Update 9/9/18: This story was abandoned for years after I initially planned to rework it. I am trying to make a return to fanfic and am very likely to follow through on my promise to redo and finish this story. Any new updates added to this version will not be new chapters but progress updates on how the rewrite is going.

WOOHOO OK! here is the first chapter to my story !

Disclaimer:I do not own FMA, if I did there would be alot of changes..like certain people wouldn't have died...

"COME BACK HERE YOU STINKEN PALMTREE!" Greed shouted angrily. The shark toothed homunculus was chasing the older green haired one around Dante's mansion.

"HAHA, not a chance, come and get me if you can" Envy yelled over his shoulder while laughing like a maniac.

Why was Greed chasing Envy you ask? Well it might have had something to do with why his hair was currently pink.

" The pink haired look fits you nicely Greed" Envy commented, snickering evilly.

"I AM GONNA KILL YOU!" Greed screeched with rage. Greed eventually chased Envy into a large room, it was the living room, the biggest in the mansion (and probably the world).

"HA, I have you now" Greed said triumphantly.

"Oh really" Envy replied with a smirk. The shapeshifter turned and charged , ready to attack, Greed got into a fighting stance preparing for him.

"Cut it out you two" Lust said as she entered the room followed by Gluttony. "Honestly, you guys have been nothing but trouble since Greed decided to come back to our side" she said looking disapprovingly at the two older male homunculi.

"Grrr well its not my fault, look at what that stupid palmtree did to my hair" Greed replied while anime tears fell down his face. Envy was rolling on the floor laughing his head off, while Lust simply rolled her eyes.

"Lust I'm hungry" Gluttony whined, as he tugged on the hem of her dress.

"Not now Gluttony, we will get you something to eat later." she said patting the short fat man on the head.

"aww Ok" he said as he hung his head with disappointment.

"Anyway, Dante says for all three of us to go to the meeting room, she says it is important." Lust said to Envy and Greed. "And Greed" she added

"Ya" he answered.

"Wash that stuff out of your hair"

"sigh...Fine." He said as he walked off grumbling, he shot a glare at Envy who just shrugged and smirked in reply.

"So...What does master want us for, we gonna kill someone?" Envy asked.

"Not sure, but she said something about new homunculi and... apprentices. "Lust replied.

"Apprentices?" Envy asked arching an eyebrow. The female homunculus nodded as Envy followed her into the meeting room.

Well here is the first chapter , hope you enjoyed it. The new homunculi will be introduced in the next chapter.