Title: Beauty Is…

Universe: Early-to-mid canon manga

Word Length (free): 499

Rating: A / K+

Warnings: None

Summary: Kagome teaches Inuyasha to appreciate the small things in life

Entry for: iyfic_contest Week 155, Quote Challenge (2nd Place)

Disclaimer: The Inuyasha concept, story, and characters are copyright Rumiko Takahashi and Viz Media.


"To look at a thing is very different from seeing a thing. One does not see anything until one sees its beauty. Then, and only then, does it come into existence." – Oscar Wilde, "The Decay of Lying"


Inuyasha kept a vise grip on his frustration. Sometimes she just drove him absolutely nuts.

"Come on, Kagome, let's get going!" he called, turning his head slightly so she could hear him. She was following him (of course), albeit at a snail's pace. He was restless, wanting to continue their search for the jewel shards. She'd been gone the last three days, bringing all of their efforts to a halt. Usually, when she returned, she was all smiles and apologies and eagerness to get on with things.

Not so, this time.

The wheels of her bike slowly scraped along the path, only causing his anger to mount. He stopped, fisting one hand as he fought to contain himself.

"What's the problem?" he asked, whipping around to face her. "It's like your head's in the clouds or something!"

How right he was.

She glanced down, eyeing him with a dreamy expression. "How do you do it, Inuyasha?" she questioned, her hands firm on the handlebars as she guided her bike closer to him.

He gave her an impudent stare, crossing his arms defensively as she approached. "Do what, walk? I put one foot in front of the other."

She smiled at his irritated response, arousing his suspicion.

"Not that," she replied, once again lifting her eyes skyward. "How do you live in this world, and never take time to look at it? It's absolutely breathtaking here."

He followed her line of vision. "What's so great about gray clouds and bare trees?" he asked, genuinely stumped.

She inhaled, her eyes closing as her smile deepened. "The air, Inuyasha," she said. "It's so fresh and clean here."

A gentle breeze wafted past his nose.

She opened her eyes and looked at him again. "It's so quiet in this era, you can hear the wind in the trees and the creatures in the grass."

His ears twitched as the sounds of the forest filled his senses.

She shrugged under his unwavering gaze. "In my era, such quiet comforts are hard to find. It just makes me appreciate the beauty of the world around me when I'm here." She gave an embarrassed wince. "I know I hold you back sometimes, but I just can't help myself."

She continued to walk, her gaze skyward, until she realized he hadn't moved from his previous spot. She looked back, a slight blush creeping up her neck as she saw him staring at her with intense interest.

"Inuyasha?" she tried. His face was unreadable, his scrutiny veiled.

She watched as his expression fell back into its familiar scowl. "Let's go," he grumbled, striding forward.

Kagome moved onward again, telling herself to keep her focus on their quest, but she couldn't resist looking around her; the beauty of the natural world was all too great, even on such an ugly day. She was surprised to see Inuyasha's pace as sedate as hers, and secretly smiled as she noticed his attention wander.

Perhaps there's hope for him yet, she thought.