Sequel RP to… our other one. Look for it on the FFN user Aquamarine07's page.

Mulder – lateBloomer04

Scully – Aquamarine07

Elizabeth – PirateAngel1286

Will – Nahr


Mulder.: So tell me again why we're going to a PotC convention, Scully?

Scully.: Mulder, this is specifically ...research. Historical references.

Mulder.: I think you have a hidden agenda for going.

Scully.: -slips drugs into sunflower seeds-

Mulder.: Man, I'm having a strange craving for sunflower seeds!

Scully.: Mulder- want a sunflower seed?

Mulder.: sure!

Scully.: -gives seeds-

Mulder.: -grabs 10- YUM!

Scully.: So, what were you saying again?

Mulder.: I think-- woah..

Scully.: -fake concern-

Mulder.: We really need to get there in a big way.

Scully.: Mulder, are you alright?!

Mulder.: I LOVE pirates! :D

Scully.: I'm right with you Mulder, let's go! -goes to convention-


Elizabeth.: Will, what's that? It looks like a closet of some sort/

Will.: It looks kind of... well. Odd. I mean, it's red. Shiny red...

Elizabeth.: like a booth maybe

Will.: Yeah.

Elizabeth.: -examines-

Will.: let's look inside. It looks kind of big to be a cupboard.

Elizabeth.: alright

Will.: -opens booth door-

Elizabeth.: Hello?

Will.: -time machine magic-

Elizabeth.: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Elizabeth.: -crash landing-

Will.: Owch. Elizabeth? Are you there?

Elizabeth.: My head…

Will.: Are you okay?

Elizabeth.: Oww

Will.: Aww -reaches to comfort, stops-

Elizabeth.: I think so. You? What is it?

Will.: -looks around- Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine... -distracted- Where are we?

Elizabeth.: What's wrong? -sees hundreds of people walking around- No idea

Will.: We're not in the Atlantic anymore.

Elizabeth.: Gee, ya think?

Scully.: OH.MY.GOSH.


Mulder.: What?!

Scully.: Mulder - Mulder mulder mulder!

Mulder.: That's my name, don't wear it out!

Scully.: -whispers- Look, over there.

Mulder.: where? -looks up-

Scully.: See, where that shiny red booth has landed in the middle of our convention?

Mulder.: yeah, so?

Scully.: Look at the two people climbing out of it! LOOK! LOOK!

Mulder.: ooh, Scully I want to go next!! Can we can we can we?!

Scully.: Mulder, LOOK!

Mulder.: I'm LOOKING!

Scully.: Tell me I'm crazy, but that looks like ... No, it couldn't be

Will.: -whispers to Elizabeth- Do those two -points at Mulder and Scully- look familiar?

Mulder.: wait... isn't that? It's the alien guy! Noooooooo.

Scully.: -breathes- Will and Elizabeth.

Elizabeth.: -stares at Scully, then Mulder- I think so...oh my gosh, them again

Scully.: -squeals, runs to Elizabeth and hugs her- HI!

Will.: Ah!

Scully.: Oh my gosh! HI!

Mulder.: what, you're excited about this?

Elizabeth.: Hi to you too

Will.: Hello again

Mulder.: so how are the, uh, love bites? Healing ok?

Will.: What? Oh. Right, those. You, uh... -uncomfortable- remember those, huh?

Elizabeth.: He's got new ones ;)

Will.: I- Elizabeth!

Scully.: EEP!

Mulder.: Wow.

Elizabeth.: -gives Will a kiss- Oh lighten up Will

Scully.: You guys don't KNOW how much I've missed you!

Mulder.: Are you still using the booth thingy?

Elizabeth.: Knock your sox off

Mulder.: ok, Scully, let's go!

Scully.: When we got back, I did some digging and I found these movies about you!! We're at a convention about that very thing right now!

Will.: Movies?

Scully.: -squeals" I'm your biggest fan!

Will.: What's a... "moo vee"?

Elizabeth.: Fan? And all these people...?

Scully.: Like... a picture that moves? About you two! And Jack Sparrow

Mulder.: that's cool Scully, but when we go into the booth I want to -whisperfabuloussexwhisper-

Scully.: They all LOVE YOU

Will.: A picture?

Scully.: What was that Mulder?

Will.: that moves?

Scully.: YES! And it tells your whole story!

Mulder.: I need you Scully!

Will.: like a moving painting?

Elizabeth.: So, what year is it then if I might ask

Mulder.: literally...

Scully.: Shush! WILL'S talking.

Mulder.: Well, sor-EE.

Will.: -blushes- Uh, no. No, go on.

Mulder.: Nevermind.

Scully.: -dazzled by Will- It's uh... its ... what year is it again Mulder?


Scully.: Willabethers: HOORAY!

Mulder.: it's 2008

Elizabeth.: -faints-

Scully.: Sparrabethers: KILL HIM

Will.: I... uh oh

Mulder.: -sees Diana Fowley in the sparrabeth crowd-

Scully.: You might want to erm... run.

Elizabeth.: -wakes up-

Will.: Who are those people?

Mulder.: you're telling me!

Elizabeth.: Run!

Will.: AHHH

Scully.: -RUNS-

Mulder.: Ahhhhhhhhh! -run away-

Will.: -runs away-

Elizabeth.: in here - runs in booth-

Will.: -follows-

Scully.: -booth-

Mulder.: Will, whatever you do, don't look Diana Fowley in the eye. Oh. Whew.

Scully.: That was CLOSE.

Elizabeth.: What now?

Scully.: That would have been terrible if either side got their hands on you two.

Mulder.: Scully, have I seen this pirates movie?

Scully.: Pirates of the Caribbean, Mulder? Ring a bell?

Mulder.: what bell?

Elizabeth.: I didn't hear a bell.

Scully.: I gotta go easier on the drugs next time.

Mulder.: Oh... maybe I did see it. But weren't we making out during that movie?

Scully.: Wrong movie, Mulder. We were making out during "A Crazy Little Thing Called Love" remember?

Will.: Drugs?

Mulder.: oh. I must've been thinking of Terminator.

Elizabeth.: Would it be possible for us to see this movie?

Mulder.: Drugs?! I am not on drugs.

Scully.: Sure you aren't.

Mulder.: -tries to eat Will's finger-

Scully.: You want to see the movies?! -TOTALLY EXCITED-

Will.: Oy! -pulls away-

Elizabeth.: Hey -smacks Mulder-

Mulder.: That didn't taste very good -recoils-

Will.: O.o

Scully.: Take some more sunflower seeds, mulder.

Mulder.: OKAY! -chomp-

Scully.: That's right.

Elizabeth.: -whispers to Scully- Seriously, is it drugs?

Mulder.: -faints on Scully-

Scully.: Oh yeah, definitely. MULDER!

Will.: What happened?

Scully.: -catches, tries to wake up- Mulder... mulder?! A little help here?

Will.: -kneels down-

Elizabeth.: Will, maybe you should try. Smack him around a bit

Scully.: Nothing too harsh...

Will.: -slaps Mulder's face numerous times-

Scully.: EASY!

Mulder.: WOAH!

Scully.: Go easy on him! Mulder! Are you alright?

Mulder.: -who's the black private dick with all the chicks?- SHAFT! CAN YOU DIG IT!

Scully.: -speechless-

Mulder.: I'm talkin' bout SHAFT.

Elizabeth.: Um...what the...?

Scully.: Slap him again, Will.

Will.: Will will do. -slaps Mulder-

Mulder.: wha... what? Are the Knicks still playing?

Scully.: Mulder, it's me.

Elizabeth.: You fainted on us

Mulder.: what a strange dream I had. Hi Scully.

Elizabeth.: You alright?

Scully.: You're with Elizabeth and Will and I, remember

Mulder.: Yeah I think so.

Will.: Yeah.

Mulder.: You saved the world, Scully!

Scully.: You're right, I did. Now what were we talking about?

Elizabeth.: Movies

Scully.: Oh yeah! We should skip CotBP...

Mulder.: I love movies.

Scully.: you know what happens. shall we watch DMC?

Elizabeth.: No!

Scully.: But Will looks REALLY hot in DMC!

Mulder.: yeah, why not Elizabeth?

Will.: ...I

Elizabeth.: know...the stuff between. It was hard enough living through it once

Scully.: Oh I know why. -glares at Elizabeth-

Elizabeth.: -is sad and guilty-

Mulder.: -double glare- WHY AM I GLARING??

Scully.: I should have given you to the Sparrabethers.

Will.: -recoils-

Scully.: See what YOU started.

Elizabeth.: -double sad-

Mulder.: It's ok, Elizabeth. At least you didn't sleep with Jack like I did with Fowley.

Scully.: …………

Elizabeth.: -backing away-

Mulder.: It was before I met you!

Scully.: You did WHAT with FOWLEY?! Oh SURE! That excuse AGAIN!

Mulder.: we were sortofkindamarried -cringes-

Will.: -whispers- Let's leave them be, Elizabeth...?

Scully.: Oh you wanna play THAT WAY?!

Mulder.: no! I wanna watch a PotC movie.

Elizabeth.: -whisper- Right. What should we do?

Mulder.: Help!! -hides behind Will-

Scully.: -stomps over to Will-

Will.: -peers behind- What are you-?

Scully.: You wanna sleep with Fowley, then I'm going to do this!

Mulder.: -sweating buckets-

Scully.: -kisses Will - PASSIONATELY-

Elizabeth.: -puts AWE Dvd into tv- Oooh, singing. no death bad!

Mulder.: OH NO YOU DIDN'T! -faints-

Scully.: -pulls away-

Will.: -speechless-

Scully.: Wimp.

Elizabeth.: Ewww, Beckett was much uglier than this guy. a little taller though

Scully.: -slaps Mulder-

Mulder.: wahhhh.

Scully.: Wake- up- you- lying- cheating-

Elizabeth.: Ooo look; it's me

Mulder.: you kissed Will! -sits up-

Scully.: sn: hahah Elizabeth

Will.: Uh...

Mulder.: -glares at Will- Why I oughta...

Scully.: Yeah, what're you going to do about it?

Elizabeth.: Am I the only one watching this?

Mulder.: Will Turner - you and me. Outside. NOW!

Elizabeth.: Sexy wet Will!

Will.: Fine.-glares- I tell you, I didn't do it.

Scully.: You don't want to go out there

Will.: But it's on.

Scully.: Conflicting ships, remember? Go ahead right here.

Mulder.: You participated!! How do you want to do this, Turner?

Elizabeth.: What the bloody hell is going on?

Scully.: I can see it now... Skill

Will.: -glares- Sword.

Scully.: Or... Wully -dreamily- A new ship has sailed.

Mulder.: I can't fight with a sword! -panics-

Will.: Well that's your problem, hmm?

Mulder.: Shit!

Scully.: Just wrestle for it.

Elizabeth.: -is lost-

Will.: -unsheathes- Come on.

Mulder.: ok that might work

Scully.: I kissed Will, Mulder is jealous, sit back and prepare yourself for some fun, Elizabeth.

Will.: -holds sword away- You aren't getting this soon.

Elizabeth.: Wait, when did you kiss Will?

Scully.: Erm, two minutes ago?

Mulder.: Ok Will, you ready for me?

Will.: Damn right

Elizabeth.: WHAT!

Scully.: Wait a minute! Shirts off.

Will.: WHAT?

Mulder.: Okay. Wait, why?

Scully.: God knows we didn't get enough shirtless Will.

Elizabeth.: You didn't, I did :D

Mulder.: Why do I feel like we're putting on a show for someone

Scully.: Oh shush. You chicken Mulder?

Elizabeth.: Yeah, shirts off gentlemen

Mulder.: psh, NO!

Scully.: Should I kiss Will again?

Mulder.: -tears shirt off-


Will.: FINE!

Elizabeth.: -whispers- I'll kick your arse if you do

Will.: -sheathes sword, pulls off shirt-

Scully.: Oh I'll take you later Elizabeth. YAY! -CLAPS-

Will.: -unsheathes sword- Try me.

Mulder.: (dammit he looks really fit)

Elizabeth.: please don't die Will

Scully.: Oh he is so HOT.

Elizabeth.: again

Scully.: -totally drooling-

Mulder.: Alright, enough with the Will gushing! what am I, chopped liver?

Scully.: You're hot too, Mulder.

Elizabeth.: I'll root for you Fox. Woo

Will.: -points sword at mulder's chest- You try.

Mulder.: thanks. I thought we were arm wrestling!

Scully.: Hey swords no fair! I didn't say arm wrestling. I said WRESTLING.

Mulder.: or we could just have a verbal sparring match.

Will.: Oh. Fine. -throws sword in general direction of nowhere- No weapons. -puts arm on table-arm wrestle, then

Mulder.: -mimics action-

alright, on the count of three...

Will.: 1



Mulder.: -strains muscle-

Will.: -holds-

Scully.: GO!


Mulder.: (Gah can't hold much longer!)

Will.: -kicks mulder under table-

Mulder.: what?!

Scully.: -fangirly SCREAMING-

Elizabeth.: You can do it

Will.: lol kidding.

Mulder.: Suddenly Will has turned into Chuck Norris. owwwie!

Scully.: Turner, Turner, Turner, Turner, Go Whelp!

Will.: -still arm wrestling-

Scully.: Go Bandana Boy!

Will.: -not even sweating-

Mulder.: I can't fight Chuck Norris, Scully! -whines-

Scully.: Or Bandana MAN!

Mulder.: -losing grip-

Will.: Foxes can't beat Dragons.

Mulder.: You're a friggin DRAGON?!

Scully.: -fans self-

Mulder.: hey Will, what's that over there? -points across the room-

Scully.: Elizabeth, are you loving this?

Will.: I'm not that dense

Elizabeth.: -wanders off-

Mulder.: denied.

Scully.: Elizabeth!? Will, crush him already

Mulder.: Will, I don't think I can last much longer! -grunts-

Elizabeth.: Oh someone just win already

Will.: -grins- I'm only starting to turn slightly pink. -SLAM-

Mulder.: DAMMIT!

Scully.: YIPEE!

Will.: -smug-

Scully.: -hugs Will-

Mulder.: -wounded puppy look-

Scully.: You .. were... amazing.

Mulder.: thanks for the support, Scully.

Scully.: Mulder, you were pretty good too.

Elizabeth.: -gives Mulder kiss on cheek- You did your best

Mulder.: now you tell me.

Scully.: But you got what you deserved.

Mulder.: thanks, Elizabeth. I guess I did. -angst-

Scully.: Watch it, Elizabeth.

Elizabeth.: So, have you guys found any "aliens" lately?

Mulder.: watch what? It's not like you care about me, Scully. You have your precious WILL.

Elizabeth.: Lighten up Scully, I let you kiss my HUSBAND

Scully.: Dude, he's MARRIED. Like you were. -POUTS-

Mulder.: I'm sorry?

Scully.: Yeah right. No, we haven't found any aliens.

Will.: -laughs quietly-

Mulder.: uh oh... maybe he really is an alien...

Scully.: Something funny ?

Elizabeth.: -kisses Will's nose- I love it when you laugh

Mulder.: Scully, I think we need to check his neck again

Scully.: NO. Not again.

Mulder.: ok. It was worth a shot.

Will.: Haha, I know you do Elizabeth.

Elizabeth.: I'm bored

Scully.: Do you really think he is an alien?

Elizabeth.: Can we go outside yet?

Scully.: Uhh... sure.

Mulder.: I think Will has a girly laugh. Whether that makes him an alien, I really can't say.

Elizabeth.: Yay!

Scully.: -goes outside-

Will.: Excuse me?

Mulder.: -follows Scully-

Elizabeth.: -follows Mulder-

Mulder.: Hey Scully, my laugh isn't girly. Tell Will!

Scully.: -monotone- His laugh isn't girly.

Will.: -snicker-

Mulder.: -eyeroll-

Scully.: I think his laugh is cute.

Mulder.: you would.

Scully.: Right Elizabeth?

Elizabeth.: I guess so. Haven't heard it much. He always seems so...sad

Will.: Hah.

Scully.: Awww! How come?

Mulder.: I'm the king of sad...

Will.: I think… I'm gunna… er… lie down and fall asleep.

Scully.: -kisses Mulder's cheek- How about now?

Mulder.: -smiles- better

Scully.: So Elizabeth, I'm dying to know all the stuff that the movies don't tell us!

Elizabeth.: Well I don't know what the movies told you to begin with. I started watching AWE but no one else watched with me -whine-

Scully.: Well, for starters, I was disappointed with the lack of the SotB. Weren't you, Mulder?

Mulder.: duh.

Scully.: Me too!

Elizabeth.: Um..well...I'm not sure you want...-blushes- Sand. There was lots and lots of sand

Scully.: Oh come on. Will's not here, it's just us.. And...

Mulder.: I'm not an addict, Scully. -pouts-

Elizabeth.: But he was so gentle and when we was...oh, words can't describe it

Mulder.: Not when I have you. -forehead kiss-

Scully.: -swoons from Elizabeth and Mulder- …err from what Elizabeth said

Mulder.: don't say that, Scully. You'll ruin my fantasy.

Scully.: what fantasy?

Mulder.: -turns red- Nevermind.

Elizabeth.: It went on for hours and it felt like days. Our bodies swaying - becoming one

Scully.: -swoons-

Elizabeth.: And Will was my first just so you know. First and only

Scully.: Yes, yes I assumed. Must've been wonderful.

Mulder.: -gag-

Elizabeth.: -smacks Mulder-

Scully.: What was that fantasy you were going to tell us about Mulder? Thank you, Elizabeth.

Elizabeth.: Positively glorious. Yes, what is it?

Mulder.: uh... something about an inferno

Scully.: I want the whole thing. Out with it

Mulder.: not until Will wakes up! He'll understand... or not.

Scully.: You promise?

Mulder.: I promise.

Scully.: Okay. So Elizabeth, what did you do after that?

Elizabeth.: more

Scully.: I mean, after after

Mulder.: wow Will's a lucky guy. Scully doesn't go that long.

Elizabeth.: Not so lucky, he had to leave me

Scully.: Wha-? Mulder!

Mulder.: yes?

Scully.: I do so!

Mulder.: I was just kidding!

Scully.: -blushes- Er... carry on Elizabeth.

Mulder.: -smirks-

Scully.: soo... after after


Mulder.: Will had to leave?

Scully.: and what did you do?

Elizabeth.: had our son as you well know

Mulder.: by yourself?

Scully.: alone?

Mulder.: aw Scully we were thinking the same thought!

Elizabeth.: well I don't know many people

Scully.: Yes :D So who helped you?

Mulder.: what about Jack Sparrow?

Scully.: And Ana? AnaMaria? From the first movie? The slapping one. I liked her.

Elizabeth.: Yeah, they helped but it didn't completely fill the void of living without my Will

Mulder.: that sucks.

Elizabeth.: Indeed

Scully.: The same sort of thing happened to me, believe it or not.

Elizabeth.: Really? Do tell/

Mulder.: yeah except I got tortured

Scully.: Try childbirth without painkillers and then we can talk about torture. ANYway.

Elizabeth.: Oh, I hear that

Mulder.: but my cheeks were stretched apart and I was strapped down and all I could do was yell for Scully! and she didn't come save me. -tear-

Scully.: You wanna try me on this, Mulder? Elizabeth can back me up here.

Elizabeth.: pure and simple. Continue

Scully.: I couldn't save you, the same as you couldn't come to me.

Mulder.: yeah, sorry about that.

Scully.: so I realized I was pregnant

Mulder.: I would've come home if I could.

Scully.: And then he turned up dead.

Mulder.: yeah I was deadalive

Elizabeth.: aww -sad-

Scully.: And then three months later (after leaving me with DOGGETT) he comes back to life. Except people are out to get my child

Mulder.: yeah cause i'm cool like that.

Scully.: So I am taken with one other female agent to a remote location

Mulder.: the one who likes whale songs...

Scully.: with no resources for birth whatsoever. Aliens come to take my baby mid-labor… No one there to help me but Agent Reyes… Aliens leave… Mulder FINALLY comes… and... that's it

Mulder.: psh.

Elizabeth.: Aww. And what happened to your child again?

Mulder.: our child, Scully - he had your eyes

Scully.: I uh... I had to give him up. They ... they were after him. He was in danger. Mulder was gone again, and... I couldn't..

Mulder.: it tore me apart when I learned what she had done

Elizabeth.: :( Do you think you'll ever be reunited?

Scully.: I'm sorry for doing it to this day. But... I wanted my son... our son.. to be safe

Mulder.: it's alright, Scully. You did what you thought was right

Scully.: I hope so. I hope I'll meet him someday. So I can tell him I'm sorry

Elizabeth.: -wipes away tears-

Mulder.: We're not giving up on finding him.

Scully.: I'm sorry for giving up... my only child .. -cries- never seeing what he'll become, what he'll grow up to be

Elizabeth.: I hope you do find him eventually -hugs both-

Scully.: -hugs- -sniffles- Thanks.

Mulder.: -threeway hug!- if only we had Will, it would be a party.

Scully.: stop ruining the moment! -sniff sniff- -wipe tears-

Mulder.: my bad!

Elizabeth.: -sniff giggle-

Scully.: -giggle-

Mulder.: I have a tendency to do that... just ask Scully.

Scully.: Yes, he does.

Mulder.: I also only celebrate Scully's birthday in dog years.

Elizabeth.: Dog years…?

Will.: -wakes up-

Scully.: WOOHOO! fantasy TIME

Mulder.: great.

Scully.: Will, Mulder wants to share his fantasy with us. We were talking about SotB

Mulder.: I changed my mind.

Will.: ...Uh...

Scully.: But he wanted to wait till you got back to talk about it!

Elizabeth.: Sorry, you can't do that

Scully.: Can't what?

Mulder.: oh fine!

Elizabeth.: can't change your mind

Scully.: Oh yay!

Will.: -complains- What is going on?

Mulder.: Will, Scully made it sound like she was attracted to Elizabeth. and so, this inferno thing came to mind...

Scully.: Um, no

Elizabeth.: What?

Mulder.: I thought you might understand.

Scully.: Inferno?

Mulder.: -cringe-

Will.: -interested-

Scully.: Huh?

Mulder.: why couldn't Will be Steve?! Or even Norrie?! -cries-

Will.: James Norrington!?

Mulder.: yeah. -sniffle- I always liked him in the movies.

Will.: You did?

Mulder.: he always kept getting royally screwed and I could identify.

Scully.: I liked his upstanding morals. Until the second movie.. But he usually played by the rules.

Will.: yeah, well, he was a bastard in the second one.

Mulder.: then you just liked the scruff.

Scully.: SCRUFF!

Will.: Elizabeth didn't, right?

Mulder.: scratchy beard and all that

Will.: -glances at Elizabeth- RIGHT?

Scully.: But she KISSED him in the third!

Elizabeth.: oh yeah

Mulder.: heh

Will.: You didn't... like like him, did you?

Elizabeth.: Um, actually he kissed me

Will.: -feeling insecure-


Mulder.: Scully, you liked my scruff. Admit it.

Scully.: -mimics Mulder- You participated.

Elizabeth.: Like a brother, yes (except for the kissing)


Scully.: I did.

Mulder.: excellent!

Scully.: I did like the Scruff.

Elizabeth.: Before he died :(

Mulder.: you want me to grow it back?

Will.: ...-softens- Oh

Scully.: Hell no. Yes, it was very touching.

Will.: You let him?

Mulder.: fine, I'll just keep shaving.

Elizabeth.: Well, he was going to die...

Mulder.: but you didn't know that!

Elizabeth.: Give him one last hurrah before going away

Will.: You knew he would die?

Scully.: A lot of people you kiss die, Elizabeth

Mulder.: that's so true, Scully!

Scully.: Jack... Norrie... Sao Feng... Will

Elizabeth.: It's like an X-File

Will.: Hey, you leave her alone!

Mulder.: just don't kiss me, Elizabeth

Elizabeth.: did I say that out loud?

Will.: It's her issue and she can deal with it herself.

Scully.: You already died?

Mulder.: it is like an X-File!

Will.: Well, yes.

Scully.: How are we going to investigate this?!

Mulder.: Well, you know what they say FBI stands for...


Mulder.: nevermind.

Scully.: no, do tell us.

Elizabeth.: frosted brownies inside

Scully.: mulder -warning-

Mulder.: Female Body Inspector. There, I said it and I feel better for it

Will.: Brr... ow... knees?

Mulder.: what's with the warning?

Scully.: -gasp-

Elizabeth.: -pats Will on the head- It's a cooking thing.

Will.: -purrs at being patted on head- Oh. Alright.

Mulder.: wow. cool!

Elizabeth.: what?

Mulder.: aren't you two gonna make out or what?

Elizabeth.: What, now?

Mulder.: yeah!

Scully.: -aside to Mulder- is this our investigation?

Elizabeth.: -slaps Mulder-

Mulder.: ow!! She hit me!

Elizabeth.: I don't want to kill Will again

Scully.: Hey, take it easy!

Elizabeth.: -whines-

Will.: Elizabeth!

Mulder.: Scully!

Scully.: You've kissed him after tha- Mulder!

Elizabeth.: He was already dead technically at that point

Mulder.: Just felt like shouting your name.

Scully.: I'm sure its fine.

Elizabeth.: Ok -kisses Will, passionately-

Mulder.: -biggrin-

Will.: -smirks inwardly-

Scully.: Mulder!

Mulder.: yeah?

Scully.: stop grinning.

Mulder.: why?

Elizabeth.: -gets hot-

Scully.: because its weird

Elizabeth.: -and turned on-

Mulder.: -bigger grin-

Scully.: Okay... we're going to just go over here for a little while -pulls Mulder away-

Mulder.: yeah and makeout ourselves!

Scully.: who said anything about a makeout?

Mulder.: ooh, I like it when you get rough with me scully -winks-

Will.: -pulls away slightly- Well?

Scully.: ... shut up.

Mulder.: shutting up!! -smooch-

Elizabeth.: -deeps breaths- How was that?

Scully.: -kissing-

Elizabeth.: hello?

Will.: -speechless-

Mulder.: -tonguing-

Will.: It was a bit sudden. But I liked it.

Scully.: -weak in the knees-

Mulder.: -holds on to Scully for dear life-

Elizabeth.: Hello you two?

Mulder.: -comes up for air-

Scully.: -pulls away to breath-

Mulder.: Wow, Scully.

Scully.: Mulder..

Mulder.: fireworks. It's always fireworks with you.

Scully.: you bet your ass it is. -embarrassed- Er.. sorry Will, Elizabeth.

Elizabeth.: -big grin- Will's not dead. See

Mulder.: don't be embarrassed - they started it!

Will.: Oh, yeah, blame it on us

Scully.: That's good news!

Elizabeth.: I always get blamed for something

Scully.: you did start it..

Mulder.: me too

Will.: we both do.

Mulder.: I already did! Sheesh. er... inferno?

Elizabeth.: Sounds hot

Mulder.: Yes. Lesbian Spank Inferno... starring you and Elizabeth. Happy now?

Will.: What is with you and porn?

Elizabeth.: ...ok, maybe not so hot

Scully.: I didn't need to know that.

Mulder.: you asked!

Scully.: Well I thought it wouldn't be something like THAT!

Mulder.: i'm sorry -tear-

Elizabeth.: And you're crying b/c...


Will.: -muffled- What a surprise

Mulder.: oh shut it Mr. I'll Never Be A Pirate

Elizabeth.: Will, be nice

Mulder.: well look at you now!

Will.: Sorry Elizabeth.

Mulder.: Scully, I wanna go home -whines-

Scully.: Fine. I guess we have to go.

Elizabeth.: -whispers to ScullY- the drugs must be wearing off

Mulder.: take me home, Scully.

Scully.: Yeah, and I don't have any more for him. OKAY CHILL!

Mulder.: -withdrawal-

Scully.: Good to see you two again!

Elizabeth.: Well, I guess we have to take this booth...thing home. YOU TOO

Will.: Bye

Scully.: Sorry about the whole... kissing your husband thing.

Will.: -crosses arms- Well it wasn't bad.

Scully.: -winks at Will- Bye, Will!

Mulder.: bye bye

Will.: See ya.

Mulder.: wahhhh.

Scully.: Another time, maybe :D

Elizabeth.: I'll give you something next time Mulder ;)

Mulder.: oh that works.

Elizabeth.: to even the score

Mulder.: I appreciate that, Elizabeth

Will.: -whines-

Scully.: The score will be far from even when I get done with Will.

Will.: What!

Elizabeth.: Ugh, men. Come on Will

Mulder.: Scul-eeeee

Scully.: Come on Mulder. Mulderrrrrrrrrrr

Mulder.: I'm coming. Wheeeeeee!

Scully.: Bye! -waves-

Will.: -follows Elizabeth-

Mulder.: drugs are fun.

Scully.: drugs are fun.

Mulder.: that's what I said

Scully.: really Mulder?! Really. Let's go home.

Mulder.: really really

Elizabeth.: Must be an alien species

Scully.: Enough of that.

Will.: Yeah

Scully.: -drags Mulder home-

Elizabeth.: -vanish-

Mulder.: -whimpers- I'm tired, Scully.

Scully.: Almost there. Here we are, now sleep.

Mulder.: -snork-