Hey readers! Yes another long wait haha sorry again! I'm so useless I hope you're still with me. I have a bit more of this story pre-written now so that's good. However I'm moving into University next week, so that you poor readers have the updates you deserve I have managed to update some other stories too!
Thanks for sticking with me everyone!!
Warning: yaoi, a little abuse.
On with the storrrrryyyyy :D
Chapter 4
Yuki, Hiroka, and their team had set up base in a camping site in East Surrey and were now as busy as ants. Very dangerous and highly armed ants, so a little more like termites I suppose. Having been there for three days already the camp was heavily warded with specialised warding techniques handed down from Tibetan monasteries. The wards were designed to be undetectable by wizards and muggle repelling. To anyone else the camp looked something like a large flowery tent with a plastic table and chair set outside. Yuki had asked Hiroka how the Tibetan monks had known what English camping sites looked like and Hiroka had rolled his eyes and explained that the charms simply made them blend into whatever surroundings the wards were set up in.
In fact the actual camp looked similar, just without the flowers and plastic furniture. Deep red paper lanterns were set up around the perimeter and inside the tent were space expandure spells which made it much larger inside than out. In was split into several sections. A dormitory with enough floor space for futons, a kitchen and eating area, a training room and a planning space. Hiroka spent much of his time with Yuki in the planning room.
At the moment Hiroka and Yuki were following a lead from an old informant that Hiroka had made years ago when he had stayed in England for a mission. They had sent Rin, Gareth and Kuzou out to track and capture him subtly. Lirik was keeping watch outside, he was not so good at subtle, and so they had not asked him to accompany the others. Jack, surprisingly, was extremely good in the kitchen, he had spent much of the last three days preparing food that could be easily transported and eaten while they moved camps further north, which Yuki had got the feeling they would have to after cornering the informant here. The smell of miso soup wafted through the tent and Yuki would grin at Jack each time he brought in new dishes of sushi to help his and Hiroka's planning.
In the planning room Hiroka and Yuki sat on the floor with maps spread across the low table before them. To one side lay various photographs with names underneath them of potential informants, accomplices and people to avoid. Hiroka's katana leant against the far wall next to Yuki's Sai.
"God, I hope they find him soon, three days is too long to track down an informant, I'm going to beat the shit out of him myself when we finally get our hands on him," Hiroka growled. Yuki grinned and leant heavily against his angry lover reaching over to pick teriyaki tuna sushi out of the bowl and hold it too his lips.
"Stop moaning koi, we'll have him soon and then you can pull out all his fingernails for all I care." He said smiling lazily. Hiroka glanced down at him and his eyes softened, he ate the sushi and then licked the tips of Yuki's fingers. Yuki giggled but pulled back.
"Jack is in the kitchen, Lirik is on watch and we're expecting the others back with an informant any minute. Now is not the time," he said laughing. Hiroka growled.
"Oh yeah? Well I beg to differ," he replied smiling. He grabbed Yuki around the waist and pulled him down underneath until their bodies were twisted together tightly, faces inches apart. Yuki giggled again, his breath warm on Hiroka's cheek. Hiroka smiled at him and traced his cheekbone with his nose before resting his head on Yuki's shoulder so that he could smell the blood pumping through his small mate's neck. He groaned and licked a hot trail up to his ear before biting gently on the lobe. Yuki shivered underneath him, wrapping his arms around Hiroka and tugging gently at his hair.
"Did you bring blood pops?" he asked softly "How long has it been since you fed?" Hiroka looked at him and his eyes were tinged with red
"Maybe a little too long," he sighed. Yuki rolled his eyes and then stretched upwards sensuously baring his neck and spreading his thighs to allow Hiroka to settle in between them. Hiroka groaned loudly and bit through his own lip in an effort not to attack the green eyed minx underneath him. Yuki grinned and arched upwards grinding against Hiroka and bringing his arms up over his head conjuring silk rope to tie his wrists loosely together. Hiroka's eyes widened at the sight of his mate lain defenceless underneath him. That smile, that goddamn teasing smile! He struck.
Grinding down hard and drinking in Yuki's cries he sank his fangs into the boy's neck causing him to buck in pleasure. Drinking deeply he moaned himself at the taste of his mate's blood. Yuki was well and truly lost beneath him, writhing and sighing in pleasure.
He felt Yuki's heartbeat start to slow and reluctantly pulled away licking gently at the wound to close it. Yuki was panting hard and his eyes were lidded over and glazed. Hiroka smiled and nuzzled the boy's neck.
"Thanks, I needed that," he said suddenly feeling much better than before. Yuki sighed.
"Well I can't say I didn't enjoy it," he replied in a dreamy voice. Hiroka grinned and chuckled. They both started as the door slid open behind them. Jack entered to ask for the empty plates.
"Oh god!" he shouted striking a dramatic pose. "My poor innocent eyes!!! Shouldn't you guys be planning anyway? And not molesting each other?"
Yuki laughed as Hiroka scowled. Jack picked up the dish on the table and smiled. "Lirik says he saw the guys a few miles south from his position on the top of the hill, so it is possible that they are returning," he said. Hiroka sat up pulling Yuki with him.
"Thank you," he said shortly turning to grab his katana and throwing Yuki the Sai, which he strapped carefully on his back.
They got up and followed Jack just as Rin, Gareth and Kuzou entered floating a stunned man behind them.
"To the training room," said Hiroka shortly and Yuki brought up the rear. Quickly conjuring a chair and restraints Yuki motioned for the man to be put down.
"Well done, you may retire, I believe Jack has made plenty to eat in the kitchen," Yuki said nodding at the three. They left and Hiroka and Yuki turned to the man in the chair, who was still out cold.
"His name is Daniel, he was a reliable informant for the period of my mission in England those many years ago. If someone new has entered the country or is trying to hide here he would know about it." Hiroka said to Yuki. Yuki nodded and studied the young man in front of him.
Shaggy brown hair that looked as knotted as tree roots, tanned skin and a tattoo of a star on his left cheek. His clothes consisted of baggy green combat shorts and a white button shirt, which really wasn't very white anymore.
Yuki frowned, this man was a part of Hiroka's past, someone who knew him before he did. Jealousy swirled in his stomach and he felt a little ill. Growling under his breath he stalked over to Hiroka and kissed him hard pushing his body as close to the other as possible. Hiroka gasped and then laughed.
"Possessive my love?" he whispered smirking at the shiver that ran down Yuki's back. Yuki growled at his tone and Hiroka rubbed circles on his back before dropping a kiss on his head. "Yuki love, he was 15 years old when I was here last, as a child he was both reliable for the truth and useful for subtlety. He doesn't even know my real name," he said softly. Turning back to the captive Hiroka's face became thunderous. "Three days, three fucking days!" he swore pulling his katana out of its sheath and running it along the side of the man's neck. "Wake him up love, and let's play!"
Yuki grinned. "Enervate,"
The man woke up groaning but froze as he felt the cold steel of a blade pressed up against his neck. He swallowed as he felt the blade nick his skin.
"Well hello Daniel, long time no see," purred Hiroka. The man, Daniel turned his head slightly and his eyes widened.
"Gin!" he gasped
Yuki raised an eyebrow at the name, somehow it suited Hiroka perfectly, he almost giggled but kept a straight face knowing that it would look unprofessional, and no doubt it would be detrimental to being intimidating. Which was a trait he was going to need for the interrogation.
"I was in the area and thought perhaps we could renew our….contract of old." Hiroka smirked.
Daniel winced and turned his head away from the penetrating gaze.
"I…I can't, I've been down on my luck lately and had to hang around Pencey Bay just to get enough money for food!" he said angrily. Hiroka grabbed a handful of his hair and yanked his head back hard.
"What happened to that rich boyfriend of yours then? Get tired of you did he?" he hissed snidely. Daniel closed his eyes momentarily.
"Take a look for yourself," he whispered his tone ashamed. Hiroka frowned then lifted the front of the young man's shirt. Bruises littered his front along with cigarette shaped burn marks.
Yuki couldn't hold back a soft gasp as memories of how his childhood could have gone had Wabisuke-san not saved him filtered back. Hiroka barely spared him a glance, he had worked for years as an interrogator and tended to get stuck into a persona when talking to prisoners. Yuki had seen it often enough and the person Hiroka became scared him, but there wasn't much he could do.
Hiroka turned back to Daniel who spoke again. "I ran away, gave some info about him to a guy who runs the market down in Pencey bay in return for letting me work some jobs there. The information turned out useful for the guy and he promised me protection from Radcliff if I told him stuff and kept my mouth shut for other things," he sighed wearily letting his head fall forwards. "If I talk to you and he finds out he'll throw me out. Radcliff will kill me," he said sounding defeated.
Yuki's eyes softened and he turned pleading eyes on Hiroka who didn't even notice and instead growled angrily.
"It'll teach you to hang around with his sort in the first place," he said coldly extremely irritated that they had wasted three days to get Daniel who would give them nothing easily. He wondered if it was worth the effort to beat the information of the boy, after all the holy stones were much more important than some human's life.
Yuki's eyes widened at Hiroka's cold words. His small frame shuddered with anger and ice cold winds began to swirl around his feet. The sudden surge of power caused both Daniel and Hiroka to turn their attention to him in surprise. Yuki clenched his teeth tightly and hissed out from between them,
"Gin, I'd like to speak to you outside for a short moment," he spat out not trying to hide his anger. Hiroka frowned before nodding and waving a hand at Daniel causing him to gasp and suck in breath as he was bound tighter in conjured ropes and magic restraining links. Yuki hissed again and turned on his heel storming out of the training room with Hiroka following him in confusion.
Yuki was blinded by his anger. 'How could Hiroka say something like that!? He doesn't see it at all! That poor boy has nothing and no-one and even the one he loved treated him so bad! Victims of abuse are always told it's their fault!' his eyes closed shortly as memories flitted through his conscious.
He'd come so close to ending up like Daniel that all abuse cases tore at something within him. He remembered when he used to nurse bruised wrists from the tight and unforgiving grip of the Orphanage carers who only cared about getting the children to where they were least in the way.
He remembered how every policeman who came to the Orphanage to check records of missing children would nod and agree as the matron explained the bruises away as 'A naughty kid who just can't keep out of trouble'. He sighed and slammed open the door to the planning room throwing himself down on the purple coloured cushions facing away from the door where Hiroka would enter behind him.
Hiroka entered and shut the door softly behind him warily glancing at the back of the hunched over form of his lover.
"Yuki? What's the matter?" he asked softly frowning still confused. He took a small step back as his small lover turned glowing angry emerald eyes on him.
"What's the matter? I'll tell you what the matter is! You're a cold unsympathetic bastard! That's what's the matter!" shouted Yuki angrily wiping away tears and desperately trying to hold back sobs as memories threatened to overwhelm him. Hiroka's eyes widened and he knelt down to comfort Yuki and was shocked when the boy recoiled from his touch.
"Look just…just…..fuck," Yuki swore unable to keep it together. He pressed the palms of his hands tightly against his eyes and ground his teeth angry at his own behaviour. He knew he had some…issues about some of the things in his childhood but he had been so confident that they had been resolved. After all he had been when he was rescued and Wabisuke-san had even had him go through counselling even though he hadn't really understood that. He didn't even remember much from back then! Somehow abuse always brought up deep feelings in him he couldn't explain and had no memory to pair with them. He sighed and looked up into the deep blue eyes of his worried lover.
His emerald eyes softened and he leaned forward slightly giving Hiroka permission to touch him. Slowly and calmly the worried vampire ran his hand up Yuki's back and pulled him close rocking him softly.
As his tension eased away he knew he was going to have to explain this thoroughly to Hiroka, especially if he was to have any hope for keeping Daniel out of Hiroka's angry hunt for information.
Oh no!! Poor Yuki!! Some unresolved issues in his past may be there for a while to come. Next chapter will have some violence people! As Daniel takes our boys to meet some people who may have information and they stumble across a…..slightly irritated Radcliff!
Thanks for reading, as usual I hope you enjoyed the chapter ^^
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Colour-chan x.X