This story's plot comes from the second Bleach movie, The DiamondDust Rebellion. Told in Rangiku's perspective...
Summary: After the King's Seal is stolen, Toshiro disappears and is named a traitor and Rangiku refuses to believe it. She along with Ichigo, Rukia, and Renji are determined to find him and clear his name. But what happens when they meet the enemy who stole the King's Seal?
Refusing The Truth
Chapter 1
I sat in a chair by the window in my home. I just stared out of it and repeatedly sighed. I knew my icy blue eyes were filled with sadness and disappointment. "Your so stupid, Taicho." I whispered.
You will go after him, find him, and execute him... That was the order Yamamoto-Sotaicho gave to all captains. Some lieutenants were sent to find him and came back with nothing. And I was forced to stay.
Matsumoto-Fukutaicho, you are not to go after him. We are not saying you are not trustworthy. But we fear that if you come face to face with Hitsugaya-Taicho, we fear you will not be able to execute him because of your personal feelings toward him. We're sorry, but he is to be terminated immediately.
It was true, I would rather kill myself than lift a finger to hurt him. He was my captain after all, and he was always good to me, when he wasn't yelling at me.
I felt sad again. This was the second time I was betrayed by a man I thought I might've actually liked more than a friend. I can still remember the look on his face as he disappeared in the fire and left. He looked so sad, and stricken with grief.
I wondered why. Was it because he didn't want to leave, or was it because he regretted abandoning me there, or was it just because he simply did it out of spite. I don't know anymore.
All I know is that he's gone. He's gone and now they're talking about disbanding the 10th division.
They say that also because they found his captains' coat. Abandoned in the world of the living, torn and wrinkled.
What would I do if they did disband the 10th division? I'd be out of the job. Why are they just counting him as a traitor?! Why don't they understand that he might've gone to get the King's Seal back?! Why is it they always think that it's betrayal?!
My captain was a smart man, and very gifted. He knew what to do in situations. So why is it that he made such a stupid decision as to run off alone? "Your such an idiot." I whispered again.
I actually feel, scared. Scared that my captain could be hurt, or dead, or really be a traitor. It scares me. I feel like crying. I can't remember the last time I cried. But right now, the tears threaten to fall, and I don't think I can hold them back.
I refuse to believe my little captain is a traitor. I refuse to leave him and let him be executed!
I abruptly stood up and grabbed Haineko. I walked out of the door and headed for the 1st division. Whether they like it or not, I'm going to go find him. And when I do, I am so gonna kick his ass!
I couldn't exactly tell them the truth. They wouldn't have let me go. Thank goodness they let me take Renji with me.
"Are you sure it was a good idea to lie to Yamamoto-Sotaicho?" He asked as we walked through the world of the living. We had entered by a river so we had to walk a little.
"We couldn't say we were going to find Hitsugaya-Taicho, they wouldn't have let us come here. Renji, you know as well as I do that he's innocent. We have to find him and convince him to come back and clear his own name." I explained to him.
"But Rangiku, what if we find him and he won't come back?" He asked. I frowned deeper.
"Then we'll just have to clear his name for him." I answered after a few minutes of silence. We were quiet a lot of the way.
What if he really didn't want to come back? What if he really did betray Soul Society? NO! He would never do that! He would never betray Soul Society, not after all we've been through.
He had to have left because he was onto something that had to do with the thieves. I remember them, there were three. Two women, and a masked man. But Taicho reacted so strangely when he unmasked the man. Did he know this man?
"That's it!" I concluded aloud, Renji gave me a confused look. "What's it?" He asked. "Hitsugaya-Taicho left because he knew the thief and went after him to get the King's Seal back!" I smacked my fist down on my palm. That had to be it.
"You really think so?" He asked, and I smiled brightly. "I know so, now let's hurry and go see Ichigo before they suspect we're gone." I said and shunpo-ed the rest of the way, Renji following close behind.
Although... I couldn't help but think of the lie I told Yamamoto-Sotaicho.
"Yamamoto-Sotaicho." I said, bowing before the old Shinigami. "Matsumoto-Fukutaicho." He greeted.
"I would like to request a mission. A lieutenant's ranked mission." I said, I had to practically pinch myself to get rid of the panic in my voice. I have never lied to Yamamoto before, and I was nervous this wouldn't work.
"What kind of a mission?" He asked, I could hear the suspicion in his tone, and I flinched a little. "A mission, simply to take my mind off the situation at hand." I answered.
It was partly truthful. "Very well, there is a group of hollows terrorizing the world of the living. You will need someone to accompany you to assist you." He said and I sighed with relief.
"I would like to request Abarai Renji to go with me." I knew Renji was just as against Hitsugaya's execution as I was, so he'd help me find him.
"Granted, they're located near Karakura, deal with them, and return immediately." He ordered.
I bowed before him again. "Yes, sir. Thank you." I said before I got up and left to fetch Renji. When I returned with him, there was a gate waiting for us and two hell butterflies. Taking a deep breath, I walked with Renji through the gate, to secretly find my Taicho.
"Ichigo's house is just around the corner, after we meet up with him, we should probably get gigais. We don't know how long we'll be here." Renji's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.
We were walking again and already in Karakura town. I was so lost in thought I didn't know.
"We go to Urahara's, right?" I asked and Renji nodded.
We got to Ichigo's house his window was open, so decided to jump in, literally. As soon as we were inside, Ichigo let out a shriek. "Why can't you people use the door like normal people?!" He shouted.
"We're spirits, Ichigo. We don't knock in the human world." I clarified. He grunted. "It doesn't matter, we're looking for Hitsugaya." Renji said. Ichigo's face went blank.
"What's with you Ichigo?" Renji asked, and I felt like I knew the answer. "I..." He started and I couldn't wait. I immediately grabbed him by the collar and brought him up to my level. "Where is he?! You've seen him, I know you have!" I growled in his face.
I needed answers and I needed them now! I wasn't going to be the nice and patient person I usually was today. I was upset and I was going to get answers!
"I don't know where he is, but-" "But what? You have seen him! I can see it in your eyes! You have to tell me where he is!" I said through clenched teeth, Renji pulled at my arm.
"Rangiku, let him go, this isn't going to help, if he doesn't know, he doesn't know. Beating him up won't make him know where Hitsugaya is." He said and with a grunt I let Ichigo loose.
"Okay, I'll tell. I found Hitsugaya wounded and unconscious in the woods the other day. I brought him back to my place and he remained asleep until yesterday evening." He explained and I felt frozen.
The other day was when he disappeared, so he obviously found the enemy again and got himself hurt. Such a fool!
"What happened to him?" I asked, more like demanded actually.
"He told me that an item called the King's Seal was stolen and he left to retrieve it. Although he was too stubborn to talk more about it. Because..." He looked at me.
I felt like the world had frozen over as of what he said next. "Because he mentioned something about abandoning his subordinate." I guess he really did regret leaving me there. Renji's hand appeared on my shoulder.
"You okay?" He asked. Apparently I was clenching my fists too tight. I almost drew blood.
"I'm fine." I whispered. I stared directly into Ichigo's eyes. "Where did he go?" I asked as calmly as I could, but it still came out in rasps.
"Really early this morning he got up and left the house. I was up at the time and tried to stop him. He went so far as to withdraw his sword. So I had to do something. And I chose to hold against him. I didn't fair very good. I barely got a hit on him before he disappeared." He explained.
I smacked him upside the head. "What was that for?!" He roared. "You moron! You were supposed to keep him here, not fight him away! Now he's probably wandering miles from here." I growled.
"I didn't know when anyone would be coming to find him, and he wouldn't listen. He was way too concerned about finding the thief who stole the King's Seal." Ichigo defended himself.
I sighed and rubbed my temples in frustration. Where was my Taicho? If I could still call him that.
"Did he say anything about where he was going?" Renji asked because I wouldn't. I didn't know if I could ask anything anymore.
"No. Not from what I could tell, what's going on with him?"Ichigo asked.
"A while ago, an item known as the King's Seal was being transported out of Soul Society. During the transport, two women came and disrupted the process, and caused a big fire. As they created the diversion, a man in a mask came and stole the Seal." Renji explained. "Rangiku and Hitsugaya were there to assist the transport." He added.
"My Taicho fought with the masked person and something happened because when he unmasked the person, he stopped dead in his tracks. Before he left, he turned to me with such a sad look,then left into the flames. I would've gone after him, but an explosion blocked my path." I added.
"He's been gone for three days, and Soul Society charges him with high treason, and orders his immediate capture and execution." Renji said and I flinched at the word.
"Execution?!" Ichigo exclaimed. I nodded. "They found his captains' coat when a group of lieutenants went to find him. They cme back with it and now they talk of disbanding the 10th division." I explained further.
"Rangiku thinks Hitsugaya knew the masked person and that's why he went off alone." Renji said.
"That's why I refuse to let my Taicho be named a traitor. So I requested a mission to kill some hollows and instead I'm going to go find him, Renji accompanied me. I won't let him be executed under false assumptions." I said and felt like I should've said that.
"Won't they find out you went to find him after a few days have passed?" Ichigo asked.
"Whether they do or not, I'm going to find Hitsugaya before too long. I hope." I said. "In the meantime we have to go get gigais from Urahara. We'll be back soon." Renji said and I followed him out the window.
Renji already knew the way to Urahara's house. He had been to the living world many more times than me.
When we got there, I saw two kids out front, sweeping. Well, one was sweeping, the other was acting like he was in a baseball game.
"Hello Jinta, Ururu. Where's Urahara?" Renji asked. "Anh!" Jinta muttered and kept swinging his broom like a baseball bat. "He's in the back room, I'll show you." Ururu said and walked us in.
The back room was messy, and I wondered why. This was kinda weird, I smelled a rat. Literally. I really smell a rat. Because my Zanpakuto is a cat, I sorta got cat's sense of smell. And I smell a rodent.
"Yoruichi! It went over there!" Urahara's voice called from the next room and then a gray rat scurried across the floor and under a table. Yoruichi, who was in her cat form ran in and chased it under the table.
Renji shrieked at the rodent and jumped back behind me. "Scaredy cat." I muttered. I heard a squeak from the rodent and saw Yoruichi walk from under the table with the now dead rat in her mouth.
"Hooray! Your good pest control Yoruichi." Urahara said as he entered the room with a bag. "Ah, Renji, and miss Rack- uh Rangiku!" He greeted.
"Nice to see you Urahara, Yoruichi." I said bowing my head to them. I didn't miss the rack word before he said my name but I ignored it.
"Now Yoruichi, put the rodent in the bag." Kisuke said as he held it in front of her. "No, I wanna bury it." She said, and her words were muffled by the dead thing in her mouth. "Sorry Yoruichi, but this rat has eaten all my cheese and bread, I gotta dispose of it." He said and she hesitantly dropped it into the bag.
"Good girl, now make yourselves comfortable while I dispose of this." He smiled before stepping out of the room.
Yoruichi summoned her spirit energy and transformed back into a human. Of course, she was naked. Renji practically jumped out of his skin.
I sighed and put my hand in front of his eyes to keep him from drooling. "He acts like he's never seen a naked woman before." Yoruichi commented as she dressed herself.
"He hasn't, the most he's ever seen of a woman is head, arms, legs, and some of my cleavage." I said simply. "Rangiku!" Renji growled. "Shut up." I said.
When she finished getting dressed, I removed my hand from Renji's eyes and soon after Kisuke came back into the room. "Now, to what do we have the pleasure of your visit. Where's snowy?" He asked as he sat by Yoruichi.
"He's gone missing." I said. The other two were suddenly serious.
"Tell us what happened." He said and I nodded. "The King's Seal was being transported out of Soul Society as you know." I began and I saw the two nod.
"My Taicho and I were hired to assist transport. During transportation, two women came and began a fire as a distraction while a masked man stole the Seal." Yoruichi's eyes widened.
"The King's Seal was stolen?!" She roared. "Yes." Renji said. "How long ago was this?" Urahara asked. "Three days ago, and that's how long my captain's been missing." I answered. "Go on." Yoruichi said.
"Taicho fought with the man and unmasked him, but I didn't see who it was, he left before anything else happened. When he left my Taicho looked back at me before running off into the flames. I tried to go after him but an explosion blocked me." I explained.
"This is bad. Not only has the King's Seal been stolen, but there's a possibility that Hitsugaya was in on it." Urahara said. I brought my fists down on the table with a big bang.
"Never say that! Hitsugaya-Taicho would NEVER betray Soul Society! I believe that he went off on his own so that he could protect Soul Society and retrieve the King's Seal. He'd never be in on a thievery act!" I shouted, and Urahara shrunk under my gaze. Yoruichi kept her ground.
"See what happens when you assume the wrong things about men to sensitive women?" She muttered and I saw Kisuke nod.
"Sorry." I whispered and sat back down. "It's fine. Do you think you know where he is?" Yoruichi asked.
"Ichigo said that he found him unconscious and wounded the other day and said he left really early this morning. He tried to stop him but Hitsugaya fled after clashing swords with him." Renji explained.
"Clashing swords?" Yoruichi asked. "Withdrawing a sword against an ally is a serious action, it's a sign of treachery. Hitsugaya could be miles away by now." Urahara said.
"Which is why we came here, to find him and help him clear his name." I said. "Clearing his name means finding him, taking him back to Soul Society, and catching the real thieves." Kisuke said.
"Also retrieving the King's Seal and returning it to the royal family." Yoruichi said.
"We know, but in the meantime, we need gigais. We don't know how long we'll be here." Renji said. Kisuke nodded. "Right, two gigais coming up." He said as he stood and went to another room.
"Of course, I'll need your measurements. I already know Renji's but I'll need the lovely Rangiku's." I could see the perverted smile he gave me as he poked his head out of the doorway.
My brows furrowed and Yoruichi and me picked up the empty tea cups that were knocked over and threw them at his head. Direct hit. He rubbed his head in pain and whined something inaudible.
"Right, so that's about 5'6"?" He groaned and went into the other room.
I was always a patient person and ignored comments like that usually. But today I was impatient and didn't feel like taking crap from perverts.
A little while later Renji and I were in a gigai and on our way back to Ichigo's. When we got there, he was waiting in his Shinigami form, along with Shinigami: Kuchiki Rukia.
"Ichigo explained everything to me already." She said when we arrived. "And I believe that Hitsugaya-Taicho is innocent too. Which is why I'm coming with you." She said. I nodded. "We have to find Hitsugaya and convince him to come back with us, before Soul Society finds him." I said.
"After that we have to find the King's Seal and return it to the royal family." I added and we were jumping on rooftops and off to find my Taicho.
I haven't seen the movie, but this is a story about how Rangiku felt about it. I know it may sound a little dumb because the movie hasn't been released in subtitles yet. But this is almost all written from prediction. Anyway, the next chapter will be out soon. So review so I know you approve this story.
LATERZ!! RedPearlVoice.