Disclaimer: I am not JK Rowling. I just like manipulating her characters to my will. Muhahahaha.
His dad always teased his sons about the 'Potter curse.' Not the one for messy hair, the one that made Potters love redheads. It never bothered Al but James always argued (which was probably why his dad liked to tease him so much). There were enough redheads in his family already, there was no way he was going to fall in love with one, he just wasn't attracted to people with red hair.
And his feelings on the attractiveness of redheads didn't change until the beginning of his fourth year. He had known Charlotte since their first year, although he didn't have many classes with the Ravenclaw the one's they did have together James would spend magicking spitballs to hit her, pulling her long fiery red hair and doing all the other things that young boys did to make girls take notice of them, even if that notice consisted of yelling and kicking in sensitive areas. But it was, boarding the Hogwarts express to go to his forth year that he noticed the changes that occurred in one feisty Ravenclaw, and became the third-known-generation of Potter burdened by the curse.
The next years were spent torturing Charlotte in much different ways, instead of pulling her pigtail's, he admired the way the sun made her hair catch fire. Instead of throwing spitballs he passed notes. He found himself asking her out-and being rejected-nearly every day; his friends thought it was pitiful, Al thought it was hilarious.
James thought that Charlotte just couldn't get past the image him as the stupid boy giving her a Valentine in second year that erupted live mice when opened. Charlotte thought that he was only partly right with this assumption. James, in her opinion was and will always be an immature git whose only pleasure is in humiliating innocent people with useless pranks.
In the summer before his seventh year, when James was reminiscing about all of Charlotte's creative ways of making him fell like shit, he finally sucked up his pride and decided to ask for his dad's advice. When he told Harry of his situation Harry's first reaction was to yell "I told you so!" his second was to laugh, but he knew that neither of these reactions were appropriate nor were they good for his son's self esteem. So he simply told him about his grandparents and how his situation was very similar to theirs.
So it was with relinquished confidence that James went into his seventh and last year at Hogwarts. Thinking that his story would end like the first James's (getting the girl in his seventh year not dying in his early twenties) James continued in his conquest for the fiery redhead who thought he'd never amount to anything. But as his the seventh year came to a close and James still hadn't acquired even one date with his beloved James was forced to evaluate his situation and by the time he remembered the key part of his grandparents story it was too late and he was back at home preparing for his first practice as a member of the Montrose Magpies Quidditch team and Charlotte-his redhead love-was traveling the world. You see James Sirius Potter forgot to grow up.
A/N: So I got the Quidditch team Montrose Magpies from the Harry Potter wiki. I don't really pay attention to things like quidditch teams when I'm reading the books so I don't know if this team is real in the HPverse or not, but the wiki said that it was the most successful team in history.
Anyway, review and tell me what you think about the first chapter of my new story.