Disclaimers: I do not own the series Naruto, nor do I own any of the characters. I do own, the story plot, and any OC characters that appear.


I do not accept flames or anything that has to slightest bit to do with rudeness. So if you wish to complain about something, please message me or send me an e-mail and we can discuss the problem. I only accept positive reviews from my reviewers. So if you don't like my story or if you have a problem with it, don't read it. I hate people who just leave bad reviews because they are in a bad mood or if I have errors. I know that there are SOME errors because of the program I am using and stuff. So please, do not send me bad reviews because of those things. I'm sorry if I'm sounding mean about this.

Woo finally a new story! Sorry about the long span between updates and such, just have a lot going on. So, here a surprise! A new story!

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Can A Vampire Love A Mortal?
A Sasuke & Sakura story.

Chapter 1: Just a normal day at school.

He is the type of boy who has a lot of mystery to him, the type of boy that keeps to himself, trying to solve everything, secretly wanting people to try to get to know him. He's the boy who scares people off because of how he looks and acts. Always dressing in an overlarge baggy black t-shirt to hide his perfect body, to hide the muscle, and always wearing the same type of pants every day, just because it makes him feel comfortable. He sits there, wondering if there will be someone who would finally understand him, and accept him for who, and what he was. This boy's name is Sasuke Uchiha, and he has so many secrets to hide, that only that one person is going to know and learn, that girl who he's going to take with him to the darkness for eternity.

She's the girl with the bubbly personality. She loves to laugh and is the more comical one around her group of friends. She tends to block people out of her life, only letting certain people get to know her. She tends to draw people to her, with her kind and helpful personality, since she loves to sit there and help people. Her style constantly changes. One day, she could be wearing all black, while another day she could be wearing jeans and a tank top. She also has a lot of secrets to her, and she doesn't choose to share them with anyone, for she's afraid to get hurt more then she already is. But, she's afraid to show it. This girl's name is Sakura Haruno, and she's going to be in for the time of her life, with so many secrets and lies.

Both students arrived at their high school, Shuriken High, at different times. Sasuke arrived at 6:45, way before anyone else got there, so he could sit there and think about the day ahead of him. Sakura arrived around 7:15, and walked to her class. There, she saw her usual friends which included Ino Yamanaka, TenTen Li, Neji Hyuga, and Rock Lee.

"Sakura! Over here!" Ino called over to Sakura.

Sakura smiled and walked over to her friends. "Good morning guys!"

"Morning Sakura. How did you sleep last night?" Lee asked.

Everyone rolled their eyes. They all knew that Sakura and Lee were like brother and sister, but then they also all thought that he had a thing for her…and not even a small thing, a really BIG thing for her.

"Uhmm, fine thanks for asking." Sakura replied sounding a bit weirded out.

Neji rolled his eyes. "Sometimes I wonder why we even bother with you Lee."

"Uhmm because we grew up with him so we're pretty much forced to deal with him in our lives every single day for the rest of our lives even though he annoys the crap out of us?" TenTen said trying to conceal a laugh.

"HEY NOT NICE!" Lee yelled and they all just started laughing.


Ino let out a long loud sigh and her, Sakura, TenTen, Lee and Neji turned around to see where it was coming from.

"Should've known, stupid Naruto. Oh and he's talking to Uchiha. Doesn't that kid only have like, what, 3 friends? Who are they again?" Ino asked.

"Naruto of course, Kiba Inuzuka, and Shikamaru Nara I believe." TenTen said.

"I can't believe he's friends with Naruto of all people! Naruto's a year younger than us all and he's extremely popular." Lee said.

Sakura shrugged, "Let's just leave Sasuke alone. What's he ever done to you?"

"I heard that he does drugs, smokes, and kills little kitties." Lee said.

"Apparently, he used to make this kid cry every single day and he scared this kid so bad since he used to beat him up, the kid stopped showing up at school and apparently had to switch schools the situation got that bad." Ino said.

"He's just fucked up." Neji said.

"He scares me." TenTen said.

Sakura shrugged. "I don't know, he hasn't done anything to me. I kind of feel bad for him, he has like, no friends. But he's not someone I see myself associating with anytime soon. So it's nothing that I'm concerned about right now at this present moment in time. I have more important things to think about."

"Like what? Shoes?" Lee said sarcastically.

"No." Sakura said. "Just like random things. Nothing that should concern you guys, don't worry." She said as she laughed.

Ino raised an eyebrow. Since she grew up with Sakura, she knew that she was keeping something from everyone. Ino still didn't completely understand Sakura, but she knew enough to know that something was bugging her. But she didn't say anything.

"So, who's going to that concert on Thursday night?" Neji randomly asked.

"Oh I am! I can't wait! I'm so excited!" TenTen said happily.

The five minute bell signaled that everyone should be getting to class. Even though no one really gave a crap and usually got there late, they still paid somewhat good attention to it.

"So, where's everyone going?"

"Math." Neji said with a sigh.

"You're in honors math, which is what you wanted. So stop bitching about it." Ino said.

"World history." Lee said.

"English." TenTen said.

"Music." Ino said.

"And I'm going to Italian." Sakura said.

"Oh I feel bad for you. Don't you have Italian with Uchiha?" Ino asked.

"Yeah, I sit right in front of him." Sakura answered.

"Wow I feel so bad for you." Lee said.

"Eh, it's not that bad, he doesn't really talk to me, so I'm alright. The only time I end up talking to him is if we get paired up. But even so, I still don't really talk to him."

Ino and TenTen shrugged and they all went their separate ways.

-In the Italian room.-

Sakura sat down at her desk and took out her binder and a pen. Sasuke walked in and sat down behind her and she paid no attention to him. It was a few minutes before class started so she started doodling on a piece of paper that she took out of her binder. She didn't quite finish because the sensei walked in and yelled at them all to sit down so she could teach.

The class settled down and the sensei began to write notes down on the chalkboard. Sakura quickly wrote them down and continued to work on her picture until a note was thrown over her right shoulder and landed on her desk.

Sakura raised an eyebrow and unfolded the note.


Sakura looked at the word on the paper and studied the handwriting. 'That's Sasuke's writing! Why's he talking to me?' she thought as she wrote down her response.


She refolded the note and held it down so he could grab it from her. She felt him take the paper and then she copied down some more notes from the board. She heard him take in a quick breath out of surprise that she actually answered him. Then she saw the paper on her desk again.

something seems to be bugging you. what is it?

Sakura's eyes widened. 'How would he know I had something on my mind? Wow this kid is strange. Well, whatever, I'll see what he wants.'

Just have some stuff on my mind. That's all.

And once again, she refolded the note and passed it back to him. 'Why is he even talking to me? We're in completely two different social cliques, and I don't even like him that much after what he did to me in 6th grade. Whatever…shouldn't be of any concern to me.' She thought as once again, the paper was on her desk.

friends prob. you should tell me, i can help.

She sighed and just decided to keep talking to this kid just so she can find out why he's so interested in her life all of the sudden.

You wouldn't understand anyway.

try me.

Her eyes widened at his response.

It's just complicated. I have a lot of shit going on right now, and I don't want to dump it all on you.

This time, she was actually waiting for a response.

from what i've seen, you are a really nice person, and you don't deserve to suffer so i think you should tell me so maybe I can fix it or at least try and help fix it.

I don't think that you should concern yourself with my issues. Not to be mean, but I just don't know if you would seriously want to get involved. Plus, there is a lot of things that I have on my mind and I don't know if you would actually want to sit here and listen to all my crap.

you know, you are a different person when you write then you are when you are around people .

Because writing is easier for me to get things out then by talking.

then we can continue writing.

W/e I guess…

Sakura handed him back the note and put her things in her backpack. Sasuke leaned over and whispered into her ear. "I have plenty of things to hide too. And one day, I'm going to tell you everything. So be ready for that. We both have science next. So, we can continue there."

Sakura stood up and walked to the door where there was a giant line waiting to get out.

'Fuck! Her blood is calling me. This is the only girl that has ever done this to me. Good thing I have enough control to handle this right now…it's just the future I'm concerned about. If things go according to what Naruto told me, then I can't predict what's going to happen then.' Sasuke thought.

The bell signaling first period was over rang, and everyone departed from the classroom and went to their second period class.

'Now I have to put up with this again this period. Great, just my luck. And to top it all off, I have every single class with this douche. I can't escape. Unless…I fake being sick and if I'm good enough I'll get picked up. But then I have to put up with this tomorrow, and it's too late in the school year to switch out. Oh well then, biology is going to be interesting today…plus, it's a double period. YAY ME!'

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The final thoughts were Sakura's. And this is just the beginning, so if it was all like, bleh, I'm apologizing now. It's going to get so much better because I have everything planned out. And sorry if some of the characters are OOC, but I was trying to base them off of people I know and my friends. Like I based Sakura off of me, Lee off of my friend who we dubbed Bangboi, Neji off of my bf Ryan, Ino off of my twin Maryann, and TenTen off my friend Cass. Sasuke is based off of a kid who we dubbed Fluffy. Naruto is just Naruto. But those characters are going to be the only ones that might seem OOC, so I'm just saying that now. xD! I'll try to update soon! So review!

Much love,