The Angel

The Angel

Rosalie Lillian Hale…

My hand swept across his hardening chin. I watched him wither in pain against the cold metal table that Carlisle had laid him upon. I winced every time he flinched. I picked up his hand and stroked it, trying my best to be gentle and slow.

"The wilder beast…" I chuckled low under my breath, "…the wilder beast…"

I continuously looked back and forth from Carlisle to him, wondering. The last minutes of his life and he had called me an angel….I pondered, would he still think that way once he was complete? Had I truly defied the set image in my mind of myself being a graceful creature instead of a monster? The decision had not taken long at all, I swept him up immediately from his spot, breaking the neck of the true beast that was upon him.

"My angel…" My memories taunted me.

"Rose, please…" Edward begged from the doorway. His lean figure looked as if it was being supported by the doorway, the way he stood. "Don't destroy yourself over this."

"Leave me alone, Edward. I never wanted your attention." I growled, squeezing his hand a tad tighter than I should have. I quickly glanced back at his aching face as he screeched more.

He sarcastically laughed, "Oh but at one point you did…" he muttered.

"He's in so much pain though…" I felt the bitter edge of the lust to cry. It was a dry ache, much like thirst… It'd been so long since I'd felt the need to cry. I desperately searched for the water that should flow from my tear ducts, wanting, more so needing, to feel more of my pain. The more hurt I felt, perhaps, the less he did. I grazed my hand across his chest trying to relieve him.

Nothing penetrated my skin. I felt worthless.

"The rose is a rose, And was always a rose. But the theory now goes That the apple's a rose, And the pear is, and so's The plum, I suppose. The dear only know What will next prove a rose. You, of course, are a rose-- But were always a rose." Edward recited. "He'll be your rose… Give it time."

"How much time, Edward!? It's been days…days!" I screeched, punching the floor out of rage.

"He's calming, Rose, don't you see? He's already glowing…." Edward tossed his hand in the direction of him.

My head retracted from Edward's face, and traced the contours of his face. A small smile peeped out from my ravishingly pale skin. He was buff, very muscular, very handsome. I could only imagine the type of women who threw themselves his way. I myself could hardly resist.

"Edward…" I opened his fingers and wrapped them around mine, looking at how his swallowed mine, like he was a protective shield… "Edward…Will he love me?"

"Alice already said…"

"I don't care what she said. Alice can be wrong. What does he think, Edward? Is he thinking of me? Do you think he can love me?" I didn't look at him, I didn't want to see the expression across my brother's face. I was afraid I would see the lies written there.

"You're his angel, Rose. You're his Jesus in black strappy heels and a highly fashionable dress."

I laughed, flipping my hair behind my shoulder.

"Thank you, Edward…"