell he was trying to disapparate, and he didn't even have a wand. "Ron!" I half-shouted, concerned. "There's no way out of here. We've tried everything, haven't we, Mr. Ollivander?"
A low moan came from the old man, with his sunken face, but only I heard it, as it was drowned out by an elongated scream coming from Hermione and Ron's yell of frustration of not being able to see her.
Another never-ending scream and Ron was sobbing, and trying to punch the wall, his knuckles bleeding.