
Chapter 7


They lay together in Ichigo's bed both satisfied and content enjoying the relaxing feeling of post coital bliss. Renji lay on his back with his hands folded behind his head and Ichigo was tracing the tattoos on his chest with a finger.

"Why didn't you fight for us back then?" Ichigo asked.

Renji sighed content with the moment. "I knew ya were just being a child and that ya were too young to understand anything beside yerself! It hurt though."

"I've never regretted something so much in my life!"

Renji smiled at him. "Don't mind! I got a good image out of it and really got my company whipped in shape!"

"Speaking of which!" Ichigo reached up a hand and fondled his 5 cm hair lovingly. "Why did you do this?"

Renji looked troubled. "Don't be mad but I woke up pretty drunk the next day and since ya always loved playing with my hair, I decided to shave my head! Ya know! Just my kind of childish revenge!"

Ichigo leaned up and kissed him. "When I saw you at Urahara's I thought that you've become like that. Haughty and cold! That wasn't a good feeling!" He traced Renji's mouth with his finger and Renji playfully bit at it.

"Na! That was just me doing my best Kuchiki Taicho impression! Rikichi says I do an okay version of him!" He grinned and leaned up stealing a kiss.

"And it usually works really well with Urahara! He's a tiny bit scared of that image."

Ichigo kept touching his face not completely trusting the fact that he had gotten a second chance and wanting to keep this incredible man close to him.

"Renji!" He locked his eyes with the man beneath him and caressed his face. "I've missed you so much!" He was hesitant but needed to say it. "I … I love you!"

Renji looked at Ichigo drowning himself in the orange spiky hair and the gorgeous dark brown eyes that looked so alive. "And I ya! If you wanne commit to it this time I … hell I might even marry ya! If ya wanne?"

Ichigo laughed and playfully kissed Renji on the nose. "If you promise to grow your hair out, then maybe!"

"Well does it have to be long first?" Renji looked contemplative and let his hand glide over his head. "It's gonna take some time getting' there again!"

Ichigo smiled at him. "How long?"

"Well I recon 10 - 20 - 30 years! Maybe more?" He grinned broadly.

Ichigo was caught by surprise and then he laughed so hard that his side hurt! "Good thing we've got forever then!" He said this teasingly and continued laughing as Renji placed an arm around his neck and drew him down for a slow kiss!


Behind the curtains.

Ichigo: "Renji! Were you serious? Two men can't marry!"

Renji: "Says who?"

Ichigo: "Well, not here in Japan!"

Renji: "Did ya think I wasn't serious? Any priest or monk in the poorer part of Rukongai will marry anybody for hard cash!"