Title: Gregon
Author: Sherry
Email: [email protected]
Summary: Harry and Draco meet again, after nearly seven years being apart.
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: Umm... NC-15 for the implication of SLASH, but there's not going to be more than kissing and very inexplicit sex.
Author's Notes: This has probably been done a million times before, but this is my version, my take on it, so you haven't read it before! This is the first time I've ever wrote HP slash, so please don't kill me if I did it wrong.
I want this to be slash, it hopefully it will be, but since I don't write slash very well, it might end up short and it might now show up until later in the story.
Author's Warnings: WiP. Also this is SLASH! So if you don't like the thought of two men (yes, they aren't boys any more!) doing the horizontal cha-cha, go away. Don't flame me because you've ignored my warnings and read this anyway.
Remember folks, this is SLASH, so kiddies, old women and other such people who are squicked easily, please don't read this.
I know there are underaged readers out there who love slash and read slash regardless of my warnings, so I'm not going to say much to you. In this case it's more like Don't Tell and I Won't Ask.
"Sir," a breathless voice panted. "Gregon... he's been captured!"
A calm voice answered her. "How?"
She shook her head. "We don't know. But from what our snitch tells us, he isn't talking."
Silence. "The Forgitius potion?"
"We believe so, sir."
He regarded her silently. "How long has he been in captivity?"
"Not long -- two, three days at the most." She paused. "Sir, we still have time to get him out before the potion runs out." A beat. "Sir! We have to get him out! Gregon has been working for us for close to a decade!"
He sighed. "I know the Gregon's record." He stood up from the seat he was sitting, turning to look out of the window behind him. "And I know his importance to our cause. He must not be harmed." He whirled around to face his assistant. "Summon them to me."
She nodded firmly and he quickly dismissed her. Turning away once again, he tried to think of a way to tell them of the situation without them becoming to agitated to work. What was to come next... It would take a miracle to get the Gregon out of Voldemort's clutches.
A/N: Short, I know, but this is only the prologue. First chapter is due within this next week. Oh yeah, please review!