Mother Trouble


The X-filer


It was a sunny day when Agent George Myers was in the park eating Mc Donald's. He had been there a while waiting for Dean to come when he had gotten bored and decided to blow ants along the table with his straw. Myers laid his head low and started to blow, laughing as the ants flew around the table.

"The ants go flying one by one, hoorah hoorah…" Myers sung to himself while he waited for Fuller to show up. He laughed as he blew another ant.

"I never knew this could be so much fun" he said as he placed his lips back on the straw and lined up another few ants. Suddenly he was slapped on the back

"George, what are you doing!" Myers jumped ten feet, sucking on the straw at the same time. "George?" Myers coughed and spluttered as ants started to sting his throat.

"Man down!" he coughed as he fell off the chair. "Need upsize coke!" Dean looked at him, rolling his eyes.

"George you have issues, you know that?" Myers managed to swallow the ants but not before he go a few objection bites from them. Myers patted his chest as he stood up.

"Oh boy, the natives didn't like their surroundings, ouch!" he said as he sat down next to Fuller. Dean shook his head.

"George, I'm not even going to ask what you were doing just then" he said pulling his chicken nuggets out of the bag.

"Dean, half the time I have no idea what I'm doing, I only do it to surprise myself" Dean eyed him for a moment.

"There's something wrong with you" Myers laughed

"Yeah it's called boredom" Myers and Fuller both sat in silence for a moment eating, before Myers spoke

"Hey Dean, do you want to do something fun? It involves a straw…" Fuller rolled his eyes

"Come on, we are already late" He said getting up. Myers grabbed his rubbish and put it in the bin

"Hey Dean, when we get back to the bureau I have to go see Agent Scully about something" Fuller looked at him

"What idiotic thing do you have in mind this time, you know one day she'll put a restraining order against you" Myers smiled

"Yeah I know, but until that day comes I can still try" Fuller rolled his eyes as they reached the car

"You need help, George" Myers opened the car door and looked at him before getting in

"I know Dean, I know"


Sometime later

Everyone looked up as they heard a crashing sound from door. Dean watched as Myers flew, well fell, through the door of backgrounding room. He ran over to Fuller

"Dean you have got to hide me!!" He said in rush, puffing like crazy. Dean looked at him concerned

"Myers you didn't go and steal Agent Scully's spare underwear again did you?" Myers grabbed him by his shirt.

"No much worse…It's my mother!"

"Oh Georgie! Mummy's got a surprise for you!" Myers's eyes went wide

"She's coming! Quick!" Myers scrambled past Dean and hide under his desk in the small hole where the legs go.

"Myers what the?…" Just then the door burst opened and a middle size woman walked in.

"Hello DC!" Dean looked up and saw Myers mother standing in the door.

"Mrs Myers! Hello!" Dean welcomed Myers mum

"No, no no!" Myers kicked Dean in the leg "What are you doing?" he whispered urgently. Dean coughed under the pain as his mum saw him

"Dean?! Wow have you grown!" she rushed over to him "Give me a hug!" She leaned over the desk as Dean stood up and gave her a hug.

"Hi Mrs Myers, so what brings you here?" Dean asked releasing his grip.

"Please call me Flo, it's short for Florence" She replied happily "I have come to see my son, which seems to be no where in site, have you seen him?" Dean sat down

"Um yeah I saw him just… Oof!" Myers kicked him in the leg again "No, I haven't seen him sorry" Dean buckled forward. Flo looked him over him

"Are you alright? You want me to take a look?" she started moving around the desk when Dean put his hand up and stopped her

"No it's ok, just a little annoying problem I've had for a while now, its comes and goes" Flo looked at him curiously then smiled

"Ok well, I'm off to find that son of mine" She turned to leave

"Oh Mrs Myers!…" Flo turned around and stared at him, he cleared his throat "Sorry, Flo, you wouldn't have any of those chocolate brownie thingies on you by any chance?" Dean smiled innocently. Flo smiled before pulling out a small bag and handed it to him.

"Made especially this morning"

"Thanks Mrs My… er Flo, I love these things" Myers mum patted him on the head.

"I know, I'll see you later, I'm going to find that son of mine" she waved goodbye before leaving the room. Fuller sat and opened the bag

"Is she gone yet?" He heard a voice say under the table. Fuller peered in the bag

"Yep" He replied. Myers slowly crawled out and stood up brushing the dust off his suit.

"God, what did I deserve to get this?" Fuller looked up mouth stuffed full of brownies.

"She's just your mother George" Myers looked over and grabbed the bag of brownies

"I know" He groaned as he took 3 brownies and put them in his mouth and munched on them before walking out the door "I know"



Hey guys

Something new I thought of

Let me know what you thought and want me to continue it

Hope you liked it.

Thanks for reading!

P.S do people want Agent Harp in this story? thanks.